MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 335 Tianyuan Shengdan! Evil holy list!

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   "I can get some holy elixir recipes or something... I make alchemy myself. If I can refine the holy elixir and be self-sufficient, it should not be a problem to supply my own cultivation."

  Su Changkong soon thought of relying on alchemy to earn cultivation resources.

  Su Changkong's alchemy has a solid foundation, coupled with his current terrifying potential of up to 150 points, I believe that it will not be a problem to make alchemy go a step further, reaching the level where there is a probability of refining a holy pill.

  The only thing you need is Sheng Dan Dan Fang!

The Holy Pill Prescription is very precious. Only some big sects and clans have this level of Pill Prescription, and it is a secret that is not handed down. It is no worse than the classics. Su Changkong went to the Pill Holy Residence in Tiansheng Mountain before. , wanted to ask for Dan Fang, but was also told that Dan Shengju was not qualified to teach others Dan Fang.

  But now that Su Changkong is the elder of the Jiang family's Keqing, as long as he asks for the Shengdan Dan formula, it shouldn't be a problem to get the Sheng Dan Dan formula.

  Although it is also a favor owed to others, compared to directly asking for Yuan Ye, this favor is obviously smaller and more acceptable.

   "Go and meet Jiang Yao."

  Su Changkong made a decision in his mind.

   Immediately, Su Changkong got up and went to the Black Moon Cave Mansion.

  In the Black Moon Cave Mansion, the full moon hangs high, creating a beautiful night scene, as quiet as ever.

   "Elder Su, it seems that you have made a lot of progress during this time."

  Jiang Yao received Su Changkong, and he said with a smile on his face.

  Jiang Yao knew that Su Changkong probably completed a breakthrough not long ago.

   "Well, a little bit of progress."

  Su Changkong nodded slightly.

  If it weren't for the real soul banner with the real beast soul given by the Jiang family, then Su Changkong's promotion of Wu Qinxi to a higher level would definitely not be so smooth!

   Immediately, Su Changkong straight to the point explained the purpose of his visit: "Jiang Shanzhu, I am here this time to want some holy elixir recipes, to delve into alchemy..."

   "Elder Su still knows alchemy?"

  Jiang Yao was slightly surprised, but not too surprised.

A holy warrior has a long lifespan, and usually can survive for hundreds of years. Many holy warriors will delve into other professions, such as refining weapons, formations, alchemy, etc., but most of them just have a taste of it, and they can have a huge impact in a certain way. Achievement requires a lot of time, energy and resources.

  Sheng Dan Dan Fang is extremely valuable to any force.

  But Jiang Yao agreed very happily: "No problem, I can give you the formula of Sheng Dan Dan, and I will send Lao Liu to your cave within three days."

   "Thank you Jiang Shanzhu."

  Su Changkong expressed his gratitude.

Jiang Yao readily agreed to give Su Changkong the Holy Pill Formula, of course, because Su Changkong was not only a guest of the Jiang family, but also signed a blood oath to give the pill to Su Changkong, the Jiang family would actually have no loss, And because of the blood oath, Su Changkong would not do anything that would damage the interests of the Jiang family, such as leaking the pill formula.

   Having achieved his goal, Su Changkong bid farewell and left.

   While Jiang Yao looked at Su Changkong's leaving back, he murmured, "Do you want to rely on alchemy to support your own practice?"

  Jiang Yao was able to guess Su Changkong's purpose for asking for the elixir formula, and Su Changkong wanted to rely on alchemy to earn training resources instead of directly asking for it from the Jiang family, so Jiang Yao could also understand.

It is too extravagant to rely on refining a large amount of yuan liquid to increase the divine lines. Even Jiang Yao is a rare elite in the Jiang family. He is very talented and has a bright future. Liquids are limited.

   And for more cultivation resources, Jiang Yao will sit in Tianhuo City Tiansheng Mountain and take the position of mountain owner.

