MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 634 horse racing is not a racer

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  Chapter 634 Horse racing is not a racer

   Stretching out his finger to the trainer who was trying to get close to his own horse, Jian Heng said repeatedly: "Hey, hey, so and so, stay away from my horse, it's so expensive! My horse doesn't like outsiders approaching."

Hearing what Jian Heng said, the staff members who were leading their horses also stretched out their hands to protect the horses. At this moment, everyone showed a sense of common hatred, because everyone remembered that these people came to help them just now. But my colleagues put on airs.

   If you don’t return it at this time, what are you waiting for?

  The trainer from the Middle East stood still in embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a while.

At this moment, Jian Heng noticed that the girl who had kept a casual expression on her face was now looking at her horse, her eyes almost lit up. Her eyes were like a wolf seeing a flock of sheep, or a pervert seeing a beautiful woman. . Jian Heng felt that if she was allowed to look at it for a while, the corners of her mouth would flow down.

"That, that..." The girl came back to her senses and wanted to have a conversation with Jian Heng, but she didn't remember Jian Heng's name very much at first. In his little head, he was racking his brains to think about Jian Heng's name.

   "Jian Heng!"

  He Ye, this kid was originally careful, but now seeing the beauty in trouble, he immediately rushed forward to the guard, and sold Jian Heng directly.

   "Yes! Jian Heng, don't worry if you want to sell these horses or not, as long as you make an offer, Si Wan will never counter the price!"

   What she said was not only arrogance, but the girl also stretched out her hand and patted her chest. This slap made the two towering lumps on her chest tremble, which was quite interesting.

   "Sorry, not for sale!"

It is impossible for Jian Heng to be confused by this girl, not to mention that this is He Ye's fancy dish, the so-called friend's wife cannot be bullied, besides, Jian Heng has barley and wheat, and there are Selina and Blakely in the space, why? It's enough to watch, so Si Wan's answer is as tough as it needs to be.

   After speaking, Jian Heng waved at the staff: "Take the horse back!"

   Then he said to He Ye: "If it's okay, I'll go back and sleep. You and Miss Si are old acquaintances anyway, so I'll let you stay with me."

   Smiled politely at Si Wan, Jian Heng walked back the way he came, without waiting for He Ye to answer Shi Shi.

  Si Wan was not angry here, and suddenly said in a long mouth: "Does the raise you mentioned count?"

  Hearing her question, Jian Heng stopped, turned his head and asked, "Billing, what's the addition?"

   "It's normal horse racing, each according to his own ability, if I lose my horse, let you choose three horses, if I win your horse, let me choose three horses!" Si Wan said.

  Jian Heng felt a little strange when he heard what she said, but although he was strange in his heart, he didn't ask, but turned to Si Wan and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Si Wan said: "It's a normal game, how else can it be played, long distance!"

  Si Wan deliberately confuses the rules of the game, and there are more points for long-distance, and the long-distance is also a different distance.

  Jian Heng saw through this woman's trick at a glance, curled his lips, turned his head and went back.

   "What's the matter, wouldn't a big man even dare to accept the challenge of a little woman like me?" Si Wan also resorted to aggressive tactics.

In Si Wan's view, since this Jian Heng made He Ye set a lot of load requirements during the competition, it actually exposed the shortcomings of the horse in disguise, that is to say, this kind of horse can only be stable under high load conditions. Winning his own Arabian horse, in this case, if he avoided the item of carrying weight, wouldn't that be enough?

   "It's about horses, not you and me. If you compete with me for running or something, I have no objection at all," Jian Heng said half-jokingly.

   "You want to compete with me in running? Marathon?" Si Wan looked at Jian Heng with a smile on his lips.

  Jian Heng was not interested in arguing with Si Wan anymore, and continued walking back without answering at all.

Just when Jian Heng was about to walk into the small forest, Si Wan said loudly: "Why are you so manly, you proposed to compare with me, and I, a woman, agreed, why are you still cogging, you Don't you want to gamble, I agreed and you fell in love, are you a man?"

