MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 28

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Zhou Suiyu wanted to ask again, but Shen Anan glanced around, but refused to look at him. After Zhou Suiyu asked twice, she lay down on the reef, clutching her stomach and pretending to have a stomachache.

Zhou Suiyu had no choice but to give up.

But when he returned to the island and thought for a while, he knew that he couldn't be dazzled at that time, because he clearly saw it, and when he reached out to touch it, the touch was clearly real.

So... did the little mermaid really grow feet?

She even has long feet! !

Zhou Suiyu's pen was hanging above the "Little Mermaid Research Report", and it didn't fall down.

Are you going to report this?

I always feel that reporting it will cause an uproar!

And who can believe it?

The most important thing is that before the Little Mermaid had a tail, Zhou Suiyu sometimes felt that he was dealing with a living human girl. Now that the Little Mermaid has no tail, it can be said that it is almost no different from a human girl. .

Then, can the initial goals set by their research institute, such as giving the Little Mermaid a seed or something, can still be achieved?

How to achieve this?

Zhou Suiyu thinks about it... There is a subtle sense of suffocation.

Because the impact of the little mermaid's long feet on Zhou Suiyu was so great that Zhou Suiyu didn't sleep well that night. Even when I went to deliver breakfast to the Little Mermaid the next morning, I subconsciously stared at her tail.

What is the big change of living people, let's find out about the change of tails and feet!

Shen An'an has been regretting that she kicked her little brother into the sea yesterday. At this moment, seeing Zhou Suiyu staring at her tail for a moment, she thought Zhou Suiyu was going to settle accounts with her after Qiuhou, so she subconsciously put her tail into the sea. Hiding it, then Chong Zhou Suiyu smiled in a pleasing manner.

As a result, when she smiled, Zhou Suiyu blushed.

This cannot be blamed on Zhou Suiyu.

It is true that no matter what Shen Anan did before, Zhou Suiyu could comfort himself that this is a fish, this is a fish. So no matter how shy and stormy the waves are in the heart, at least the surface is still stable. But now, this comfort has no effect, so as soon as Shen Anan smiled at him, he felt that it was a girl who was smiling at him. So she smiled, and Zhou Suiyu blushed inexplicably.

Shen An'an was greatly surprised to see it, and couldn't help leaning his head to look at Zhou Suiyu. Zhou Suiyu felt that a delicate and beautiful face suddenly approached, so close that he could see her sharp eyelashes, so close that the little mermaid's warm breath fell on his face, so close that he only had to bow his head a little. , can kiss... kiss...

Zhou Suiyu held his breath and leaned back subconsciously, trying to open the distance between the two.

It turned out to be too hard, and the reef was cleaned up by him and the little mermaid, and it was not slippery, so he fell backwards out of control.

But the pain he expected from knocking his head on the reef didn't appear, because Shen An'an gently supported his head with a fish tail.

The last time he was entangled by this silver-white fish tail was when he was attacked by a humpback whale and dragged into the sea. At that time, it was a matter of life and death, so Zhou Suiyu didn't think much about it at all, and he didn't think much about it. But now that he is entangled in this tail again, Zhou Suiyu's mind subconsciously comes up with the feet he saw yesterday, tender and fresh, Bai Yingying, with slender ankles and round toes...

If the little mermaid's tail is the foot, then he is lying on the little mermaid's tail now, isn't he lying on the little mermaid's feet...

This foot, this foot...

Zhou Suiyu raised his hand to cover his face, going crazy! !

Shen Anan on the side: "..." What's going on, this person seems to be going crazy.

Zhou Suiyu finally fled, and when he left, he was on the same arm and almost fell into the sea.

Shen Anan looked at Zhou Suiyu's figure leaving the boat, and then looked at the old turtle in the sea with its belly basking in the sun, and asked inexplicably, "Grandpa Turtle, do you think this little brother scientist is a little weird?"

The old turtle glanced at her indescribably: "What's wrong, this can only mean that he is young and healthy! At my age, let alone being stared at by the little girl, even if she was thrown down by the little girl, I'm afraid it's also heart-stopping..."

Thinking about it this way, I am inexplicably envious of that scientist!

It's nice to be young!

At this moment, the octopus essence, who was far away in the city with a cup of milk tea, couldn't help expressing the same emotion as the old sea turtle: "...Just squatting on the curb and looking at a car, you can watch a car all day, young and beautiful. so good!"

The oarfish turned a deaf ear and just continued to stare at the cars running up and down the road.

