MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-~ One hundred and twenty-four, planting powder mugwort

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, Update the lord as soon as possible, I am the latest chapter of the Lizardman!


The old frogman screamed with horror in his eyes, and looked at An Mu with a fierce smile, showing a bright and fangs smile, only to feel the sweet and soft powder Muguo in his mouth, as if he had suddenly become himself.

And he was already in An Mubai's mouth.

"I will come over tomorrow, and I will give you this fan mugu tomorrow, but if you fail to catch the old goblin's clan and cub."

"Then the fanmuguo left for you will be eaten by me with you."

An Mu Bai, the lizard man with black thin scales, smiled, bent down and patted the old frogman on the shoulder, then stood up with a smile, then waved to Bai Chi, Mo Lian and the others, and turned around with a nine-headed worm Headed towards the jungle towards the shallow crater.

"Quack quack..."

In the old frogman's eyes, the panicked and frightened frog screamed, and the powdered muggo in his mouth didn't seem to be so sweet. He quickly turned around and ran towards the black mud swamp.

The sky is dark with drizzle now, and it is almost noon. There is not much time left for the old frogmen. After all, the frogmen are not good at nighttime activities.

"Bai Chi Hei Hei is gone, shall we go looking for Rong Rong grass?"

Mo Lin watched An Mubai leave, without much thought in her heart, she lowered her head and asked Bai Chi in her arms.

"Don't worry, Heiyu asked me to contract a six-headed heavy lizard cub for you. He hopes that you can also awaken your bloodline to become an extraordinary lizardman."

"You are his biological mother, and he doesn't want you to leave so early."

Bai Chi shook his head lightly, with a look of reluctance in his pink eyes, he took it back from the jungle where An Mubai left, and whispered to Mo Lin.

The expression in Mo Lin's eyes was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he whispered softly to Bai Chi in his arms.

"I'm fine with Bai Chi. I would like to see you and Hei Chi breed out of your bloodline. It must be a very strong cub."

As he spoke, a smile appeared on Mo Lin's somewhat similar face to An Mubai, and he suddenly wanted to see the birth of the bloodline belonging to An Mubai and Bai Chi three years later.

Lizardmen never think about their old age, let alone their future cubs.


Bai Chi's pink eyes were stunned for a moment, and then the young snow-white body in Mo Lin's arms was in a panic for some reason, and he quickly spoke to Mo Lin.

"Moscale, let's go, I'll take you to select six cubs of heavy lizards, and then conclude a blood contract."


"The twice-yearly breeding and spawning period is when the lizardmen only reproduce twice a year."

"My friend Heiyu, it's almost July, and it's about time for your lizardmen to reproduce and lay eggs for the second time a year, but will there be too few adult lizardmen in your clan?"

"Missing this period when there are only two breeding and spawning times per year is likely to cause your clan to decline in the Wanye Mountains."

Shallow pit lizard people, the drizzle continued to fall into the shallow depression swamp.

An Mubai left Bilu Xitan and just returned to the figure of the Lizardmen in the shallow pit, when he saw Simon, who had not been seen when he left in the morning.

Simon said with a smile. In the drizzle, he walked out of the wooden house where he lived and walked straight towards An Mubai.

"How long have you been back, my friend Simon? I haven't seen you before, so I thought you'd left our Shallow Hollow Lizardmen?"

An Mu's white-gold eyes looked at Simon, who had changed into a suit he had never seen before, and listened to what he said about the reproduction of the Lizardmen in July.

With a puzzled mind in his heart, the expression on his face did not change, and he sent a question to Simon.

"I went to see some friends, my friend Hei, didn't you ask me to help you find the kind of potion that can increase the number of superior lizardmen warriors in your clan?"

"I went to see some of my friends. They already have news, and it will take you a while to get it."

With a smile on Simon's face, he looked curiously at the animal skin package in An Mubai's hands. He was in An Mubai early in the morning and they just left for Lufengyuan, and they also left for another direction. Feng Yuan's, it didn't take long for Mu Bai to come back.

"Really? Simon."

"You are really my friend of the black cockroach, and my friend of the Lizardmen of the Shallow Hollow."

An Mubai's face with black scaly growths had a pleasant smile on his face. He was now a sturdy lizard man much taller than Simon, and he even pretended to hug Simon.

