MTL - Life Simulation: Add Entries Starting From Health Preservation Skills-Chapter 19 Take it easy, accept the deal

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  Chapter 19 The sword is not fair, accept the deal

   Soon, the two came to the foot of Jiulian Mountain.

   Walking to the dense forest halfway up the mountain, I saw three men in black strong suits standing by the forest path.

  The three of them all carried big knives on their shoulders and looked impatient.

   "Master Zhu, you are really good at writing, let us brothers wait!"

  One of the horse-faced men stepped forward.

When he walked to Zhu Kangsheng's side, he glanced at Han Zhao next to him, and after noticing his clothes, he suddenly sneered: "Master Zhu, you don't think that bringing a doll from the Shaking Mountain Boxing Academy can support you Bar?"

  Zhu Kangsheng froze, he wanted to bring Han Zhao over to mediate, and Feilongzhai would give him some face, but he didn't expect that the other party would see through his thoughts at a glance.

The horse-faced man stretched out his hand and patted Zhu Kangsheng on the shoulder, "Have you brought enough money? Each person will add one tael of silver. We originally planned to add two taels more, but thanks to the heart of our Bodhisattva, we only add one tael more silver now. dont you agree?"

  【It's so gentle, obviously you can grab it directly. 】

  Han Zhao's forehead muscles twitched slightly.

Zhu Kangsheng's face was a little ugly, and he saluted the big man with a horse face, "This good man, please be accommodating. The men in our villa can't earn ten taels of silver a year, and they all exchange their blood and sweat for money. If you pay an extra tael of silver, they will The child will be hungry!"

   "Don't talk nonsense! One liang of silver or one penny is fine. If you don't give it, be careful when the family members go out in the future!" The horse-faced man cursed and put the knife on Zhu Kangsheng's shoulder.

  Zhu Kangsheng's clattering man knelt down with a plop, and pleaded to the pockmarked man behind him: "Four masters, please give us a way to survive, those in the villa"

  The horse-faced man pressed the knife down and interrupted Zhu Kangsheng, "It seems that you haven't suffered enough."

   "That is, it is better for you to be hungry than for us to be hungry."

   "Do you really think that our Feilongzhai is a kindness hall?"

   "We are bandits! Do you know what a bandit is?"

   "A money grabber."


  The four masters sang together with another bandit.

  The horse-faced man looked joking, and punched Zhu Kangsheng in the face.


  His fist did not land on Zhu Kangsheng's face.

  I saw Han Zhao holding the handle of the knife with his right hand behind his back, and using the scabbard against his fist.

   "You?!" The horse-faced man was startled, his punch seemed to hit the wall, and the scabbard remained motionless under his strength.

  This boy has so much strength!

   thump thump thump!

  As soon as Han Zhao exerted force, the big man with a horse face was forced to take several steps back.

   "Haha! Zhang Hong, did you use all your **** strength on Xiaohong last night?!"

   "You don't even have the strength to beat someone, you haven't eaten, right?"

   "Go to hell!" The horse-faced man was furious, and he raised his knife and slashed at Han Zhao.

  Han Zhao had no expression on his face, he took a step back with his left foot, turned around, and avoided the powerful knife of the horse-faced man.


  At the same time, Han Zhao drew the long knife out of its sheath in his hand, with five fingers, the handle of the knife seemed to stick to his palm, and the blade drew an arc in the air.

   "Zheng~" Before the scabbard fell to the ground, the blade returned to the sheath. Han Zhao turned the scabbard and inserted it back into the belt.

   Bang! The right hand and the broadsword of the horse-faced man fell to the ground at the same time.

   "Ah! My hand!!" The horse-faced man let out a scream that shook the sky.


  The bright silver knife light flashed, and the screams stopped abruptly.

  The head of the big man with a horse face rolled to the ground with a grunt, while his body was still standing upright, with more than three feet of blood spattered.

   "Brat! How dare you?!"

  The other two were shocked by the sudden change.

   "Looking for death!" The fourth master dragged his sword and ran towards Han Zhao.


  The two sabers slashed at each other, and the blade suddenly shook, making a loud noise.


  The fourth master only felt a huge force transmitted to his arm through the blade, and the bone in his right forearm broke instantly and turned over.

   "Ah! Are you a blood trainer?!"

  He had an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes widened in horror. Even though he had entered the Bone Training Realm for less than a year, his arm would not be broken by a single blow.


   "Escape. Escape." The fourth master ran away, at this moment he really hated his parents for not giving him two more legs.

  The expression on the face of the other person froze instantly, and he threw the big knife in his hand to the ground, and ran towards the other side decisively.

  Han Zhao's face was cold, and a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes.


