MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 101 Relative army

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After hearing the news of the National Patrol of the Vortex, Zheng Yan flew around the border of the Vortex State at the fastest speed, and then returned to the Sarah Noodle Museum.


"The number of whites is around two thousand, of which there are no special individuals. The fastest estimate is that there are fifteen minutes to reach the battlefield. Longmen, organize ninja troops, fight!"

"Hey!" The long door went away.

"God! What about us?"

Zheng Yan sank for two seconds, revealing the smile of the operation in the embarrassment: "100,000 white, only two thousand, are still miscellaneous fish... the enemy's target Naruto and Yu Xinnai are here."

"So they must have a backhand!" Masahiko confidently made an analysis.

"So, grandfather?"

"Yes, ancestors, can you fight monsters in the summer?"

"Hey! Summer, you don't go, look at the stupid brother!" Naruto has already accepted his name for him in the summer.

Zheng Yan glanced at him and let Naruto smile and scratch his head: "All listen to the ancestors and arrange the enemy and the back hand! As for what they have, this... um, you can analyze it!"

The watergate slammed: "Oh? Oh! The purpose of the secret is to capture 玖辛奈 and Naruto, and the country of the vortex will surely become their primary goal.

Now only a small number of white monsters have come, indicating that this is just a sniper attack. It is estimated that you want to determine the deployment of Ninja power in the country of Vortex. The second step should be to 'tune away' and attack the wooden leaves or other ninja villages, forcing us to rescue. It is best to transfer the elders. At last……"

"Hey!" Zheng Yan applauded and interrupted. "The last is to attack our country of vortex, capture Naruto and 玖辛奈. The analysis is very good, and the ideas of the ancestors are similar!"

Yan Xinnai rolled her eyes: "Would you like to analyze the grandfather, what should we do?"

Zheng Yan hesitated for two seconds, looking at the face of Yan Xinnai's face like a smile, and suddenly sighed: "Watergate, you continue to say!"

"Oh..." Xiaonan Sarah smirked.

Watergate smiled and said: "The most important thing now is to get in touch with the countries of the region, to find out where the secrets are arranged, and to coordinate the rescue with Muye Village. Also, the enemy should take us away, especially in the introduction. Before you go, you won't spend too much power in our country, but we still have to be prepared..."

Masahiko nodded: "Jun Ma Lu, called your other three teammates, went to the northern border of the country of Vortex, assisted the Ninja troops to clean up the white, and guarded against strong Ninja raids, causing damage."

"White, the notice is no longer awkward, take his four teammates, go to the west side of the country, the mission is the same!"

"Yes, God (the Great Elder)!"

"As for the contact and forbearance..." Masahiko is slightly depressed. "This point does not require us to worry. Yahiko will direct Ziyanghua to contact us. The ghosts seem to be in the country of the rain, telling him not to come back, to guard the hydrangea... Is this the first one to be transferred?"

"Old ancestors, what about me?" Naruto hurriedly said.

Zheng Yan’s meal, grinning: “玖辛奈, manage your bear son!”

Yu Xinnai hesitated for a moment: "Too grandfather, you will not let me fight with Naruto? This war is after us..."

Zheng Yan shook his head: "Now is not the time for you to fight. Two thousand fish are absolutely white, the ancestors turn around and can be solved in ten minutes. You have other things to do!"

"玖辛奈, you and Naruto go to pick up your parents. The Sarah noodle restaurant has been covered with multiple layers of seals, absolutely safe.

Watergate, you are now using the Flying Thunder God to go to the wood leaves to see what is going on there, and then take over the famous couple of the country of Fire! ”

Xiaonan, you stay here to take care of Nancy, this time you don't fight. ”

"Well, teacher." Xiaonan nodded.

Masahiko smiled and said: "Okay, the arrangement is complete, take action! Enough enough!"

The noodle restaurant crowded away.

Look around the summer and the summer, and grinned: "Moon summer is very sensible, will stay in the noodle restaurant."

"And I am with Nancy, summer." Sarah smiled and comforted.

Masahiko laughed and waved a lot of ingredients: "Prostitute, during the war, your mission is to ensure that people in the noodle restaurant are not hungry. Rest assured, this war will not last long, and it will take a long time for the father to go out and kill the Quartet!"


"Big killing the Quartet..."

Masahiko shook his head: "Don't put on that gesture. You are not the red-haired demon head who has been playing the invincible hand of Mu Ye's invincible school. Is it often killing the Quartet in Muye?"

In the summer, the little face is red, and the big eyes are sprouting. Hey: What are you talking about, people can’t understand...

Masahiko smiled, and his figure suddenly rose from high fat to perfect body. The 190's Masahiko debuted!

"Come on, summer. The ancestors took you to fight monsters!"


The west side of the country of the vortex.

Masahiko shoulders a summer, floating in front of the Ninja Force.

"Do you see those who are absolutely white, summer?"

Nodded in the summer of the month: "It turns out that it is absolutely white, and it looks so ugly."

Next to the long door, scratching his head: "Hey, teacher, do you want to do it yourself? I thought you would use the white army to give the Ninja troops of Vortex to train once!"

Masahiko shook his head: "This war is over. It is very difficult to have another war in the future. There is no need to train troops. The troops are used to clean up 'disability'!"

Masahiko's ten fingers are scattered and stretched, and the fingertips are red: "Look at the fireworks, summer!"

Ten red light launches, like a meteorite meteor in the air, swaying through a ray of light, flew to the center of the white army and exploded!

The red mans are red and the face of every ninja of the Ninja Force, Zheng Yan said: "The chakra fluctuations have disappeared, but there are still hundreds of white ones who have survived. The ancestors are going to the north again, the long door. You organize the Ninja troops to fill the knife. Be careful, in this case, the death and injury will be too embarrassing!"


On the northern border of the country of Vortex, Zheng Yan came up with the same trick, and then stood still, watching the Ninja troops under the leadership of Jun Ma Lu, with the 'Tiger Wolf' pounced on a group of broken arms and broken legs~www ancestors, is this over? It’s so boring...” Moonlight muttered.

Masahiko shook his head: "It's not so easy, the fish is cleaned up, and more!"

In his perception, a few hundred miles away, there have been hundreds of chakra fluctuations, and the country of the vortex has come.

"This chakra fluctuation is not weak, it is a reincarnation, a lot. There are so many countries in the vortex, other villages are afraid more, what are the six thoughts?" Zheng Yan Emei: "The seal class is ready!"

After the ninja troops cleaned up the disabled whites and returned, Zheng Yan floated into the air again, and the ten fingers were red and ready to blow up.

"Two grandfather!"

Suddenly, the screams made Zheng Yan a sigh, his fingertips red and broken, turned and looked behind him. Who is calling him?

"The ancestors, it seems that the sister of Xiang Pho is shouting..."

Masahiko frowned: "Phosphorus, what mess you are here, no big or small!"

"No, big elder, that's really my second grandfather, oh!"

"That seems to be...two uncle!"

"No, father!"

"Three children!"


The screams of one after another came from the ninja troops, and the ninja troops rioted.

Masahiko turned his eyebrows back, and the earthen ninjas have appeared in the eyes of everyone, and... everyone is red-haired!

"This special! What is the army of the earth, this is the army of the relatives of the Vortex Country...

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