   To cultivate the god-seeds to the extreme, the resources consumed are increasing geometrically. Jiang Yao's own three god-seeds have reached the limit of the number of **** patterns, which has spent a lot of cultivation resources!

  Forging into a divine body, if you want to make the divine body great, the cultivation resources you spend are hundreds, hundreds of times that of the god-seeded martial saints!

  This is also the reason why only the ancient holy country can produce a large number of top powerhouses. Only the rich resources can breed real dragons.

  Su Changkong returned to Fuyun Cave, and a day later, the white-haired old man Liu Lao came to Fuyun Cave.

In the Fuyun Cave Mansion, Mr. Liu took out a thick book with a serious face, and said, "Elder Su, this is the Danfang book written by the Mountain Lord at the Danshengju. The formula of the Holy Pill, after you memorize it, destroy it, don’t spread it outside.”

   "There is more than one formula for the holy elixir?"

  Su Changkong couldn't help but his eyes lit up. A kind of holy pill formula is very precious, but now Su Changkong directly obtained a book that recorded the holy pill formula!

   "Well, don't worry, Su will not disclose it to anyone."

  Su Changkong nodded, even if he hadn't signed the blood oath of the mountain alliance, and the Jiang family hadn't sorry him, it was impossible for him to do something to leak the Jiang family's formula.

   And Elder Liu immediately said: "Elder Su, if you have other needs, you can contact me at any time."

Mr. Liu is Jiang Yao's confidant. Although he doesn't know why Jiang Yao values ​​Su Changkong so much, he understands that Su Changkong can become the elder of the Jiang family. decision.

  Being able to become a guest of the Jiang family is already a proof of ability. Mr. Liu has also been ordered by Jiang Yao to meet Su Changkong's request within his ability!

  Old Liu delivered the Dan book to Su Changkong, took his leave and left.

  Su Changkong couldn't wait to flip through the alchemy book in his hand that recorded the formula of Shengdan Dan.

   "Baigu Shengji Pill, Jiuzhuan Shenhun Pill, Tianyuan Shengdan, Wanmu Changchun Pill..."

  This pill book records many holy pill formulas, some of which are used for healing, improving the spirit and soul, improving cultivation, and even increasing life span. They are very comprehensive.

  Jiang Yao is indeed courageous in doing things. Su Changkong needed the prescription of the Holy Pill, and he didn't hide it, and directly gave him a "Book of the Holy Pill".

   "They are all prescriptions for low-grade holy pills."

  Su Chang said hollowly.

  Sacred Pills are also divided into grades, low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade, which correspond to the gods, gods, and supernatural powers of the holy warriors. The low-grade holy pills are naturally more than enough for the current Su Changkong, enough for him to study.

"These holy pills are indeed completely different from the spiritual pills. The main medicines needed for these holy pills are mostly precious holy medicines. It is extremely difficult for ordinary saint warriors to collect all the materials to refine the holy pills. Fortunately, here is Heavenly Sacred Mountain gathers a large number of holy fighters, and the materials for low-grade holy pills can still be collected as long as there is enough primordial liquid."

  Su Changkong carefully looked at the medicinal materials needed for each pill, and they were all elixir and holy medicine that he had hardly heard of.

   "Let's first try to refine this Tianyuan Holy Pill that can increase the divine pattern and strengthen the divine seed."

  Su Changkong's eyes were fixed on a pill called Tianyuan Shengdan.

  Tianyuan Shengdan, a elixir suitable for god-seeded martial sages, its refining difficulty is relatively common among holy elixirs, and it is very suitable for Su Changkong today.

   "I have a total of nearly 800 taels of liquid on my body...all of which can be used to buy the materials needed for the Tianyuan Holy Pill and improve alchemy."

  Su Changkong inspected himself.

