MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 655 psychic truth

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  Chapter 655 The True Solution of Psychics

   "All spiritual roots are reflections of the rules of the original world."

   "Only when the corresponding rules are complied with and the corresponding opportunity is given, can the corresponding behavior be carried out."

   Li Chen nodded upon hearing this.

  He understood what Monk Xinguang said very well.

  About the spiritual root, there are only innate sayings, and it is almost impossible to change the day after tomorrow.

  Even a Buddhist sacred object like Liuli Xin can't do anything.

   From another angle, in the words of monk Bukong, this world is a prison.

   There are various rules and regulations in the prison.

  As long as you abide by these rules and regulations and have the corresponding authority, then any behavior is allowed.

  The spiritual root is the authority of practice.

   Lisao's spiritual root was cut off, which is equivalent to losing the authority to practice.

  So I can no longer practice.

   "But... the spiritual root is the epitome of the rules of heaven, and it can naturally be reshaped in other ways!"

   "Could it be the 'pseudo-spiritual root' that ordinary monks talk about?"

   At this moment, Monk Yehui suddenly interrupted.

  Monk Xinguang shook his head, then nodded again: "In the world of comprehension, there has been a saying of 'false spiritual roots' since ancient times."

   "Although there is a word 'false' in its name, it is a real innate spiritual root.

  It is just a spiritual root that can absorb spiritual energy, but the absorption speed and efficiency are extremely poor. "

   "This kind of spiritual root is between existence and non-existence, and it is often impossible to break through the acquired realm in a lifetime."

   "And the origin of this name is actually from the real 'pseudo-spiritual root'!"

   "That is, the spiritual root created by the day after tomorrow!"

   Li Chen couldn't help but tighten his eyes when he heard the words: "Create a spiritual root?!"

  Monk Xinguang nodded: "That's right."

   "This method was originally a secret method of the ancient evil spirit sect.

  They transform their spiritual roots through secret methods, so as to obtain more heavenly authority.

  Later, this sect did many unrighteous actions and was condemned by God, and then disappeared.

  But the secret method of recreating the spiritual root has been handed down. "

   "Because this kind of spiritual root regeneration secret technique requires very harsh conditions, and most of the created spiritual roots are inferior, it is cast aside by the cultivation world."

   "On the contrary, it is occasionally spread in the mortal world."

  Evil Spirit Sect is an ancient sect.

  At that time, immortals and mortals were connected in the world of practice, and the mysteries of the world were beyond comparison at this time.

  It is very difficult to gather the materials for Qi Linggen Regeneration Technique.

  How can a good spiritual root be cultivated?

   What's more, monks in the cultivation world are born with spiritual roots, so they are naturally not interested in this kind of thankless 'pseudo-spiritual roots'.

   On the contrary, many wealthy families in the mortal world, in order to allow their offspring to step into the practice, do everything possible to collect materials to make this kind of "pseudo-spiritual roots".

  Because it was made the day after tomorrow, the spirit root is surprisingly poor.

   Gradually, in the realm of comprehension, all spiritual roots with poor aptitudes were collectively referred to as 'pseudo-spiritual roots'.

   After Monk Xinguang finished speaking, he flicked his right hand, and a jade slip appeared.

  The whole body of this jade slip is yellow, and the surface is engraved with lines, which looks very simple.

   "The poor monk has traveled around the world for many years, and happened to come across a copy."

   "At that time, I was just curious, but I don't know if it can be used at this time."

   After speaking, hand the jade slip to Li Chen.

   Li Chen was stunned, put away the wine pot, and solemnly took the jade slip.

   A trace of spiritual thought was released, and four large characters appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

  "Psychic True Explanation".

  What is recorded in it is the method of rebuilding the spiritual roots.

  But soon Li Chen frowned.


  Monk Xinguang nodded.

   "This jade slip was originally handed down from ancient times, and it is not easy to keep so many."

   "At least the process of making spiritual roots is complete."