For the first time, he came to a city where human beings live from the underwater world. Although he had heard many rumors about human cities before, for example, there were towering skyscrapers in the city, and there were cars that ran faster than sailfish... But in the end it is delusional. At this moment, I saw with my own eyes that the non-mainstream young oarfish, who had not seen much of the world, was simply reshaped his outlook on life.

So that for so many days in the city, his favorite thing to do is to squat on the curb and watch the cars.

He had red hair on his head, and he was wearing a white tee with a skull and a skull and a bag of beach shorts that he casually bought at a roadside stall. He looked the same as a street gangster.

So much so that when young mothers pass by him with their children, they will subconsciously retreat.

The octopus essence sucked the milk tea in his hand, and then started to think about the next life. Looking at the boyish character of the oarfish that can look at a car on the road for a few days, it is estimated that the two of them will not go back to the sea in the short term.

If they don't go back, the two will have to solve the problem of survival.

Living in the city is not the same as living in the sea. In the sea, the weak eat the strong, and the winner is the king. Nothing to eat, nothing to drink, or even to have a boyfriend... You can grab it directly.

If you can get it, the other party will kneel down and call him Dad;

It can be said to be very simple and pure.

But it's different in the city, you have to spend money on everything you do in the city.

Although the little mermaid gave them a handful of pearls when they came out, there are very few people who really know the goods these days, and it is a bit too troublesome to exchange pearls for money, so Octopus is thinking about finding something to do.

The oarfish looking at the car must not be counted on, so the octopus Jing simply twisted his waist and entered the milk tea shop next to him.

There's not much business at this point in the milk tea shop, so the boss is sitting behind the counter playing with his phone.

The octopus essence leaned against the glass counter of the milk tea shop and asked, "Boss, is there any profitable business that you can recommend?"

The owner of the milk tea shop didn't lift his head while playing with his phone: "What would you order?"

Octopus thought for a while: "Does it count as a fight?"


The owner of the milk tea shop stuck for a few seconds, then raised his head stiffly: "...A fight?"

Octopus: "What's the matter, don't you believe it?"

The owner of the milk tea shop inexplicably heard a hint of danger in the tone of the octopus essence, and waved his hand with a strong desire to survive: "No, no... I'm just a little surprised, after all, you look..."

The owner of the milk tea shop wanted to find an adjective to describe the octopus essence, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of any suitable words to describe the girl in front of him.

The octopus essence didn't know what the owner of the milk tea shop was struggling with, and thought that the owner was doubting her ability, so she couldn't help but raised her chin arrogantly and nodded at the oarfish squatting on the curb: "Seeing that nonsense outside Is it mainstream? I can beat him down in minutes, do you want me to prove it to you?"

The owner of the milk tea shop looked at her in shock: "...Aren't you two together?"

The octopus said frankly: "Yes, it's together! Don't you have to lose money if you break it, but do people outside have to lose money if you break it?"

The owner of the milk tea shop: "..." Social society, can't do it.

Octopus Jing waited for a long time without waiting for the owner of the milk tea shop to give a precise word, so she couldn't help but patted the glass counter on which she was leaning, and the glass counter was shocked by her: "No, you asked so much. , Is there any suitable job you can recommend?"

The owner of the milk tea shop swallowed his saliva and stammered: "...Yes, yes, I have a relative who runs a bar and may need someone to help you see the venue. I'll call you and ask."

Octopus smiled sweetly at him: "Thanks in advance!"

The owner of the milk tea shop: "..." Big sister, don't laugh at me, you laugh so much that I'm a little scared!

Octopus essence and oarfish went to the city to work for a long time and didn't come back. The left-behind old man, the old turtle classmate and the left-behind child, the mermaid classmate, felt that there was something missing in life, and it seemed boring.

Fortunately, there is Zhou Suiyu.

One old and one young are not too boring.

As a result, when Zhou Suiyu came to deliver food to Shen An'an that day, he suddenly brought bad news, saying that he would also be out of the island for a day, and he would have to stay outside the island for a night before returning.

Shen An'an was not happy when she heard it, pulling on Zhou Suiyu's sleeve and refused to let him go.

Zhou Suiyu really enjoyed Shen An'an sticking to him like this, but this matter really couldn't follow Shen An'an's mind, so he could only coax her in a good voice: "Be obedient, today is my mother's birthday, I promise I want to go back to celebrate her birthday. In this way, I promise you, I will be back early tomorrow morning. Do you like cake? You should like it, then I will bring you a cake when I come back, you like it Creamy or creamy? You like fruit, so is fruit mousse good?"

