MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 739 destroy! The devil and the gods!

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If you come to the cold, the black mansions of the whole body become more intense, and the golden tower of the sky turns back into the shape of a small tower, floating in his palm: "You have just reached the seventh layer of chaos, and it is too late to really do it. To merge with the heavens and the earth. If there is another year, there will be nothing between the heavens and the earth that can't be destroyed by you, and nothing can destroy you, but now..." He is black and white, and the tower in the palm of his hand is fast. Rotating, the mouth released a horrible scorn: "With this tower, I have the possibility to destroy you, but you, but not the ability to destroy me!"

If there is no mistake, he has just stepped into the peak of chaos, and it is too late to fully rely on strength and life to attach to the heavens and the earth. So if someone has the ability to destroy the body of his current body, he will not be born again. Although his current strength has passed the original demon, but also passed the present, but there is a tower in his hand, he is indeed difficult to destroy, but there is the ability to destroy him.

Today, the tower of the tower is used to absorb and absorb the power of the Western gods, and it is many times stronger than before. But this kind of power is also temporary, because the power of the star-splitting to the moon is not the source of the tower, but one point is less, and it is not renewable.

The group originally covered the body of the Jin Mang once again covered the whole body, and the scope is getting bigger and bigger, the wind remembered what the East Emperor Liuli said before: "The ability of the tower is now even the Xuanyuan sword and Pangu Axe is also far behind, to defeat the tower, only..."

"Go, 昊天塔, follow them forever, until they are swallowed and destroyed, hahahaha!"

The towering sky flew out, and the enormous and unimaginable power caused the entire universe to be turbulent. Feel the power of the tower at this time, and the wind and Zier looked at each other and finally realized that Donghuang Liuli said that everything is correct. Zier pulled up the popular hand and instantly shifted to hundreds of thousands of meters. And the tower is still close to the horror, as long as it is locked in the breath, it will always follow the target.

"Zi Er, it seems that there is really only that way, and the battle will be decided."

Zier nodded, Pangu axe tightly, and his eyes fixed on the increasingly close Tiantian Tower and Ruyi.

The hand of the wind slammed out in a row, and instantly called out nine different light spots floating around the body of Zier, namely Tianzhuo, Ziyang Sword, Overlord's Knife, Wild God's Bow, Phoenix Double Blade, Gun of Burst Qingying sword, flying feather blade, colorful glass ribbon, when the wind moved to the side of Zier, a **** bead was hung on her neck, and the nine soldiers began to flash different colors at the same time.

This is the nine great soldiers outside the Xuanyuan sword that the righteous father asked him to collect. Although they have the ability to be so small, they can only be called extremely small, and after they unite, they are connected. There is a nine-day array! !

Supported by the nine great soldiers, the Wanxue Lingzhu is the nine-day array. The effect is exactly the same as the nine-day array that could only be built by Donghuangzhong, Xuanyuanjian, Pangu Axe, Refining Pot, and Tiantian Tower.

Pangu’s axe was slightly trembling. It seemed to be excited for the next blow. He met the tower of the tower, and the purple eyes were picked up. The idea would lock the tower and the back of it, and the mouth was low. Voice: "Nine-day array - Pangu axe as the center - the devil's array!!!"

A scream of tenderness, a group of colorless light released, and intensively condensed into a huge white light, shrouded the tower in front of the tower and the ......

In an instant, the tower of the tower, which was enveloped by the "Devil's Array", was completely frozen. Even though it absorbed the power of the Western gods, it became more powerful, and there was no resistance in front of this "Devil's Array". Half of the points can't. The Pangu axe in the hands of Zier disappeared, and the Pangu axe, which I don’t know how many times, was picked up in the sky, kneeling...

A roar, a shock, on the distant earth, every corner of the life heard the sound of a bell-like morning bell.

Crazy energy rises to the sky. When Pangu Axe falls, the universe is centered on the scorpion, and the surrounding space has suffered a devastating disaster. More than a dozen asteroids have turned into gray flying under the huge energy impact. The myriad of black holes caused by the energy do not know how many spacecraft to swallow and destroy.

The surrounding space has completely become the ocean of energy, and only the smell of destruction can be smelled. In the face of this catastrophic energy shock, the energy of the tower is quickly destroyed... It’s so excited and excited, this is the “power of the devil” with the same power class of Xuanyuanjian’s “God of the Gods”. !

