MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1224 re-enter tassel empire

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  Chapter 1224 Re-entering the Tassel Empire

On the morning of August 4th, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao took a few steamed buns from the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's hut, and hurried to the civilian pier outside the fisherman's village. He quickly boarded the naval ship and urged the naval soldiers on the ship to hurry Weigh anchor and set sail, heading for Yancheng Port in the Eastern Continent.

  Watching the warship sail out of the civilian pier outside the fisherman's village, Qu Maocai walked into his cabin and ate the steamed stuffed bun brought from the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's cabin.

   Between the Holy Land of Yigong Territory and Yancheng Port in the East Continent, Qu Mao didn't even bring the guards.

This time, Qu Mao didn't stand on the deck and enjoy the sea breeze and look at the sea as in the past. Instead, he got into his cabin, quickly wiped out a few buns, and then took out his notebook and pen. , Writing and drawing in the cabin.

Qu Mao wrote down the military, technology, industry, economy, culture, education, agriculture, animal husbandry, etc. of the Yigong territory in his notebook item by item, and then wrote down the status quo and goals item by item, and then ticked or ticked off one by one. cross.

   At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the naval warship that Qu Mao was on board docked at the pier of Yancheng Port. Ten fifth-rank palace guards were already riding on their horses, and they stood neatly on the pier of Yancheng Port to welcome Qu Mao.

  Beside the 10 fifth-tier palace guards, there are 12 horses without knights.

  After disembarking from the warship, Qu Mao didn't stop at all. He got on his horse and rushed towards the imperial city of the Tassel Empire where Su Yan was located with 10 fifth-rank court guards.

   At 7:00 p.m. on August 4th, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao rushed to the gate of the Liusu Empire Palace. Su Yan had already personally greeted Qu Mao at the gate of the palace.

The 10 fifth-tier court guards who accompanied Qu Mao naturally went to the Tassel Empire royal guards to hand over the task, and Qu Mao handed over the horse he was riding to the palace guards, and took Su Yan's shoulders by himself. Smiling, she walked towards the imperial dining room of the imperial palace, and said as she walked, "Su Yan, this section of the road is so bumpy that I am dead.

  One person and two horses along the way, the horse rests non-stop. Up to now, I haven't even had a bite of food. "

  Su Yan pulled Qu Mao, walked more hastily, and said: "Go, my lord, dinner has been prepared for you in the imperial dining room of the palace."

   When he came to the imperial dining room of the imperial palace, Qu Mao devoured his dinner and found that Su Yan was still struggling with the food on the plate, so he laughed and said, "Su Yan, why do you, the empress of the empire, eat so slowly?"

  Su Yan smiled, her face suddenly turned red for no reason, and she said in a voice that could hardly be heard by mosquitoes: "My lord, this subordinate is already 23 years old..."

   Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Su Yan, I know you are 23 years old, so what if you are 23 years old?"

  Su Yan's face turned redder, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she said in a voice that only Qu Mao could hear clearly: "My lord, it's time for this subordinate to get married..."

   Qu Mao struggled to hear Su Yan's words clearly, ignored Su Yan who was blushing, and said with a smile: "Su Yan, do you have a good husband?"

  Su Yan's face turned from red to white in an instant, and after glancing at Qu Mao, she buried her head in the dinner plate, tears falling into the dinner plate.

Qu Mao had already finished his dinner. Seeing Su Yan's reaction, he didn't know what to do for a moment, so he said, "Su Yan, the main purpose of my visit to the main continent in the west of the East Continent Gulf is to see the various places in the East Continent. The situation in the independent territories...

   Tassel Empire will also linger for a while, because the current territory of Tassel Empire has expanded more than 10 times...

  Of course, the main thing is to go to the teleportation city to see if the abandoned teleportation array in the teleportation city has reached the condition for repair...

   Now it is part of the Tassel Empire, the Gillette Kingdom, especially the Shacheng of the Gillette Kingdom, I also need to visit, it is said that coal mining and steel smelting are very well developed there..."

   Soon Qu Mao stopped this embarrassing mode of chatting without words. Obviously, Su Yan was only concerned with tears, her head buried in the rice bowl, and she was unwilling to even raise her head to say a few words to Qu Mao, obviously absent-minded.

Qu Mao thought of what Su Yan told him about getting married at the beginning, and also thought of the lives of Fuzhi and Lai Dima in their respective territories and the advice they gave him, and even thought of Zhang Dashui, a prisoner of war in the territory of Yi Gong family situation.

After thinking so much, Qu Mao let out a long sigh, patted Su Yan on the shoulder, and said, "Su Yan, work hard, if you find a suitable sweetheart, just tell me, I will definitely Organize a splendid wedding for you.

  If you really can't find it, and you really want to marry someone, and you still don't dislike me, then you can marry me quietly. I'm ashamed to make a fuss about marrying my subordinates. "

Su Yan raised her head abruptly, then lowered her head in an instant, then quietly wiped away her tears, and said, "My lord, no matter how long it takes for your inspection of the independent territories of the Eastern Continent, my subordinates will accompany you .

  If there are any temporary decisions along the way, the subordinates will follow them, and they can always execute them anytime, anywhere, or evaluate the specific situation of the execution..."

   Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "Su Yan, this journey is tiring, so don't get involved.

  Besides, now you are Her Majesty the Queen of the Tassel Empire. The total population under the jurisdiction of the Tassel Empire has exceeded tens of billions. You have very heavy responsibilities, how can you leave easily?

  I am used to inspecting all aspects of the territory by myself. For some temporary decisions or disposals, I will also use Xinping's intelligence network to find the corresponding heroes or managers to deal with them directly.

  You don't have to worry about it, and you can handle the affairs of the Tassel Empire and the Yi Gong territory in the Tassel Empire Palace with peace of mind.

  Furthermore, the main continent in the west of the East Continental Bay is not peaceful. There are a total of 8 million high-level army soldiers in our Yigong territory who are slowly deploying defenses while declaring force.

  The resistance forces in the independent territories are all staring at us with wide eyes. Even if there is an accident within ourselves, it will cause an uproar, not to mention those resistance forces who are eager to fan the flames and cause riots among the residents of our independent territories. "

  Su Yan said stubbornly: "My lord, you don't have to worry that your subordinates won't be able to endure hardships. You can feel at ease if your subordinates are with you.

   The affairs of the Tassel Empire are naturally dealt with by the officials at all levels of the Tassel Empire and the heroes and managers of the Yigong Territory. It is just your inspection, my lord, and you must have a caring person to accompany you. "

  Qu Mao thought for a while, and said: "Since you insist, then it's up to you.

  I’ve been running quite a lot these days. I’ll have a rest in your palace tomorrow, and you can also make arrangements for the Tassel Empire. We’ll set off together the morning after tomorrow. "

  Su Yan nodded quickly and said, "Yes, my lord, this subordinate obeys!"

  (end of this chapter)