MTL - Legend of the Asura-Chapter 3 Mission impossible

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The outside of the village is a level 1 rabbit, but at this time it is crowded with bustling crowds. It is often 5 or 6 people who follow the rabbit's refresh point as a thief. As long as the rabbit is refreshed, it will be countless short. The sword and the elemental ball are given to the corpse.

After squeezing for a long time, I finally saw a rabbit with a single order. The wind quickly cut a knife, and at the same time, the message from the eyes of the soul appeared in my mind:

Rabbit: Level 1, life 30, skill: none. A group of violent rabbits should be careful about its big radish.

A knife went down and a red number of -6 appeared on the rabbit's head. The rabbit was attacked and immediately swung the big radish in his hand to counterattack the wind.


Crit! On the windy head, I was fortunate to have a yellow crit damage from the rabbit, and my life was quickly cleared.

"Hey, the player is already dead, are you going to return to the novice village to resurrect?"


The windy and depressed man wants to hit the wall, but he is determined to be the first person in the game, but he was given a second-class rabbit when he first killed the monster... although it is because life and defense are too low.

"I kao, actually killed by the rabbit, how do you do it, the younger brother is really incomparable..."

The second before the resurrection, the wind just happened to hear someone coming to death, and suddenly there was a heart.

The white light flashed, and the wind and the face were depressed and reappeared in the novice village. It is impossible to upgrade the monsters. You can't afford to lose the person, or do the task first.

There are only a few houses in the novice village, and there are only a few people in the npc. At this time, the players who are connected to the task are surrounded by three layers and three layers. The wind mourned: I have to receive the mission to get the monkey year.

The wind noticed that the only one who greeted was a dry old man sitting against the wall. The old man’s clothes were extremely ragged, his eyes closed, and his hair beard was piled on his head like a straw. At this time, it was curling up in the corner, as if it had been a long-awaited sculpture.

The look of the wind and the wind: there must be a demon in the abnormal situation, the system should not arrange a useless npc, maybe there is any secret in this old man. The more this special npc is in the game, the more likely it is to have hidden tasks. This is the experience of many years of gaming career.

The wind smashed the scorpion and ran to the old man. He said to the old man with a look of diligence: "Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

The old man turned a deaf ear and didn't even move his eyebrows.

"Old gentleman, can I help you?"

Still not responding, is it a blind man?

"Old gentleman, do you want me to help you get there?"


"Old gentleman, are you cold or not?"

"Old gentleman, you have a fly on your nose."

"Old gentleman........."


There is no other thing that can be done anyway, so I rushed to the front of the old man for more than half an hour, and there was a tendency to consume it with him.

Finally, the old man has a reaction:

"Get out of here!!!"

This loud noise is like a sunny day, and the wind is so shocking that it is cold and sweaty.

"If you want to do something, go to the opposite house and look for Mrs. Ma!! Otherwise, unless you find chaotic holy water, don't bother me! Roll right!!!"

The wind smashed a spirit, and quickly ran away, so that a strange old man was anxious, and the new novice village chased him and died.

Wait, what did he just say? Opposite Mrs. Ma? Chaos holy water? Is it a hidden mission? However, it seems that there is no task prompt.

The wind looked in the direction opposite the old man, there was a closed cabin, but no one could determine if there was anyone inside, at least not yet, which player can enter.

What is chaotic holy water?

The windy and cautiously returned to the front of the strange old man, weakly asked: "What is the old man, chaotic holy water?"


The wind fled and fled.

"The brand of Shura and the true posture of the saint actually appeared on one person at the same time. It seems that the seal of the long years has made my spiritual consciousness a bit confusing, and it has such a ridiculous illusion." Looking at the figure of the wind The strange old man whispered something that others could not understand.

The wind came to the cabin and “咚咚” knocked on the door.

One minute……

Two minutes...

five minutes……

ten minutes……

"If there is someone inside, I don't believe you don't open the door. Anyway, there is nothing else to do. Xiaoye is spending it with you today."

Fifteen minutes later, the door was finally opened, revealing the head of a middle-aged woman. Women are about forty years old, their faces are quite awkward, and their hair and clothes are a little messy.

"Sorry young people, I really have nothing here, please leave." The voice of the women is very kind, but there is a hint of anger and impatience in the words.

It’s awkward, and the dark road turns out that she regards me as a white person looking for a task. It’s no wonder that she should not close the door. It is estimated that she should be impatient with those players.

The wind quickly asked: "Hello, are you Mrs. Ma?"

