MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 81

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After Gu Siyi made a position, he was a bit puzzled. How did he know that the opposite was a boy?

She opened the photo again and found that Zhang Sicheng’s hand appeared... but it was just a hand.

Well, genius is even more obsessive than me.

After a while, Xia Zhijun sent a message: "I have already set off, just eat with you and know your classmates."

At first, he thought that several girls would have dinner together. The screenshots she sent to him were all girls' heads and names, and they went with her. The university still has four years, and it is also important to integrate into the group.

Now there is a boy who is suddenly a sophomore, and he is not so cool.

Xue Xue, a student, is close to the water, and it is impossible to prevent it.

Gu Siyi put down his mobile phone and said to everyone: "My boyfriend is busy and hasn't eaten yet. I called him to eat with everyone, how?"

\"Wow wow, wow!\" Zhang Weiyi is pleased to respond, \"Si Yi's boyfriend is super handsome! That value, look at all meals.\"

Wang Hao, \"Welcome, I am going to eat with such a handsome boy for the first time. I think there is still a little excitement!"

Liu Chang also said: "Let him hurry up, and now the food has not finished."

Cai Xiaolan glanced at Zhang Sicheng, the famous flower has the Lord, see you tidy?

She knew that he was not happy to come over to his boyfriend, but several school girls said this. She had no reason to refuse, and she smiled and said: "Well, come and get to know each other."

Zhang Sicheng smiled casually.

Twenty minutes later, Xia Zhiyu came over. When Gu Siyi went out to pick up people, Zhang Sicheng asked the waiter to remove the food he had eaten, picked up the menu and ordered a few new dishes, which are more expensive and superior ingredients.

He is not the kind of boy in the low-end position. When he sees the enemy, he is very jealous. Now people are the masters. When the scene is messed up, they are completely passive. It is better to do a good job and wait for an opportunity. Girlfriends can grab boyfriends, and buddies can easily grab girlfriends.

Gu Siyi brought in the summer to come in. Xia Zhijun wore a casual white shirt, and his body was long and looked good and refreshed. The handsome eyebrows were faint and succinct.

Originally, only Zhang Sicheng alone, several girls thought he was handsome.

When Xia Zhiyu came over, he sat at the same table with him, looking at him on the left side of his eyes, and watching him on the right side...

Suddenly, the contrast is clear and high.

Wang Wei thinks that looking at Zhang Sicheng again, actually saw a greasy feeling?

Cai Xiaotong looked at Zhang Sicheng with some sympathy. I thought that with his financial strength and shape, a young school girl who just entered school should not be a problem. Who knows the boyfriend of the family... is the summer!

The beautiful scenery of Xia Zhishuo is so beautiful that it makes people feel unattainable and has a sense of distance.

Zhang Sicheng... I am a handsome guy in the ordinary person, completely stunned in front of this top handsome guy.

And the sisters of their management department especially like the powerful little brothers of the aerospace department.

Gu Siyi introduced her roommates one by one to Xia Zhiyi, and then the squad leader of the two sophomores.

Xia Zhijun and Zhang Sicheng eyes meet, faint dagger, polite smile.

Cai Xiaoxuan faced a school grass that could not be said in the past.

She said to Gu Siyi: "Your boyfriend is the famous school grass in our school! Do you know how many girls like him? When he participated in the inter-school league last year, a group of girls outside the school were crazy!"

Gu Siyi: \"...\" vaguely recalled the style of his fan group at the high school sports meeting.

\"On the end of the freshman year, there is a big school sister in a wedding dress for love!\"

Gu Siyi took a look at the summer of the day, \"so exaggerated?\" Did not listen to him said...

\"No exaggeration is not an exaggeration. Every time a big class has your boyfriend, it will be smashed! Not only the school, but also the external school to abscond to watch the school grass! On the inter-school forum, the value of your boyfriend Be sealed!\"

Gu Siyi once again looked at Xia Zhijun, and he was very good at Xia Dawei.

Xia Zhijun said: "I only have Gu Siyi in my eyes, I don't have any impressions on other girls."

He slowly reminisced about a cup of tea and said: "I don't have any impression of those things."

Gu Siyi did not hold back, bent his lips and smiled.

All roommates: \"...\" What kind of food do you still eat, is the dog food full?

Cai Xiaotong: Seeing is believing, summer school grass is not really cold, he is only warm girlfriend!

Zhang Sicheng, who was very active at the dinner table, was quiet after Xia Zhiyu came. What made him most depressed was that the attention of those girls was all in the summer, and his silence was unremarkable.

This meal is eaten... really special money to find sin.

He was helpless as a green leaf. Xia Zhizhen and Gu Siyi sit side by side, just like a pair of golden boys and girls.

The soft lighting of the restaurant reflects their young and beautiful faces. When they look at each other, Gu Siyi’s eyes are shy, and Xia Zhi’s face is quiet and gentle, and everyone feels the sticky and sweetness of this relationship.

Zhang Weiqi silently sighed: read so many romance novels, actually not as good as the roommate's sugar.

Wang Wei remembered the thing that Gu Siyi said in the morning. When he knocked on Zhang Sicheng on WeChat, he did not respond. He thought that he was busy and didn't care. He took the opportunity to ask at the dinner table: \"The squad leader, I listened to it. You need someone to work on your side? If you don't want to do it, you can consider me."

Liu Chang immediately followed: "And me, I am free."

Gu Siyi nodded: "Oh yes, they are very interested."

Zhang Sicheng: \"...\" This group of grandmothers, which pot does not open which pot?

Xia Zhizhen looked at Zhang Sicheng and asked: "What do you do?"

