MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 26 , 1 good frog

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"The lizardmen are not a human-like race with the habit of farming."

An Mubai whispered softly, looking at the turquoise slate in front of him, with his golden vertical pupils thinking in his eyes, he stretched out his claws to inscribe on the turquoise slate.

"But this doesn't mean that the lizard people cannot develop farming and breeding."

"Now the food that the Lizardmen have in the shallow pits and the pits, the stored food stolen by the frogmen in the black mud swamp, and nearly 400 frogmen corpses."

"If you eat it sparingly, it will be enough for the shallow pit lizardmen to eat until the spawning and breeding season comes three months later, but if you build the shallow pit lizardmen army yourself."

"And the centralized management and nurturing of lizardmen cubs, it is far from enough food for three months."

"Shasha" An Mubai stroked his claws, and wrote "Food Planning" on the blue slate, four simplified Chinese characters, and then watched with his golden vertical pupils.

The mind entered the "food" of the Lizardmen in the shallow pit, and was thinking about the development plan.

"The sources of food are generally divided into planting, breeding, purchasing, plundering, hunting, and searching and gathering wild fruits.

"These six ways of food sources, in addition to purchasing, can be used as food acquisition methods for the shallow pit lizard people."

"However, the efficiency of hunting and searching and gathering wild fruits is too low, and now the shallow pit lizardmen have no hands to hunt or search for wild fruits."

An Mubai pondered the words, the sturdy lizard tail swayed behind him, and the sharp claws engraved on the turquoise slate, "planting", "breeding" and "plundering".

"Plundering is the way for most human races in the Wanye Mountains to obtain food."

"The advantage is fast. As long as the plunder is successful once, that group can directly obtain a large amount of food."

"The disadvantage is that the risk is high, and it requires a huge amount of force to ensure that the food can be plundered all the time. Otherwise, it may cause the ethnic group to fall into crisis."

"Everyone in the Wanye Mountains is a hunter, and everyone is a prey. The difference is whose fangs are sharper."

"But now the shallow pit lizardmen are no longer qualified to be hunters, except of course the frogmen in the black mud swamp!"

An Mubai's sharp claws were beside him, stroking in the sand covered with white lime, the lizard with black scaly growing on its face had fangs leaking out of laughter.

Turning his eyes to the side, he looked at the leftover frog legs.

The Shallow Pit Lizardmen are currently low in force and can't be defeated by anyone, but the old frogmen are afraid of death, and An Mubai can easily beat them, and they can find the old frogmen among the frogmen in the black mud swamp.

"The old frogman is a good shadow... No, he is a good frog!"

An Mubai whispered with a smile on his face, the face of the old frogman and the thin and short body, in his mind there was a radiance in full bloom.

"The frogmen have strong reproductive ability and rapid growth. The cubs can mature and transform into adult frogmen within a year. They are the food for most creatures in the Wanye Mountains."

"Similar to the goblins in the forest, they even have the habit of offering their own clansmen to the strong as shelter food."

"I can completely treat the frogmen in the black mud swamp as "breeding". The shallow pit lizardmen are short of food, so I go and get some frogmen "food" back."

"As long as the old frogmen don't die, then I can continue to get "food" from the frogmen in the black mud swamp to strengthen the lizardmen in the shallow pits."

"In the end, when the Lizardmen are strong enough, they can even take the Black Mud Swamp Frogmen as vassals and let them dedicate a certain amount of their clan each month."

"Shasha" An Mubai laughed in his heart, stretched out his sharp claws and engraved the word "vassal" under the word "plunder" on the blue slate.

This is the reason why An Mubai didn't kill the old frogmen in the end, and even kept three high-class frogmen to **** the old frogmen back to the black mud swamp.

"However, relying solely on the old frogmen's black mud swamp frogmen as a food source for the shallow pit lizardmen will not last long."

"You can't let go of your planting and breeding. You can't panic if you have food at home. After the shallow pit lizard people are supported by the black mud swamp frog people, they will grow again."

"The food source of the shallow pit lizard people is mainly based on plundering and recording vassal races, supplemented by planting and breeding among the tribes."

"In this way, as long as the shallow pit lizardmen can continue to grow, there will be no food crisis."

"If there is any danger or accident, you can also rely on the food grown and cultivated in the family to survive, for double development and double insurance."

On the face of An Mu's white and black-scaled lizards, Sheng smiled and set the direction of food sources for the Lizardmen in the shallow pits, and then turned to look at Bai Chi beside him.

However, she saw that her young and thin body had already fallen asleep on the brown-black creek stone slab with the development plan of "National Transcendence" written on it.

"Ha ha!"

An Mubai let out two chuckles with a smile on his face, only to feel that Baiscale's current appearance was like a scumbag who couldn't read the book in the previous life, and slept on the book.

"Brother Hei, the cubs in the clan have already gathered."

The figure of Sanscale walked into the thatched cottage, holding two more tender frog legs made from the hind legs of a superior frogman.

Last night, the old frogmen sent the black mud swamp to carry too many frogmen corpses, and there were more than 170 frogmen in the Asazawa cave.

Mo Lin and the others couldn't handle it at all, so after San Scale and Flat Corner finished carrying the slate, they also helped to dispose of the frogman's body in the thatched hut area.

"How fast, good!"

An Mubai was stunned for a moment, with a little surprise in his heart, got up and took the two fresh frog legs in Sanlin's hands.

While eating, he walked outside the thatched hut. His stomach was really hungry now.

"Touch! Touch! Touch!"

The thatched hut area is near the open space of the shallow swamp, and there is still the sound of the ink scales and the others handling the frogman's corpse, which keeps ringing.

It was noon now, and the scorching hot sun shone on the shallow swamps and the thatched hut area that was not covered by any trees.

The figure that made An Mubai walk out was a little uncomfortable. Lizardmen are not a race that likes high temperature and faces the scorching sun.

However, Moscale and the others had thin scales growing on their faces, and their busy faces with smiles had not changed because of the blazing sun in the sky.

He took a portion of the freshly prepared frog meat and put it in the blazing sun. These are the food of the shallow pit lizard people in the future.


A group of blood-stained lizardmen of different sizes gathered in the shallow swamp not far from Moscale and the others when they dealt with the frogmen's corpse.

The blood-red blood is accompanied by some discarded frogmen's internal organs into the shallow swamp, which can cause them to **** and fight.

These are the lizardmen cubs living in the shallow swamps, and the **** smell of the frogmen's corpses that they dealt with had attracted them long ago.