MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 19 Su Yan's wish

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  Chapter 19 Su Yan's Wish

   It's a pity that it's not known how long it will be until the opening of the cheating mall, and the cheating system has not given Qu Mao the conditions for opening the cheating mall.

  Facing Qu Mao’s question in his mind on how to open the cheating mall, the cheating system gave a strategy hint in an irrelevant answer.

   "Congratulations to the rookie host, your current wealth has accumulated to more than one gold coin, and the backpack of the lord system does not have the ability to directly exchange gold coins and tokens.

   Would you like to use 1 cheat point to exchange your personal coins for a gold coin? Only need 1 cheat point, very conscientious price.

  You can give this gold coin to your little girl hero and turn it into territory wealth.

  And you little girl hero, your first talent is money management skills! "

   Qu Mao didn’t really understand financial talent, but the cheating system was both a temptation and a suggestion, so he followed the suggestion and spent 1 cheating point to exchange for a gold coin, took it out of his backpack and handed it to Su Yan.

  “Although there is no human habitation on the desert island, I think the future is full of hope.

  You said last night that our territory has no wealth. Today I will give you this gold coin as the wealth of our territory. As the internal affairs officer of the territory, you can decide where to use the gold coin.

   With this gold coin, at least our territory can not look like a poor and white territory, although there are very few gold coins. "

Su Yan took the gold coin, looked at it carefully, and said, "My lord, don't underestimate a gold coin. In the Liusu Principality, a family of six can only eat about 50 silver coins for a whole year. One gold coin can feed 12 people for a whole year.

  Since you said so, I will transfer the gold coins to the territory account. As you said, our Yicun territory is still full of hope. "

Sensing that Su Yan's attitude seems to have changed, Qu Mao curiously opened Su Yan's attribute panel, and it took only one day and one night. Su Yan's loyalty increased to 50%, which surprised Qu Mao very much. Whether or not to give the big wooden bed to Su Yan and Su Qiaoer, if there is another wave of loyalty, the unstable factors of the internal prisoner-of-war transfer to the people will almost disappear.

   The cheating system gives hints appropriately.

  “50% loyalty is a critical line. Generally, when the loyalty reaches 50%, they will not betray, but they will not be particularly loyal. When there is an external temptation, they will choose to leave at any time.

A loyalty of 60% is relatively safe, and the external attraction needs to be much stronger than it is now to cause the people to betray. Of course, if there are other pressures from the outside world, then the loyalty will have no reference, even if the loyalty is more than 90% The citizens of the country are also more likely to rebel when their lives are threatened.

  However, 100% loyalty is tantamount to diehard loyalty. Even if their lives are threatened, there is a high probability that this kind of leader will not rebel.

   How about it, rookie host, do you want to spend some cheating points to turn your little girl hero into a loyal loyalist? After being loyal, there are many other possibilities. Generally, loyal people will not refuse any orders and requests from the lord, it is any orders and requests..."

   Qu Mao ignored the temptation of the cheating system and turned off Su Yan's attribute panel.

  With strong curiosity, Qu Mao looked at Su Yan curiously, and pretended to ask casually: "Su Yan, how do you think our Yi Village territory should develop in the future?"

  Su Yan glanced at Qu Mao, thought for a while, and said respectfully: "My lord, I think that development should not be considered at present, but we should talk about how Yi Village can survive.

  Yi Village is located in a deserted island forest, surrounded by terrifying beasts, and the leaders dare not even go farther away from the lord's hut.

  You only have one soldier in Zhang Da, which can be counted as military strength. Although Su Bo was a soldier before, he has retired after all and has a certain combat effectiveness, but it cannot be regarded as the military strength of the territory.

   On this island, we have no way to expand the arable land, nor can we get a large number of people. No one talks about development? Just make do with it and survive!

   Tonight, I can drink salted fish soup, my subordinates are already very content.

   When the Principality of Liusu was destroyed, the subordinates fled from Yancheng Port. At that time, they never thought of surviving.

  With the life-saving help of the guards, Subo and Qiaoer accompanied me to drift to this deserted island, and you, my lord... took in me, so I survived. Therefore, subordinates now think more about the issue of survival than the issue of development. "

   Qu Mao nodded and said, "Alright then, talk about how to survive."

Su Yan didn't answer immediately, but was silent for about two or three minutes, Su Yan said: "My lord, I feel that after Jia Sixie and Franklin planted the corn, we should reserve at least half of the harvest as seeds." , continue to increase the planting area, we cannot plan our food planting with the consumption of our current seven population.

   Tree cutting can never stop, not only to collect wood, but also to clear the open space around the territory so that we can continue to develop new cultivated land.

