MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 53

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Father Zhou had an entertainment that night, and it was almost 12 o'clock when he got home.

Usually at this time, Zhou's mother fell asleep long ago. After all, Zhou's mother is a beauty expert, and she wants to sleep in beauty sleep.

But as soon as Father Zhou entered the door that day, he saw Mother Zhou sitting in the living room waiting for him.

With a gold mask on his face and a coat made of fake mink fur over his pajamas, he sat down on the sofa, smelling of money all over his body.

Father Zhou hesitated at the door.

After recalling for a long time, I felt that I really had not done anything to offend my wife recently, so I walked through the door with a little bit of peace of mind.

Mother Zhou heard him change his shoes and enter the door, sighed faintly, and called out, "Old Zhou~"

Father Zhou: "...Hey, what's the matter? Did you miss the limited edition you liked?"

Zhou's mother took a fancy to a limited edition shoe a while ago, but she didn't get it. She sat on the sofa and sighed in the middle of the night. The scene at that time was the same as it is now, so when Zhou's father saw her like this, his first reaction came to mind. this.

As a result, Mother Zhou shook her head and said, "Your son came over today and said he was going on a business trip in two days."

Father Zhou loosened his tie, walked over to Mother Zhou and sat down, and said indifferently, "He's on a business trip! Anyway, he's out all year round, either to the sea or on business. I'm used to it."

Zhou's mother: "He also said that during his business trip, he will bring the girl he likes to live at home, and let us take good care of them."

Father Zhou finally picked up a bit of interest: "He really said that? Isn't that exactly what you want? Didn't you talk about wanting to meet his girlfriend every day? People are staying at home, Then don't you want to see it?"

Mother Zhou turned to look at Father Zhou: "Have you seen his little girlfriend?"

Father Zhou: "I think I saw it once at the Whale City Hotel. I don't know if it is."

Mother Zhou looked at him in shock: "Have you actually seen it?"

Father Zhou raised his hand and rubbed his nose: "Didn't I say it, I don't know if it is or not, it just happened to happen once."

Mother Zhou sighed: "Actually, I ran into it once, and I didn't know if it was, but your son told me today, yes!!"

After Mother Zhou finished speaking, she simply told Father Zhou a few words about the encounter at the talent market in the north of Jingshi City that day, and then patted Father Zhou on the thigh and asked, "Are you saying it's a coincidence?"

Father Zhou nodded: "It's quite a coincidence. But you didn't sleep at night because of this?"

Mother Zhou sighed: "I can't say why, but I have an inexplicable hunch that after this girl comes, the family may be very lively. So I want to take advantage of the present to enjoy the tranquility of this moment."

Father Zhou: "Then you can enjoy it slowly, I'll go to sleep first."

Mother Zhou: "...Come back, tell me what the girl you saw last time looked like, let's get it right, let's see if it's the same person."

Father Zhou walked upstairs as if running away, and said, "What girl, how can there be a girl, I have never pretended to be another girl in my heart, so I pretended to be you."

Before the smile could climb to Mother Zhou's face, she heard Father Zhou, who was about to disappear at the corner of the stairs, continue to say, "After all, you already take up enough space, and other girls can't hold it at all!"

Mother Zhou: "…"

Do you believe it to kill your turtle grandson?

Chen's mother was so happy when she heard that Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend was coming the next day.

Chen's mother brought Zhou Suiyu to Zhou's house since she was a child. Although she and Zhou Suiyu are not related by blood, they are like mother and son. Especially after listening to Mother Zhou's remarks that this little girl will be very good as long as she is fed, and Mother Chen really can't wait for this girl to arrive now.

After all, although she has good cooking skills, she doesn't have much use in the Zhou family. Zhou's father is busy with work and has a lot of entertainment. He rarely eats at home on weekdays, but Zhou's mother eats at home every day, but Zhou's mother is not a particularly heavy-hearted person, and she is not particularly particular about what she eats. Chen mother does what she eats. , do not pick, so Chen Ma is quite lonely on weekdays.

Now it's rare to have a little girl at home, not only Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend, but also a snack after listening to Zhou Suiyu's meaning, Chen Ma is looking forward to it.

In order to welcome Shen An'an's arrival, Chen's mother deliberately tidied up the inside and outside of the house, and even filled the double-door refrigerator at home.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day that Zhou Suiyu would go to the imperial capital.

His plane was at 2:00 pm, and he could arrive at the airport in 1 hour without traffic jams from Whale City, so he went to find Shen Anan for brunch at around 9:00 in the morning, and then packed Shen Anan's luggage. Then he got into the car, took his own luggage for business trips and the things that Shen Anan needed to use during the time when Shen Anan went to stay at Zhou's house, and went to Zhou's villa together.

He plans to finish lunch at home at noon, and then set off directly to the airport. This can save a lot of time, and having him stay with Shen An'an at Zhou's house for a while should be able to slightly eliminate Shen An'an's strangeness and discomfort.

