MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3399 Tianzu Dojo

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(Second more!)

"Haha, Tianhou Xiaoyou, it's hard to imagine that in your current strength, you will come to the old man? I don't know what the old man can do for you?" Bai Jue was very humble, and his attitude was very low.

He always remembered that when Jian Wushuang had just arrived in Yitian, he was just a little guy who had just entered the level of true sage. Although his talent was very high, which made him very optimistic, he thought that Jian Wushuang had at best the chance to rule the ruler. Just start the shock.

However, I did not expect that with the passage of time, Jian Wushuang's growth rate became more and more amazing, and the fame of the **** world in the early Taiyuan became more and more famous, especially the recent battle of Pohuang Island, which completely shocked the entire Taichu **** world.

Until now, don't say that he is an ordinary ruler, even if it is the entire Tianzu Daojin, no one will dare to have the slightest heart for Jian Wushuang.

And such a super-genius who shocked the ancient world today, he took the initiative to summon him to find him, which made Baijue very happy and at the same time he felt very face-saving.

Obviously Jian Wushuang remembers him.

"Mr. Bai Jue, I do have something, and I want to bother you." Jian Wushuang smiled.

"Although, as long as the old man can do it, he will never quit." Bai Jue said.

"That's right. For some special reasons, I need to go to the Tianzu Daochang to see one of the nine ancestors in person. I want to ask her to come and help me." Jian Wushuangdao.

"Do you want to see Lingzu? Still Lingzu's help?"

"Why, are you in trouble?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"It's a bit of trouble." Bai Jue Shen said: "Tenhou Xiaoyou, you may have heard that when my nine ancestors at the Tianzu Daojira arrived, Lingzu was the most indifferent and the most difficult to get along with, sometimes she even It ’s completely unfriendly. With your current status and status, among the nine ancestors in my ancestral dojo, no one dares to ignore you, but this spiritual ancestor, she does n’t care who you are, she will not see you. No one is right, you. "

"I know that, but I have to try it anyway." Jian Wushuang smiled.

"Well, so, the old man can go to Lingzu for you first and see if Lingzu would like to see you." Bai Juedao.

"This is not necessary." Jian Wushuang shook his head. "In addition to seeing the Lingzu, I have to go to the Blood Ancestor in a few pulses, so I will go to the Tianzu Dojo anyway, and the reason why I now call you It is my hope that you can say a word to the people who have my blood ancestors first. Don't be turned away when I come to see you. "

Jian Wushuang has been shut out twice, and each time he entered directly.

But can't he always do this in the future, right?

"It's easy." Bai Jue smiled, "So you can now come to my ancestor dojo, my husband will inform the blood ancestor in advance, and when the time comes, the old man will take you to the blood line. Visited. "

"Then there is labor." Jian Wushuang thanked.

After interrupting the communication, Jian Wushuang looked at the Shenhuo Lord next to him, "Shenhuo, is there any interest in going with me to Tianzu Dojo?"

"Tianzu Dojo?" The Lord Shenhuo's look moved. "It is said that the nine ancestors of the Tianzu Dojo are all super-strong superpowers. When my Purple Star Demon was alive, I always wanted to be with these nine. One of the ancestors did not have a chance, and this time there is an opportunity, of course, you have to check it out. If you can play against one or two of the nine ancestors in the Tianzu dojo, it would be better. "

"Haha, let's go."

Jian Wushuang smiled heartily, even when he and Shen Huo Mo took the initiative.

In the early days, the three major free alliances of the Divine Realm were recognized as the three major aspirational hegemons. To a certain extent, even the three sanctuaries were extremely jealous of these three major free alliances.

And the three major free alliances are quite special.

Like Demon Alliance, they directly occupy two gigantic stars as their old nests, and these two stars were forcibly refined by people by great means, and were not born naturally in the beginning of the **** world.

As the synonymous with mystery, the space-time temple is nowhere to know the exact location of the old nest. Even the strongest of the space-time temple can only enter the old nest by special methods.

As for the arrival of Tianzu, its old nest is also very unique. Its location is on a floating land outside Mie Tian.

This land is a huge battlefield, but Tianzu, the leader of the Tianzu Dojo, was transferred from the cosmic battlefield by great means many years ago. In other words, this land does not belong to the pre-God world, but belongs to the vast universe.

Naturally, this land is also very different from other places in the early Tai Kingdom. The cultivation conditions are much better than other places in the early Tai Kingdom.

The huge floating land completely covered a large majestic array, and at the forefront, at the entrance of the large array, in addition to many guards standing there, there were also two silhouettes exuding a grand atmosphere. There.

These two people are the masters of the rules. One of them is the one hundred summons that Jian Wushuang had circulated before. As for the other, he is the bitter lord! !!

In the world of bloodwaves, countless undead saints furiously fought for the opportunity of the bloodwave world. This bitter saint is the strongest one among the undead saints in the ancestral field of the ancestors. Breakthrough in the blood world has become the ruler.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou has sent me a message and he will be here soon." Bai Jue said.

"Jiantianhou" heard the name again, but the look of the bitter lord was very complicated. "Before in the blood world, this sword Tianhou was on an equal footing with me, and even in the beginning was far worse than me, but Now, although he is still just an undead saint, his strength has surpassed me early, and I really do n’t know how he cultivated. "

"You do n’t have to be discouraged ~ ~ I heard from your bloodline that you have really opened the secret world of heaven and earth, I am afraid it wo n’t take long to complete it. Once you have opened the secret world of heaven and earth, you will have another The power of will, which is also the ruler of the Void Two Realm, is not much worse than Tianhou Xiaoyou. "Bai Juedao.

"How could it not be that bad? On Sword Island, more than 400 years ago, this sword could fight against the powerful Nether Realm. Now, more than 400 years later, his strength must be stronger. The bitter sacrificed his lips.

Next to them, the guards of the Tianzu Dojo were surprised to see the two men talking.

They know the strength of the two and their position in the Tianzu dojo.

"Adult Bai Jue and Suffering are standing here at the same time, obviously waiting for someone, but who are they so that these two adults have been waiting here?" The guards were very curious.

And not long after, there were two silhouettes coming in the void ahead.

ps: Two more arrived today!