MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 654 The theory of spiritual roots

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  Chapter 654 Theory of Spiritual Roots

  Feeling the disappearance of the surrounding coercion.

   Li Chen also fell limp to the ground.

  His whole body spiritual power is no longer enough to activate the second small sword.

  If you force it, you will be seriously injured.

   I just didn't expect "Three Lights Sword Intent" to be so famous.

  The other party was so frightened that he just saw him take out the small sword and ran away in a hurry.

  I couldn't help but secretly thank Zhong Liqiu in my heart.

  In any case, this battle was the most dangerous one since he became famous.

  The opponent's cultivation base is far higher than his two great realms.

   And well versed in the way of killing.

  Although I have a unique knowledge, it is useless in the face of the huge difference in realm.

   Just like the "Mud Coulter Method", although the opponent is restrained, the opponent still relies on a strong cultivation base to remain unscathed.

  After this battle, Li Chen couldn't help thinking of retreating.

  Ordinary monks will practice self-enlightenment every now and then.

  But Lichen has the help of the Mirror of Interpretation, and there are few difficult knots in his heart.

  So after self-cultivation, when I came out of the Blood Sea Secret Realm, I retreated in Huangquan Cave for three days.

  In this battle, he finally realized what he lacked.

   It's not a move, it's not a skill.

  It is a precipitated heart.

  He secretly decided in his heart that when he returned to the Shasheng Temple, he would announce his retreat!

   Suppressing the discomfort on his body, Li Chen began to check the situation.

   Monk Yehui was just stunned by the opponent's killing intent, and his body was not seriously injured.

  By contrast, Monk Xinguang had too many traumas on his body, and he was bleeding profusely.

  Li Chen didn't hesitate, and directly took out the glazed heart, and released the glazed light.

   Divine light fell, and the wound began to heal quickly.

   In just one cup of tea, Monk Xinguang's injury has already healed by eighty to ninety percent.

   "Master, the poor monk is fine."

   Monk Xinguang regained some vitality, and bowed slightly to Lichen.

   Then he took out a elixir from his bosom and stuffed it into Monk Yehui's mouth.

   Not long after, Monk Yehui also woke up.

  The injuries of both of them are not serious.

  It's just Lisao...

   Li Chen couldn't help frowning.

  At this time, Monk Xinguang looked around and said worriedly: "Master, for the present plan, we have to leave quickly."

  If the man in black robe comes back, they all have to explain here.

   Li Chen nodded secretly.

   A group of people set off again.

  The gap between Lihuang and Xunhuang is not dangerous because merchants often come and go.

   It only took one day for everyone to pass through the gap and enter Lihuang.

  Li Chen had already put away the plum blossoms and summoned the ascetic nuclear boat instead.

  Put Li Sao on the boat and go on a boat.

  As soon as we entered the Southern Wilderness, there was a heat wave.

  It makes people sweat like pulp.

  Bahuang respectively correspond to the directions of the Eight Diagrams.

  Li Huang is located in the extreme south of the world, and the Li position in the gossip belongs to fire.

  Since ancient times, there have been legends of Lihuang Huozu.

  Fire veins are naturally hidden underground.

  So as soon as they entered the Southern Wilderness, everyone began to sweat profusely.

   "There is shade ahead."

   "It's better to rest in the shade for a while."

  Monk Xinguang originally had a wide body and fat body, coupled with a steady stream of heat waves.

  At this time, the monk's robe was already soaked through.

  Wiping his big hand on his bald head, it was a splash of water.

   Li Chen heard the words and looked intently.

  I saw a towering tree rising from the ground a hundred meters ahead.

  The trees are full of foliage, and there are large shadows below.

   A group of people, Lichen, Xinguang, Yehui, and Agua are all okay.

  But for the other two, Xin Yi was pregnant for nine months, and if they couldn't make it to the Shasheng Temple, the child would be born.

   Er Lisao, since he was injured that day, his consciousness is sometimes clear and sometimes confused.

   At this time, his face was as white as paper, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he had obviously fallen into a coma again.

   Li Chen let out a long sigh, knowing the truth that haste makes waste.

"it is good!"

   "Let's rest under the tree for a while."

  Because this is the frontier of the Southland, there are few people.

  The huge tree shade is not enjoyed by anyone, it is a waste.

  When everyone came under the tree, a layer of coolness immediately appeared on their bodies.

  The whole body is comfortable.

  Agua jumped off his mount, saw the exposed rocks under the tree, reached out to touch it, and it didn't feel hot.

   So everyone sat down.

  Take out the food prepared by old man Zheng, and fill their stomachs.

  Only Lichen drank the wine by himself with the wine jug.

   Seeing him like this, everyone was speechless.

   Li Sao is his younger brother, and the two have a deep relationship. At this time, Li Sao is seriously injured, so he is naturally very sad.

   Only Monk Xinguang looked hesitant, as if he had something to say.

   "Actually... Master Lisao's injury is not hopeless."

  As soon as these words came out, Li Chen, who was shaking the gourd, suddenly paused in his hands.

  Monk Xinguang comes from Landa Temple.

  The medical skills of Landa Temple are no less than that of Dacien Temple.

  There is an old saying in Buddhism: Buddhist medicine comes from Landa.

   Even the Great Mercy Temple, before obtaining the "Seal of All Beings", also respected the medical skills of the Landa Temple.

  Since Monk Xinguang said that there is salvation, it is naturally salvation.

  Looking at Lichen's wide eyes, Monk Xinguang's face froze, and the topic changed again: "Although there is salvation, it is almost hopeless."

  The words were twisted and twisted, which made everyone confused for a while.

  But the monk Yehui said: "Master Xinguang, let's talk about it."

  Monk Xinguang nodded, and said slowly: "In fact, the theory of spiritual roots has been mysterious since ancient times."

   "If we look into the root cause, we need to start from the cultivation."

   "Acquired, innate, internal scene, external scene, asking, proving the way."

   "The end point is the ascension to open up a small world after proving the Tao."

   "And the starting point is the spiritual root."

   "What is spiritual root?"

   "The spiritual root is the foundation that takes root in the original world."

   "Only with the foundation of the original world, can we build on this foundation and gradually improve our own small world."

   "When the spiritual root is cut, it means that one's foundation in the original world is broken and eradicated."

   "Then the prototype of the small world I opened up before suddenly turned into a castle in the air."

  “Without the support of the foundation, the castle in the air will naturally collapse.”

   "And if you want to keep the building from falling down, you need to find a new foundation!"

   "New foundation?"

  After listening to the words of Monk Xinguang, Li Chen couldn't help but feel puzzled.

  Every monk is building a house.

  It's just that some people have strong foundations, so they build strong houses.

  Some people have weak roots, so their houses are prone to collapse.

  Lisao’s house collapsed and its foundation was destroyed. How can it be replaced with a new foundation?

  Monk Xinguang seemed to see Li Chen's doubts, so he continued to explain: "There is a scripture titled "The True Explanation of Origin Cultivation" in the Landa Temple."

   "The book expounds many principles of the world, including explanations about spiritual roots."

   "Human beings are the spirits of all things, innate Taoism."

   "But not everyone can practice, only those humans with spiritual roots can."

   "Moreover, there are good and bad spiritual roots, and the superior spiritual roots are naturally more suitable for cultivation."

   "Wood-type spiritual roots are suitable for absorbing wood-type auras, and fire-type spiritual roots are suitable for practicing fire-type spells."

   "In other words, the spiritual root is the epitome of the rules of this world!"

  (end of this chapter)