MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 679 The sun and the moon are gone

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  Chapter 679 The sun and the moon are wasted

   Cause and effect.

  The Bodhidharma Six Paths is actually the avenue of karma and reincarnation.

  At this moment, Li Chen can feel the thread of cause and effect coming from his body, which is much more than before.

  As long as he picks up a silk thread at will, he can see the cause and effect, the ins and outs, through the thread.

   Therefore, everything that happened in the past has insight into the heart.

  This is the power of the great creator.

   Li Chen withdrew his mind, and everything in front of him returned to normal again.

  Mountains are mountains, waters are waters, and people are people.

  At this time, he felt that the energy in his body was surging and flowing continuously.

  The Qiankun bottle in his chest appeared automatically without wind, and suddenly appeared in front of him.

  The golden bottle is open, the jade liquid is gurgling, and the breath of intoxication spreads out, making people unable to help but want to escape into the wine country.


  When the gold emerged, the sun and the moon in the bottle came out of the same sky.

  It is Lichen's interior spectacle 'Sun and Moon Same Sky'.

   This spectacle was once called the No. 1 spectacle in the millennium by the Sunday list.

  The realm of monk practice is divided into: Acquired, Innate, Interior, Exterior, Asking, Proving the Way.

  The acquired and innate before the interior scene are actually the process of monks building foundations.

  Starting from the interior is the key for the monk to truly open up a small world.

   In other words, the level of spectacle directly determines the size of a person's achievements.

   Undoubtedly, the spectacle of 'sun and moon in the same sky' is a good omen.

   "Midterm yet?"

   Li Chen opened his eyes slightly, and the Gang Qi in his body surged.

  Since he summoned the Wonders of the Inner Scene, his cultivation has finally risen to the next level, reaching the middle stage of the Inner Scene.

  Based on Li Chen's age, this already belongs to the category of supreme genius.

  He secretly circulated the stellar energy, the power of the sun and the moon, floating again.

  Due to my further understanding of 'cause and effect' at this time, the miracle of the sun and the moon in the body seems to have undergone new changes.

   "Cause and effect?"

   "Sun and moon?"

  Li Chen forced himself to suppress the incomprehension in his heart, and could only devote all his mind to comprehend the wonder.

  After the monk breaks through to the realm of the inner scene, he can summon the wonders of the inner scene.

  As the cultivation base continued to increase, the understanding of the spectacle became more and more profound.

  Finally, gradually master the related miracle secrets.

  Like the 'sun and moon reversal', 'sun and moon reincarnation' and 'sun and moon nine secluded' that Li Chen realized before.

   are all secret methods that can only be cast with the help of wonders.

  At this moment, Li Chen has a feeling that he will be able to comprehend a new secret technique soon.

What could it be?

   Lichen sinks his mind, Guizang Qiankun Vase emerges, and the sun and moon light up in the same sky.

   Gang Qi surged all over his body, and the power of cause and effect was constantly entangled.

  In the dark, it seems that there is a force that constantly wraps around the wonders of the sun and the moon.

   Then keep polishing and swallowing.

  As time went by, the 'Sun and Moon Wonders' gradually glowed with new vitality.

  Li Chen knew that this was a sign that the secret technique was about to come true.

  Taking a deep breath at the moment, Gang Qi surged up all over his body, and the sun, moon and sky covered him all at once.


   There was a loud shock.

   Li Chen's eyes widened.

  I just feel that the Gang Qi around my body is getting thicker.

  When the spectacle rotates, everything around it seems to stop.

   And Li Chen finally knew the name of the secret method he had comprehended.

  'The sun and the moon are wasted'.

  【The sun and the moon are lost: the secret method of spectacle.

  Using the 'sun and moon' as the foundation and 'cause and effect' as the bondage, the years will be wasted when it comes out, causing a short period of time to stop around. 】

   "Time stands still???!"

   Li Chen's eyes widened, looking at the words in the interpretation mirror with some disbelief.

  Hey guy, stop time! I actually let myself realize it!