\"It is to organize the files, there are not enough people here, and they can help people." Zhang Sicheng smiled.

He is okay with this elementary school, and Xia Zhili immediately knows what is going on.

He used his powers and responsibilities to take care of Gu Siyi, who knows that Gu Siyi does not eat this set.

Xia Zhijun asked Gu Siyi, \"How can you not help the seniors?\"

Gu Siyi: "I don't like to do those cumbersome things. Military training is more interesting."

Zhang Sicheng: are afraid of being stupid, so the relaxed leisure time is completely mixed time, not more comfortable than the military training of the wind and the sun?

Xia Zhiyi smiled lightly and said: "I also think military training is more interesting."

This little silly girl, good physical and mental quality, not so delicate, naturally shielded the unscrupulous man.

After eating, Zhang Sicheng called the waiter to check out.

The waiter said: "Hello, a total of 210,000."

A few girls are stunned, is this meal so expensive?

What Zhang Sicheng wants is the feeling of this kind of horror, he took out the card.

I was about to give it to the waiter. The waiter said: "I am sorry, the system shows that you have already checked out."

Xia Zhijun said: "I just went to the bathroom, passed the checkout counter and bought the order."

Cai Xiaoxuan looked at him, twenty-one thousand, so it was so easy to pay? This learning **** usually looks very low-key, unlike the rich family brother.

Zhang Sicheng who failed to install: "This is not to say that, I invite the school sisters to eat?"

Xia Zhijun said: "I am Gu Siyi's boyfriend, I will meet with you for the first time, and I should invite you to dinner."

Plain expression, as if this is a casual meal.

\"...\" Zhang Sicheng suppressed the unhappy, and turned to smile, "Well, this time you come, I will ask you again next time."

A few girls stared at the summer star, handsome and single, low-key and generous! Gu Siyi owns him and must have saved the Milky Way in his life.

After leaving the restaurant after dinner, Xia Zhijun said: "I have nothing to do with Gu Siyi, I will not go back to school with you."

A few people roommates nodded happily, "How are you! We are very acquainted, don't make light bulbs!"

Zhang Sicheng smiled and said: "You play, I send the girls back to school."

Turned around, the mouth was pumping, and I was in my heart.

After Gu Siyi was alone with Xia Zhizhen, Gu Siyi said: \"Twenty thousand one is too much, I will give you half."

Xia Zhiyi gave her a look, \"You can't save me other things in other ways?\"

\"For example?\" Gu Siyi wondered.

Xia Zhijun: \" For example, don't contact the squad leader again.\"

Gu Siyi said: "We have very little contact with us."

\"He takes your class, there is still a lot of time and opportunity to approach you.\" Xia Zhijun grabbed the hand of Gu Siyi, shouted, \"Don't be alone with him. Don't chat with him on WeChat."

\"...\" Gu Siyi looked at him and found that his face was flat and his expression was pale.

\"Hmm?\" Xia Zhiyan's eyes swept over, Gu Siyi felt the strongness of a autumn wind sweeping leaves.

She nodded quickly. The prestige cultivated by Xia Dazhen in three years immediately gave her a surrender.

Xia Zhijun proposed: "The time is still early, do we want to watch a movie?"

\"Okay.\" Gu Siyi readily agreed.

Xia Zhijun took her to the private theater and chose a couple's small room.

Only two people's viewing environment creates a very private viewing space for small couples.

Gu Siyi was the first time to come to this place. I didn’t know it at first, and when I came in, I started to play drums.

Now, as long as you get along with each other, learning God is a bit slop...

After the movie opened, Xia Zhizhu lived on the shoulders of Gu Siyi and held her in her arms.

\"...\" Gu Siyi's cuddling with him.

After a while, his fingers swam to her earlobe and gently squeezed.

\"...\" Gu Siyi didn't say anything, didn't stop, pretend to concentrate on watching movies.

When he held her arms in her arms and bowed her head to her ear, Gu Siyi did not hold back and snorted.

He muttered in her ear: \"Let me touch it?"

\"...\" Gu Siyi blushes, doesn't know what he is saying, and he thinks like it.

Of course, he just asked politely, and after waiting for her answer, he began to pursue beautiful mountains and rivers.

Gu Siyi wanted to struggle. He simply sat down with his legs open and held her in the middle, trapped in his chest.

Gu Siyi secretly worked hard, he suppressed her, biting her ear: "I want the welfare of my boyfriend."

Gu Siyi was about to speak. He lowered his head and blocked her mouth, and she was caught off guard.

Under his strength, she can only compromise, blushing, let him occupy a high point.

Xia Zhixuan clasped her head and enjoyed the feeling of touch, deep breathing, and the feeling that the whole person was going crazy.

\"...\" Gu Siyi is going crazy.

All of them are burning, burning from the top to the bottom, such as the fire.

I want to escape, he still does not let.

Finally, Xia Zhizhen couldn't stand it, let go of her, whispered: "I went to the bathroom."

When I finished, I got up and left.

\"...\" Gu Siyi also wants to go to the bathroom.

But the strong shame, let her sit still in the position with her legs, as if it would be dried.


At the end of the 90-minute movie, no one knows what to read.

When the two walked out of the theater, their expressions were awkward and their shame was written on two young faces.

Gu Siyi soft soft road: "I have to go back to school, and I will have military training tomorrow."

Xia Zhizi was a bit dumb and nodded: "Well, let's go back."

Going back to school, I went downstairs to the apartment. Xia Zhiqi hugged Gu Siyi and refused to let go. He whispered in her ear: "How do you make me enchanted?"