MTL - Long Live The Hokage-Chapter 9 Help

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Throughout the day, the vortex community has been shrouded in a sad atmosphere.

The monks are very popular among the tribes, young geniuses, handsome appearances, but not arrogant. If you learn to fly the thunder of the gods, it is a slogan of the Warring States version.

"Unfortunately, I was born in the Warring States Period." Zheng Yan thought of it.

Masahiko is not too sad, because it has experienced too many life and death parts in the past 48 years.

He knows that there are still many things like this in the future. After all, if there is no accident, he will have a long life.

"Live, at least live to the end of the whole drama..." Zheng Yan thought of it.

The next day, Masahiko got up early and ate a simple breakfast and rushed to the hall.

Yesterday’s funeral scene was not completely cleaned up, and the remains of the monks were sent to the family’s graveyard last night.

"Uncle, you are here." The patriarch sat in the main hall of the hall and looked up with a tired face.

Masahiko knows that it is necessary to take the initiative to fight against a family whose strength is stronger than that of the whirlpool. The pressure of the patriarch must be great. But the monks can't sacrifice in vain. This war has to be fought.

"Uncle, you have to go to a thousand hands and ask for help." The patriarch spoke.

"But... If a thousand hands join the battle, Uchiha will definitely join." Zheng Yan returned.

"There is no way. On the combat power, we are far from the night. Only by pulling the thousand hands and Uchiha into the battlefield, we have a chance to win. And the two elders have already set off for the day."

"Is it going? I know, I will set off immediately and go to the thousand hands." Zheng Yan nodded and understood the arrangement of the patriarch. If you can turn the battlefield into a five-family battle, you have an advantage in this side.

Masahiko had to go on the path to the thousand hands and the family. This is the third time in the past half month.

"Hey, work hard..." Zheng Yan exclaimed.

"Although there is an in-law relationship, it is not so easy to persuade thousands of soldiers to send troops." Zheng Yan thought, "I have to think about ways, see the opportunity to act."

This road was calm and smooth, and arrived in the vicinity of the thousand hands.

"What is the situation? So many chakra fluctuations are gathered together, as if there are pillars and occasions." Zheng Yan perceives that there are many thousands of people in the distance.

"The person headed by seems to be their Eastern battlefield elder." Zheng Yan is close to him and looks at them from afar.

"Who?" shouted among the columns, but found the peeping of Masahiko. For a time, everyone looked over here.

Masahiko came out with a look. Actually discovered, should it be the future **** of ninja?

"Second grandfather? Are you not going back?" I saw Masahiko in the day and immediately surprised, after all, Yesterday, I went to say goodbye to him.

"Ah, I lost something in the hands of the thousand hands." Zheng Yan thought about it, still did not say the true purpose.

"The room should be cleaned up?"

Upon seeing it, Zheng Yan immediately interrupted, "Why, don't you welcome me?"

"How come, you are willing to live, you have been living." The column smiled and interjected. But the face of the day is black.

Sure enough, Zheng Yan resolutely answered, "Well, wait for you to build a wooden house with me, it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is not convenient to stay in the room."

There was a question mark between the columns. "Is I said something wrong, in the daytime."

Give him a big eye in the daytime...

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously." Zheng Yan said with a smile, "Where are you going to go?"

Just after the column, I heard a cry from the parents. "Oh, let's go... hunting."

After closing his eyes in pain, Masahiko almost laughed. "Well, all the way."

Masahiko shook his head and turned to walk to the thousand hands.

"This lie is not leveling than me." Zheng Yan thought of it.

"I didn't know if I didn't say it? The Eastern elders personally led the team, the columns and the daytime were in the ranks, and there were a large number of elite ninjas. This lineup, only in the east of the thousand hands, can only enjoy this. Treated..."

"It seems that I don't have to ask for help. The status of asking for help and active assistance can be different."

Zheng Yan thought of this and made up his mind.

"Then I will come back here, I can't do nothing..." Zheng Yan murmured, and went to the room, put some stones in the parcel, dressed up as something falling.

Even the Buddha did not go to see one side, Zheng Yan thought about returning.

Going out of the thousand hands, but being stopped by one. "Zheng Yan adults, patriarchs have please!"

"Well, I know." Zheng Yan replied.

"Looking at me at this time, I will not ask for help from the whirlpool..." Zheng Yan thought, coming to the patriarchal hall.

"Zheng Yan came back to get something? Is it complete with this time?" As soon as he entered the hall, the Buddha began to chill with him.

"Well, I have brought it this time." Zheng Yan replied, and did not take the initiative to speak.

Buddhism had a meal, and seeing Zheng Yan did not take the initiative to open his mouth. In desperation, he could only open: "The two of us have already become in-laws, and we should retreat together. Today, the Hui night family is constantly harassing on the east side of my family. The various tribes are disturbing us, and we hope that the vortex family can help us to fight against the night."

"Oh, this thing, I can't do When I go back, I will tell the patriarchs that the final decision is still the patriarch and elders."

Masahiko quits in the mouth, but his heart laughs.

"Okay, I hope you can bring me good news!"

"Reassure, the patriarch of Buddhism, I will try my best to persuade our patriarchs. After all, there is a relationship with Mito, I don't think there is much problem." Masahiko decisively made a good man, even the Buddha was slightly moved, feeling the image of Masahiko. It was a lot taller at once.

Zheng Yan bid farewell to the thousand hands and a family, carrying a bag of stones to return to the vortex family. Of course, the stone was thrown away on the way, and the weight-bearing practice also had special weight-bearing objects, and there was a reason to carry stones.

Back to the vortex, the patriarch personally greeted him.

"Two uncles, come back so soon? A thousand hands promised to help us?" asked the vortex chief.

"Well, Qian Qian asked us for help." Zheng Yan returned.


Afterwards, Zheng Yan told the patriarch about the cause and effect of the trip.

"Is there such a thing? Well, it is better, so that thousands of hands can be used as the main force of attack, and the people will have less sacrifice." The patriarch smiled and said, "This way I don't have to go in person, let the two elders and elders Let’s go ahead with the team.”

"I will go too." Zheng Yan hesitated, but still take the initiative to speak.

The patriarch’s heart wondered that his uncle had never been forced to participate in the war. How about this time...

"Well, you are all careful." But there is no rejection.

"Then I went back and prepared." Zheng Yan finished, turned and walked home.

"Hey, this testimony makes me have to participate in everything, or where can I get it..." Zheng Yan sighed.

"I hope this war will be rewarded..."