  However, after many attempts, he discovered that this trick has many limitations.

  First of all, it triggers the 'time stop' when you are three feet around your body.

   And Sanchi happens to be within the scope of his karma circle.

   That is to say, this trick itself can only be used with the help of the 'karma round light'.

  Secondly, this move consumes a lot of energy. Each time it is used, it consumes nearly half of the force. This is the consumption after Li Chen comprehends the 'Because of the Way'.

  If it wasn't for the newly enlightened 'Yin Zhi Mi Dao' that lowered the activation threshold, maybe he wouldn't even be able to cast it.

  However, under the premise of great consumption, the real stop time is only a moment.

   But even so, Li Chen was already content.

  A master's fight, perhaps just a moment of time stop, can directly determine life and death.


  While Li Chen had an epiphany about the secret technique of wonders, the ghost sect returned by the leader seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.



   "Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!"

   "Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!"

  Ghost Cult leader Mu Hongye looked at everything in front of him with satisfaction.

  At least new disciples have a great sense of honor.

  He sighed softly, and couldn't help thinking to himself: This century is a century of changing circumstances.

   If the Ghost Cult really wants to gain a foothold in southern Xinjiang, competition with the Shasheng Temple is absolutely inevitable.

  However, in terms of background and resources, there is a big gap between Ghost Sect and Shasheng Temple.

  But the Ghost Sect has a great advantage, which is incomparable to the Shasheng Temple.

   That is, it does not have the powerful enemies of Shasheng Temple.

   Don’t say whether the original eight sects in southern Xinjiang really surrendered or were subdued.

  Just talking about the power of the Yaozu is enough to double the pressure on Shasheng Temple.

  The founder of Shasheng Temple, Monk Bukong, the founder of the temple, killed the last Chixiao Demon Emperor with one palm. Since then, the demon clan has been divided into three.

   It can be seen that there is an undying hatred between Shasheng Temple and Yaozu.

   What's more, the Wanshou Villa of the Northern Wilderness had suffered so much in the Killing Temple before, and even the monkey saint among the five villa owners was trapped in the Killing Forest. This hatred cannot be resolved.

  Besides, there was a fight between Shasheng Temple and Da Guangming Temple in Feiluzhou because of the 'Zhulong Temple' incident.

  This shows that the number of enemies Shasheng Temple has made is unimaginable.

   If you use it a little bit, it may not be impossible to provoke conflicts.

  As the saying goes: Cranes and clams compete for the fisherman's benefit.

  Mu Hongye wanted to be a fisherman.

  Of course, you need to be hardworking yourself, and the Ghost Cult still has a great reliance.

   That is the Demon Sect that is frightening in Kyushu - Huangquan Sect!

  Kyushu has many sects and many inheritances.

   The two ways of good and evil are mixed with each other, and disputes continue.

   Among them, the Huangquan Sect is known as the number one demon sect in Kyushu, and it has always responded to everyone in the underworld and is unscrupulous.

  Because of the extremely wide distribution and flexible actions, the Zhengdao sect party is helpless against them.

  In addition, they practice evil skills and behave pervertedly and fiercely, making people afraid to approach them.

   It's just that the Huangquan Sect has always been in the Kyushu territory, but few people know the relationship between it and the Ghost Sect.

  The founder of Ghost Sect, Yougui Daoist was once one of the disciples of Huangquan Sect. Because he discovered the method of cultivating ghost fire in southern Xinjiang, he set up an altar to promote the method in southern Xinjiang, recruited more disciples, and established Ghost Sect.

  Over the years, Mu Hongye has been secretly contacting the Huangquan Sect in order to reconnect with the No. 1 Demon Sect in the World.

  In Mu Hongye's view, Southern Xinjiang is a big piece of fat.

  It can be said that it is extremely difficult to swallow this big piece of fat just by teaching yourself by the ghost.

  But if he wants to muddy the water in southern Xinjiang, and then take advantage of the chaos, it will be easy for him.

  (end of this chapter)