MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 122 Required

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"Sparkling things..." I still looked awkward. Super fast and stable update of the novel, this article by . . Starting

Reston couldn't ask anything, so he went to Lidney and looked at the display on his hand.

Lydney’s display is connected to a red-protected visual system that can completely transmit the sight seen by the red guard to the display, but now the display does appear as he said. A lot of white spots, but Red and August are too far apart and can't see anything.

"Auguster should be coming back soon, Reston, you tell Red Guard to let her come back." These white **** of light are wrapped in several people, and are rising, and the situation should be that Auguste found 贱贱It is. Lydney took a sigh of relief and turned to Reston.

"Wait!" The pupil of the skull suddenly shrank, as if I saw something terrible, "Reston quickly let Red Guard leave it! Something is coming!"

Reston didn't listen to what he said, and asked again: "What are you talking about?"

He pulled over Reston's arm and clicked on the light brain on his wrist. When he found Aria, he immediately shouted: "Alia is leaving there!"

But it was too late, after shouting this sentence, Lidini’s display screen only came to capture a pair of gray-green erects and then completely blacked out – the red guard had at least received the thing. attack.

"What is that..." Lidney held the display and opened his mouth.

Reston replaced the cockroach and said to the light brain: "Alia?! Red Guard?! Can you still hear me?"

There was a "呲呲呲" current sound from the light brain, followed by a red mechanical sound that was already distorted: "Aria is fine, the mech damage is more than 68%, the high alert mode has been turned on, and it is now out of danger. region."

The red-protected external sound system and the visual system were destroyed by the impact. Even if the red protector popped out of the protective cover in a flash, the long unknown creature just smashed and smashed the red guard. The protective cover, and caused a large-scale damage to her mech, may have no life fluctuations on the red guard, it thought she was just a stone, just curiously hit a bit, and did not pursue.

Aria has already fainted. Before the new order was issued, everything was guaranteed to protect the life of the driver. The red guard can only retreat.

"What is it that attacks you?"

“I didn’t find this creature on the Interstellar Book of Science, it’s probably a newly discovered species or —” The voice of Red Guard continued, “The creatures that have been discovered but not recorded.”

"It's a dragon beast." August's voice suddenly came out. He was the captain, able to monitor the crew's combat dialogue, and Reston and Red Guard were talking on the combat channel. "Red guard, you take it first. Aria retreats."

"Yes, but it is moving to you. I am now sending the initial data I just detected to your brain."

"I know." August's voice was very cold. He held his hand tightly, because he didn't know how to deal with the dragon beast. According to the data transmitted by the red guard, this is only The dragon beast is huge than the one that Carl had encountered at the beginning, and is likely to be an adult!

The Asian dragons studied the dragon-eater that floated on the surface of the deep sea. Its scale is as hard as the Asian dragon. It is difficult to get a deadly mouth on it. The only weakness is that it is difficult to get to the sky. Just in the head, according to Carl's dictation, when he was about to be eaten, several people with swords suddenly appeared, causing an explosion and smashing the upper jaw of the dragon beast, and Carl survived.

But there are no mysterious people with swords present, and they have no weapons that can cause huge explosions.

Hai'an found out that Auguste was not feeling right. He looked up and asked, "What happened?"

"The dragon beast appeared." Auguste patted the back of Hai'an, then swam forward and moved to Carl. "Karl, do you remember the monster you met when you were young?"

Carl looked sideways and looked at Auguste with some doubts: "Remember, what's wrong? Don't tell me it appears again."

Carl wondered why Auguste suddenly asked him this question. Did they encounter the dragon beast? Can't it be so bad? The ancestors did not know how many times they went into the deep sea. Although they sometimes encountered dragons and beasts, the frequency was not very high. It was often encountered once in a few thousand years, not to mention that he had not only encountered it, but also survived. This is not how the winning is possible, hahahahaha!

Auguste ruthlessly broke Carl's illusion: "Hey, Red Guard has just been attacked by it, and now it is moving towards us."

Carl: "..."

The dragons and beasts had a great shadow on Carl's childhood. As soon as he heard August, Carl was scared and disappointed.

"Mom!" Carl yelled and slammed onto Auguste's back and grabbed his hair. "Don't scare me in the squat August, where do I not see?!"

Jemming and Colin saw the appearance of Karl's rebellion: "Karl, are you not afraid that Auguste will break your leg?"

