MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 722 North Korea

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Since the second year of Zhaowu's pacification of Houjin, Liaodong was recovered, and North Korea was also pacified along the way.

It has been eight years since North Korea was incorporated into the Daheng system of rule.

It was established as a province, with nine prefectures and fifty-one counties initially set up. Later, in the seventh year of Zhaowu, the North Korean naval patrol battalion was established, cleaned up the surrounding islands of North Korea, and added one prefecture and twelve counties.

So far, there are ten prefectures and sixty-three counties in Korea Province, with a population of more than 6.58 million.

It's just that during these years, nearly one million Korean people have migrated to Liao Province to live with Han people.

In addition, the population of North Korea privately migrated to North Korea, so, until the present ten years of Zhaowu, the population of North Korea is only more than five million people.

More than five million people, even if you look at the world, it is obviously not a small number.

Especially these people are not Han people.

It is obviously difficult to govern smoothly under the national divide.

When Ding Korea was first established, Duke Dingguo was in charge of the military and political affairs of Korea. Although there was a suspicion of convicted and meritorious distribution, it was undeniable that it was also arranged by the Son of Heaven.

The energy brought by his identity is obviously not comparable to that of an ordinary official and general.

Duke Dingguo has been in charge of North Korea for several years, and the biggest credit is that he has set a ruling framework for North Korea and laid the foundation for governance.

He personally led the army to suppress the rebellion, strangled the Korean royal family and the remnants of civil and military affairs, and carried out the reform of land, finance and taxation with ruthless means, and made the Korean people return to their hearts.

With several years of hands-on work by Duke Dingguo, and the fact that North Korea was repeatedly devastated and ruled by Houjin and Liaozhen, until Duke Dingguo resigned, North Korea was not stable, but it already had the foundation of its rule.

Later, it was governed by several officials and generals. So far, the military and government of North Korea is already the same as that of other provinces in Daheng.

If it weren't for the occasional news of turmoil, North Korea, in Daheng, would have been no different from ordinary Han provinces.

After all, it is very clear that North Korea has been nurtured by the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years. In a sense, the North Korean people are not much different from the Han people.

The reason for the turmoil is obviously not from the North Korean people, but from those old North Korean vested interests.

In dealing with these people, Daheng obviously will not be as scruples as dealing with the domestic gentry and landlords.

As early as the Ming Dynasty, the emperor had many plans and arrangements, whether it was the assassination of the Korean royal family or the humanitarian destruction of the North Korean diehards, all kinds of measures have not stopped.

When Houjin invaded North Korea again that year, Houjin's behavior was obviously not mild. In North Korea, some hard bones had already become dry bones.

Later, when Liaozhen ruled Korea, it was completely operating Korea as a foundation.

The performance of that year was like the land of Yungui, which was taken over by the Qing Dynasty in history.

They are all local forces, and they are pressed and rubbed on the ground by foreign strong dragons.

Friction to the end, the winner, of course, takes all.

The Manchu Qing took over the Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, where a chieftain force was devastated by the Daxi Army, Wu Sangui, and the Manchu cavalry who were conquering the world in turn.

To Wu Sangui's rebellion, it was another devastating blow to the chieftains of Yunnan and Guizhou.

In this way, Kangxi took over the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, and it was also a matter of course to reform the land and return to the stream, and there was hardly much resistance.

The same is true for North Korea, which Daheng took over.

In addition, the reform of land finance and taxation implemented long ago has stabilized the hearts of the North Korean people.

Up to now, Daheng's ruling foundation in North Korea is naturally stable.

Occasional rebellions are destructive and threatening, and they are not even comparable to the turmoil caused by those ulterior motives in Jiangnan.

As for the situation of North Korea, in the past, its foreign enemies mainly lied in the Later Jin and the Japanese.

While Liao Province regained stability, the Jurchen has long since ceased to exist, and even overseas Japanese countries have been closed to the country for many years.

In his country, due to the hidden worries brought by the expedition to Korea and being defeated by the Ming Dynasty, the civil strife is endless. The Japanese pirates who were active in the past have long disappeared under the increasingly strict seclusion policy of the Japanese country.

The few remaining pirates, under the control of the almost idle North Korean naval patrol battalion, have long since become dead bones.

The land and sea are peaceful, the official roads are unimpeded, and the sea transportation is more developed. In this way, in the ten years of Zhaowu, North Korea is already quite a bustling and prosperous scene that has never been seen before.

The spacious cement official road is unobstructed, and the Tianzi frame is also slowly moving forward on this cement official road.

It seems to have entered the countryside. On both sides of the official road, there are no longer stretches of mountains, but stretches of terraced fields with clear steps.

In the early spring, there are working people everywhere in the fields. In this era, the clothes of the Korean people are actually not much different from the clothes of the people of Daheng.

The same is the Chengming system, Ming ceremony, Ming customs.

There is no difference between culture and language.

All of this is obviously due to Daming.

Without the influence of Wang Hua for hundreds of years in the Ming Dynasty, if Daheng wanted to rule Korea, it would have to be the same as the previous Ming ruled Yunnan and Guizhou.

Hundreds of years of rule, from time to time, the local chieftain force is still deeply rooted.

It is hard to imagine that in such a region, such a small brother of a vassal state for thousands of years, in later generations, it has evolved into a country that is completely hostile to the Han civilization and has a completely different language, customs, and national system.

The land of the ancestors is difficult to preserve, and the land in the four directions is all enemy countries.

All of this seems to have to be attributed to the Manchu Qing who would rather give to the friendly nations than to the slaves.

The only thing that the Son of Heaven is fortunate about is that in his hands, the Manchu Dynasty is history and no longer exists.

Those tragic future generations are obviously unlikely to appear again.

Thinking of this, the emperor seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at Li Ruolian who was riding a horse outside the window: "Dorgon is still in the Zhungeer department now?"

Li Ruolian was stunned for a while, but soon, he organized the language: "Report to Your Majesty, I'm still here."

"Dorgon also took the second daughter of the Great Khan of Zhun Geer, and he should still be in Tibet, fighting against the Heshuote Department."

"A bedbug is alive and well!"

The emperor frowned, as if a little unhappy.

Seeing this, Li Ruolian hesitated for a while before saying, "Your Majesty, do you want to send a letter to the Heshuo Special Department and let them..."

The emperor shook his head: "regardless of him, the higher the jump, the worse the fall!"

"I'd like to see what he can come up with."

Li Ruolian did not dare to say more.

The emperor waved his hand and was just about to close the car window, but then he seemed to remember something again, and said, "Go and call Sun Xing over."

Li Ruolian knew it, and the emperor probably remembered the war in the northwest again. He wanted to know about it, but he didn't know whether the general staff member accompanying him had done his homework.

The thought passed away in a flash, and Li Ruolian also ordered to retire.

The emperor closed the car window, slowly leaned on his back, squinted his eyes slightly, closed his eyes and rested.
