MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 233 cleaning impurities

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In the past two years, Xiao Ping has been taking various elixir, which will produce impurities, so he did not use the net elixir.

In addition, Zhuanmucao is only aimed at the mana itself, and can only convert the aura of other attributes into wood attributes, and can do nothing to impurities.

The pure spirit fruit can remove impurities from the flesh and mana.

There is no doubt that the less impurities and the "cleaner" mana, the easier it is to build a foundation under the same conditions.

The most important thing is that this is the spiritual fruit of the foundation building alchemist surnamed Ding specially for his granddaughter Zhao. Naturally, it is the treasure among the treasures!

In the past two years, Xiao Ping has also used green liquid to ripen a lot, even if he eats it for a year, he can't finish it!

Xiao Ping thought about it, and took out a fruit that was as white as porcelain and not stained with variegated color from the gourd.

I sniffed the aroma of the fruit, thanks to the magic of the small gourd, it was still very fresh, just like the one just picked!

Xiao Ping was no longer polite, and ate it in big gulps.


The pulp is fragrant and creamy, which is mouth-watering!

good to eat!

In a few moments there was only one pit left.

Swallowing the pulp into the stomach, a cool breath immediately spreads from the stomach to the body!

Xiao Ping knew that this was the beginning of the effect of "purifying the spirit" of the spirit-purifying fruit, so he hurriedly ran the corresponding formula, trying his best to achieve the best effect and shorten the purification time to the shortest!

Everywhere the cool breath goes, it is like a filter, sweeping all kinds of impurities in the flesh and blood mana, such as some unabsorbable medicinal ingredients, medicinal herb impurities, and even small solid particles...

After a big week, Xiao Ping suddenly opened his eyes, exhaled a long mouthful of turbid air from his mouth and nose, and pungent black-gray viscous liquid flowed out of the pores all over his body.

Xiao Ping frowned and looked at his whole body, but he was extremely satisfied:

"Old Ding really loves his granddaughter, and the pure spirit fruit prepared for Ding Min is indeed a rare treasure in the world!

Just taking one pill and running it for a big week, it seems that the impurities in the body are completely sold out, and usually the comfort is several times! "

rice ball exploration book

No ordinary person has heard of Jinglingguo, and it grows in a corner of the secret realm, and few people know about it.

The vast majority of people are aware of the accumulation of impurities in their bodies, but there is nothing they can do about it. Even in order to pursue the speed of cultivation, this point has to be ignored.

It must have taken a lot of thought for the other party to find such an unpopular thing.

However, such treasures and thoughts ended up in their own hands, making them cheap!

Xiao Ping smiled coldly, took out a "purifying fruit" again, couldn't wait to finish eating the flesh in three or two bites, and continued to cleanse the flesh and mana...

The feeling is just a feeling that there must be a lot of impurities in my body that need to be "cleaned".

He has a small gourd, which means that he has an endless "purifying fruit", and he can almost completely cleanse his body and mana to the level of "pure to pure and not stained with dust" in the stage of qi training!

Thinking of this, Xiao Ping was very excited and had great expectations.


A month passed, and the ugly man at the entrance saw that Xiao Ping had not yet come out. Although he was greatly surprised and puzzled by his alchemy skills, he was more excited.

Because the longer Xiao Ping spends alchemy, the more spirit stones he can collect!

Two months have passed, and the ugly man is more and more happy, and at the same time, he is quite shocked by the medicinal pill that Xiao Ping intends to refine.

three months...

Soon the sixth month came to an end, but Xiao Ping still showed no sign of coming out.

The initial excitement of the ugly man has long since disappeared, and now his face is full of worry and restlessness.

Half a year of alchemy is not unusual, and he has even seen longer.

But the problem is, for such a long time for alchemy, the people who go in are at least the uncles of the foundation-building stage!

But it was the first time that a Qi cultivator like Xiao Ping had been treated like this!

"What kind of pill is he refining! Is his pill refining really that high?"

"This is the disciple of Jindan cultivator. If an accident happens to me..."

When the ugly man was worried, Xiao Ping inside was slowly exhaling a transparent breath, and then opened his eyes.

Xiao Ping looked up and down his body - there was no trace of impurities.

After the medicinal power of the Pure Spirit Fruit has circulated throughout the body, the breath it exhales is the same as before, and it does not wash out the slightest impurities—

Obviously, his body, whether physical or mana, has been "clean" and "pure" to an unbelievable level!

Impurities such as medicinal pills are as few as a limit, compared to ordinary people, it is almost equal to none, no matter how much pure spirit fruit, it will not be able to wash out the slightest!

Moreover, the operation of the exercises is also unprecedentedly smooth and flexible, without any stagnation!

Xiao Ping was very and almost cried with joy.

In the past two years, he has eaten an unknown number of pure spirit fruits, and the remaining cores can be piled up into hills, which is how he has reached this point!

Few people even know about the Pure Spirit Fruit, there is absolutely no way anyone else can achieve such a luxury!

Xiao Ping condensed into a water mirror and looked at himself in the mirror——

Although the facial features have not changed in the slightest, they are still so ordinary, but they look countless times cleaner and more beautiful than before!

Xiao Ping looked at the purest and purest flesh and mana, and finally felt somewhat satisfied.

"Next step, you can start refining the foundation pill!"

Although the Foundation Establishment Pill was taken by Qi cultivators, it was a genuine Foundation Establishment pill, and its difficulty was qualitatively different from his previous pills.

And because of the scarcity of main medicines, the foundation building pills of the five major factions are all from the hands of Jindan cultivators.

Because they live longer, have more experience in alchemy, and are more proficient in the manipulation of aura and flames, they are shortlisted.

But even so, it takes many years of simulation in the fantasy world to dare to try it easily.

Even though Xiao Ping was lucky enough to forge three foundation building pills with the help of the fairy gourd, he still didn't dare to take any big steps.

Therefore, he ripened a large amount of elixir, enough to withstand hundreds of failures to accumulate experience.

Xiao Ping's manipulation of the ground fire of the bird's head has long been familiar to him, and he is familiar with it like his own arm, and a few tricks will make it reach the expected level.

But suddenly, he thought of a key question:

"The Foundation Establishment Pill also has impurities..."

Xiao Ping frowned, and when he saw the net spirit fruit, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!