"A broken fart, we have to be eaten!" Carl hated the iron and gave them a look. "There are monsters."

"How come I didn't see it." Colin raised his eyebrows and looked around. Except for the light **** wrapped around them and the air hood that Hainan propped up on their heads, there was nothing, black lacquer, even if they were When I first went to sea, I did encounter some strange fish monsters, but after I met these light balls, I didn’t know where to go. How can I tell the monster that Carl said?

At this time, Colin felt that something was poked on his back. Colin was cheated by him, thinking that it was Cosson who was teasing him, so he smacked the thing. But after a while, Colin felt that he was poked again. He was a little angry. He was screaming at Cosson’s face: "What are you doing!"

"What have I done?" Cosson was also very innocent. He didn't do anything.

"Don't you poke me?"

"Is my hand not on your waist?"


Colin only reacted at this time, no, ah, Cosson’s hand has always been on his waist, so what is it that pokes him?

Colin turned around and looked at himself behind him and found a long beard. Colin reached out and said: "Hey? This is soft."

"Really? I have to touch it too." Corson also touched Colin with this stub, and also pulled it hard.

"Hey!!" There was a sigh in the sea, which scared everyone.

"What is calling?" Colin quickly let go of the long beard. "Is Karl you?"

"I haven't changed! How could this sound come out!" Carl pulled his head from behind August, then lowered his head and said something embarrassed to Haan in August's arms: "I'm sorry." Hey, hug your family, dad, I am really scared..."

Hai'an didn't know how to answer Karl, but Auguste sneered: "I will interrupt your leg when I go up."

"Go up and talk about it!" Carl was dying, and he didn't know what Colin had pulled. If he touched the tail fin of the dragon beast... Hey, help!

After the rumbling came, the long beard disappeared, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the surrounding water. Suddenly, a pair of green erects that made Carl horrified appeared.

Carl:! ! !

"What's in the trough!!" Colin was also scared of urine, quickly tightening Cossen's neck. This pair of gimmicks is not a good creature to have, let alone this eye looks like It's about the same size as August's prototype, and it's just a matter of seconds to kill them.

The green erects are getting closer and closer to them, and when they are close to the light source, everyone sees its appearance - the body is as slender as a snake, the head is like a tiger, and there are deer-like horns on the forehead, huge vertical Green and yin, open the mouth with sharp teeth and come to them.

"Ah!!!" Carl screamed, closing his eyes and thinking that he was going to hang up. The **** mouth of his childhood appeared again in his mind, and the hand holding August's neck became more and more Use force.

Auguste finally couldn't bear it, and shouted loudly: "My ears are going to be smashed, you are not dead yet, what are you calling!"

"Hey? I haven't died yet?" After hearing the words of August, Carl opened his eyes and looked at the dragon beast. He saw that the dragon was really big, but the ball seemed to open. An invisible barrier protects them and keeps the dragons from closing their mouths.

"He has 81 teeth, dozens more than me." Jamin looked at it, and actually counted a few of the dragon's teeth.

Colin turned his eyes blankly: "You are really bored."

"It can't bite us." The upper and lower jaws of the dragon-eater were moving again. They found that they couldn't bite the sparkling barrier. Some of them were angry. The cold light in the green scorpion was colder and no longer continued to bite. , close your mouth and leave.

Carl stretched his neck and looked at the direction in which the dragon beast left: "Does it give up?"

Colin is still very embarrassed, staring at his brother: "Impossible, he is not you."

Colin just finished this sentence, and the dragon-eater is coming again!

But this time he didn't bite Auguste, but like a snake, wrapped them up in a circle, and the fine scales were clearly visible under the light of the ball, with a cold silver light.

Carl trembled and asked Auguste: "Are we going to be hanged?"

"We're fine." Hai'an softly comforted Karl. "The barrier to the soul's light ball should have nothing to destroy-"

As soon as Colin heard this, he immediately let go of Corson and spread his hands: "Hey, you said it, I almost scared me."

"--But he is wrapped in us like this, and we can't go out." Hai'an innocently continued to finish the words.

After a few seconds, Colin slammed into Corson: "Brother, let's die together..."

The author has something to say: Hahaha, I think what my chapter name has revealed.

Copy the mine list and red envelope at night, I am still at home, open hot update...
