MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-~ One hundred and forty two, surrender

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"Submit or die!"

Cailin was like the breath of a giant dragon, spraying the body with corrosive acid, and was smashed into the muddy swamp by An Mubai's palm again.

An Mubai's sturdy lizardman body with black scales stepped on Cailin's chest with one foot, and the golden vertical boy looked at her coldly, and said lizardman words in his mouth.


Cailin roared angrily. Although she was a female lizardman, her temperament was not weak at all, and the lizardman's egg-laying and breeding season had passed.

With fierce eyes and no intention of surrender, he struggled under An Mubai's feet, and used his blood-boiling mad incarnation to grab the foot An Mubai stepped on her.


An Mubai's sturdy lizard tail swayed through the air and hit Cailin fiercely, then wrapped around her neck and lifted her up. The hands with black scales did not use split claws, and kept moving towards her. Cai Lin launched an attack.

"Bump bump!"

The sound of **** to the flesh sounded on Cailin's body. The scales that were strengthened by the scales and feathers were used, and they also cracked from the body under the successive attacks of An Mubai.

In less than a moment, the fierce roar in Cailin's mouth was mixed with the gushing of blood, and it turned into a pained cry.

The lizardmen who fell into the lizard people watched Cailin being beaten without any resistance in An Mubai's hands. Instead of rushing out to save Cailin, there was a look of admiration for An Mubai in his eyes.

This was not because they were unfaithful to Cailin, but because of the roar that An Mubai had made earlier, Cailin greeted him alone, which was within the rules of the lizardmen.

This battle between An Mubai and Cailin belongs to them both, whoever loses will surrender.

So now, even if An Mubai was sprayed by Cailin's corrosive acid, Sanscale, Tiefang, and Baichi didn't act like the lizardmen of the lizardmen.

But at the very beginning, An Mubai roared, and if Cailin rushed up with the lizardmen who had fallen into the lizard people, then the personal war between An Mubai and Cailin would be natural. Become a war between two lizardmen doing a group.

The rules are simple and complex, and they are completely to obey the rules that only the strong in the Wanye Mountains can live and lead the group to survive.


An Mubai's sturdy lizard tail wrapped around Cailin's body again, smashing her body, which was already covered in injuries, with cracked scales, into the swamp and mud, and said in her mouth.



This time, Cailin let out a cry of willingness to surrender, and her body, which was covered in injuries and had disappeared from the Bloodline Boiling Technique, knelt down to An Mubai.


Anmu's white-gold vertical boy brought it to Cailin, and the pitfall lizardmen looked at it and let out a huge roar.


The lizardmen of the lizardmen clan fell down, their eyes full of worship for An Mubai, and they knelt down, and even the three adult wind feather lizards knelt down to An Mubai.


Three Scales, Tie Ya, these shallow-pitted lizardmen, looked at the Lizardmen who all bowed down to An Mubai on the opposite side, Cailin, the pit-falling lizardmen, and let out an excited roar.

"Handsome, this is what a real man, not a real lizardman should do, one person defeats a clan, doesn't want those soft guys, each one says to stick to the rules of knights, but they are behind the scenes."

The three of Yars, who were born in hiding, watched this scene, and there was a strong interest in their eyes. They only felt that it was more interesting than some duels that they had seen in the human world.

Tiana even held the hair stick in both hands, and uttered words like a slut, causing Ya Erqi's eyes to look at her involuntarily, and her fists clenched hard to give Tiana a punch.

Just now, she surrendered to An Mubai using the rules of knighthood.

"That lizardman seems to be a female lizardman."

Deville whispered softly, and instantly attracted the eyes of Tiana and Yars to Cailin who was defeated by An Mubai in the green grass swamp.

"What, I'm going to kill her, I can only have my things."

Tiana raised the staff in her hand and looked at Cailin with fierce eyes, as if she wanted justice from the sky, and used magic to kill Cailin.

"Old Frogman, use the frogword healing technique on this lizardman."

An Mu's white-gold vertical eyes looked at the pitfall lizardmen who had all surrendered to him, and issued an order to the old frogman.

There is no intention to kill Cailin, who is different from Gulltu, the priest of the lizardmen.

"Quack quack..."

The old frogman screamed, and the magic in his body encouraged Xiang Cailin to use the frog language healing technique.