Pangu axe squats again and again, huge energy fluctuations are produced again and again, and again and again roaring, who can think of this energy shock, is from the hands of a little girl.

Pangu axe smashed a full eighty-one times, and the catastrophic power exploded eighty times. If it wasn't for Zier who had kept the range to a minimum, the entire solar system would be shrouded in this disaster.

When everything is calm and the most reliant, the dozens of cracks on the tower of the tower that carried the horror ability, and then floating quietly in the universe, no matter how to summon, there is no reaction. The wind hurried forward and took this scorpion tower, which had been destroyed and separated from the master, and then looked proudly.

Reversing the body of chaotic order, only the energy of the source of chaos can hurt him. Although he was completely locked by the slayer, he was not hurt. Although this situation has been expected, but the wind is still a snack.

In the distance, Donghuang Liuli gently breathed a sigh of relief. This battle is a battle that she is powerless and unable to intervene.

"The devil's array... Why, there is no tower, how can you cast it into a nine-day battle!" The sound of the coming became trembling, and the body gradually changed from the previous approximation to the gradual retreat. He has no chance of defeating the wind.

The purple child who had just finished the "Devil's Array" was panting and almost weak. Pangu Axe disappeared in his hands and entered three years of sleep. If there were no accidents, all the power could be restored after three years. The wind and gentleness held her in her arms and asked, "Is it tired?"

"Oh... really tired, I really want to sleep in my brother's arms." Zier was like a lazy kitten in the wind, and the tired eyelids could not be lifted. Around the body of the popular and purple children, the nine soldiers have completely lost their brilliance, floating there in a deadly air.

"Then I sleep for a while, my brother immediately took this small friend, and then went home to sleep with you." Feng said with a smile, directly ignoring the look of anger.

As the footsteps continued to retreat, while gasping and screaming: "I don't have a tower, but with your current ability, even if I can defeat me, it is impossible to destroy me within a year... ...ha...haha...hahahaha! In this year, I am going to ruin the heavens and ruin the earth you live in... hahahaha!"

He laughed like a madman, then violently pulled back and slammed his eyes, his eyes squinted, his left hand holding purple children, his right hand arbitrarily waved, and the space force instantly blocked the surrounding space. If the action is stagnation, but there is no panic, laughing wildly, while breaking the space and moving forward.

"You are right. I can't do it completely within a year. I can't do it. If I can't do it, then... what about the gods?" The wind touched the face of Zier and said with a sneer. .

"What?" If you turn around, you will see the panic that you can't believe and can't hide.

The wind screamed Xuanyuan, the body rotated, and a golden ring was swept by Xuanyuanjian, and all the Jiujian soldiers were cut off. He picked up the blood-stained beads on the neck of Zier, and then put it on his neck. The nine cut-off soldiers once again shone brightly.

"I am really embarrassed, there are actually two nine-day arrays in it!"

"Nine-day Array - Xuanyuanjian as the center... 诛神之阵!!"

The Xuanyuan sword in the hands of the wind swelled dozens of times in an instant, and the body was locked by an irresistible energy, and all the escape routes were sealed. The fear in his heart was enlarged to the maximum. In addition to despair, he can no longer feel the other...

"No... let me go, let me go! I have repented for everything I have done, I am willing to be your slave... let me go, let me go!"


The huge Xuanyuan waved, and the whole space was suddenly filled with violent Jinmang. The distant earth saw that there was a golden sun above the sky, attracting countless people to watch and see, countless brick houses and beasts This phenomenon has made an "authority" explanation, and the country has made a world announcement on this matter, claiming that their artificial sun plan has achieved initial success.

Among the thousands of golden mansions, there are thousands of huge Xuanyuan, occupying every inch of space intensively. They fall like disasters, and they merge into countless death tornadoes in the scream of fear, and they impact the body.

This is a battle of gods that are more powerful than the broken stars. At that time, an incomplete sacred sacred sacred ruined the entire celestial world, and now the sacred gods released by the Lord of Chaos are the ones used in the heavens. Can be compared.

"Go to death... As long as a long time ago, you should be damned! You were originally divided into devils, commanding the magic road, and will divide the world with the gods, but your magic is gone, then you are not It exists in this world!" The wind and the low release of his own voice, the Xuanyuan in his hand constantly shoot out the golden swords of the sky, endless.

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