MTL - Little Jiaojiao is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Young Marshal-Chapter 28 Lao Tzu's girl

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In a cafe next to the school.

"Yiman, what's the matter with you recently? Did I make you unhappy? You've been avoiding me recently." He Yan smiled softly and asked the **** the opposite side who bowed her head and twisted her coffee, "If I do something wrong What, you tell me well, I can change it."

Cheng Yiman raised her head, and the hypocritical and elegant face of the young man opposite made her feel slightly uncomfortable, but it didn't have any great mood swings for her.

Recently, He Yan has always been on the phone for a few days. She originally planned to deal with it coldly and break off the relationship, but the other party stalked her. It seems that she still remembers her family's little money deeply.

So today she simply came out to see him and explained the matter clearly.

"Mr. He misunderstood, I'm not angry with you, and I'm not avoiding you." She still had a sweet smile on her face, but she was a little alienated, "It's just that I already have a boyfriend, I think We should keep a distance, like what Mr. He said today, there is no need to say it in the future."

The smile on He Yan's face suddenly froze: "You have a boyfriend?!"

Cheng Yiman nodded calmly: "Yes, we just got together a week ago, and we have a very good relationship."

"Yiman, you are still young, don't be fooled by others. Those boys in your middle school now take advantage of you and cheat you, but they won't really marry you in the future." He Yan earnestly said, He persuaded, "You trust me, I won't lie to you."

Cheng Yiman finds it funny, isn't he the one who really lied to her?

"Mr. He is worrying too much. I am not in love with my classmate." Cheng Yiman said with a smile, "You should have heard of Chen Qianzong, the eldest son of the Chen family."

The reason why she clearly moved Chen Qianzong out for He Yan was mainly because she was afraid of trouble, and hoped that He Yan would consciously get away when he heard the name.

"Besides, it's not that I don't know the purpose of Mr. He approaching me. I don't want to argue with you, but I hope you will stay away from me in the future." Cheng Yiman watched as the smile on He Yan's face became paler and paler.

"Yiman, have you misunderstood something? I..." Before He Yan finished speaking, Cheng Yiman put a stack of documents in front of him, "These are all evidence, and there is no need for us to be so hypocritical."

He Yan's smile finally faded.

Just when Cheng Yiman got up and was about to leave, He Yan suddenly reached out and grabbed Cheng Yiman's hand: "Do you think the young master of the Chen family will treat you seriously? You are just a plaything!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Yiman raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

"You're disgusting." Cheng Yiman frowned, not wanting to entangle him, other people in the coffee shop had already looked over, Cheng Yiman just wanted to take his hand out and leave.

He Yan squeezed it tightly, his face was a bit dark, and his elegant face twisted: "You are like her, you would rather be the rich man's plaything than follow me... Ah!"

He Yan screamed, and Cheng Yiman was hugged tightly by a great force, covering her eyes with callused hands, and she was hugged in his arms, only to hear He Yan's answering sound beside her ear. There was a scream.

He Yan had already been kicked to the ground, clutching his stomach and trembling.

The man hugged the petite girl, his movements were gentle and cautious, and he covered her eyes with a gentle and caring look.

The same is a man, the pampering and affection in Chen Qianzong's eyes cannot be faked. It is completely different from how he caressed the girl in his arms, but he kicked again, tyrannical and vicious.

"Damn it." Chen Qianzong held Cheng Yiman in his arms, and then covered her ears, "You, a shameless bastard, can say that I'm a girl."

He Yan was kicked until his mouth and nose were bleeding, and Chen Qianzong looked down at him: "Who the **** told you that she is a joke, if I break up with you because of you, I will kick you to death here today!"

Although Cheng Yiman's ears were covered, he could actually hear these words clearly. Chen Qianzong's palm was hot, and one hand was half as big as her face, and was pressed against her fair and tender face. She couldn't tell whether it was her face or his palm that was hot.

—How is he so nice!

Cheng Yiman rubbed against the palm of his hand gently, Chen Qianzong noticed her little movements, like a cat, obediently soft, his heart was tingling, he couldn't help clasping her little face hard, telling her not to rub up.

