MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3260 Hades, Iron Tower

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(The first is more!)


Not far from the void, the two figures were coming side by side, both of them were extremely fast, they only appeared around the battlefield in an instant, and when they arrived, they just saw the blood of the nine palace maiden bringing the blood into the sky. .

Seeing this, both of them looked dull.

"It's the two of them." The Maid of the Nine Palace also noticed the arrival of the two, and raised her eyebrows.

If you change to another strong person, even the two invincible saints, or even the two true saints, will not care too much.

But the two in front of them ... but put great pressure on the ninth house maiden.

The two men stood side by side in front of the maiden of the nine palaces, and on the right side was a bald man who was more than three meters tall, like a mountain. The bald man was carrying a mace With a gentle smile on his face, it gives a very thick feeling.

But it was such a mean man that shook the hearts of many powerful men present.

The iron tower, ranked 13th in the true holy list!

This is a lone strongman who has become famous a long time ago, but no one has known his real name. As for the name of the "Iron Tower", it was given to him by others because he is not only tall and burly, like a mountain The most important thing is his almost invincible body protection ability! !!

His body defense ability was recognized as the first among the many undead saints in the early world of God! !!

Just like Jian Wushuang's recognized life-saving first and assassination ability first, the iron tower is the first defense, so it is called ‘the iron tower’, which means indestructible!

In addition to his defensive ability, his attacking method is not bad, especially the mace in his hand, when he waved mighty power, enough to easily crush the invincible saint, he was ranked in the true holy list. Thirteenth.

If only the iron tower is alone, the ninth palace maiden can still accept it. After all, the iron tower can't help her, but next to the iron tower, which is the right front of the ninth palace maiden, there is a cold and cold man in a black robe.

The breath emanating from this cold man was shocking, completely covering all the people present, even the breath of the Iron Tower and the Nine Palace maiden. He stood there indifferently, like a **** of death.

"The Emperor!"

"It is the third Hades in the True Holy List !!"

The strong men around couldn't help but exclaim when they saw the cold-gathered man.

The Emperor was a strong man who suddenly emerged after the blood world was opened, but even with his sudden rise, his terrifying strength still shocked everyone.

You need to know that the ranking before the Holy Saints ranks first in the King of Light, second in the Holy Devil, and third in the Ninth Palace.

In the previous battle that encircled the sword unparalleled in the three sacred realms, Di Hao and King Guangming proved that Di Hao's strength was slightly stronger than that of Jiu Gong Sheng Nuo, because Di Hao should be ranked third.

However, since the Emperor's shot in the blood world, the Emperor was immediately ranked third, and Dihao and the Nine Palace Saints were both below his ranking, and no one questioned the result. It is because of the strength of the Emperor that it is really terrible.

The battle in which Emperor Hades became famous was when he challenged the holy devil! !!

In the end, he and the Holy Demon fought for nearly a quarter of an hour, and finally the Holy Devil relied on his innate advantage of being a special life, and barely defeated the Emperor. After the war, the Holy Devil will admit it. On strength, the Emperor and Not much worse than him, so the Emperor Hades became famous in the First World War.

Now, the Emperor and the Iron Tower, a true holy list ranked third, and a true holy list ranked thirteen. These two tops exist on this battlefield, and both of them are obviously against the blood in the hands of the ninth house maiden. Poring is interested.

"Heaven, Iron Tower, you two are afraid to be late." The maiden of Nine Palace stood indifferently in front of Heming and Iron Tower.

"Late here? Maybe, aren't you still standing here?" The Emperor made a strange voice.

"Why, the two Murphys also intend to **** blood from me?"

Although the Emperor of the Nether Emperor and the Tower of the two lineups, although the nine maidens are extremely jealous, they are not frightened.

After all, if her strength reaches her level, even if she meets the King of Light, she is not afraid, because the King of Light can at most crush or hurt her, but it is almost impossible to kill her. .

"If before, the blood wave had fallen into your hands, naturally the two of us would not pay attention, but now they are different."

The Emperor said in a low way: "It's almost the end of the blood wave world. Ten blood wave orders, seven have been born and fell into the hands of others, and this one in your hand is the eighth, that is, He said that if he missed this time, he could only wait for the last two bloodwave orders to be born, but those two bloodwave orders, so many people competed, and finally knew who was in their hands? "

"That's right, the ten Blood Orders, the later you get, the lower the chance of getting the Blood Orders. I haven't caught up with Hades before, but this time since I caught up, naturally It may be so easy to let you leave. "The iron tower also said coldly, with a thunderous voice," Mother of the Ninth Palace, give a bleeding order, or I will be rude to you. "

"Joke, just you two, do you still want to kill me?" The maiden of Nine Palace also gave birth to anger.

"Why don't you know if you don't try?" The Emperor smiled coldly, and looked at the iron tower next to him, "Brother Iron Tower, since this ninth house maiden is stubborn, then you and I will join forces to teach her well? Chance, kill her again? "

"No problem ~ ~ The Tower nodded, but followed the steps but stepped out," Look at me! "

As soon as the voice fell, the iron tower directly pulled out the mace behind it. Its three-meter-high burly body held a giant mace nearly two meters long, and there was a faint yellow earthy energy on that mace. Converging, then smashed out.

boom! !!

The earth and the ground shook, and the huge mace smashed directly into the front of the maiden of the Nine Palace. Before it was near, there was already an astonishing oppression spreading.

As soon as the maiden of the Ninth Palace looked cold, the moment the tower shot, her soul attack had swept directly towards the tower.

Her soul attack is extremely powerful, and she should be the first among the undead saints. Even if she does not perform the strongest move, she is still extremely terrible, enough to wreck the soul of an invincible saint in general.

But when this soul attack acts on the tower ...

"Oh, soul attack?" The Iron Tower smiled disdainfully, but the figure was not paused, and the mace in his hand continued to be crushed.