MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3400 Blood Ancestor 1

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Qi Baijue and His Sufferer both raised their heads. When they saw the two figures coming forward, they immediately met.

"Haha, Tianhou Xiaoyou, finally see you again." Bai Ju laughed heartily.

"Brother Tianhou, don't come to Wudi." The bitter respecter also looked at Jian Wushuang.

"Respect for suffering?" Jian Wushuang looked.

"Heavenly friend, Lord Suffering happens to be a blood ancestor, and he has dealt with you in the world of blood, so when I informed the blood ancestors of the strong blood, Mai sends him to meet you. "Bai Jue said.

"Is that so?" Jian Wushuang frowned.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, I don't know who this is around you?" Bai Jue looked at the Shenhuo Lord next to him.

"He is my guard." Jian Wushuang said directly, but did not introduce too much.

"Guard?" Both Bai Jue and the Sacred Lord gave a solemn glance to the Lord of the Fire Lord, although the latter did not emit any breath, as a strong instinct, they could barely sense the Lord of the Fire Lord. The huge pressure emanating from him.

I was able to bring them so much pressure, no doubt it must be a very powerful person.

"By the way, I don't know if the Blood Ancestor is in Tianzu Taoist Field?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"Master Blood Ancestor has been violent in the universe battlefield for many years, and has not returned for a while. Now many of the issues in the blood ancestor's vein are mostly controlled by the Lord of the Ancient Wheel. When I learned that Brother Tianhou, you would come to my blood ancestor. After the visit, the Lord of the Ancient Wheels is ready. Brother Tianhou, now you will follow me to the blood ancestor and meet the Lord of the Ancient Wheels.

"Okay." Jian Wushuang nodded.

Immediately, Jian Wushuang and Shenhuo Demon entered the ancestral dojo under the guidance of the bitter lord, and went towards the place where the blood ancestors were. As for Bai Jue, they followed all the way.

The nine ancestors of the Tianzu Dojo, the nine major factions, each faction has a place of residence in the Tianzu Dojo. The residence of the blood ancestors is in a continuous mountain range. There are more than ten towering towers in the middle of this mountain range. Kyoho.

His Majesty Sorcerer brought Jian Wushuang to the giant peak with the largest volume.

"Brother Tianhou, that's the place where my blood ancestors usually discuss things. The Lord of the Ancient Wheels is already waiting inside, let's go down." The bitter lord said to a towering temple below.

Wu Jian Wushuang nodded and followed the bitter monarch directly into the towering temple.

In the temple, because I know that today is the early days of the prestigious Jian Tianhou, the heavenly gods, the Celestial Master came to visit in person, so the rulers of the blood ancestors in the Tianzu Dachang have gathered here, including the words of the bitter lord, a total of The eight rulers are headed by a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe with a mustache.

"Brother Tianhou, this is the Lord of the Ancient Wheel."

"Hello Lord of the Ancient Wheel." Jian Wushuang smiled.

"Haha, I heard Mr. Tianhou long ago that you were the first evildoer in the history of the gods in the early days, but I have never been able to see it, but today, I have the pleasure of seeing it." The master of the ancient round laughed, but his voice was a little bit Rough.

"The owner of the ancient wheel is polite, and it is true. I came here today because I had promised others to hand him something into the hands of the strong blood ancestors." Jian Wushuang said.

哦 "Oh?" The Lord of the Ancient Wheels moved, "I don't know who he promised?"

"His name is Xuebei. If nothing unexpected happens, he should also be the ruler of your blood ancestors." Jian Wushuangdao.

"Blood North?"

"The Lord of the Blood North?"

Within the palace hall, the master of these rules in the blood ancestor's veins immediately stirred up.

"Mr. Tianhou, are you saying that it is the main cause of the blood north that you came to my blood ancestor? Have you seen the blood north?" The master of the ancient round was obviously a little urgent.

"I've seen him, but I just saw a consciousness. As for his deity, he has fallen." Jian Wushuangdao.

"Did it fall?"

For this result, the Lord of the Ancient Wheel and others were not surprised.

Twenty years ago, after receiving the last word from Xuebei, they had guessed that Hebei should be dead, but they did not know that there was still a consciousness left in Xuebei.

"Blood North is one of the top combat strengths of my blood ancestors. He has mastered five will powers in terms of strength. Even in the rules of the Void Realm, it is relatively strong. He even dared to go to the universe battlefield alone, and even got a lot of opportunities from it. "

"But it was because of his breakout in the universe battlefield that he seemed to get some special opportunities, which led to him being spotted. When he just returned to the early world of God, he was immediately besieged by the mysterious strongman. He was also killed in that siege. Although my blood ancestor received his call for help for the first time, but because he chose to enter the Taiji Divine Realm, he was too remote. In endless territory ... "

"Endless territory, the territory is too large, and it is extremely far away from the triple sky. Even if my blood ancestor sent the strong man to the rescue as soon as possible, he still had no time to save him." Sigh.

The rulers of the blood ancestors next to him are also ugly.

The death of Xie Xuebei is definitely a huge loss to their ancestral ancestors. Even if it is to the entire ancestral Taoism field, the loss is huge.

Jian Wushuang also knows ~ ~ Xuebei did get a special chance in the universe battlefield, and also found a special time and space, the special time and space is extremely mysterious, but the strength of the blood north can't be watched How much, the period is likely to contain great opportunities.

位置 The location of that particular time and space was recorded by Xuebei with a star chart, but the star chart was spotted by Xuebei on the spot and handed to Jian Wushuang himself.

Now I heard what the Lord of the Ancient Wheel said, Jian Wushuang couldn't help but guess that the Lord of the Blood North would probably be stared at and killed by the star map.

"Lord of the Ancient Wheel, I did see the secret world left by Xuebei in the endless territory. I also saw his consciousness in it. At the same time, I also got some opportunities from him. As a condition, I also Promise him to hand this Qiankun ring into the hands of the strong blood ancestors. "Jian Wushuang reached out his hand and took out a Qiankun ring.

乾 This Qiankun ring was given to him by Xuebei. Jian Wushuang guessed that this Qiankun ring should be the accumulation of Xuebei's life, but he did not take the initiative to see it.

Even with his current strength reaching this level, the seal left in the Qiankun ring by Blood North can be easily broken, but Jian Wushuang did not break the seal from beginning to end. After all, this Qiankun ring is blood North left to the blood ancestor, Jian Wushuang did not have the slightest heart.

Even if there are earth-shattering treasures inside, he won't be moved.

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