Rubbed him all over the fire, but his mother didn't let him put it out. Little girls are used to grinding people.

Chen Qianzong didn't care about He Yan who was on the ground, he hugged Cheng Yiman, bent his legs, and directly picked him up and carried him into the car.

Chen Qianzong slammed the car door, eager to kiss Jiaojiao in his arms. Cheng Yiman smelled a faint smell of tobacco in his mouth again, and pursed his lips, but refused to kiss him.

"Give me a kiss, baby, be good, ah..." Chen Qianzong grabbed her two little hands that were hitting people indiscriminately, and pressed up on her body.

"No, you're smoking again!" Cheng Yiman just refused to obey him.

"Baby, you are the one who refused to go to my appointment today." Chen Qianzong died of injustice.

The little girl refused to go out on a date with him today, but ended up running here with that scumbag. He was so sore outside that he couldn't help but smoked a cigarette. He had quit smoking for a long time!

Cheng Yiman turned his head away: "No."

"Are you angry?" Chen Qianzong arched her small face, "Baby, don't be angry with uncle, ah..."

Cheng Yiman frowned.

"Are you really angry?" Chen Qianzong touched his nose, feeling annoyed. He knew that she hated the smell of cigarettes, so when he saw her meeting other people, he smoked the one with the strongest smell on purpose, that's all for now.

As soon as the person came out, he frowned and stared at him. He was so cowardly that he was the one who felt uncomfortable now.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, I want to smoke again, you hit me in the face." Chen Qianzong patted his face and said seriously.

Cheng Yiman finally raised his eyes and looked at him: "Just this time."

Chen Qianzong immediately smiled, and raised his right hand to promise: "Absolutely this time." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his arms to hug her again. Cheng Yiman didn't resist this time, just stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and gave him a half-angry look , with a soft voice, complained: "My mouth stinks to death."

Chen Qianzong's whole body went limp all of a sudden, and Cheng Yiman stretched out his hand to push him again: "Send me back!"

Chen Qianzong sighed: "I can't bear to send you back."

Cheng Yiman smiled: "I can't bear to do it."

Chen Qianzong buried her in her neck again: "I want to marry you home now, what should I do?"

Cheng Yiman blushed: "My parents said they would wait for me to be eighteen, but uncle has to wait."

Chen Qianzong hugged her tightly again: "You have to wait for uncle to die, why is the baby only fourteen years old..."

He was dishonest while talking, Cheng Yiman kicked him: "Be honest, uncle."

Chen Qianzong had no choice but to sit back and sit down.

The driver in the front seat looked at him: Heh, he is as cowardly as a dog.

Did not see.

short story:

Yu Tian was very tired, and fell asleep soon after returning to the car. She curled up on the small co-pilot, her long eyelashes cast a shadow, her side face was white and soft.

Jiang Jiu sat beside her, staring blankly at Yu Tian.

— She looks so sweet, I really want to take a bite. But...but, not that kind of bite.

He stretched out his hand in a daze, and unconsciously touched her face, and when he was about to touch her face, he suddenly stopped.

—He is a zombie, what if he hurts her?

Jiang Jiu pursed his lips, a little sad, he really wanted to bite her.

At this time, Yu Tian frowned, as if he was not sleeping very well, he leaned into Jiang Jiu's arms and put his arms around his waist.

Jiang Jiu was taken aback for a moment, but the roots of his ears burned up quickly.

"Ah Jiu...Let me lean on you..." Yu Tian murmured unconsciously, and fell asleep again.

Jiang Jiu's face was getting redder and redder, and finally he raised his hand and hugged Yu Tian gently.

I really like Tian.

Tian, ​​it's so sweet.

(The names of the heroines in the short stories are all the same. In order to distinguish, Congee only changed the name of the heroine.)


### Author Testimonials

It's the second watch today, it's still so early, no surprise, no surprise, today is a day when Congee loves you all so much, hahahaha. By the way, thank you for the time-forgotten~silent~forgotten recommendation ticket just now, I'm really sorry. Yesterday, a little baby asked me to write a short story, but maybe not, because porridge always has strange inspirations from time to time, such as today! Whispering: Do you like today's little story?

2021-07-05 09:08