"Haha, we have always been friends with Hei, but even if my friend sent you a potion, the number of adult lizardmen in your clan is too small, and you won't be able to cultivate many superior lizardmen warriors."

Simon took a step back, avoiding An Mubai's pretense, and once again uttered to An Mubai that there were too few adult lizardmen in his clan.

An Mubai looked at Simon's retreating body, and felt a little disappointment in his heart. If Simon really let him hold him, An Mubai really wanted to try it. After his own body was activated, could the poison Kill a superhuman level seventeen.

"My friend Simon, you don't have to worry about it. I have already wiped out those green goblins who dared to invade my territory, and it will not be long before a large group of adult lizardmen will be summoned."

An Mubai laughed, then looked at Tie Ya and Sanscale who had already walked over from the Asazawa hillside, and spoke.

"Three scales, iron teeth, go and gather the adult inferior lizardmen in the clan, and excavate the loess that has been cultivated in the clan and mixed with the silt of the shallow swamp."

"Pull out all the weeds growing inside."

"Yes, patriarch!"

San Scale and Tie Ya nodded to An Mubai in the continuous drizzle, then turned around and summoned the inferior lizardmen in the shallow pit.

During this period of time, the inferior lizardmen who had been in the shallow depression, under the leadership of Sanscale and Tiefang, had reclaimed a lot of wasteland from the original thatched hut area.

Except for the time to enter the shallow swamp to find food on his own, if there is no arrangement for An Mubai here, then the three scales and iron teeth will gather the inferior lizardmen in the shallow depression and let them reclaim the wasteland.

No matter how it was dug, anyway, after encircling a field, let all the inferior lizardmen in the shallow hole dig out.

Therefore, although the intelligence of the inferior lizardmen is low, in this daily life of digging or digging, they have gained some experience in digging and reclaiming wasteland.

"My friend Heihui, what are you going to do, what plants are you going to plant?"

Simon looked at Sanscale curiously, and Tiefang called for it. The inferior lizardmen, who were already digging randomly in the wasteland, asked An Mubai with curiosity in their eyes.

Although he could not understand the lizardmen words of An Mubai, Sanscale, Tiefang, and the others, but the experience of observing the lizardmen in the shallow pit for a long time, he knew that Sanscale, Tiefang and the others were summoning the inferior lizardmen. Digging the wasteland.

"Well, my friend Simon, I found a plant that can feed my people. I plan to follow your example and plant it in the soil."

"In this way, even if we don't go out to hunt in the future, my clansmen will have food to eat, just like your humans."

An Mubai's smile did not completely conceal Simon's plans to plant fenugreek. He even opened the animal skin in his hand and let him see the black fenugreek seeds wrapped in the animal skin.

"Oh, God the Father is above."

"My friend Heiyu, you are so smart. You take in those frogmen with eyes bigger than their heads as vassals, and try to keep goblins."

"Now I'm still learning how humans grow food. If I'm not friends with many lizard people, I'll suspect that you are us humans pretending to be."

"You are the smartest lizardmen I have ever seen, even smarter than those lizardmen priests. I believe that under your leadership, your clan will definitely become a very powerful lizardmen clan."

Simon uttered words of amazement, his eyes filled with love and joy, and looked at An Mubai, as if looking at a treasure that was constantly creating surprises for himself.

Humans who can grow things are not uncommon, but beasts who can learn to grow things and raise food storage are very rare.

The intelligence and identity of the lizardmen are no different from beasts in the eyes of humans.

"Haha, Simon my friend, my clan will definitely become the most powerful lizard people clan, and I will also become their most powerful king."

An Mubai showed arrogance that belonged to the lizardmen, and liked to hear a good-hearted smile. He didn't have any modest smiles towards Simon. He held the animal skin wrapped in the seeds of pink mugwort in his hand, and pointed to the three scales, iron and steel that had been excavated. Tooth they went.

Simon Bilan looked at An Mubai's departure with a smile in his eyes. He was not angry because of An Mubai's arrogant laugh, but instead became happier.

In Simon's eyes, everything An Mubai did would belong to him, so how could he be angry.

"Patriarch, that human came back when we took the clan's cubs to eat food, and came back to the Asazawa hillside to look around."

