MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 838 original regularized form

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  Chapter 838 Regularization of the original source

  Desolate ancient times, Ten Thousand Demon Court.

   "Call Dad!"

  Su Yi held down Xiao Tianfeng's head, preventing him from moving.

   Facing Su Yi's request, Xiao Tianfeng just refused to listen, with tears in his eyes, he kept patting his father with both hands.

   Not far away, Nan Xiaopao, who was drinking tea in the stone pavilion, rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You still talk about me, you like to tease him and treat him as a toy."

  Su Yi smiled and said: "Where, I'm teaching him to speak. This kid can say some names, but he just doesn't like to say it. That's not good."

   After finishing speaking, he gently pushed with his right hand, pushing Xiao Tianfeng to the ground.

  Xiao Tianfeng fell on his buttocks, was stunned, and then burst into tears.

  Su Yi mentioned him, and said: "Stinky boy, you are so talented, why do you like to cry? Do you want to be the **** of crying in the future? Prove the way by crying, and cry to shake the heavens?"

  Xiao Tianfeng listened, as if hearing something wonderful, he burst into tears and smiled, and grabbed Su Yi's face with both hands.

  Su Yi was speechless, and suddenly felt that he might have overestimated this kid.

Ever since he discovered that there was a powerful force in this boy's eyes that he couldn't pry into, he had great expectations for Xiao Tianfeng, hoping to lead him on the road of cultivation as soon as possible, but this boy was too naughty, he couldn't even speak. Does not like to laugh, always likes to tease people, and then giggles to himself.

  Like a little fool.

  Su Yi felt a headache, so he let go of him, and walked towards Nan Xiaopao.

  At this moment, he suddenly stopped.

  A voice drilled into his ears: "Extermination of power has come to Hongmeng, Hongmeng is afraid of catastrophe!"

  The owner of this voice is Pangu God!

  Su Yi's face changed slightly, he didn't expect that the extermination of power would target Hongmeng.

  He left after saying a word to Nan Xiaopao: "I have something to do, you take care of my son first."

  He quickly flew into the primordial realm, and swept his consciousness in all directions, covering the entire primordial realm.

   Soon, he discovered the aura of Jidi and Ren Woxiao.

  He directly crossed the space and came to the two of them.

   Facing Su Yi's arrival, Jidi and Ren Woxiao were not surprised, their expressions remained the same.

  Ren Wo waved his hand with a smile, and said with a smile, "Boy Su, long time no see."

  Thinking back at the Immortal Emperor Peak, this kid was almost burned to death by the Golden Crow for the sake of the dragon.

  To this day, he has become a primordial god, truly unparalleled in creation.

  Su Yi nodded to him, and then asked straight to the point: "Why did you join the extermination?"

  Is it because of Li Huahun?

  But why did he feel that Ren Woxiao didn't care so much about Li Huahun.

  This guy has too many sons.

  Ren Wo shrugged with a smile, and said: "I went to the extremely evil place to save my son, and then in order to get out of trouble, I naturally had to join the extermination power."

   "Maybe Hongmeng has only passed a few months, but we have spent hundreds of millions of years in the extremely evil place, fighting every day. If things go on like this, we will naturally stick together."

  Such a dangerous thing came out of his mouth, it seemed calm, like a trivial matter.

  Hundreds of millions of years of fighting...

  Su Yi frowned, worried about Jidi, Li Huahun, and Shi E, and at the same time couldn't help guessing how strong they are now.

  Ji Emperor stared at Su Yi, and said: "We came here to take something, and it won't harm Hongmeng, don't worry."

  Su Yi asked: "What is it?"

Jidi didn't hide anything, turned his head to look at the vast Hongmeng, and said: "There are people outside the world, and there are heavens beyond the sky. The source planes are not only a few directions. The birth of each source plane depends on the rules of the original source. On the other hand, the original rules are not yet mature, and I want to take away one of the original rules."

  Su Yi frowned and asked: "If it is taken away, will it affect Hongmeng?"

  He doesn't want the primordial realm to collapse.

  The most important thing is to destroy power and take away the original rules, what will you do?

  At this moment, Jidi and Ren Woxiao looked like different people, exuding an evil aura, which made him have to guard against.

  Ji Emperor said: "It's not what you think. These original rules have been transformed, and their power of rules is still there. If you take them away, the primordial spirit will still operate, let alone we only take one away."


  Su Yi frowned even tighter, can the rules be changed?

  He suddenly thought of something, raised his eyes to look at Jidi, and asked, "Are you also transformed by the original rules?"

  Li Huahun was transformed by Hongmeng's murderous aura, could it be Hongmeng's original rules of killing?

  Ji Emperor nodded and said, "That's right, but I'm very special, and I don't belong only to Primordial Origin."

  Su Yi is caught in a tangle, should he let Miequan take away the original rule?

   "Don't worry, we just want the other party to join, not persecution." Ren Wo laughed and said.

   If this continues, the power of extermination will become stronger and stronger.

  Although there are few exterminators, all of them are perverted and come from extraordinary backgrounds.

  Ji Emperor stared at Su Yi, and said: "If it wasn't for your relationship with me, we would have grabbed it long ago, and you wouldn't be able to notice it. I hope you can understand me."

  Su Yi squinted his eyes and said, "Oh? Understand? Don't talk about self-protection. In fact, isn't it all about fighting for hegemony, destroying power, and destroying the power of the heavens?"

  Jidi has poached Li Huahun and Jidi from Su Dizong, and now he wants to poach another person from Hongmeng?

  Hearing this, Emperor Ji frowned, not knowing how to explain it.

  Ren me laughed and said, "Why don't we call that person over, and we'll each persuade her to see if she's willing."

   Speaking of this, Su Yi naturally couldn't refuse.

"Where is he?"

  Su Yi asked, he would like to see how powerful the person after the original ruled form would be.

   Jidi waved his right hand, and a figure appeared beside him out of thin air.

  Su Yi was moved, showing surprise.

   West Qingyue!

   I didn't expect that she was transformed by the original rules!

  Xi Qingyue was a little panicked at first, but when she saw Su Yi, her expression turned cold instantly.

Jidi said: "She is transformed by the original rules of time in Hongmeng. If she stays in Hongmeng, she may not be able to awaken her original power for the rest of her life. If she joins us to destroy power, we can help her awaken her original power in a short time. It is not difficult to surpass the Immortal Realm."

  Time origin rules.

  Su Yi frowned, he suddenly felt that the story between Qin Tianyun and Xi Qingyue was not as simple as he thought.

  Ren Wo looked at Xiangxi Qingyue with a smile, clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "Isn't this the boy Qin Tianyun's lover?"

   Emperor Ji asked in surprise, "Qin Tianyun?"

  Ren Wo smiled and pointed at Su Yi, "It's his previous life."

   Jidi was silent.

  Xi Qingyue looked at Su Yi quietly, Su Yi didn't care about her, but was thinking about the past life.

   "Forget it, let's go."

   Jidi waved his sleeves and turned around, ready to leave.

   "Wait! I'll follow you!"

  Xi Qingyue spoke suddenly, causing Su Yi and the others to look at her.

  Su Yi frowned and said: "Joining them, you will face many unimaginable dangers before."

  Xi Qingyue said: "You are a primordial **** now, and you don't like me. I have to catch up with you, or even surpass you. Maybe you will pursue me like you did before."

  She was full of resentment, and said: "Your cultivation base was not as good as mine back then. For the sake of time and space, I will do my best to help you. Everything you promised me has not been fulfilled."

  (end of this chapter)