MTL - Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start-Chapter 6 Rank 2 together!

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Deep in the endless forest.

A human village, standing on top of a mountain.

A graceful woman was lying on the bed of the wooden house, nibbling on the fine food she just got.

Because the food in her hand was so delicious, the girl's big eyes narrowed into crescents.

"It's delicious!"

After eating a piece of fine food, the girl rubbed her slightly bulging belly.


A golden light flashed.

The girl grade has risen one level.

"It's such a happy day, you can level up by eating, I'm so envious of the owner of the Universal Store!"

I thought that the meat in my stomach was bought by myself for 200 units of wood.

The girl's longing look became a little ugly again.

Get up and walk out of the wooden house, it is very lively outside.

Chopping trees, chopping trees, chopping stones, chopping stones.

A fiery sight.

Seeing that all 110 of his residents are working diligently and diligently, there is no slack.

The girl nodded in satisfaction and waved her fist at the leaders.

"Everyone, work hard!"

"Whether Xuanji can continue to eat meat tomorrow depends on everyone!"

"Don't worry, Lord!"

Hearing Xuanji's words, one hundred and ten people from the territorial community responded in unison.

Then put it into his work.

Xuanji clapped her hands with satisfaction and came to the back of the wooden house.

There is a mountain of wood and a mountain of stone.

a lot of material...

Xuanji scratched her head in trouble.

Her subjects have been busy all day, but they haven't eaten yet!

Or I will open a shop too.

Selling these for everyone to eat in exchange for meat!


in a canyon.

Twenty black-clothed and masked warriors, armed with wooden spears, forced five antelopes, the size of which were comparable to war horses, to the foot of the rock.

Then the soldiers turned out to be in order and formed a formation.

Using the wooden spear in his hand, he kept attacking the antelope.


Suddenly, the last surviving antelope jumped and jumped into the warrior team.

The hard hoof is like a hammerhead.

As soon as he hit the ground, he kicked a soldier to the point where his brain exploded.

Then the long antelope horns turned into sharp spears.

Stab through a fighter and send it flying.


The masked soldiers roared, and Qi Qi stepped forward and stabbed him to death.

It's just the other two warriors, but they can't live anymore.

Lynch, who was hiding in the village to watch the battle, was originally sad because of the loss of two soldiers.

But after being promoted to LV2 and obtained the soul crystal, he returned to his previous state of smugness.

"There will be food and soul crystals!"

"With Yan Xingjun, an excellent arm, I, Lin Qi, will definitely not fall behind!"


The Chaos Continent is boundless, and the situations of human lords are also different.

Some people are still complaining and adapting.

Some people have gradually mastered their ability to survive.

Huang Yu doesn't care about other human lords because his fire is about to be upgraded.

Take stock of your own home.

A total of 220 soul crystals, 2300 units of wood, and 1050 units of stone.

It takes 100 soul crystals, 1000 units of wood, and 500 units of stone to upgrade the fire to Tier 2.

Conditions are fully satisfied.

Even the rich resources are enough to upgrade the subsequent Spartan training camp to Tier 2.

[Whether to upgrade Tinder to Tier 2? 】



It was getting late, and the Spartans were not fully recovered.

Residents also need to rest.

There was nothing to do during this time, just in time to upgrade the Tinder and Spartan training camps.


There are only 120 soul crystals left.

The fire flames skyrocketed and released a burst of energy that enveloped the entire territory.

Huang Yu walked out of the wooden house.

There is a soft golden light shrouded in the eyes.

The wood and stone slowly disappeared.

The wooden house behind Huang Yu turned into a small double-storey castle with stone as the main body.

The thatched huts where the colonists lived were turned into neatly arranged wooden huts.

Huang Yu counted, and there were twenty in total.

There is also a small warehouse.

The upgrade process lasted about an hour.

Then the golden light dissipated, and the entire territory took on a new look.

【Ding! Tinder is upgraded to Tier 2! (Increase by 10 people every day)]

[Note: It takes 1,000 soul crystals, 10,000 units of wood, 5,000 units of stone, and 1,000 units of refined iron to upgrade the fire to Tier 3. 】

[Territory: Universal Town (500X500m)]

[Lord: Huang Yu (LV4)]

[Ordinary building: Warehouse (Tier 1: can store 11,000 units of wood, 5,500 units of stone, 1,100 units of refined iron)]

[Special Building: Spartan Training Camp (Tier 1)]

[Note: Players can purchase relevant architectural drawings by themselves to build their own territory]


The living quarters of the territorial people actually only took up less than one-tenth of the territory.

More area is left for the lord to build himself.

For example, leading the people to reclaim fields and plant crops.

Or buy horse farms, minerals and other resources in Chaos Mall.

Huang Yu has seen many architectural drawings and various minerals in Chaos Mall.

But he can't afford it yet.

It was dark.

From time to time a roar could be heard from the distant forest.

The town is on high terrain.

Standing on the second floor of the castle, Huang Yu once vaguely saw a burly humanoid creature.

The other party's scarlet one-eyed stared in the direction of the territory for a long time before slowly retreating.

At night, the monsters in the forest seem to be more lively than during the day.

"Let's upgrade the Spartan training camp to Tier 2 now."

"Tomorrow, ten people will be born in the town."

"The Spartan training camp has been upgraded to the second level, and the number of people who train every day should also increase."

Leaning against the window on the second floor of the castle, Huang Yu stared at the Spartan training camp, an extraordinary building.

The information panel of the training camp appeared in front of him.

[Whether to upgrade the Spartan training camp to the second level? 】



A ray of light was cast from the fire to the Spartan training camp. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Spartan training camp is shrouded in golden protective cover.

until half an hour later.

The protective cover disappears.

The size of the Spartan training camp has more than doubled.

Originally mainly wood supports.

Most places are now turned into stone pillars.

Finally, there is a feeling in "Three Hundred Spartans".

Huang Yu looked at the Spartan training camp.

【Spartan Training Camp (Extraordinary Grade Building)】

【Level: Level 2】

[Note: Upgrading to Tier 3 requires Tier 3 Tinder, 600 soul crystals, 3000 units of wood, 6000 units of stone, and 600 units of refined iron. 】

[Function: 10 human beings can be trained 100% every day as extraordinary troops - Spartan warriors. 】


Is this the end?

Huang Yu looked at the Spartan training camp in surprise.

Except for the increase in training places, other functions of the Spartan training camp have basically remained unchanged.

This made him a little regretful.

I can only comfort myself, maybe with a few more levels, the ability of the Spartan training camp will be enhanced.

Look up at the sky.

Behind the hazy clouds, the stars guard the three moons.

One red, one purple, one white.

The largest moon is purple.

The heaven and earth were also dyed with a strange purple light.

It looks very weird.

"have a rest......"

Huang Yu put down his worries.

"The seven-day protection period is just enough to get a good night's sleep."

"After seven days...maybe it won't be so easy!"