In less than a while, Cailin was full of injured bodies, and she recovered a lot. She stood up from the silt swamp, looked at An Mubai with both eyes, then turned and walked to the side, intending to leave.

Lizardmen in the lizardfolk group who failed to challenge the leadership position are generally not left in the group, and will be expelled from the group if they are not killed.

An Mubai asked the old frogman to treat Cailin, but did not kill her. In Cailin's heart, An Mubai had expelled her from the clan.

"Where are you going? I haven't expelled you from the clan, you have already been defeated by me, and you will need to listen to my words in the future. I am the leader of the Lizardmen clan in the shallow pit, Heihui."

An Mubai spoke to Cailin who was leaving, without any detours, that is, she was defeated and must obey her words, then turned around and walked towards Bai Chi.

Cai Lin's eyes were stunned, she stopped her body in surprise, turned to look at An Mubai with a puzzled expression, and left a clan of extraordinary rank who failed to challenge the leader position, and left it in the clan.

This is something that most races in the Wanye Mountains will not do, because it will affect the rule of the race.

"I'm the priest of the Shallow Pit Lizardmen, Bai Chi!"

Bai Chi was taken over by An Mubai from Lin Yu, and turned to Cai Lin to speak in her mind, and the blood aura of herself as a Lizardman priest radiated out.

"The Great Lizardman Prophet!"

A look of surprise and excitement arose in Cailin's puzzled eyes, and then she walked over to Bai Chi, all the doubts about An Mubai's leaving her disappeared, and her expression was full of closeness to Bai Chi and following him.

Just now Bai Chi was in An Mubai's arms, and the breath of an extraordinary lizardman was concealed by An Mubai's breath, coupled with the challenge that An Mubai then challenged her.

Cailin didn't have the energy to pay attention to Bai Chi at all here. An Mubai's sturdy lizard body that was two meters and three meters tall before using his body, brought her a lot of pressure from the beginning.

"Cai Lin, how many high-class people, how many middle-class people, and how many adult wind-feathered lizards and young wind-feathered lizards are there in your group."

An Mu's white-gold-colored vertical boy frowned slightly and asked Cailin. He didn't let Bai Chi come out first, but defeated Cailin himself.

What I thought in my mind was also to test the lizardman priest's attraction to other ordinary supernatural lizardmen, and wanted to test to see if he could rely on his strength.

Let other ordinary supernatural lizardmen ignore the bloodline attraction of the lizardman priests and show their submission to themselves, but now, judging from Cailin's reaction, the effect of this test is not good.

The strength still cannot be overwhelmed by other ordinary supernatural lizardmen, the closeness to the lizardman priest, and the desire to surrender.

"Of the 18 high-level clansmen, three stayed in the clan, twenty-seven middle-class clansmen, seven stayed in the clan, only three adult wind feather lizards, and five wind feather lizard cubs."

Cailin glanced at An Mubai with both eyes, then answered An Mubai, and then looked at Bai Chi in his arms.

"Eighteen superior lizardmen and twenty-seven medium lizardmen."

An Mubai whispered in his heart, and a look of thought appeared in the golden vertical boy's eyes. The strength of the Lizardmen in the Color Scales and Falling Pit far surpassed that of the Shallow Pit Lizardmen before.

At this time, they had already integrated into the Lizardmen of the Shallow Pit, and the three tasks on the An Mubai task system panel had also made a lot of progress.

In particular, the "Freshman" quest has been shown to be nearly complete.

"Then how many inferiors are there in your clan?"

An Mubai's sturdy lizard tail swayed gently behind him, and looked behind Cailin. There were not a lot of lizardmen, most of them were inferior lizardmen.

"Many, more than the inferior lizardmen in your clan. Now that the breeding and spawning period is over, I am planning to lead them to launch a clan war to make room for the cubs who will survive in the clan."

Cailin replied in the mouth, looking at the grassy swamp, the wild boar people who had been annihilated by the shallow pit lizard people.

This is the first humanoid race she chose to attack. The wild boars who did not survive in it have all been killed by An Mubai and the others, even herself and the trapped lizard people behind her have been killed by An Mubai. subdue.

"There is a lot of food in my clan, but I don't need the inferior clan, you let the two superior lizardmen in your clan go back."

