MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 678 Because of it

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  Chapter 678 Because of the way

   Mu Hongye looked at the small red clay stove in front of him, in a daze.

  Sasheng Temple, two hundred years ago, was the undisputed leader of the sects in southern Xinjiang.

   In terms of background, it is even more of the former Sanyuan giant school.

  Sect forces are divided according to the luck of the sect.

  The top sects are none other than: Sanyuan, Sixiang, and Twenty-eight Constellations.

  The so-called Sanyuan refers to the Ziweiyuan, Taiweiyuan, and Tianshiyuan, which are the central location surrounded by the sky full of stars.

   It is also the place with the strongest luck in the world.

  Even though the Shasheng Temple has been in decline and depression for hundreds of years, this heritage has not diminished.

   What's more, almost no one is available to teach ghosts this time.

   "Only two of the four great venerables remain, and less than half of the top ten apostles!"

   "Seventy percent of the faction is a stranger!"

   Mu Hongye's tone was low and his eyes were not friendly.

  Every time he said a word, the ghost left envoy next to him would tremble.

   "You are indeed guilty!"

   "Please ask the Lord to punish!" The ghost left envoy crawled to the ground again.


   Mu Hongye poured himself a cup of fragrant tea, but his heart was full of twists and turns.

  No matter what, this revenge will always come back.

   It's just that the Shasheng Temple is so powerful now, what should the Ghost Sect do?

  Thinking of this, a name suddenly popped up in my mind.


   Shasheng Temple, Bukong Mountain.

  A silver waterfall poured down.

  The water of the nine heavens hits the earth.

  Russia turned into a gurgling stream, soaking hundreds of miles.

  The entire Bukong mountain is an old man in the water with bare feet.

  On a raised boulder, a figure is meditating.

  Li Chen had been sitting in front of the Bukong Waterfall for two days and two nights.

  During this period of time, except for drinking and practicing from time to time, he remained motionless at other times.

  'Six Bi Cancellation' forms a word 'Yin'.

  But this word for cause does not hide the patriarch's understanding of the way of cause and effect.

  Once upon a time, it only took one day for Li Chen to master the corresponding "Break the Way because of the Infinite Sealing Method".

   Afterwards, it took a full three days and three nights to comprehend the corresponding "Destruction of the Tao" corresponding to the "Sacrifice and Yin Fa".

   That is to say, as I learn more and more Dharma Six Paths, it becomes more and more difficult to comprehend the Six-stroke Cancellation.

  At this moment, leave the dust and enter meditation for three days and three nights, just to be in harmony with the spirit of the word 'Yin'.

  Heaven and earth, waterfalls, Bukong Mountain and myself.

  Among the worlds, if only four are left.

  These four are unified and harmonious with each other to achieve the most perfect natural state.

  Natural, always impeccable.

  If Li Chen wants to comprehend the hidden magic, he must first conquer the unity in front of him at this moment.

   Finally he opened his eyes.

   It is as if there is a fifth existence between heaven and earth.

   His gaze pierced the sky and the earth like a dagger, and plunged into the endless waterfall.

  Because of breaking the way!

  Suddenly made a move, Wugou's slashing saber was full of aura.

   It was just one move, Baizhang Feibao immediately seemed to have been tapped on the acupuncture points.

  After the unity of nature is destroyed in an instant, a new state is formed.

  The 'Liubi Cancellation' hidden under the first level of mistyness appeared in front of Li Chen again.

  In an instant, a mountain seemed to appear on Li Chen's body.

  Because of the six strokes, it constantly enlarges and expands.

  But I was like a grandson monkey suppressed by Buddha, unable to move.

  The word 'cause' in front of me was decomposed and reconstructed in my mind.


   A bar suddenly lights up.

   This is the corresponding "Because of Breaking the Way" in "Wujianyinfa", and it is also the bottom line of the word "Yin".


   Another bar lit up violently.

   This time it is a horizontal line in the middle of the word 'Yin'.

   Corresponds to the "destruction of the Dao because of it" in "The Seal of Killing Lives"!


  Finally the third pen lights up!

   is the topmost and rightmost horizontal fold '' of the word 'Yin'.

   In the next moment, it went straight into Li Chen's eyes.


   At this time, the waterfall that had been cut off with a single knife, reacted again.

   It descended from the sky with unparalleled momentum, leaving a huge roar in the valley.

   But Li Chen sat there motionless.

  The '' in his mind started getting bigger and bigger.

   Originally it was a simple stroke, but now it has been magnified countless times.

   is built from countless characters into ''.

  Li Chen knew that this was an excellent moment to comprehend the third pen, so naturally he did not dare to take it lightly.

  '' corresponds to the "Infinite Sealing Method" in the Six Paths of Bodhidharma.

   "Infinite Sealing Method" is divided into two chapters, one is "Boundless Body" and the other is "Boundless Mind".

  '' is actually two strokes in one stroke!

   It just corresponds to the upper and lower chapters of "Infinite Sealing Method".

  Where the golden light shone, Li Chen had sunk into it.

  Countless characters were shattered and reorganized in the mind, disappeared and appeared.

  Finally, finally turned into a new scripture.


  'Because of the truth'!

  【Because of the way

  true meaning

  After comprehending Bodhidharma's "Infinite Sealing Method" of the Six Paths, under the guidance of monk Bukong's will, he comprehended the "Six-stroke Cancellation".

  'Mi' means full and infinity, because the meaning of Mi Dao does not mean severance, the cultivation and use requirements of all moves are greatly reduced, and the power is greatly increased. 】

  If we say that the Six Paths of Bodhidharma are the avenues of the world.

  Then the six strokes written off by Patriarch Bukong are the signposts on the avenue.

  One is the understanding of the realm, and the other is the technique in use.

  So whether it is "breaking the way because of it", "destroying the way because of it" or "making the way because of it" just now, it is a further derivative usage based on the original Dharma Six Paths.

  In other words, 'Six strokes canceled' is Patriarch Bukong's understanding of the Six Paths of Bodhidharma.

   And after Li Chen has truly penetrated the Six Paths of Bodhidharma, he may also have his own insights.

   But it's still early days.

   After the golden light in his mind dissipated, Li Chen opened his eyes again.

  Far mountains and near water, the wind and the grass are turbulent.

  One flower and one tree, bit by bit.

  Every moment seems to leave a faint trace in my heart.

  This is not just Li Chen's understanding of 'causes make up the way'.

   It was Lichen's understanding of the word 'cause', or 'cause and effect'.

  The Six Paths of Bodhidharma is karmic reincarnation.

  'Liubi Cancellation' is also a strange interpretation of 'Yinzi'.

  The two supreme comprehensions are both understandings of 'cause and effect'.

  So every move around seems to have left traces in my heart.

   "Is this cause and effect?"

   Li Chen glanced at his palm, then at the waterfall in front of him.

  The inexhaustible ripples extend from afar to my heart.

  In an instant, the golden light suddenly rose behind him.

  A golden circle lights up.

   It was the 'round light of cause and effect' that he had comprehended before.

   At this time, the circle of causal light is as big as a washbasin.

  Barely covering Lichen's back.

  The moment it emerged, the mysterious causal connection around it seemed to be absorbed by the circular light.


   Li Chen's eyes lit up.

  He could feel the surge of the round light behind him.

  The causal circle of light is devouring the surrounding 'power of cause and effect'.

  It seems that everything in the world is inextricably linked with it.

   After a few breaths, Li Chen felt the circle of karma behind him explode!

  (end of this chapter)