With the leftover primordial liquid from before, and the 600 tael liquid obtained from selling the **** seed, plus the treasures worth more than a hundred tael liquid harvested by beheading Ma Han, his current net worth is nearly 800 tael liquid, which is undoubtedly a fortune No small asset.

  Su Changkong needs to rely on the 800 two-element liquid to make a breakthrough in his alchemy skills, to reach the point where he can refine holy pills, and be self-sufficient.

   To the average alchemist, this is a bit of a dream, 800 yuan liquid is a lot, but it is a drop in the bucket to train an alchemist who can refine the holy pill.

   Every alchemist who can refine holy pills is cultivated by a powerful force behind him.

But Su Changkong is different. His alchemy technique has already reached the 10th level, and his own potential value is as high as 150 points. , Comprehension are all on the level of supernatural evildoers!

  After studying the alchemy formula, Su Changkong was preparing to refine the holy elixir. He found Mr. Liu and asked him to help purchase the medicinal materials for refining the Tianyuan elixir.

   "Tianyuanhua, Diyuancao, Millennium Soul Fruit, these medicinal materials... are very expensive. According to the cost price, one serving costs about 5 taels of liquid."

  Old Liu took the purchase list given to him by Su Changkong, he read it carefully, and estimated the price.

It costs a lot to refine the holy elixir. The price of a Tianyuan holy elixir is about 5 taels of liquid. This is the convenience that Mr. Liu gave Su Changkong. herbs.

  All the essence liquid accumulated on Su Changkong's body was used to buy the medicinal materials of Tianyuan Shengdan, which was only enough for more than a hundred copies.

   "Excuse me, Mr. Liu, first buy a hundred copies for me."

  Su Changkong opened his mouth and said, he took out 500 two yuan liquid and handed it to Mr. Liu, asking him to help buy 100 copies of medicinal materials.

   "Well, leave it to me, and I will collect it for you in a few days."

  Old Liu nodded happily and agreed.

  Old Liu is the confidant of the mountain owner Jiang Yao, and also one of the directors of the holy mountain. He naturally has connections and connections to buy these medicinal materials, and it doesn't take much time.

   And just as Liu Lao promised, in just five days, 100 Tianyuan Shengdan materials were purchased by Liu Lao and handed over to Su Changkong.

   "One Tianyuan Shengdan is worth about 50 yuan liquid, which means that my alchemy needs to achieve a one-tenth success rate in order to be able to pay back."

  Su Changkong made an estimate.

   Refining the holy pill was 100% successful? This is almost impossible, even if alchemy reaches the 12th level, alchemy may fail.

  Su Changkong doesn't want to reach this level, at least he can not lose money, and even earn Yuanye!

  Su Changkong started preparations for alchemy in the Fuyun Cave with abundant aura. Su Changkong first refined ten batches of elixir as usual. After warming up, he began to refine Tianyuan Shengdan.

   "Grind Tianyuanhua and Dilinghua into powder, mix it with Helingcao flower meat..."

  Refining the Holy Pill is undoubtedly more energy-intensive, time-consuming, and more challenging than the Panacea Pill, but Su Changkong is fully focused and meticulous.

   "Introduce the aura into the Wandan furnace, ignite it, and turn it into a flame!"

Su Changkong's mind moved slightly, and placed in front of him, the ten thousand alchemy furnace with a diameter of nearly ten meters was glowing faintly. A large amount of spiritual energy was drawn by Su Changkong and submerged in the ten thousand alchemy furnace. Rotating, rubbing, rapidly heating up, turning into almost transparent flames, burning blazingly!

   "This step of refining the holy pill, just pulling the aura of heaven and earth into flames, is difficult to do in remote places outside the ancient holy country!"

  Su Changkong lamented that if it was a small country that lacked aura, the aura of heaven and earth would not even be able to turn the aura into fire.

  The spiritual fire was blazing, and Su Changkong began to invest in various precious medicinal materials, including the holy medicine that can only be cultivated in places with rich spiritual energy.

