MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 1231 Qu Mao's concerns

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At noon on October 17, Tianxuan Seventh Year, starting from the night before, Qu Mao and Su Yan, who had been crazy all night and half a day, had lunch together in the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's hut. Afterwards, Su Yan suggested that Qu Mao go back to the room to fight again. Qu Mao criticized severely.

  Then, the two came together to the small meeting room on the third floor of the lord's hut, and planned to discuss in advance the matter of Yigong Territory's upcoming lightning war against the Dali Kingdom before the official military meeting tomorrow.

  After Qu Mao entered the meeting room, he immediately took out the power distribution map of the Eastern Continent from his backpack and hung it on the wall, and then began to walk around the power distribution map of the Eastern Continent hanging on the wall.

  Su Yan was originally sitting behind the conference table. Seeing Qu Mao pacing around the hanging map of the power distribution in the Eastern Continent, she also stood up, walked to the map of the power distribution in the Eastern Continent, and looked at it carefully.

   After only a few glances, Su Yan said: "My lord, Xinping's work has not been done properly. Your map of the distribution of forces in the Eastern Continent is still an old version, and the latest situation has not been reflected..."

  Qu Mao took out a pen, drew a few strokes hastily on the distribution map of the Eastern Continent, and said, "Are you talking about these places?

I set off for the Principality of Fulu in the Western Continent starting early in the morning of April 25th in the seventh year of Tianxuan. After returning on July 10th, I continued to inspect the work in the Holy Land. After a while, I finally went to the Eastern Continent on August 4th. Inspection work in various independent territories on the main continent in the western part of the Gulf did not return until yesterday.

Xinping hasn't had a good communication with me during this time. It is normal that the power distribution map of the East Continent has not been updated. It is nothing more than that Zhen Fu and Hua Tielan have inverted the U-shaped area of ​​the western main continent of the East Continent Bay by the end of June. The aboriginal forces surrendered and were incorporated into the independent territory sequence of our Yigong territory.

  I know this is fine, and it will not affect what we are going to discuss today. "

  Su Yan leaned in front of Qu Mao, put her head on one of Qu Mao's shoulders, and said with a smile: "My lord, the distribution of forces in the Eastern Continent is naturally more than the inverted U-shaped area you mentioned.

On the eastern peninsula battlefield of the Eastern Continent Bay, although the situation is stalemate, our territory has also been expanded. The 10 newly-built towns have not been marked, and the territories we captured from the Duchy of Dashui and other seven God-Chosen player lords have also been expanded. Mark it out..."

   Qu Mao patted Su Yan on the shoulder and said: "It's been ridiculous for so long, if you just sit there with sore legs, what are you doing standing here?

On the eastern peninsula battlefield in the Gulf of the Eastern Continent, although we have completely wiped out the power of the seven Chosen player lords and seized all their territories, there are generally rebel forces there, and the residents do not return their hearts and hate our army very much. There are also guerrillas from the Anti-Yizhen Alliance, which cannot be regarded as our completely independent territory. "

  Su Yan smiled happily and said, "My lord, my subordinates are happy!

  The situation you mentioned does exist in the peninsula, but there are still some differences in the power of the Chosen player lords who have been completely wiped out by us. For example, in the Duchy of Dashui, after all the royal families were captured, although the residents of the Duchy of Dashui still hated our army and continued to riot, their resolute resistance was far less than that of other royal families who have not been captured yet, but have lost all their territory. or player-lord territory.

On the peninsula, where the royal family members and the chosen players are captured by us, although the residents and rebel forces still exist, they are completely different from other territories occupied by us on the peninsula. The resistance in these territories is not so fierce, and The mob is also poorly organized and coordinated.

Master Liu Qianhui once wrote a private letter to his subordinates, saying that the effect of our establishment of town groups on the peninsula is very obvious. If we continue to move nearly one million people to build in the past, then three or five town groups, Dashui Principality, etc. have already been captured by us. The territory of the chosen players and members of the royal family should completely become our qualified independent territory within a year.

Also, on the peninsula, there are still a few god-chosen player lords whose territories are not so complete. The troops arranged in the peninsula battlefield in Yigong territory still have certain combat results, especially the nine kingdoms in the past seven years. During the month, although the momentum of the battle was not as great as in the second half of the sixth year of Tianxuan, the actual combat results far exceeded last year.

  Since the construction of 10 town groups on the peninsula at the beginning of the year, our territorial acceptance of the peninsula has also been very efficient, unlike last year when rebels, guerrillas and riots emerged one after another. "

   Qu Mao nodded and said: "Su Yan, the two of us don't need to worry about the power distribution map of the Eastern Continent. Xinping will attend the military meeting tomorrow, and he will definitely update the power distribution map of the Eastern Continent for me.