   Li Chen nodded.

  The method is indeed as monk Xinguang said, extremely dangerous, and it is not easy to repair it.

  The most critical thing is the stringent requirements for spiritual root materials.

  All the spiritual root materials are either extremely rare treasures of heaven and earth, or psychic things that touch the rules of the road.

   "Confused Buddha relic...?!"

  Suddenly, Lichen's eyes lit up.

  It is actually... the best spiritual root material!

   "Confused Buddha's relic?"

  Monk Xinguang couldn't help but gasp when he heard this name.

  Looking at Li Chen's expression again, he couldn't help being shocked: "Master knows the whereabouts of Huo Buddha's relic?"

   Li Chen nodded, and then continued.

   At the time of the competition.

  Li Chen once gambled on stones in the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, and won the young master of Qinghong Villa, Bu Hengqiu.

  Bu Hengqiu held a grudge, so on the top of Wanhe Mountain, he fought with Shasheng Temple endlessly.

  Finally, in order to get the help of Zhunye monk of Zhulong Temple, he once said that there is a "Buddha relic" in Qinghong Villa.

   It was also because of this that Monk Zhunye took all the monks of the Candle Dragon Temple to attack, seriously injuring the outrageous monk.

   Later, it was wiped out by Li Chen.

   Later, it even attracted the intervention of Daguangming Temple.

  However, it is because of this that Guangming Buddha's son Yehui monk has a chance with Lichen.

   At this time, when he saw the 'Buddha Relic' in the jade slips, he couldn't help but feel his eyes warm.

   "Does the world really exist 'Huo Buddha Relics'?!"

  The relics are rare, and the relics that deceive Buddhas are even more rare.

  The reason is that there is a trace of the spiritual thoughts of eminent monks hidden in the delusion Buddha relics!

   To confuse the Buddha, to confuse the Buddha, is an eminent monk who has doubts in his heart.

   What often confuses them is the original avenue of this world.

  That is to say, every sarira of Huo Buddha contains a little understanding of the original world.

  The spirit root itself is the reflection of the rules of the world.

  If the Buddha relics are used to transform them into spiritual roots, then it will be very consistent with the rules of the world.

  So the Buddha relic is the best choice for recreating spiritual roots.

  At this time, Monk Yehui suddenly said: "Qinghong Villa...seems to be just north of Lihuang."

   "It shouldn't be far from here!"

  Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words.

  Qinghong Villa is a branch of the Kyushu Dapai Changlefang.

  The time to enter Lihuang is relatively late.

  Although it is one of the eight sects of Lihuang, its location is relatively remote.

   "It's not far."

   "Junior brother, you must hold on." Li Chen secretly said.

  However, Monk Xinguang frowned: "The relics of Huo Buddha are extremely precious."

   "The Qinghong Villa..."

   Li Chen sighed softly, and subconsciously took out his three relics from his bosom.

  Can't help smiling: "No way, I can only exchange it with my own relics."

  After some explanations, everyone understood that the "Heaven, Earth and Man Trinity Dice" turned out to be an ancestral relic of Qinghong Villa.

  Perhaps for Qinghong Villa, Sancai Dice is more important to them than Huofo relics.

  After everyone knew that there was a chance of saving Lisao, they didn't dare to delay any longer.

   then summoned the mount and continued on the road.

  Li Chen also took the opportunity to put the remnants of "The True Explanation of Psychicism" into the "Ten Directions Dojo".

  Enable enlightenment mode.

  The bell rang.

  In the Shifang Dojo, the candlelight flickered.

  Li Chen thought for a while and took the opportunity to invite several unique techniques of foundation building, body forging, and foundation stabilization into it.

   All of a sudden Zen sounds sounded.

  The "Psychic True Explanation" in the middle began to gleam.

  I believe that it won't be long before this secret technique will be further advanced.

   At the same time, Qinghong Villa, dozens of miles away, is experiencing a catastrophe...

  (end of this chapter)