   Various medicinal materials full of aura were refined in the pill furnace.

  Buzz buzz!

  The Dan lines on the surface of the Wandan furnace shone with aura, and the aura turned into flames to wrap it around, and the dense clouds and mist swirled around, gathering but not dispersing.

  Su Changkong completed every step of refining Tianyuan Shengdan according to the complicated and detailed steps in the pill formula.

   Time passed, and three days passed by in a flash.


  The aura of heaven and earth in the Wan Dan Furnace suddenly became chaotic, and there was a deafening roar that shook the void. Black smoke emerged from the Dan Dan Furnace like dark clouds, and even the nearby rocks were rendered black.

   "Failed..." Su Changkong sighed slightly, even though he was concentrating and meticulous, he still failed.

  One failure is nothing but five taels of liquid.


  Su Changkong was not discouraged, he adjusted his state slightly, cleaned the Wandan furnace, and started the second and third refining.

  Consecutive failures, Su Changkong spent a dozen materials in one month, and the loss was not small.

   "Refining holy pills, mainly holy medicines, perfectly integrates the effects of various medicinal materials, and exerts effects beyond their limits!"

   Gradually, Su Changkong's strong potential value made him realize something in the process. The so-called alchemy is to perfectly integrate various mysteries into one, and use one point of medicinal properties to exert several times or dozens of times the medicinal power!

  Su Changkong forgot about the time, one furnace after another, every precious material was consumed.

   Two months later, under the blue sky and white clouds, Fuyun Cave Mansion was filled with spiritual energy. In an empty valley, the spiritual fire on the surface of the Wandan furnace was burning brightly, and it began to restrain itself.

   "Buzz buzz!"

The alchemy furnace trembled, wisps of refreshing medicinal fragrance floated out of the alchemy furnace, and water mist gathered in the valley, and the little drops of aura liquid moistened the soil like raindrops, so that there were spirit flowers and grass in the withered valley Break out of the ground and sprout new shoots.

   "It's done!"

  Su Changkong couldn't help showing a trace of sincere joy on his face.


  With a swipe of Su Changkong's palm, the lid of the pill furnace flew up, and a pill wrapped in spiritual light flew towards Su Changkong.

   This is a pill with three golden pill lines wrapped around its surface, the whole body is silver, but the small one has a heavy feeling, full of rich aura.

  Touching it with the palm of his hand, Su Changkong's slight fatigue was swept away, his spirit was refreshed, and the god-seed in his body conveyed his extreme desire!

   "This Tianyuan Shengdan has been refined thirty times before it succeeded once..."

  Su Changkong couldn't help but sigh.

   There is no doubt that it took 30 copies of medicinal materials to succeed once, and the loss was serious.

  But Su Changkong was very excited!

  Alchemy (11 Realm Earthquake Ancient Shuojin 1%)

  Just because Su Changkong's alchemy finally broke through the bottleneck in the process of refining the holy pill and reached the 11th realm!

   "Continue to practice, the success rate will definitely get higher and higher."

  Su Changkong was secretly delighted.

  Su Changkong put the Tianyuan Holy Pill in his hand into a jade bottle, and continued to refine the Tianyuan Holy Pill.

Refining holy pills one by one is undoubtedly much less efficient than refining panacea one by one, but refining multiple holy pills at one time is extremely difficult and the probability of failure is extremely high, Su Changkong thinks Unless the alchemy reaches the 12th level, it can't be done!

   Half a year passed in a flash, and Su Changkong refined all the hundred medicines in his hand.

   Instead, there are a total of 6 Tianyuan Holy Pills!

  The cost is 500 taels, and one Tianyuan Shengdan is worth about 50 taels. Su Changkong lost nearly 250 taels, but the speed of progress is undoubtedly extremely exaggerated!