Shen Anan couldn't speak either, so he just grabbed his sleeve and stared at him pitifully with big watery eyes.

Seeing Zhou Suiyu's heart softened.

If it wasn't for the conditions, Zhou Suiyu really wanted to bring people along.

Shen An'an just felt a little uncomfortable. After all, the emperor octopus left, and the octopus sister also left. Now even Zhou Suiyu is leaving, she will not be able to accept it for a while.

However, after playing with Zhou Suiyu's sleeves for a while, she obediently let go and took a bag from her waist.

This bag was made of dragon yarn. In addition to the ruby ​​earrings and the beautiful hairpin that Zhou Suiyu gave her, it also contained the pearls she had collected during this period.

She poured out the pearl and handed it to Zhou Suiyu.

Zhou Suiyu waved his hand with a smile: "...No, I have a lot more! And I'm a big man, what am I doing with so many pearls."

But the little mermaid insisted on giving him the pearl.

Zhou Sui met with rejection, but in the end he still accepted it.

When he left in the boat, he realized that the little mermaid insisted on giving him such a handful of pearls because he heard him say that he was going back to celebrate his mother's birthday, right?

Because Zhou Suiyu was leaving, Shen Anan returned to the underwater cave early that day.

Seeing that she came back so early, the old turtle couldn't help but ask a question out of curiosity. Hearing that Zhou Suiyu was going to leave the island today, he hurriedly left the sentence "I'm going out to do something" and ran away.

The old turtle came out of the underwater cave, found a tuna and sent him to the whale market, and then turned into a humanoid and waited for Zhou to meet him on the pier.

The reason why he appeared when he was not on the island was because the island was inaccessible, and a little old man of him appeared rashly, fearing that it would arouse Zhou Suiyu's suspicion.

But it's different at the wharf. There are many fishermen coming and going on the wharf, and there are also many tourists who come to the wharf to see the scenery. He is an old man with a white beard, and he is not conspicuous at all.

I don't know how long I waited, and finally I saw Zhou Suiyu's boat docked.

The old turtle waited patiently for a while, and waited until Zhou Suiyu got off the boat and raised his feet to walk in front of him, then he took it easy and lay down at Zhou Suiyu's feet, then covered his stomach and started "Ouch. Ouch" shouted.

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

This porcelain touch technique is inexplicably familiar. What is going on?

There were originally a few people beside the old turtle, but as soon as he fell, the group immediately dispersed.

Only Zhou Suiyu remained standing.

While the old sea turtle sighed in his heart, "The world is getting worse and worse, the young people today are really unfriendly," while waiting for Zhou Suiyu's reaction with a sigh of relief.

When Zhou Suiyu bent down and asked him softly, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Where are you feeling? Would you like me to call a doctor for you?", he

The breath in my heart relaxed slightly.

The old turtle said, "It's alright, alright," and tried to stand up with his arms up. Zhou Sui saw this and helped him, and then the two chatted on the pier.

In fact, Zhou Suiyu didn't really want to chat, but the old turtle held his hand, so he had to chat with him reluctantly.

Old Turtle: "Young man is so kind-hearted, what's your name?"

Zhou Suiyu: "My surname is Zhou, you can just call me Xiao Zhou."


The old turtle wrote it down in his heart, and then asked: "I see what scientific research ship is written on the ship you were on, so you are engaged in scientific research?"

Zhou Suiyu smiled and said nothing.

The old turtle slapped his thigh: "I have a granddaughter, and since I was a child, I was determined to be a scientist, and then I decided to marry a scientist. If you don't have a girlfriend, I think the two of you are quite suitable. By the way, you don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

After the old turtle asked, he stared at Zhou Suiyu with burning eyes.

The face of the Little Mermaid appeared in Zhou Suiyu's mind inexplicably.

He hesitated for a moment, but still didn't speak.

Old Turtle: "No? Let me tell you, my granddaughter is really a good match for you. If you pick a time to meet, you will definitely like it..."

Zhou Suiyu: "...No need, no need, I have it."

Have? ? ?

As if struck by lightning, the old turtle asked with trembling lips, "Really? Where is it? What is it called?"

Zhou Suiyu raised his chin and pointed in the direction of the island: "On the island, my name is Xiaomei."

Old Turtle: "...????"

The author has something to say: there is a girl in the village named Xiaofang, and there is a **** the island named Xiaomei.