MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 37 啵啵啵

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All the people were kneeling on Carl's back. His tailbone swayed, and the huge wings flapped, swiftly sweeping through the star belt, as if he were swimming freely in the water.

But because it was too free, Lydney felt strange.

No species can escape into the outer space directly from the ground atmosphere. Low temperatures and high pressures will kill everyone who enters the universe directly, and Carl can even take them directly into space with a protective shield around him.

"Oxygen is enough to use for 52 minutes. Can you fly to the Wanderer?" Jamie tweeted the light brain on his wrist and said calmly, "If you can't fly, we all have dogs."

After Colin heard the tone of his speech, he was a bit puzzled. "Hey, isn't your seed gone? You don't seem to be sad."

"But we found the map," Jaime shook his wrist. "I have already entered the star map into the shared terminal of the Wanderer, and you can see it."

Hai'an is happy with Jieming, but when he sees the body of a half-Asian dragon lying on his own soil, he thinks that when Auguste just saw the egg, he wanted to touch it. I feel very sad.

Auguste didn't even have time to touch him.

"I have long thought that Cesica will not give me the seeds easily, but at the beginning we didn't find the map, I put all my hopes on him. But Auguste" Jie Ming turned to look at Augustus. special.

Auguste now squats on Hai'an with his right hand, preventing Hai'an from slipping off Carl's back, ringing his left hand, burying his entire face in his left elbow, not knowing what he is thinking.

After a while, I heard his muffled voice coming. "The egg has been dead for a long time, but I want to confirm it." Auguste looked up, his right knee bent and squatted. "I can't listen." It’s the heartbeat of the egg, but I didn’t expect the nightmare to be in Dean’s hands, and Dean is now so extreme.”

Auguste looked at the nest, and he covered his hand on the top of the nest. "I just want to take him home."

But it’s too late.

Everyone was silent, and the small space was filled with inexplicable sorrow. Hai'an suddenly understood the meaning of the name of the wandering.

Living forever, nowhere is home.

Suddenly, a huge drop of water quickly fluttered on the face, hitting Colin's head and dampening his hair. Colin licked his mouth. "Sleeping, Carl, is this your tear?" ?"

Cosson turned Colin and asked him to shut up before he finished the action. A few drops of tears fell on Cosson’s face. Lydney’s clothes were also soaked by Carl’s tears. Jaime started everywhere. Crawling, avoiding the tears that Karl is constantly coming back because of high-speed inertia.

Even Hai'an's small wolf has been hit by a drop, "啪嗒" on the small nest, because it is in a weightless state in space, these water droplets fly around, constantly wetting August their clothes.

The mechanical warriors sent on the wandering came behind them, and Auguste looked back and frowned. "Karl, speed down immediately, and rushed out after ten minutes."

As soon as Karl heard it, his body was up and the dragon wings were flat. Their speed slowed down a moment, and the mechanical warriors behind them rushed forward in this moment. Hainan did not understand why Auguste wanted to Let Carl do this.

"Is it a blockade?" Lidney asked suddenly.

Colin's eyes widened. "How do you know?" Next to Jie Ming was a little surprised.

The blockade wall is the latest area-enclosed technology of the empire. The effect is similar to the pale yellow aperture that rises outside the Freeport when they left Freeport that day. The difference is that the shield of Freeport must have a core power source of the planet as a support. The range can only cover the size of a planet.

The blockade wall requires only four warships to define a flat closed wall or a quadrilateral enclosed space.

The technology is not yet mature, and the empire is not open to the outside world.

Lydney was a little embarrassed. He touched his head. "I went to Emperor Star to be a exchange student for two years. I participated in the research and manufacture of closed walls. I originally planned to enter the Imperial Research Department in the future, but they think it might be I didn't wait for me to study, I was suffering from Alzheimer's, so I was allowed to go back to Freeport, but I think this is not bad. At least Freeport's pure human welfare policy is good."

"School!" Colin gave a thumbs up to Lydney.

Both Auguste and Alia are military madmen, especially Aria. She is very interested in the technology of the closed wall. Before they left the Imperial League, she could already make four mechanical warriors to create a miniature enclosed space. Unfortunately, they only have a warship, and they cannot try the manufacture of large closed walls.

Colin nodded and looked at Lydney with an admirable look. "After returning to the Wandering, you can talk to Aria and she is also interested in this technology."

In Colin's opinion, those who can study these strange things are not simple people. Aria and Auguste are good to say, but Lydney is actually a pure human.

"Hurry, don't let go." Auguste suddenly yelled at them.