  The resources of only a few hundred liang of liquid can improve the alchemy to such a level, which is enough to astonish the laymen in the alchemy of the Heavenly Sacred Mountain. It is hard to believe that Su Changkong's alchemy can have such an exaggerated progress.

   "Sell these Tianyuan Shengdans in hand, return the funds, and continue to improve the success of refining Tianyuan Shengdans, until you can earn Yuanye by refining Shengdans through alchemy!"

  Su Changkong didn't use the 5 Tianyuan Shengdan he refined for himself, but used them to continue improving alchemy.

  Su Changkong's life on Tiansheng Mountain was undoubtedly very nourishing. Not only did Wu Qinxi transform into supernatural powers, he also made rapid progress in alchemy.

At this moment, in the Heiyue Cave Mansion of Tiansheng Mountain, the mountain lord Jiang Yao is still practicing in seclusion as usual, impacting the realm of the gods. The three gods and gods in his body are shining, nourishing the body, and he wants to engrave the gods on the body middle.

  But suddenly Jiang Yao seemed to be aware of it, and opened his eyes with a frown: "Yuxing wants to see me? Could something have happened?"

  Yuxing, this is the commander of Tianshengwei in Tianhuo City Tianshengshan. He and his subordinate Tianshengwei maintain the order and rules of Tianshengshan. They are Jiang Yao's right-hand man.

   During this period of time, Jiang Yao retreated to cast a divine body, and the general affairs were left to the subordinates to take care of it. However, Yuxing came to see him in person, probably because he had something important and needed to report it to him in person!

"come in."

  Jiang Yao did not hesitate too much, stopped the retreat, opened the entrance of the Black Moon Cave, and let Yuxing enter.

  Wearing golden armor, the majestic and burly Yuxing figure flashed and entered the Black Moon Cave Mansion. Jiang Yao was already waiting quietly in the small lake with beautiful scenery.

   "Lord of the mountain."

  Yuxing saluted Jiang Yao respectfully.

   "Yes." Jiang Yao nodded, staring at Yuxing and said, "Commander Yu, you will come to see me at this time, is there something that needs to be handled by me personally? Tell me."

  Yuxing's face was serious. He would come to disturb Jiang Yao when he was in retreat. Naturally, something big happened.

Yuxing didn't talk nonsense, and said solemnly: "Shanzhu, half a month ago, a small city with a population of hundreds of thousands was slaughtered in the Chenyang Region, and the 'Huangfu Family' with holy warriors in the local town was also wiped out. Most of the ancestors also died, and our Tianshengwei people went to the scene to investigate, judging from some remaining traces, most of them were done by the 'Blood River Gate' who was once on the list of evil saints."

   "Blood River Gate?"

  As soon as these words came out, a cold light flashed in Jiang Yao's eyes.

  The ancient holy country was not peaceful, with a vast territory and rich resources, and some holy warriors slaughtered innocent people for their cultivation, intercepted spiritual veins, exhausted their resources, and committed heinous crimes.

  With the ability of a holy warrior, a few holy warriors can kill tens of millions of people in a short period of time, and the damage caused is extremely huge. Under the holy warrior, they are like ants.

  As the rulers of the ancient holy country, the Jiang family is merciless in the face of these holy warriors. Killing these holy warriors who have sinned is also something that can increase the luck of the Jiang family and maintain its strength.

The "Evil Saint List" released by the Jiang family is a list of wanted "evil saints". Anyone who is on the list of evil saints will be offered a huge reward by the Jiang family. No matter who kills them, they will be rewarded. Big rewards!

   And those who can be on the list of evil saints are not ordinary people, they are all extremely powerful and evil people.

  Like Ma Han before, he was also a cruel person, but the evil things he did were far from enough to be listed on the 'Evil Saints List'.

The Blood River Gate is one of the evil sects in the ancient holy country. The Blood River Gate is good at refining the 'Blood River Holy Pill', that is, slaughtering a large number of living beings and refining them into pills with the essence of life, mountains of corpses and seas of blood. , where no flowers and plants grow.

