MTL - Little Jiaojiao is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Young Marshal-Chapter 60 Banquet (two in one)

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Ever since going to the banquet, Yao Zhi has been a little distracted, always thinking about when Brother Shen will come to her?

But her father never left her, Yao Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

Since the last public appearance, Yao Zhi has grown longer in the past six months, with fine eyebrows and eyes, and a charming figure.

Although the beauty looks a bit sleepy at this moment, this expression makes her more beautiful and attractive, and at this time, many people on the field are secretly peeping.

It's just that due to his young age, he still didn't dare to act openly.

Yao Zhi was depressed and drank a lot without knowing it.

This wine is not intoxicating, but she is really drunk at the moment, and she can't help but want to urinate.

She explained the situation to Yao Xian, her father still looked suspicious, seeing her frowning, really uncomfortable, he let her go.

She got lost once in the Marshal's Mansion half a year ago, but this time she remembered the way firmly and soon arrived at the bathroom.

After urinating, she just came out of the bathroom, she shook off the water droplets on her hands, and frowning, she lowered her head and wiped the remaining water stains on her hands with a tissue, but she didn't notice that she was alone in this place at this time.

"Zhizhi..." A gentle and soft male voice suddenly sounded.

Yao Zhi's eyes lit up immediately, and when he looked up, he saw Shen Xu standing at the door, looking at her with a slight smile.

She was so happy that she didn't care about the water droplets on her hands, and jumped into Shen Xu's arms in a few steps.

"Brother Shen, I miss you so much." The little girl acted like a baby, her voice soft and waxy.

Shen Xu touched her waist, caressing her waist little by little, and sighed contentedly: "Zhizhi, brother Shen misses you too."

Shen Xu hugged her and kissed her, and felt that her skin was a little cold, so he couldn't help but hug her tightly, he asked the little girl: "Why is Zhizhi only wearing so much, it's still very cold. "

Yao Zhi's crescent eyes looked at him crookedly, the little girl seemed a little embarrassed, and blushed and said, "The newly made cheongsam... I want to wear it for brother Shen..."

Shen Xu couldn't help laughing out loud: "Huh? Is it specially worn for brother Shen?"

Yao Zhi blushed and nodded, the little girl seemed to be ashamed, and she arched her body into his arms, her little face was completely buried in his heart.

"Zhizhi's cheongsam has such a high slit..." The boy's voice became hoarse, and he asked softly, "Aren't you afraid that brother Shen will do something to you?"

Yao Zhi shook her head, and said in a soft voice with uncertainty, "...ah...won't you...?"

Shen Xu chuckled, and touched the delicate inner thigh with his rough fingers. The little girl trembled and hummed.

Shen Xu couldn't help laughing, seeing that the little girl was trembling with panic, but she still didn't do anything.

"It is not allowed to wear cheongsams with such high slits in the future." Shen continued to eat.

It was clearly for him to see, but the wolf-like eyes in the banquet hall just now made him jealous.

Yao Zhi nodded ignorantly, Shen Xu lowered his head and kissed her again, coaxing her like a child: "Zhizhi is so good..."

He held the girl's slender waist, pressed her on his lap, and kissed her delicately. It's just that at the back of the kiss, the girl's mouth was sweet, and he couldn't help being rough again. Yao Zhi's legs were weak from the kiss, and her eyes were a little bit out of focus.

Shen Xu was afraid that something would happen if he kissed again, so he didn't dare to be presumptuous for a long time, and he let go of the little girl after a while.

So the two hugged each other quietly and tenderly, while Shen Xu raised his hand to gently play with the little girl's long, trembling and beautiful eyelashes.

At this moment, he felt so happy that he was almost dizzy.

As if he could live his whole life like this, Shen Xu hugged the person in his arms tightly, the sky was high and the water was long, but all he could see was her delicate face.

After about thirty minutes, Zhao Yue looked at the time and saw that there was no sign of separation between the two, so he couldn't help reminding: "Sir... the banquet is about to start, and everyone is still waiting for you."