  He threw the long knife in his hand at Sidangjia, and immediately chased after the person on the left.

   "Don't come here!" Hearing the sound of galloping footsteps from behind, the fleeing man was so frightened that there was a cry in his voice, and he turned around and took out two handfuls of lime and threw it desperately at Han Zhao's face.

  Han Zhao slammed on the ground with his left foot. With extremely exaggerated speed and explosive power, he made a sudden stop and turned around, avoiding the oncoming limestone, and then punched out, hitting the opponent's face.

  Accompanied by the sound of the skull shattering, the man's head burst open like a watermelon, blood and brains scattered all over the floor.


  The man's body fell on his back.

  Han Zhao shook his right fist vigorously, knelt down and wiped the opponent's clothes, got up and walked to the right.

  The fourth master fell to the ground, his body twitching non-stop. A long knife pierced the back of his neck and protruded from his throat.

"This is this..." Zhu Kangsheng, who was kneeling on the ground, widened his eyes. Before he even had time to get up, Han Zhao killed the three bandits with lightning force. Unable to fight back?

   Han Zhao wiped off the blood on the knife, then put the knife back into its sheath, and the hostility in his eyes completely dissipated.

  He already felt dissatisfied when he came, but he didn't want to be nosy.

   But the other party has provoked him.

   Only by drawing the sword can the world be clean.

  ‘Killing the bandits will cause Feilongzhai, it seems that we have to find a way to destroy Feilongzhai, and the Zhang family can’t let it go, otherwise it will be too dangerous! '

   This time, after selling the 'Songfeng Sword Art', he won't leave the city easily if he doesn't practice the regimen to the third level.

   "Hahaha! Great death! Great death!" Zhu Kangsheng burst into laughter suddenly, looking like a madman.

   It's just that when he saw Han Zhao's skillful movement of touching the corpse, his laughter suddenly stopped.

   "Brother Han, are you at the level of blood refinement?!" Zhu Kangsheng came back to his senses with a confused expression.

   "No, I just broke through the bone training level yesterday." Han Zhao shook his head and added: "It's just a natural supernatural power."

"Okay! That's great!" Zhu Kangsheng suddenly fell to his knees, weeping, "Brother Han, you must help me, please! I will hand over all my property to you, and I will forge knives for you. Use what I have learned all my life to forge a good knife for you!"

  Han Zhao's heart moved, and he said seriously: "What do I have to pay?"

   "Help me kill Qi Xing, the leader of Feilongzhai!" Zhu Kangsheng's face was full of hatred, and his face was almost distorted.

   "What's the reason?"

   "He killed my whole family fifteen years ago, and I was the one who led the rebellion against Feilongzhai, and it turned out"

   "I'm not Qi Xing's opponent now, nor can I deal with the Zhang family." Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter, I can wait for you. You are only eighteen years old this year, right? You haven't practiced martial arts for a year and a half yet? I'll wait for you to break through the blood training realm. I can wait for ten or eight years!" Zhu Kangsheng said quickly, if Han Zhao He directly agreed, but he still had doubts. Han Zhao's behavior at this time showed that he was ready to fulfill his promise.

   And just because Han Zhao repays the money in time after credit, instead of using the bank to offset it, he knows that Han Zhao is a punctual and trustworthy person.

   What's more, he just confronted the three of them just to help himself, otherwise he could just sit back and watch himself being beaten without messing with Feilongzhai.

  At this time, Zhu Kangsheng was like a drowning man, grabbing the last straw.

   "Get up." Han Zhao said lightly.

   "Brother Han, you trust me! I."

   "Three years."

   "What can I say for you?" Zhu Kangsheng was startled.

   "In three years, I'll help you kill Qi Xing." Han Zhao added, although he might break through within two years, it's better to be conservative.

  Zhu Kangsheng stared at Han Zhao with his eyes wide open, but he didn't see any signs of lying or lying on his face.

After a long time, he stood up: "I believe in you! I will forge the blade for you first, and when you bring Qi Xing's head to me, I will pour all my life's effort into it and recast it for you. Treasure knife!"

   "Yes." Han Zhao nodded.

  For this kind of hatred, nothing he can say will be consoling. What Zhu Kangsheng wants is for him to complete the deal.

  At this time, Zhu Kangsheng looked up at the sky, and said with a sob: "Yu'er, Feiyu, wait for me for another three years! I will come to accompany you soon!"

   After finishing speaking, he wiped away his tears and nose: "Brother Han, get out of here quickly. Let me handle the matter here. Today's matter has nothing to do with you. You just walked to the foot of the mountain with me and left."

"I see."

  Han Zhao looked calm, turned and left.

  (end of this chapter)