Mrs. Ma groaned and asked strangely: "How do you know my name?"

Haha, there is a door! The wind quickly explained: "Hello, Mrs. Ma, the old man opposite me asked me to come to you. Can I help you?" At the same time, I pointed to the old man who was licking the body, and secretly gambled. , bet the name of the old man is good.

"Ah? You were introduced by the benefactor? Please come in, just sorry to have slowed you down." Hearing that the old man sent, Mrs. Ma’s attitude immediately turned 180 degrees. Quickly, I was excited and pulled the wind into the house.

No, it's so easy? Is the old man really a personal thing?

The door was shackled, and Mrs. Ma turned around and said nothing, her eyes staring at him, and the burning gaze straightened the hair.

Could it be that this middle-aged woman wants to be dissatisfied, and sees that the handsome young man is handsome and the Yushu is out of the air? ! At this point, I was so eager to get cold sweat, and I was ready to run the road immediately. It was small to be killed by the rabbit, and the loss was big. Of course, um, beauty is absolutely excluded.

Full of disappointment, Madame Ma actually "plopped" and fell to the ground, crying: "Warrior, you must save my man..."

The wind was shocked and quickly helped Mrs. Ma: "In the end, I will help you if I can help."

It’s really a big bird in the woods... I’m still clamoring for someone to pick up the task.

After listening to Mrs. Ma’s narrative, the wind finally understood the passing of things.

The npc of the novice village is generally unable to get out of the village, but Mrs. Ma’s husband Ma’s hunter is a person who likes to be extremely curious. After walking in every corner of the novice village, the biggest expectation of living is to go to the world outside the novice village. After a while, finally one day, the opportunity came.

The village chiefs of Novice Village have finally been rewarded for their experiments. They have successfully produced 3 unbounded reels and 2 novice village return rolls. The unbounded reels can be randomly transmitted to the entire Tianlong Continent (Dragon World: Chinese players) The game area, in addition to East China mainland, Goryeo mainland, Murray mainland, Yingji mainland, Flange mainland and so on hundreds of areas.) Any corner. The novice village return roll can actually return people to the novice village from any area, each reel can only be used once, disappear after use.

After the horse hunters knew it, they immediately found the village head happily. The soft-hardened bubble finally came from the village head to an unbounded roll and a novice village return roll. Half a year ago, the horse hunter and the village chief crushed the unbounded volume and traveled to Tianlong.

The result was that the two were transferred to completely different places, and when the village chief found the horse hunter one day, he couldn’t say anything, except that he could breathe, no matter what the dead, with modern medicine. Said, it is a vegetative person.

The village chief was shocked to find the returning city roll on the horse hunter, and then the two were sent back to the novice village. But no one knows what problems the horse hunters have in the novice village. Finally, one day the old man noticed the situation of the horse hunter and told everyone that the horse hunter must have encountered a powerful dark monster, the soul was deprived, and he would die after a week.

Npc is different from the player. After the player dies, he can be resurrected. Npc will disappear completely after death, unless it has strong resurrection skills. Even if the system generates a new npc after death, it will be completely different from the original.

In the end, the old man swears a wonderful water magic, which protects the horse hunter from a piece of water, which can keep him from dying for a year, but if he can't retrieve the soul of the horse hunter within a year, reattach it to the flesh, even if it is holy. There is no way to save him.

As for the strange old man, Mrs. Ma does not know, only know that she was already in the novice village when she was born, every day a prime minister, rarely talk to people.

"Warrior, can you please help me find the soul of my man?"

"Hey, the player is the soul of the wind, Mrs. Ma asks you to help find the soul of the horse hunter, the task period: half a year, the task punishment: no, accept the task?"

The wind was thundered and I don't know how to answer it, because this is simply an impossible task.

Not to mention where the horse hunter was killed by any monster. No one knows, even if he can really find his soul... Can the soul see it? Touch it? What to take away?

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if you find the monster and then kill it and find the soul of the horse hunter, how to return to the novice village?

Players can only return to Novice Village from Tianlong Continent, and only reduce their level to below 10.

A monster that can deprive a human soul knows that it is powerful without thinking. Even if you find that you want to kill it, you don’t know how many levels you need. Will someone abandon the long-term hard work and commit suicide for a novice village mission? Unless that person is a fool.

Is it a fool? It should not be.

"Accept." Under the gaze of Mrs. Ma, the wind finally failed to bear with her, and she chose to accept it with a smile. Anyway, there is no punishment for the task. It is impossible to see Mrs. Ma after the novice village. See you. If you don't, you will be saved.

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