Hai'an looked ahead, and the mechanical warriors flying in front of them were able to launch a self-destructing roar, and then followed the roaring bomb and ran into an invisible wall.

Tens of thousands of roaring bombs hit a wall at the same time, and the fire was very fierce.

The mechanical warriors followed the fireworks, burned them out, but they were silent, and only listened to their breathing and heartbeat.

A minute later, there was a gap in the closed wall. Carl saw the gap, the body pressed down, the steel wing whirls, and the rotation flies toward the gap. When the explosion layer passes through, the red guard finally catches up. They, she raised the shield, blocked a part of the shock wave flame, the light blue protective cover swayed an array of unstable waves, as if it would break apart at any time, Hai'an finally knows the phrase "grasping" that Auguste said. How important it is.

If you accidentally let go, directly put on the protective layer, it is estimated that it will fall half-dead, and the violent shock wave passing through the explosion layer will shatter the internal organs, and the severe high temperature will directly cause serious burns.

The gap was only a few seconds long, and as Carl's tail just left the closed wall, the closed wall immediately merged.

It was a very serious time. Lidney suddenly opened his brain. As the only pure man who participated in the design of the closed wall principle, he could not help but imagine that if Carl's tail did not detach, his tail would be cut off directly. ? Still a dragon is hanging on the closed wall

The wandering is in front, and Reston has put down the landing platform of the Wandering, wearing a spacesuit standing on the platform.

Red Guard was flying faster than Carl. She landed one step at a time. Then Reston opened the liquid protective layer and connected it to Carl's protective liquid. After the connection, Carl immediately changed back to people. Deni jumped out of the air, and his right knee flexed slightly to cushion the impact of the drop.

Hai'an was well held by Auguste, and everyone else was fine. When Colin jumped down, he stepped on Karl and followed the tears that fell heavily. He fell on the platform and sat on the ground. I glided a long distance before.

It finally stopped after hitting Reston's leg.

Reston: ""

Aria jumped out of the red guard and saw the water in one place. "Is Carl crying?"

At this moment, Carl was full of light, and the clothes he held in Lydney had just covered his key parts. The eight packs and the strong chest muscles were all exposed, including his ass.

Hai'an: I can't stop my eyes.

However, there is Auguste Deloitte, he took the clothes to Hai'an is a wrap, the package is strict.

Jay squinted and walked from behind. "When it's over, I'm going to smash it."

Carl’s eyes are still red. He sucked his nose and glanced at Jaymin. “You want to be jealous.” Then he hugged Lidney with red eyes and walked to the hall. He wanted to go back to himself. The room is dressed.

Lydney, who was held by Carl, was also very embarrassed, but he was not good enough to let Karl put himself down. After all, Carl is now shameful on his own.

This position was very uncomfortable, Lydney's hand was lifted and finally gently placed on Carl's neck.

"How, get the dragon egg?" Reston asked.

Aria sighed and lowered her head.

When Reston looked at this, he understood everything. He licked his lips, his brows were high, and his hair was turned back by hand. "Fuck!"

Auguste returned to the room with Hai'an, put Hai'an on the table, went to the bedside cabinet and took a transparent small bottle and sat back at the table.

He took Hai'an from Xiaowo, and saw the body of Xiaoya Julong lying quietly on the soil. Auguste was silent, and gently picked up the body of Xiaoya Julong, facing He sighed.

Auguste spurted a light blue flame, and the flame rolled up the body of the little Asian dragon. The body gradually decomposed into a blue piece of spar, slowly falling into a transparent small bottle.

Finally filled with a small glass bottle, crystal clear, slightly flashing at the bottom of the bottle.

August put the small bottle on the top floor of the bedside cabinet, then turned off the light, sat down on the bed, leaned back against the pillow, and placed Haian tightly on the chest, gently with a finger. Touched the leaves of Hai'an.

Hai'an looked at Auguste's close-faced face. His eyes were deep dark red. At this time, the eyelids were round, and there was a little bit of squatting in the black market. soft.

I don't know why, Hai'an stretched out a vine and put on August's face.

At the moment of the touch, both of them stunned.

Auguste coveted, at this time the room was dark, but he still saw the straight green of Hai'an green and straight, the small leaves above shook with his own movement, Auguste lowered Head, gently kiss on the leaves on the top of Hai'an, with infinite warmth.

"Will you stay with me all the time?" There was an inaudible voice from August in the darkness.

Hai'an circling the vines around August's index finger.


Even if you can't hear it, I promise you.