MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 34 , first come 1 round of military posture

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In the shallow swamp, the figure of Lie Tooth walked towards An Mubai.

More than 200 inferior lizardmen died in the black mud swamp frogmen, which made the shallow swamp look really empty. At first glance, it was only him, Grayscale, and Bonescale who were looking for the figure of the inferior lizardmen.

"Well, Lietooth will ask Grayscale and the others to gather the cubs, just like yesterday."

An Mubai nodded, looked at the shallow swamp where there were not many lizardmen, and whispered to Lietooth.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Lie Tooth's eyes were stunned for a moment, and then there was doubt and incomprehension in his heart, he hurriedly bowed to An Mubai, turned and ran towards Grayscale and the others.

The food paid by the frogmen who attacked the black mud swamps, and last night's defense against the invading flaming tigers, these have made An Mubai's reputation among the shallow pit lizardmen.

It can be said that even if the blood candle is resurrected, it will be difficult to resist An Mubai's rule over the shallow pit lizardmen. Food and strength are the foundation for all races to survive in the Wanye Mountains.

"The lizardmen cubs don't have much intelligence. They can't do too complicated military training. They have to do it step by step."

"Recently, for their training, like yesterday, the main thing is to teach them to distinguish between standing and standing still, and then it is supplemented by training their physical fitness."

"The military posture and physical fitness should be able to teach them, initially form a disciplined training, and distinguish it from the previous life of beasts, and then wait for the thatched hut to be built."

"The next step of military training can be carried out according to the effect of the training."

An Mubai looked at the figure of Lietooth running away, thinking and whispering in her heart, a slight smile appeared on her face with thin black scales.

In his previous life, although his life was ordinary, he also had a two-year military career.


In the shallow swamp, Grayscale, Fierce Teeth, and the others, wailed loudly to summon the lizardmen cubs.

"This is…?"

Also in the woods and jungle on the edge of the swamp, Simon looked over with a puzzled look in his eyes. The lizardmen summoned the cubs and the lizardmen of the summoned clan.

In Simon's ears, there really wasn't much difference. Although he could use a bone tool to make a sound like a lizard man's words, it didn't mean that he could directly understand the lizard man's words.

At most, the lizardmen's voice and expression can only tell a little of the meaning.

"This is about to start a race war, but there aren't many adult lizardmen in this Lizardmen clan, and the food in the clan seems to be quite sufficient?"

Simon murmured with puzzled thoughts in his heart, put down the long sword in his hand to modify the tree, and looked at An Mubai, the shallow pit lizardman patriarch.

The perception of the extraordinary level is not low, and Simon did not hide it in the slightest.

An Mubai stood in front of the shallow swamp in the clearing of the thatched cottage, and felt Simon's visit, but did not look back, just stood in front of the shallow swamp.

Waiting for Grayscale, Fiercetooth and the others to gather the lizardmen cubs in the swamp.


The wait was almost an hour. Grayscale, Lizardtooth, and the others gathered to drive away the lizardmen cubs before they walked out from the depths of the shallow swamp. There were fifteen inferior lizardmen beside them.

In front of them, a large group of dirty and messy lizardmen cubs were driven away as if they were being driven away by ducks, and they kept wailing in fear and fear.

More like a flock of driven ducks.

An Mu's white-gold vertical pupils stared at him, his brows furrowed, and he said when Grayscale and the others drove the lizardmen cubs around him.

"Grey scales, fiery teeth, and bone scales, treat them as they were yesterday afternoon."

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Grayscale and Lietooth were stunned for a moment. They looked at each other for a while with puzzled eyes, and then bowed to An Mubai with his right fist on his chest and bowed his head.

With a whimper in his mouth, he drove away the lizardmen cubs again.


It's just that the lizardmen cubs were even more chaotic because of the reluctance to gather them. They kept screaming and screaming in fear, and they ran around in panic and fear just like yesterday afternoon.

Completely forgot about yesterday afternoon, standing there and getting beaten up all afternoon.

As for Grayscale, Lietooth, and the others, they also looked nervous and focused on driving away and screaming. They did not carry out violent driving and division like An Mubai did yesterday afternoon.

After seeing everything, it was like returning. Before the gathering and division yesterday afternoon, there was no change in the slightest.

"Are they all a group of pigs!"

An Mubai's heart was filled with anger and anger, and with a roar, he rushed into the chaotic lizardmen cubs just like yesterday afternoon.

He wholeheartedly wanted to develop the shallow pit lizardmen, and he wasn't even afraid of the crisis that Simon might bring, and he overcame his psychology as a civilized human being step by step.

He has formulated various development plans for the Lizardmen clan in shallow pits. I am not afraid that the lizardmen cubs will be stupid and unwise. I plan to take it step by step, starting from the simplest.

But then they would be like this, and even the simplest ones could be in chaos. Grayscale, Lizardtooth, and the other middle-class lizardmen were also like this.

These were just made yesterday afternoon! And did it all afternoon.


An Mubai roared angrily, and the sturdy lizardmen cubs with black scales growing in chaos, again manually divided these lizardmen cubs with both hands.

The murderous intent emanating from the anger all over the body made these people running around in panic and fear, and the lizardmen cubs did not dare to move around.

Even Grayscale, Lietooth and the others were trembling and scared, and stood on the spot and bowed down to An Mubai.

"This is?"

In the jungle, Simon watched this scene, the expression in his eyes became more puzzled, and the figure walked out of the jungle.

"Patriarch, Big Brother Heiyu!"

The figures of San Scale, Che Toe and the others rushed out from the jungle around the shallow pit, or from the thatched hut. Their expressions were alert and full of killing intent, thinking that the shallow pit had been attacked again.

An Mubai's figure with black and bright scales moved, his claws held the lizardmen cubs and kept dividing them, and the thick lizard tail swayed in the shallow swamp.

I don't know how long it took, until I didn't see the lizardmen cubs in chaos anymore, and then I stopped.

And it was at this time that An Mubai discovered that the three scales, the car toe and the others had all gathered in the shallow swamp, and even the previous division of the lizardmen cubs, they also joined it.

"You guys, choose a position for me to stand in!"

An Mu's white-gold vertical pupils stared at them, looking at Grayscale, Lietooth and the others, and a cold voice that suppressed anger came out of his mouth.


Grayscale, Lizardtooth and the others, a few medium-sized lizardmen, hurriedly stood up in front of An Mubai, and lowered their heads, not daring to move.

The speed of gathering and gathering is much faster than that of the lizardmen cubs.