You don't need any spiritual herbs or holy medicines. You only need the lives of some ordinary people to refine holy pills that can be used to increase your cultivation. The divine body, boarded the "evil saint list", had run amok hundreds of years ago.

  In the end, the Jiang Family's three godly fighters found the gate of the Blood River Gate and carried out a massacre.

  But it is obviously impossible to completely exterminate such a sect with many disciples.

  In the territory of the Dust Sun Region, the small town near Tianhuo City was slaughtered, and the method is suspected to be the method used by the Blood River Gate to refine the Blood River Sacred Pill. It is likely that the remnants of the Blood River Gate have been reborn.

   "Any clues?"

  Jiang Yao asked immediately.

  Yuxing nodded: "According to the investigation and tracking of the Martial Sage who is good at finding people in Tianshengwei, this suspected remnant of the Blood River Gate is probably hiding in the Fengqing Mountains."

   Among the Heavenly Saint Guards, there are not only powerful Heavenly Saint Guards, but also some martial saints with auxiliary supernatural powers. Those who can find people, escape, and heal wounds, who can enter the Heavenly Saint Guards, all have extraordinary abilities.

  Yusing's Tianshengwei conducted a thorough investigation through magical powers and discovered the trace of the Blood River Gate.

   "Fengqing Mountain Range... is 30,000 miles away from Tianhuo City, but it is within the scope of my responsibility."

  Jiang Yao pondered slightly.

   "Within the scope of my responsibility, then I will deal with it! It is my duty as a child of the Jiang family to kill the demons of the 'Evil Saint List'!"

  Jiang's eyes flickered with divine light.

   Of course Jiang Yao can turn a blind eye to this matter. In fact, no matter how much the Blood River Gate slaughters innocent people, it will not affect him, but with his character, he is not willing to pretend to be ignorant.

   Firstly, it is the duty of the Jiang family’s children to kill the evil heretics on the list of evil saints, and secondly, this is also merit. Among the Jiang family, elites like Jiang Yao also need to accumulate merit to be valued by the clan!

   As for the danger? Jiang Yao himself can be the owner of the Tiansheng Mountain in Tianhuo City. He himself is an elite among the Jiang family's children. He has cultivated top-notch skills and has completed the three major gods. Ordinary martial saints with divine physiques dare to wrestle arms head-on!

   Moreover, Jiang Yao himself has a life-saving hole card given by his family. Even if he really encounters an opponent he cannot deal with, he can still protect himself.

  In addition, the Heavenly Sacred Guards of Tiansheng Mountain are all brave and good at fighting. Everyone has divine weapons and armors. A team of Heavenly Sacred Guards is enough to easily crush some small sects.

   "Call three teams of Tianshengwei and follow me to the Fengqing Mountains." Jiang Yao ordered Yuxing.


Yuxing nodded in response, and immediately set off to prepare. The remnants of the Xuehemen are not ordinary small characters. Yuxing didn't dare to make a claim, so he came to ask Jiang Yao himself, and he also wanted to deal with the remnants of the Xuehemen. But it is an opportunity to accumulate meritorious service and earn resources!

"This remnant of the Blood River Sect has shrunk its head for hundreds of years and dared to reappear. I think it has a certain amount of confidence, and there may even be a new strong man with a divine body...Although I am not afraid, I have to be more careful in my actions. It is better to invite Let Elder Su go with you."

  Jiang Yao thought about it, and thought of Su Changkong.

  Su Changkong is far from reaching the consummation of the God Seed Realm, but Jiang Yao knows that Su Changkong has cultivated the Yuanshen, an extraordinary evildoer, once he uses the Yuanshen, he can almost sweep the God Seed Martial Saint!

  The Yuanshen is extremely comprehensive in terms of killing enemies and other aspects, and has all kinds of mysteries. It is much safer to invite Su Changkong to accompany him!