The inferior lizardmen with three scales, iron teeth and shallow depressions, out of the yellow loess that has been renovated and excavated several times, cultivated planting trenches, and re-pulled the weeds that grew out of them.

After seeing An Mubai's figure walking over, San Scale and Tie Ya looked at Simon who had been watching them, came to An Mubai's side, and uttered a lizard that was hard for outsiders to understand. human speech.

"Yeah! Let him see if he sees it. If he finds Bai Chi and Mo Lin, you don't know it."

An Mubai nodded lightly and squatted down, and then passed the white chi in the animal skin to give birth to the seeds of fenmugu, which were full of vitality. There were three seeds like corn, and the three seeds were planted into the soil at intervals. middle.

These three scales and iron teeth can't be done. Although they can learn to plant three seeds and three seeds into the soil like An Mubai, they will mix them up in a short time, resulting in a lack or a large area of ​​land that is not planted.

However, if An Mubai can lightly bring three scales and iron teeth for a while, then their wisdom can also be learned.

As for the inferior lizardmen, unless they are only taught to plant fenugreek seeds, and the teaching time is even longer, they will never learn to plant fenugreek seeds.

"Yes, Patriarch,"

Sanscale and Tiefang nodded. All creatures in the Wanye Mountains would die at any time, including those of the extraordinary level, so Bai Chi and Moscale died.

In the shallow pits of the Lizardmen, where battle losses are particularly fast today, it is not something that can hide Simon's suspicions.

"Mo Lin will not come back. I leave her to take care of Bai Chi in another place. Her strength has improved, and it is estimated that she will soon become a superior lizard man."

"Since your bloodline here has been activated, Sanscale, then eat more flesh and blood, and quickly cultivate your body into the body of a superior lizardman."

"It won't take long for me to recruit another lizardman clan to integrate into our shallow pit lizardman clan, and you are here too, Tiefang. Since you have already signed a blood contract with the six low-level beasts of the six-headed heavy lizard cubs."

"Then you must become the transcendent lizardmen whose bloodline is awakened."

An Mubai followed the two planting ditches and planted the seeds of Fen Muguo. From time to time, he spoke to the three scales and Tie Ya who were buried in the soil from time to time, watching as if he was teaching the two of them what to do. Planting powder mousse in general

Tie Ya and San Scale also nodded from time to time when they heard it, and spoke words in their mouths.

The bloodline of the lizardmen in the body of the three scales has already been activated, but the lizardmen who are naturally activated are not like taking medicine, and they can become high-level lizardmen in one fell swoop.

Instead, you have to keep eating food, and your body will naturally grow and become stronger, and you can gradually increase your strength and become a superior lizardman.

The same is true for Iron Teeth, Chetoe, and other lizardmen from the middle of the group to become high-level lizardmen, and this is the normal level of strength of the lizardmen.

The Lizardman bloodline in An Mubai's body is strong, and it is the same way that his body keeps growing stronger every day, and he gradually grows into a superior Lizardman.

There is no such thing as a middle-class lizardman today, and a high-class lizardman tomorrow, unless the awakening bloodline is promoted to the super-rank lizardman.

"Okay, you two should remember to take good care of it every day in the future. Don't let the inferior lizardmen or cubs in the clan come in for the seeds of powder mugwort in this land."

"Bai Chi said that it will take five to seven days to germinate, and the first batch of fenugreek will be produced in about three months."

More than three hours later, the cloudy and drizzly sky became even darker, and An Mubai planted all the powdered fruit that he brought back into the soil.

He had planted more than two acres of land, stood up with a smile on his face with black thin scales growing, and spoke to Sanscale and Tiefang.

Although the optimization and promotion of Rong Rong Cao has deviated, it has become a fruit that can only be eaten as a berry, but it is felt by Bai Chi's heart of the forest.

But it's not that it can only bear stem fruit once, it has to dig out the one that can no longer bear fenugreek. It can pick the fenugreek that it bears, and then grow it again.

If you only plant it once, you can get stem and fruit plants that are harvested many times.

An Mubai is still very satisfied with this point, which means that even if it is not a staple food, a lot of fruits can be produced from a piece of soil when necessary.

From another aspect, it has improved the ability of Fanmuguo to grow food as a shallow pit lizard.

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