Jian Heng turned his head and looked at Si Wan curiously: "It's not that I won't answer you, I'm afraid that if I win you will cry, and then you will renege on the debt, and if you say for sure, you will ruin the bet by saying that I am a woman. Also, I just want to ask you, who gave you the confidence that you can definitely beat me?"

  Si Wan replied loudly: "Why so much nonsense, is it a comparison or not? If you don't compare, just admit it honestly. If you do, let's pick a day and who will be the puppy."

  Jian Heng turned back after listening, walked to a place about two meters away from Si Wan and stopped, glanced at her a few times and then sighed: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!"

   "Don't be so confident, don't lose miserably when the time comes, you big man is crying!"

Regarding her marathon level, Si Wanna is really too confident. Let's put it this way, she is almost at the quasi-professional level, and she has received formal training, but she has not participated in competitions, and she has little experience in competitions. With her family background, she doesn't rely on this line of work for a living, but it is undeniable that Si Wan's marathon level is very good. She doesn't think that someone like Jian Heng can compare to her, even if Jian Heng is an excellent fitness The coach has advanced body fat control skills, and Si Wan doesn't believe that Jian Heng can beat her.

   Without it, there is a specialization in the art industry!

"Then it's settled, we'll compete here, and you decide the time!" Jian Heng said, "Others are so impatient, so don't say anything else. Saying more will make you feel timid, so you said generously." .

  Si Wan made a very masculine gesture here, stretched out her hand and pressed her other hand, making a crackling sound from her knuckles, then twisted her neck and moved her ankle.

   "Don't do this and that, let's compare now, how about it? All the referees are present."

  While living her body, Si Wan raised her chin provocatively at Jian Heng.

   "You came here by car. I'm going to win. You're a bit invincible. Let's do it tomorrow," Jian Heng said.

  Si Wan listened and glanced at Jian Heng: "Don't try to play any tricks, I have a doctor with me, and I can see if you cheated."

   "Hey, hey! Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs, okay, I will obey you, let's start now, the marathon, that is, the nine laps of this place now, is it about the same distance?"

  Jian Heng asked He Ye.

  He Ye said: "How long is the marathon? Our venue here is less than five kilometers long, which is about 4.89."

   "The full length of the marathon is 42.195 kilometers, but we are roughly done here. Since it is less than five kilometers, then we will run nine laps!" Si Wan explained while doing exercises seriously.

He Ye glanced at Jian Heng, and saw that he was confident, and then looked at Si Wan, he seemed to be quite sure, but his thoughts on Si Wan were not very simple, and he had been with Jian Heng for a long time. , I always feel that there is an indescribable weirdness about Jian Heng. Thinking about it this way, I feel that Si Wan's competition is a bit precarious.

   "Why don't you think about it again and change the time?" He Ye walked to Si Wan's side and said.

  Jian Heng listened to these words completely, and suddenly felt an impulse in his heart, wanting to drag He Ye over and scold him, but only now did Jian Heng realize that He Ye is a completely ungrateful guy!

   "You don't believe that I can win?" Si Wan didn't mean to stop here, and focused on the preparations before the competition.

He Ye said: "No, I think your level is very high, but I have been with him for so long, and I always feel that he is a monster. Anyway, ever since I knew him, as long as it is a bet that is beneficial to him, up to now There is no loss!"

   "Then he didn't meet me!"

Said so, but Si Wan heard the words in her heart, and said to Jian Heng: "Since we are a serious competition with a lot of prizes, we should have some rules, for example, before the competition Let's take a blood test to see if anyone has eaten something that shouldn't be eaten, and we have to check after it's over, we don't guard against gentlemen but villains!"

  Jian Heng is not afraid of her, he is very magnanimous, he nodded and said, "Okay, it's all up to you!"

   After speaking, I changed my mind and thought again: What the **** is the rhythm wrong? It was originally a horse race, but the horse didn't finish the race, so the people ran first? What is this all about!

  (end of this chapter)