MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 6 crazy hungry rabbit

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  Chapter 6 The Hungry Rabbit

   "Rabbit? You are going to heaven!"

  He couldn't remember the name of this rabbit, so Jian Heng had to call it by the name of rabbit.

As if hearing what Jian Heng said to himself, the rabbit paused for a moment, raised his head and looked at Jian Heng for a while, then jumped off the kitchen window sill and ran to Jian Heng's feet, right at Jian Heng's feet. When Heng looked a little dumbfounded, the rabbit immediately jumped back, jumped over the operating table tens of centimeters high, and directly took the unfinished prickly pear into its mouth, dragged it to Jian Heng's feet and continued to eat up.

  Under Jian Heng's watchful eyes, the rabbit gnawed all the prickly pear balls, stems and roots! There is not even a root hair left when the light arrives!

Looking down at the rabbit at his feet, Jian Heng noticed that the bald hair on the rabbit's body had begun to grow. Although the hair was not very long, it was no longer as bald as before. , It was disgusting to look at before, but now it can be regarded as a mandarin duck's head shaved at most, ugly is ugly at least it is not disgusting.

   Of course, the bigger difference is that the rabbit is fat, and it cannot be said to be fat, but huge fat!

   Originally, it looked like it was going to be hung, but now it has become a ball. If it hadn't been for seeing it leaping onto the kitchen counter just now, Jian Heng might have thought that this thing could only roll forward! Just like a rabbit-shaped ball of fluff!

Pulling up his pants, Jian Heng squatted down on the ground and carefully remembered the rabbit. At this time, the rabbit seemed to be looking at Jian Heng. His red eyes seemed to be infused with a different kind of brilliance, and Jian Heng seemed to be able to see it. One of those joys and gratitudes that come from within it.

Jian Heng came back to his senses, shook his head, and got rid of this kind of absurd thought, and subconsciously wanted to catch the rabbit back into the cage, so that he could go into the space and get some more Water to feed the rabbits, continue the experiment, and see if the Englishman's translation is reliable or not.

   After picking up the rabbit Jian Heng, he realized that the rabbit cage had been bitten by this thing, so he had to put it down again, turned around and went directly into the space.

   Waiting for the crystal ball to be completely dark, Jian Heng took out a bowl of water and put it in front of the rabbit. The rabbit didn't hesitate at all, and just drank the water in the bowl to the bottom!

In the following time, Jian Heng started to stare at the rabbit, and the rabbit also stared at Jian Heng at this moment, and Zhang Fei just stared like a rat with big eyes and small eyes for about five or six minutes. I couldn't take it anymore, so I turned on the TV and sat on the sofa to watch the TV, ready to wait a few hours to see the result.

  The idea is good, but it's a pity that Jian Heng didn't think of it. After watching TV for a while, he felt bored, fell asleep, yawned, fell asleep with his head tilted, and when he opened his eyes again, it was already ten o'clock at noon the next day, which meant that Jian Heng This sleep lasted almost twelve hours!

  Seeing the clock on the wall, Jian Heng still didn't believe it. He looked at his phone again and realized that it was already noon the next day.

   "Damn it, why did I sleep so dead!"

  He stretched out his hand and patted his head lightly. In the past, Jian Heng couldn't sleep for such a long time. He would wake up and start his work in six or seven hours at most, but today he slept for too long.

   Thinking about work, Jian Heng subconsciously wanted to open his notebook, but just as he got off the sofa, he realized that his client list no longer belonged to him alone!

All of a sudden, Jian Heng felt that he had nothing to do. This feeling made Jian Heng a little flustered. For Jian Heng, who was alone and rushed to the United States because of a fever, nothing to do meant starvation. Belly, or worse!

   Soon Jian Heng thought that although he had lost the list, God gave him a great compensation and gave him an invincible vision space!

   Thinking of the space, Jian Heng naturally immediately thought of the rabbit he was doing the experiment on! So I turned around and started looking for the rabbit.

  The rabbit is still easy to find, this time it is not in the kitchen, but directly in the living room, standing next to the hanger at the door.

  At this time, the rabbit didn’t have the fat ball shape of last night at all. It was already lean and skinny.

  Thin and thin, but this guy seems to be in good spirits, not at all like he was about to die in the shelter, and now he is flipping his three-petal mouth quickly and doesn't know what he is eating.

  I reached out and touched the rabbit, and found that the rabbit was thin and thin, and seemed to have a little muscle, but it didn't feel that hard and bony.

   "I'm sorry, what are you eating?"

Just when Jian Heng wanted to express his opinion, he finally found out what the rabbit was eating in its wriggling mouth. Just now, he couldn’t see clearly when he was facing the front, but now Jian Heng understands that what the rabbit ate was his own house. Floor-to-ceiling coat rack at the side entrance!

You must know that there is a solid wood coat rack at the door of Jian Heng's house. The United States is rich in forest resources. Although solid wood is not too expensive, this thing is dry wood with a layer of paint on it. I don't know about rabbits. How hungry do you have to be to eat this stuff.

Just when Jian Heng was blaming himself, the rabbit bit off another piece of wood from the base of the coat rack and began to chew it in front of Jian Heng. The bite was very easy, just like a person eating a cake It seems that it doesn't look like eating hardwood at all.


   Jian Heng thought about it, anyway, he has chewed like this, so he can sell a new one to the landlord when he has time. Let him chew this thing for now.

Thinking of this, Jian Heng began to wash up and thought about going to the supermarket to buy some carrots or something, and at best some Chinese cabbage for the rabbits to eat, not to mention that others saw it, even if Jian Heng himself saw it, he thought it was him What about animal cruelty?

   Animal cruelty is no small matter in America!

I made myself a bowl of oatmeal and put it in the microwave to heat it up. Jian Heng took advantage of this time to get into the shower and take a shower. When he came out again, the oatmeal was also hot. He took skim milk from the refrigerator and poured it into it. As soon as it was poured, the temperature of the oatmeal, which was so hot to the touch, immediately dropped, and the temperature of the oatmeal with the aroma of milk was just right.

   In less than two minutes, the bottom of the bowl of porridge was drained. After wiping his mouth, Jian Heng washed the bowl and drove directly to the supermarket.

  By the time Jian Heng returned home with dozens of catties of carrots, the rabbit had already knocked down the coat rack, which meant that the chassis of the coat rack had been eaten up by this guy.

   "Eat this, stop chewing on wood!"

   Jian Heng's superior was a little ashamed, picked up a carrot and brought it to the rabbit's mouth. The rabbit's three-petal mouth moved a few times and soon began to chew carrots.

Seeing that the rabbit started to eat carrots, Jian Heng simply put all the carrots next to the rabbit to see how much the carrots could eat. It weighed tens of catties in total. It took a lot of effort, and the size is several times that of the rabbit.

   "You will eat all the carrots in a while!" Jian Heng was a little happy to see the rabbit, as the British guy said in his notes.

After speaking, Jian Heng flashed into the space, and began to scoop up half of the dark and half bright water out to feed the rabbit again. This time, Jian Heng had the patience to observe carefully, so the rabbit continued to talk to Jian Heng. They looked at each other like this, one person and one rabbit kept watching for several hours, Jian Heng didn't know what happened to the rabbit, but he was staring at him anyway.

But the strange thing is that Jian Heng hardly felt any changes in the rabbit during the viewing process, but when Jian Heng looked at the rabbit for the last time, the rabbit was no longer the same as it was three hours ago, but returned to a Normal rabbit, neither fat nor thin, smart and agile.

  (end of this chapter)