"Summon the upper-class lizardmen, the middle-class lizardmen, and the cubs of the wind-feathered lizard left behind in the group."

An Mubai said in his mouth, even if the middle-level lizardmen for the "new life" task are almost completed, he still doesn't want to be inferior to the lizardmen.

The food consumption of the inferior lizardmen is too high. After the quota of 100 middle-level lizardmen and 30 high-level lizardmen required for the "new life" task is completed, a lot of inferior lizardmen can be recruited wherever they go. .

Linyu's former Lufeng swamp, and now Cailin's pitfall lizardmen, these can easily recruit the number of Lizardmen who complete the task.

"What about the cubs, there are still many cub eggs in my group that have just been born this year that have not hatched yet, should these be left behind?"

The look in Cailin's eyes was stunned for a moment, and she quickly asked An Mubai. The inferior clansmen can give up, but the newly born lizardman Kuan and the cubs cannot give up.

"My clan only needs strong lizardmen cubs, and if the cub eggs are young, they only need cub eggs with strong bloodlines."

An Mubai opened his mouth to speak, and his original intention was to refuse to accept the lizardmen cubs, lizardmen cubs and lizardmen eggs that fell into the colorful scales.

But looking at Cailin, an extraordinary female lizardman, and a large number of middle and upper-class lizardmen behind him, he quickly changed his mind.

In such a powerful lizardfolk group as Cailin, the lizardmen eggs and lizardman cubs laid by them are not like those in the scale-feather clan, and there is no doubt that there will be more bloodlines than the shallow pit lizardmen clan has now selected. Those lizardmen eggs.

An Mubai, who always wanted to optimize the blood of the Lizardmen, naturally would not give up.

"Yes, chief!"

Cailin nodded in agreement, but did not say anything to An Mubai, saying that he must take away all the lizardmen cubs and their eggs.

No matter where it is, only the powerful will have food to eat and the right to survive. This is the instinct of all races in the Wanye Mountains engraved in their blood.

"Cai Lin, you and the people in your clan can spray corrosive acid. Are you eating a red fruit? Where is that fruit?"

Bai Chi asked Cailin in An Mubai's arms, and this was the purpose of her and An Mubai's coming to this grassy swamp.

"Red sour fruit, there are some in my clan, and there were originally many in this grassy swamp, but after the arrival of these wild boars, they all ate them."

"They can eat more than goblins, and even the rhizomes in the soil will arch out to eat. If it weren't for their small group, the grass in this green grass grows very vigorously, and it won't take long for the rhizomes to eat again. grow out."

"This slice may have been eaten by them long ago."

Cai Lin said in reply, and she looked aside fiercely, UU reading www.uukanshu. com A chubby and well-rounded wild boar.

" are the devil."

The old goblin let out a low-pitched scolding, and their goblin clan really mostly dig for the roots of plants to eat.

"Since there are some red sour fruits in your group, then take us there, and by the way, take out the food stored in your group and bring it to my group."

An Mubai whispered, and the golden vertical boy's eyes were directed towards the sky. After taking a look at the dusk of the setting sun, he started to walk towards the Lizardmen who originally belonged to the Cailin Lizardmen.

"Uuuu... Chief!"

A cry of the lizardmen shouting for the leader rang out among the lizardmen who had fallen into the lizardmen clan. Now they all belonged to An Mubai's lizardmen clan.


"How about the white chi? This red fruit can really reactivate the acid sacs of our lizardmen and store the corrosive acid. Can it be planted at Bilu Xitan?"

More than three hours later, the night has shrouded the Wanye Mountains, and the lizardmen have fallen into the ground.

An Mubai had already used the system data information panel to determine the lizardmen cubs and lizardmen eggs that he would bring back to the Lizardmen clan in the shallow pit, and he asked Bai Chi next to him.

"Black cockroach, this sour fruit can indeed make us lizardmen, stimulate the acid sac to make mistakes again and produce corrosive acid, but it needs to be eaten for a long time."

"And there are some functions that help the cubs in our clan grow strong, but they need to survive in the swamps with many water sources."

Bai Chi held a fruit the size of a strawberry in his hand, and sent an answer to An Mubai, with a calm expression in his pink eyes, constantly feeling the effect of the red fruit in his hand.