Shen Xu sighed softly.

After hearing this, Yao Zhi came out of Shen Xu's arms obediently, kissed Shen Xu's face like a dragonfly, and said sensiblely: "Brother Shen is busy, I'll go back first."

Shen Xu took her little hand and kissed it, even though he was full of reluctance, he could only give a low "huh".

The little girl left his embrace just like that, Shen Xu watched her go away obsessively, until he could no longer see anyone, then he looked back and said to Zhao Yue: "Let's go."

Although today is indeed a sweet and good day, it does not mean that today will be smooth and peaceful.

The change of ownership of the Shen family has progressed to the present, although most of the people have already settled down during the trial, but it is inevitable that there are still some people who are ready to move, and those journalists will inevitably be disobedient.

One of the purposes of his hosting this banquet is naturally to establish his prestige, to shoot the first bird, if someone is disobedient today, blood will definitely be unavoidable.

It's just that I'm afraid of scaring Zhizhi, the little girl is so timid, she was very scared when she saw blood last time.

Shen Xu came to the door of the banquet hall.

As soon as he appeared, the lively banquet scene just now fell silent.

The stage of the banquet was specially remodeled for Shen Xu this time. This time Shen Xu didn't need to be carried up like last time. This time he directly pushed the wheelchair up to the high stage and picked up the microphone.

The young man narrowed his eyebrows and eyes slightly, his expression indifferent. He was dressed in a black formal suit, and his demeanor was cool and cold.

His tone was slightly low, and he said: "Thank you for taking the time to attend Shen's banquet. Shen is here to be grateful."

Someone from below whispered that the new commander-in-chief was not only showing no signs of timidity, but was also surprisingly calm, making people dare not act rashly.

It does appear to be a character.

A few people were already ready to take action against this fluffy boy to suppress his limelight, but at this moment the young man's piercing eyes on the stage made them dare not be presumptuous at all.

Until Shen Xu's long series of speeches had ended, a place under the high stage suddenly became agitated.

Shen Xu raised his eyes slightly, and glanced at that place with a half-smile, obviously, he was not surprised at all.

Sure enough, soon a reporter stood up with a microphone in his hand. It's just that he seemed to be pushed out by force, and his voice was still trembling.

"Mr. Shen..." He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "What do you think about the fact that you personally killed your own father..."

There was a dead silence in the banquet hall, so quiet that it made people panic.

Some of the people below looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they were watching a play, while others stared at Shen Xu to see his reaction.

I only heard the young man on the high platform laugh, his voice was so cold that it was inexplicably creepy.

"Come here." He looked at the reporter with pity, "Take him down and let him experience what it feels like to be killed by me."

As soon as Shen Xu said this, two more reporters immediately stood up and said, "Mr. Shen, you can't do this, you...uh..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Xu waved his hand: "Drag on together."

The three reporters didn't have time to exclaim, the soldiers on the side covered their mouths and dragged them out roughly.

This time, everyone in the hall finally settled down, and even those who were unwilling did not dare to cause trouble.

Shen Xu spoke again, with an even more frightening manner: "As for the fact that I killed my father with my own hands, does anyone have any opinions?"

The hall was silent. At this moment, there were three clear gunshots outside the banquet hall, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three loud bangs made some female guests turn pale with fright.

"Have fun, everyone." Shen Xu said lightly, looking in Yao Zhi's direction.

Seeing that the little girl's face was normal, she smiled at him admiringly with the corners of her mouth curled up, as if she thought he was very powerful, she looked very cute.

So Shen Xu's only worry was gone.

He pushed the wheelchair out of the banquet hall, and just as he came out, a servant from upstairs suddenly ran down and whispered nervously in Shen Xu's ear: "Sir! Young master, he...he killed himself!"


### Author Testimonials

Today is also a double-in-one. I originally wanted to have a second update, but I watched the Olympic Games yesterday, and it was uncomfortable. Now, I can only ask everyone to make do with it. I still love you guys, last kiss.
