MTL - Life Simulation: Add Entries Starting From Health Preservation Skills-Chapter 18 Ten years of life extension, such a worldly way!

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  Chapter 18 Extending life for ten years, such a world!

  【The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following】

  【1. Obtain entry (not optional)】

  【2. Obtain attribute points】

  【3. Obtain any part of life experience】

  【Current Balance: Gold 1 Tael】

   To be able to mobilize three blood-training martial artists, they must be big forces in the inner city, or top forces like Chenjiabao outside the city.

  Do you want to get involved?

  Han Zhao hesitated.

   "Forget it, let's talk about it later."

  As long as the enemy doesn't have a Lianjin martial artist, he will do it!

  Anyway, when he is twenty-one years old, not to mention hard work, he will be able to reach the level of blood training.

   "Is there no entry?" See [Option 1] and it is not available, Han Zhao slapped his head, "Hey - I forgot to burn incense!"


  【Attribute point +2】

  Martial Arts: Health-preserving formula (minor success of the second floor is 99%, can be improved; special effect: physical strength level 3)

  Looking at the progress of the health regimen in the system panel, Han Zhao silently said: "Improve the health regimen."

  With the 2-point attribute returning to zero, the column of martial arts changes.

  Martial arts: health preservation formula (the second level is 82% complete, can be improved; special effects: physical strength level 4, life extension 10 years)

   "The second layer is complete, no breakthrough?" Han Zhao was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the 2 points of attributes did not allow the health regimen to break through to the third layer.

   "Huh? What's going on? Hiss~!"

   Before he had time to look at the changes in his attributes, he suddenly felt a tearing pain all over his body, as if someone was pulling a knife along his muscle texture.

   Every inch of flesh, muscles and bones in the whole body felt severe pain.

  He lay down on the bed all at once, his body arched, and he kept twitching.

   "Ah~!" Han Zhao gritted his teeth tightly, but a painful voice still squeezed out from between his teeth.


   It hurts so much!

  Although there was pain during the last ascension, the duration was very short. This time it really made Han Zhao feel so painful that he wanted to scream, but he could only hold back.

   I don't know how long it has passed, Han Zhao is sweating profusely, and the pain in his body quickly subsides like a tide.

  Han Zhao gasped and sat up from the bed, thinking to himself: "Is this the price of cheating? This feeling is really"

   "It's so wonderful!" Han Zhao felt that his whole body was full of strength.

  He took off his drenched top, and saw that the originally inconspicuous muscles of the upper body became well-defined, the six-pack abdominal muscles were clearly defined, and the pectoral muscles were probably even bigger than when Xu Ling was wrapped in a chest cloth.

   "Level 4 physical strength! Life extension 10 years!" Looking at the special effects behind the attribute bar, Han Zhao actually increased his lifespan by 10 years!

   At the first level of the health regimen, the special effect is to strengthen the body at level 1.

  At the second level, the special effects in one level increased by 3 levels.

  This is the third floor, I am afraid the special effect level will continue to increase.

   "Is this really a health regimen?" Han Zhao couldn't help but wonder, or is it true that all zhenqigong methods are so perverted.

  Thinking of this, Han Zhao picked up his solid wood pillow with a corner.

  This time he didn't use his true energy, but just squeezed with pure physical strength.


  The prints of his palms clearly appeared on the pillow, and with a little more force, the pillow was crushed by him like a foam, and there was no feeling when the wooden thorn was poked in the palm.

   "The power has increased again."

   "Now I should be a little bit stronger than the top bone training level warriors, but I don't know how strong the blood training level quasi-martial artists are? Can the strength of both internal and external training be able to match."

  Currently, Han Zhao has not fought against a master of blood training.

  Since Zhao Yuantu's breakthrough, he has basically not been in the martial arts gym, and he has no reference.

  As for Lu Yi, naturally he would not practice duel with him, a warrior in the leather realm.

  However, judging from the difference in importance and treatment between the bone training level and the blood training level, the gap between the two should be quite large.

   "According to this progress, in another nine to ten months, the second level of the regimen will be complete."

  Han Zhao got out of bed to adapt to the changes in his body, feeling that his body was sweaty and uncomfortable, and he was going to take a shower.

  Open the water tank, only to find that there is no water in it.

  He could only pick up a pole against the wall, hang two buckets, and go to the river to fetch water.

   After thinking for a while, he took off the towel from the shelf and put it on his shoulders, ready to go to the lower reaches of the river to take a bath.

   "You carry the load, I lead the horse, welcome the sunrise, and send the sunset away—!"

  Flying birds chirped across the sky, under the slanting shadow of the setting sun, Han Zhao hummed, carried water, and rushed home.

the next day.

  Han Zhao woke up early and left the city.

  It's a pity that he has no money to buy a horse, let alone keep a horse, otherwise the distance of tens of miles will be reached quickly.

  However, with his current physical strength, he can run a distance of tens of miles from beginning to end in one breath, which takes less than half an hour.

  His stamina is now comparable to that of a cow or a horse.

   Soon, Han Zhao arrived at Lianfeng Villa.