Shen An'an was originally a little vaguely worried about coming to the Zhou family's villa for a short stay. After all, she had heard too many precedents of conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but when she saw the Zhou family's villa, she was vague about this. The worries were suddenly replaced by other emotions.

Shen An'an: "...Have I been to this place before?"

Zhou Suiyu: "Uh!"

Shen An'an: "I remembered, did I get the crystal shrimp dumplings I ate last time from here?"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

Okay, people who love to eat really have a special memory mode. They may not remember what street or road this is, but they will remember what delicious food they have eaten here.

Father Zhou had to go to work this day as usual, so only Mother Zhou and Mother Chen were at home.

Because it's almost lunch time, Mom Chen has already started preparing lunch in the kitchen. The doorbell rang, and finally Mother Zhou went to open the door.

Zhou Suiyu: "Mom!"

Obviously Zhou Suiyu was dragging Shen An'an's suitcase and stood in front, but Zhou's mother's gaze passed over Zhou Suiyu precisely and fell on Shen An'an who was standing behind Zhou Suiyu.

Last time at the Whale City Talent Market, Mother Zhou saw a back, and now she finally saw her face.

A very good looking girl.

The skin is fair, the face is delicate and beautiful, especially the eyes, like black grapes, round and bright.

Mother Zhou smiled slightly: "This is An An, right? Come in, come in."

Shen Anan smiled slightly: "Hello, Auntie!"

Whoops, it's even cuter when you smile.

Mother Zhou took Shen An'an's arm with one hand and took the opportunity to bring the person into the door.

Zhou Suiyu, who was clearly standing in front but was completely ignored: "…"

Because Shen An'an was going to stay at Zhou's house for a while, Zhou's mother prepared a room for Shen An'an in advance. Just next to Zhou Suiyu's room on the second floor, the room layout is the same as Zhou Suiyu's room, a large bedroom, and a bathroom with separate wet and dry, along the bedroom to push the door out, is a large balcony. There are tables and chairs on the balcony, you can drink tea and take a nap, you can also enjoy the scenery of the garden downstairs.

Of course, these are not the most important things. The most important thing is the decoration of this room, which almost used the little girl's heart left by Mother Zhou.

All kinds of pink and tender pillows, sheets and quilts with lace edges and bed curtains, those who know it will say that this is a princess room, and those who don’t know it will treat it as a children’s room.

Zhou Suiyu pushed his luggage into this terrifying room, went out of the room without waiting for a second, and then stood at the door waiting for Mother Zhou to show Shen Anan a visit.

Mother Zhou: "How about An An, do you like the room that Auntie set up for you?"

Shen Anan nodded with a smile: "I like it very much, thank you auntie."

In fact, Shen An'an doesn't really like this pink and tender style. What she cherishes is Zhou's mother's intention. In this world, a person's willingness to be kind to you is always the most cherished thing.

Mother Zhou glanced at her son, she didn't lie, she really got along very well.

Zhou's mother and Zhou Suiyu accompanied Shen An'an to visit the villa inside and out, and then they heard Chen's mother calling for dinner.

In order to welcome Shen An'an, Chen's mother cooked a very rich lunch.

No, using the word "rich" feels like an insult to the size of this lunch, and you have to use the word "high standard".

Because Chen Ma made a roasted whole lamb! !

One whole, skewered on the grill.

Sprinkled with cumin and chili noodles, and roasted it until the hot oil came out. The wild cats outside the courtyard began to meow non-stop, and finally even climbed up the wall to wait for an opportunity.

Shen An'an's eyes straightened, and the first sentence she sat down was to whisper to Zhou Suiyu: "Zhou Suiyu, I think I seem to fall in love with this place a little bit."

Zhou Suiyu: "Be confident and remove the words "feel" and "like".

Shen An'an: "..."

Chen Ma cut the leg of lamb and put it on the plate, and then pushed it to Shen An'an: "Try it, the roast lamb has to be eaten while it's hot!"

Shen Anan glanced at the others and saw that everyone was looking at her cheerfully. Waiting for her to taste it first, she picked up a piece of roast lamb and put it in her mouth.

Then he squinted his eyes instantly and sighed contentedly: "God, this is too delicious, right? It's a fairy cooking. Mom Chen, you are amazing! I love you."

Chen Ma: "...Hahahaha, if you like it, if you like it, just tell Chen Ma what you like, and Chen Ma will cook it for you."

Mother Zhou likes little girls who can eat and love to eat, and she couldn't help but smile and agree: "If you want to eat, just tell Mother Chen, you're welcome, just be your own home."

Zhou Suiyu was the only one who chewed the smell of roast mutton in his mouth and thought sourly in his heart: He also gave Shen Anan half a year of meals, why did he never hear Shen Anan praise him for his greatness, and then treat him What about those three words?