MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 712 Past events of the leader

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   "You should know the function of 'Heart-biting Gu'."

  Huang Daxian grinned, his eyes full of gloom.

  Ye Gui held his neck with both hands, panting rapidly.

  At this moment, he finally understands what life is worse than death.

  The next thing will come naturally.

  Ye Gui knew everything about the questions Huang Daxian asked.

   Sure enough, the wicked need to be grinded by the wicked.

   "Ghost Cult leader!"

  Huang Daxian's eyes gleamed coldly.


   "It's not that easy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

  The leader of Ghost Sect set up many calculations, the purpose is to intensify the conflict between Longevity Villa and Shasheng Temple.

   Then reap the benefits of the fisherman himself.

  The abacus is quite loud, but whether it is the Longevity Villa or the Shasheng Temple, how can it be easy?

   "Take me to meet your leader!"

   Huang Daxian's eyes were fixed, and his face was covered with dark clouds.

  Ye Gui couldn't help but shivered, but his feet softened and he fell directly to the ground.

  Going to see the leader is death, not going to see the leader is also death.

  But if Huang Daxian doesn't follow Huang Daxian's wishes, even if he dies, he will be controlled by Heart-eating Gu.

   Becomes an unconscious puppet.

  Thinking of this, he glanced blankly at Huang Daxian, and finally nodded.

  Before Huang Daxian was happy, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air outside.

   "Huh? These monks were found so quickly!"

  He didn't know that Li Ge and the others had spirit sparrows to help him, so he immediately grabbed the night ghost beside him and galloped away without further delay.

   And Li Ge saw Huang Daxian's back, and he didn't even want to call out his magic weapon 'Xunyu Shuo' directly.

  A blue light flashed, and the Xunyu Shuo had disappeared.

   On the other hand, Huang Daxian's cultivation base is much higher than that of the monks, so he didn't care much at first.

   While moving into mid-air, suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air behind his head.

  Huang Daxian turned pale with shock, he didn't expect that group of poor monks to have such a magic weapon!

   Without hesitation, even if he used the escape technique, his figure flashed, and he narrowly missed the sharp edge of Xun Yusuo.

   Li Ge behind him heard a 'ding'.

   Then I knew that this time I am afraid I will return without success.

  Facts are as he expected, Huang Daxian runs faster than a rabbit.

   Li Ge and his party couldn't catch up at all.

   "Brother, what should we do next?" Yun Gu couldn't help but worry about the situation of Shasheng Temple at this time.

  They all saw the figure of Huang Daxian just now, which means that Longevity Villa has also been involved.

  If the ghost sect is really behind the night ghost, it is very likely that they will cooperate with Longevity Villa again.

   Obviously Li Ge also understood the seriousness of the problem.

  He pondered for a moment before saying: "Report to the teacher first."

   They didn't gain anything from this trip.

   At least one wild fox demon was caught.

  Although the following clues are broken.

  But judging from the few words of the wild fox demon, Yun Gu's consideration just now is not completely unreasonable.

   Report to the division first, so that the division can prepare.

  Li Ge immediately used the 'Tongxin Jade' to report the experience here to the obscure elder.

  Sasheng Temple, Send Zen Palace.

  The obscure Zen master suddenly felt that the same heart and jade were different.

  Take it out and have a look, it is indeed the message from Li Ge.

  After learning that Huang Daxian shot and snatched away the real culprit behind the scenes, the obscure Zen master couldn't help frowning.

   Regarding the ghost religion, the obscure Zen master was not worried at first.

  But when he saw the mention of "Ghost Sect Leader" in Tongxin Yuzhong, he really became worried.

  The seventh-generation abbot once said before retreating.

   Southern Xinjiang can be compared with Shasheng Temple, too.

  Gein's heirs to the various sects are not heroic.

   Except for one person.

   That is Mu Hongye, the leader of Ghost Sect.

  Before the Shasheng Temple was closed and the mountain was closed, the family dominated in southern Xinjiang.

  At that time, Mu Hongye was not yet the leader of Ghost Cult.

  He once entered the Shasheng Temple in the name of donating incense.

  Have a long talk with the abbot of the dark.

  When he left, Abbot Huanzhuo said that he had great talent, and that given time, he would surely become a generation of heroes.

   But he didn't expect that he would become the leader of Ghost Cult not long after.

  After Mu Hongye came to power, he carried out drastic reforms to the Ghost Sect.

   And personally accepted the fate of the two protectors, the Four Great Venerables.

  After that, they reached in-depth cooperation with Lieguang Pavilion and Duanmai Mountain.

  One master and two assistants, the three strongest forces in the southern border magic way have reached a cooperation.

   Soon, it didn't take long for them to successfully dominate the Southern Border Demonic Dao.

   After integrating all the resources, Mo Dao's strength has reached unprecedented levels.

  Under absolute strength, many orthodox sects also began to attach themselves.

  In this way, the ghost sect started from scratch and became a nightmare for all the sects in southern Xinjiang.

   On the other hand, Shasheng Temple has taken a sharp turn all the way down.

  First, the abbot of the seventh generation was seriously injured by Daleiyin Temple and was on the verge of death at the auspicious Dharma meeting.

   As a last resort, we directly announced the closure of temples and mountains.

   And he himself entered a two-hundred-year retreat.

   This undoubtedly gave the Ghost Cult a better chance to rise.

   In this way, the two major forces in southern Xinjiang, the old and the new, just changed their roles quietly.

   During the years when the Shasheng Temple was closed, the reason why the Ghost Sect became the new leader in southern Xinjiang.

  In the final analysis, it lies in the great talent of Mu Hongye, the leader of Ghost Sect.

   But later, it was rumored that the leader of the Ghost Cult occasionally got supernatural powers, so he chose to hand over the Ghost Cult to his subordinates, and practice in seclusion.

   It was also because of his absence that when the Ghost Sect and the Longevity Villa attacked the Shasheng Temple, they were completely defeated.

   But now Mu Hongye has left the customs.

  With his ambition, it is impossible for him to submit to the Shasheng Temple willingly.

  So he will definitely unite with Longevity Villa!

  In this case, the other party added the second owner of Longevity Villa, Snake Saint, and the third owner, Crane Saint.

  Three people in one, capable of both literature and martial arts, must not be underestimated.

  At that moment, he directly called all the monks together...

   Huang Daxian's Dharma appearance is "Huangfeng Cave".

  This dharma image contains yellow sand and yellow wind.

  So his speed is much faster than ordinary monks.

   Even though he was still holding the night ghost with one hand, his speed still didn't mean to slow down in the slightest.

   Wait until he is finally sure that he has got rid of Li Ge.

  Huang Daxian said conceitedly with a smile on his face: "Hmph, if you want to keep up with me, you are still far behind."

   Then he summoned his flying magic weapon 'Yellow Wind Comb'.

  The wind blew up, and the jade comb was slowly suspended.

  Just a little thought, and the comb went straight through the air.

   Comb your hair really like jade, and enjoy silky smoothness~

  Under the instructions of the night ghost, 'Huang Fengshu' soon came to a remote suburb.

  Here is overgrown with weeds, chaotic trees and slanted trees, and the surroundings are slightly gloomy and gloomy.

   Occasionally, there will be crows calling, penetrating the entire forest.

   Even Huang Daxian couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling.

  Following the Night Ghost, we finally found a pale white stone tombstone standing quietly among the rocky rocks, which seemed out of place with everything around.