   It is less than ten miles away from Jiulian Mountain.

   Jiulian Town, where Zhaojiabao is located, is located at the foot of Jiulian Mountain.

  Looking at the four to five-meter thick city wall in front of him, Han Zhao was a little speechless. The forces that can gain a foothold outside Heishi City are not simple, they either have strength or background.

   If there were no warriors in this world, the more than 100 people in Lianfeng Villa could rely on the terrain to resist the attack of an enemy ten times stronger.

  As for now, Han Zhao can easily climb over this height with just one effort.

  Han Zhao took out the name token of Lianfeng Mountain Villa, and the people on the city wall lowered the suspension bridge.

  A burly, red-complexioned, middle-aged man in his forties came out. He had a knife on his waist and was wearing a black vest, revealing his muscular arms and chest muscles.

   "Old man Zhu Kangsheng, I met Brother Han."

  The person who came was the deputy owner of Lianfeng Villa.

   "I've met Zhuzhuang Zhu." Han Zhao clasped his fists at the other party and asked straight to the point: "I don't know what trouble Zhu Zhuang encountered. What do I need to do?"

  Zhu Kangsheng said: "Brother Han is invited this time, because I want you to accompany me to the Jiulian Mountains to pay the bill."

   "What kind of silver?" Han Zhao was stunned for a moment, there was only Feilongzhai on Jiulian Mountain, so could it be that the contact in the simulation was sending money to the bandit den.

   "In order to ensure safety, the villa will send special silver to Feilong Village every year, two taels of silver per person per year." Zhu Kangsheng gritted his teeth.

  Han Zhao asked suspiciously: "Why didn't you report it to the government? The county magistrate Wu's family has martial arts masters. It's better to give the money to the Wu family than to the bandits?"

  Zhu Kangsheng sighed: "We also pay the Wu family, four taels of silver per person per year! It's just that as soon as the officers and soldiers leave the city, the bandits in Feilongzhai hide. When the officers and soldiers return to the city, we will suffer."

   Good guy!

  Han Zhao's expression changed slightly.

"The last time we resisted was fifteen years ago. We stopped the routine money to the Zhang family and sent all the money to the Chen family's fort. In the end, the Chen family just went through the motions. Now Feilongzhai has the support of the Zhang family, and we can't resist at all. When he said this, Zhu Kangsheng's body was trembling.

   "The Zhang family? The Zhang family in the inner city!" Han Zhao asked.

   "Except for that Zhang family, which Zhang family can there be!" Zhu Kangsheng said angrily.

   "Why don't you strike and rebel?"

   "If you are really lonely, you will fight them with your life! But no one has many family members behind him, and there can't be too many people living in the villa, and there are always people living outside."

  Han Lighting became white.

   No wonder there are more than a hundred strong men in Lianfeng Villa, but they didn't resist.

   There is really no way to resist!

  If a warrior at the bone training level wears leather armor, he can fight ten or twenty ordinary people holding weapons without being directly surrounded.

   Unless these ordinary people wear armor or use bows and crossbows to attack from a distance.

   It's just that crossbows and armor are contraband. As the saying goes, "one armor is worth three crossbows, and three armors go to hell."

  Han Zhao just asked Lianfeng Villa to make him a suit of leather armor, and then put on the heart mirror and iron plate himself.

   Bow and arrow can't be helped, but it takes at least three to five years to practice bow and arrow.

  These foundries were exhausted just by handing in the sample silver. They worked hard every day to seek the blessings of 007. How could they have time and energy to practice bows and arrows.

  As for practicing martial arts, in addition to resources, it also requires roots and understanding.

  If you want to flatten Feilongzhai, you must have a quasi-martial artist at the blood training level, and one may not be enough.

   What's more, Feilongzhai has the Zhang family behind it.

   This world is really hard to describe.

  Han Zhaoguang clenched his fists as soon as he listened.

  In this world, the only way to survive is to practice martial arts!

  【He contributes money, you contribute to defeat the evil forces that oppress the common people, rob the rich and help the poor, and do justice for the heavens. 】

  'I can't deal with the Zhang family now. ’ Han Zhao secretly sighed in his heart, he really can't offend the Zhang family now, after all, the Zhang family has five masters in blood training.

   At least one or two more years to wait!

   At that time, you can indeed do justice for the sky.

"This time Feilongzhai will charge more money, so I would like to invite you to go with me and help mediate. You are a disciple that Master Lu values, so they should give you some face." Zhu Kangsheng's tone was a bit uncomfortable Confident look.

  Han Zhao was taken aback: "Have you also learned Kung Fu at Shaker Boxing Academy?"

"Yes, I went to practice for two years more than ten years ago, but it was too late to learn martial arts, so I only went to the skin training area. At that time, the martial arts gym was not called this name, it was called 'Duanyue Knife Academy'." Zhu Kangsheng explained: "It's a pity The martial artists who opened the museum in the city only teach martial arts, and do not directly participate in the struggle between any forces."

   Zhu Kangsheng looked regretful.

   "In that case, let's go." Han Zhao didn't say much.

   "Let's go."

  (end of this chapter)