What I am worried about now is: one-fourth of the border of Dali Kingdom is the coastline, which is just facing the end of the Central Continent; one-fifth of the border borders the Principality of Pengda; The Mughal Empire borders; the remaining nearly two-thirds of the border are bordered by various independent territories of our Yi Gong territory.

  If everything goes well, we can launch six marching routes from various independent territories and launch an attack on the Kingdom of Dali at the same time. This is not counting the use of the navy to attack the coastline of the Kingdom of Dali. Even if the Dali Kingdom has relatively fierce resistance and there is no external interference, I believe that the six-way army and the involvement of the coastline will soon completely wipe out the resistance of the Dali Kingdom.

  However, no matter how tense the aborigines of the Principality of Pengda are in attacking the northwestern region of their border, they will certainly not sit back and watch us destroy the Kingdom of Dali. After all, if we conquer the Kingdom of Dali, we will directly border the Principality of Pengda.

  Furthermore, it is the Mughal Empire. When we first attacked the Marquis of Moner, the Mughal Empire had already reacted greatly. The main reason is that after the fighting of these two princes, the independent territory of our Yi Gong territory will directly border the Mughal Empire.

On the Eastern Peninsula battlefield in the Gulf of the Eastern Continent, when the aboriginal forces in the middle were captured by us, the reason why the Mughal Empire did not respond was that we fought very fast there and only fought for less than half a week. Within a short period of time, all other aboriginal forces surrendered unconditionally.

If the Pengda Principality and the Mughal Empire each react to our attack on the Dali Kingdom, I don't think the problem is too big. Our army will definitely be able to deal with it. Fighting each other will not have a particularly big impact on us. At most, we need We just extended the time to conquer Dali Kingdom..."

Su Yan's eyes have been chasing Qu Mao's fingers on the power distribution map of the Eastern Continent, and when she heard Qu Mao stop, she said: "My lord, the navy of our Yi Gong territory is very powerful, just use It seems a bit overkill to contain and harass the coastline of the Dali Kingdom. After all, a quarter of the border of the Dali Kingdom is the coastline. If we follow the coastline, we will let the navy set up four more offensive routes. Ten armies will encircle and suppress the Dali Kingdom. Our strategy progress is bound to be faster.

Even if the navy doesn't invest in actual troops, it's just a feint attack. The subordinates think that dispatching the four-way navy to put on an offensive posture can involve at least 10% of the army's strength in Dali Kingdom. pressure…"

   Qu Mao smiled and said, "Su Yan, it's not a matter of lack of troops.

  Even if the navy just bombards the coastline of the Kingdom of Dali, it can still contain at least 10% of the army power of the Kingdom of Dali. This is beyond doubt.

  If, according to what you said, the navy concentrates its artillery fire and lays out four offensive routes for landing operations, then at least 20% of the troops of the Dali Kingdom can be involved.

If the navy really puts its troops into the landing operation, it will definitely shorten the time it takes us to conquer the Dali Kingdom by about one-third. I have no doubts about this, but the amount of power invested by the navy on the peninsula battlefield is bound to decrease. We will attack the Dali Kingdom It is based on the premise that it will not greatly affect the peninsula battlefield.

   What I am worried about is the reaction of the Pengda Principality and the Mughal Empire. I don’t care about their individual reactions. I am afraid that if they unite together, it will inevitably bring great pressure to our Yigong territory.

  Because once they unite, the battlefield will not be limited to the territory of Dali Kingdom, and they may even face a situation of full-scale war. "

  Su Yan nodded, and said: "Indeed, in mid-July, Lord Faur Swamp has brought all the warships newly refitted with rear-loading artillery to reinforce Sylvia Ocean on the peninsula battlefield.

Although another three months have passed, according to the current full production capacity of the shipyard, I am afraid that at most 150 super warships have been refitted. To launch a landing operation against the Dali Kingdom, even if it is just a feint attack, I am afraid that at least 500 ships must be invested warship.

  My lord, your concern is indeed justified, but my subordinates think that the probability of joint intervention between the Principality of Pengda and the Mughal Empire is very low. First of all, the Principality of Pengda and the Mughal Empire are also enemies, my lord.

  The probability of a full-scale war is not high. What we are worried about is that after the intervention of the Pengda Principality and the Mughal Empire, they will cut off the territory that should belong to our Yigong territory from the Dali Kingdom.

However, as long as we attack the Yigong territory quickly enough, even if the three forces of Dali Kingdom, Pengda Principality and Mughal Empire join forces, I am afraid that the Dali Kingdom will eventually all be our territory. , we have seized all of the territory, at most re-entering the standoff.

  Take a step back and say, even if we don’t get a complete Dali Kingdom, it won’t be a big loss to us, at least the royal family of Dali Kingdom has been wiped out by us…”

   Qu Mao thought for a while, and said: "Su Yan, your words are not enough to completely dispel my worries. Let's discuss this issue in depth when everyone holds a military meeting tomorrow."