MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 906 The storm is coming

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  Chapter 906 Storm is coming

   "Naturally, disaster is imminent."

   God Venerable Baili replied, causing an uproar among the children of the Emperor of Heaven.

   Tiancheng Shenjun frowned and asked: "What kind of enemy is it that even the emperor can't deal with?"

  Mistress of Destiny, Emperor Lingtian, Qin Duzun, Qin Duyi and others all frowned.

  In their hearts, the Emperor of Heaven is the strongest.

   Is there something that even the emperor of heaven can't deal with?

  They don't believe it!

  Su Yi was also very curious. The Emperor of Heaven only said that it was very strong and he couldn't deal with it himself. The Emperor of Heaven never explained what it was.

   "His name is Qin Jun, and he is closely related to His Majesty. If His Majesty kills him, His Majesty and all the planes will disappear. Only other people will come to kill him."

  Baili God Venerable spoke, and everyone was thoughtful.

  Su Yi, Emperor Tianwu, and Qin Duyi stared wide-eyed.

   "Damn! My brother?"

   Emperor Tianwu asked in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

  There is a Qin Jun in Su Dizong!

   He once served as the strongest in Emperor Suzong, and even the menacing Qiankun Modi was defeated by him in seconds.

"you recognize?"

   Baili God Venerable asked in doubt, and the others also looked at Emperor Tianwu.

  Emperor Tianwu glanced at Su Yi, saw Su Yi nodding, and said it just now.

  After he finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

  Baili Shenzun laughed loudly and said: "He may be a clone of His Majesty, not that Qin Jun."

   "Qin Jun is still sealed by His Majesty, and he will not be able to escape for a while."

  Hearing this, Emperor Tianwu, Qin Duyi, and Su Yi were stunned again.

  Su Emperor Zong's Emperor Qin is the avatar of the Heavenly Emperor?

   "I'll go... I still call him a grandson..."

  Emperor Tianwu muttered to himself with a panicked expression.

   Everyone else was speechless.

   Let the father be the grandson?

  Su Emperor Zong.

  Emperor Tianwu: Brother Jun, Father, Father, I was wrong!

  Li Yuanba: Fool.

  Black Tiger Emperor: What does the strongest throne look like? Who can create an illusion to see?

  Qin Jun: So good? Nothing to show courtesy?

  Fang Qiongmo Yishu: The Tianyuan Imperial Clan's offensive is very fierce. How do you feel that their troops are constantly flowing, and they can't be killed no matter how hard they are?

  Abyss Evolution Emperor: Fortunately, hold on, look at the sixth source plane and the fourth source plane, the war there is tragic.

  Qin Duyi: Father, don't hide it, it's boring.

   Magic Wolf Star: Don't call me that.


   No matter how Emperor Tianwu and Qin Duyi asked, Qin Jun didn't answer directly, as if he really didn't understand.

   "Okay, let's start practicing Wansheng Creation Kungfu. Among you, only one can challenge Qin Jun. Maybe not even one. Work hard, your mothers are looking forward to it."

  Shenzun Baili smiled, bringing everyone's thoughts back to reality.

   "The creation of all life is the method of creation. It is different from the rules of good fortune. It can create everything, create thousands of rules, and create epochs..."

  He first started to introduce the origin of Wansheng's Creation Gong, and everyone began to listen carefully.

  The same is true for Su Yi, he is also very curious about what kind of cultivation method, the first level alone can surpass the source of detachment.


  Great source world.

  Shi Evil was suspended in the void, with his arms outstretched, absorbing the evil thoughts of all living beings with a fascinated expression.

  Silent and breathless, all living beings cannot perceive it.

  He seemed to be one with the darkness, leaving only a face, and the eyes were pale and empty.

   "It's so comfortable... If it continues like this, no one will be able to defeat me... I can even be invincible..."

   Shi E muttered to himself, with excitement in his voice.

  At this moment, a figure flew over.

  He looked intently, his expression suddenly changed.

  Because the one who came was exactly like him.

  He immediately condensed himself into a deity, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

   "Are you the one who started evil?"

   The other party squinted his eyes and asked, with disgust in his pale and empty eyes.

  Shi Ei said impatiently: "It's me, why are you pretending to be me?"

  They stood together, as if looking in a mirror, extremely weird.

   "It's not that I'm pretending to be you, but I met someone who mentioned you and mistook me."

   "Later, I learned a bit and decided to call myself Shishan. You absorb the evil thoughts of all beings, and I absorb the good thoughts. There is no balance between you and me. Let's start a war."

   "Evil cannot prevail against righteousness. For the sake of all beings in the world, I must destroy you."

  Hearing what the other party said, Shi E was stunned for a while.

  Begin good?

What the hell?

   Before he could say more, Shi Shan rushed forward.

   A big battle broke out!


   "Continue, feel the rules of good fortune first. Among you, except Su Yi, everyone must first obtain the rules of good fortune before you can continue to practice."

   God Venerable Baili stared at the children of the Heavenly Emperor in front of him, and said in a soft voice, the voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

  Everyone was moved, and they all held their breath secretly.

  Both are of the blood of the Emperor of Heaven, who will admit defeat?

  Su Yi is strengthening his rules of creation.

  The so-called creation of all living beings is actually based on the rules of good fortune, supplemented by other rules.

  The most important thing is a special energy.

  Only the Divine Body of the Emperor of Heaven can give birth to this kind of energy. Without this kind of energy, it is impossible to practice the Creation Skill of Ten Thousand Lives.

  Su Yi is already familiar with the cultivation method of the first level of Wansheng Creation Gong, which is extremely cumbersome.

  There are hundreds of billions of luck trajectories alone, and the divine power runs continuously in the body for one week.

  After reaching the first week, the trajectory of luck has to change again in the second week. One life is ten, ten begets hundred, one hundred begets ten thousand, ten thousand begets countless.

  Because of the rules of good fortune, Su Yi embarked on the Sunday run ahead of schedule.

   Others have to figure out how to understand the rules of creation.

   Time is long.

   About half a year has passed.

  Shenzun Baili left suddenly, and after a while, he came back again.

   "Your two wives came to look for you. I settled them down. They are also practicing. You don't have to worry. Besides, your mother is coming soon and will visit them."

  The voice of the Baili God Venerable reached Su Yi's ears, making him frown slightly.


  To this day, he has never had his original mother.

  He nodded and continued to practice.

   While they were cultivating, the members of Emperor Suzong were also struggling. Li Yuanba, Feng Lie, Never Give Up, Zhao Tuyuan, Ji Daozong, Sword Emperor, and Zun Ziwei also started to struggle alone.

  More and more members of Emperor Suzong entered the Dayuan Realm.

  It is said that there are more and more creatures in the great source world, and creatures from various source **** races and other source planes are pouring in.

   The storm is about to come, this is the current atmosphere in the Great Source Realm.

  Time quickly passed ten years.

   This day.

  Shenzun Baili suddenly clapped his hands, causing everyone to open their eyes.

   "The strongest throne is about to be born, take a look."

  Baili God Venerable smiled and waved, and then a ball of light appeared in front of him.

  In the sphere of light is a starry sky, full of stars, meteors passing by, and galaxies intertwined, very beautiful.

   "The strongest throne? Tsk tsk, we won the strongest throne, can we also become the strongest?"

  Emperor Tianwu stroked his chin in amazement.

  Baili God Venerable shook his head and said with a smile: "The one who wins the strongest throne will join forces with the strongest among you, and the safety of all living beings will fall on them."

  (end of this chapter)