  Subordinates heard from Jia Sixie that in the early days, wild rabbits regularly came to destroy the yard outside, but after clearing all the weeds in the open space of the yard and turning it into arable land, the hares never came again.

   There is no trace of monsters on the deserted island, basically they are wild beasts, so in theory, after we cut down the surrounding trees and convert the open space into cultivated land, there is a high probability that other wild beasts will not appear.

  In this way, we will not only obtain more cultivated land, but also reduce the threat of wild animals to the people, and the area of ​​activity of the people will become larger.

  The larger the area of ​​activity of the people, the more opportunities we will find. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "Well, this is a good idea. If you want to get rich, you must first cut trees. If Zhang Da, Sunan, Jia Sixie and Franklin fell too slowly, I can stay in the territory instead of hunting. Cut down trees. Anyway, there is no problem with the meat supporting the seven of us for two or three days..."

  Su Yan hurriedly said: "My lord, didn't we agree to go to the beach to fetch sea water tomorrow?

  We need to take more seawater back to dry more salt, salt is a necessity. Your people and soldiers will slowly become weak if they don't eat salt for a long time.

  The subordinate thinks that the two of us should go to the beach tomorrow, and we should find ways to enrich our recipes. Planting corn is one aspect, and the subordinate hopes to get more seeds of other crops.

  Qiaoer will explore the surrounding woods tomorrow, accompanied by Suber and Zhang Da, to see if he can find wild condiments, but his subordinates feel that the possibility of finding them is not high. "

  Qu Mao thought for a while, and said: "Okay, tomorrow I will take you to the beach to fetch seawater and dry more salt.

  Don’t worry too much about the seeds of the crops. Although I am not sure yet, there will definitely be ones in the future, and I will figure out a way myself.

   There is nothing I can do to get a large number of people, but soldiers can still be recruited through recruitment coupons. I will find a way to get some soldier recruitment coupons back.

   You can rest assured about the issue of survival, I am more worried about this matter than you, as long as you give me time, I will definitely give you a satisfactory result. "

  Su Yan stared at the swearing Qu Mao with wide eyes, and asked in a murmur, "My lord, I have a bold guess. I don't know whether I should say it or not?"

   Qu Mao sat up straight, waved his hands, and said, "Is there anything you should say or not, we are all on the same rope... We are all high-level executives in the same territory, you can ask directly."

  As an innocent young man in another world in the 23rd century, Qu Mao couldn't accept Su Yan, a sixteen-year-old girl, talking to him like this for a while.

  Su Yan asked cautiously: "My lord, are you the chosen one?"

   Qu Mao murmured in his heart, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Why do you guess like that?"

  Su Yan blushed, and said: "My lord, I used to be the princess of the Duchy of Tassels. Although the Duchy of Tassels is not as good as other empires and kingdoms, it can be considered as one of the top ten existences in the duchy.

   There are some anecdotes that my subordinates have also heard. You can summon guards with unpredictable strength to hunt and kill wild beasts at any time. Although the tools you make are simple, they are unheard of in the whole continent... All kinds of magic show that you are different.

  So the subordinates boldly guess: You are the chosen one! "

   Qu Mao coughed, made his sitting posture more dignified, and then said: "Yes, you guessed it right, I am the chosen one."

  Su Yan's eyes radiate admiration, just like a little girl in another world in the 23rd century sees a sissy little fresh meat, although Qu Mao doesn't like sissy very much.

  Su Nan and Su Qiaoer also became eager, Qi Qi looked at Qu Mao eagerly.

  Su Yan asked urgently: "My lord, I will serve you loyally. Will you help me restore my country in the future?"

   Qu Mao almost couldn't hold back, it turned out that this little girl was waiting for him here.

After thinking for a while, Qu Mao felt that he should still be an honest person, so he said solemnly: "Su Yan, don't forget, first of all, you are my prisoner of war, and you swore to God to be loyal to me, so loyalty is for you. My service is your duty, not a bargaining condition.

  Don't keep thinking about what you have, just be an internal affairs officer for me honestly.

  You all know that the current priority of our Yi Village territory is to survive. Counting me together, there are only seven of us, and we are far away from the mainland. Do you think Fuguo is reliable?

  Your Tassel Duchy claimed to be among the top ten mainland duchies, but it was still wiped out. How many people did your Tassel Duchy have at that time? "

  Su Yan did not expect Qu Mao to be so serious, and said: "My lord, the population of the Tassel Principality at its peak was more than 10 million. Before the country was destroyed, it was about..."

  Qu Mao interrupted Su Yan with a wave of his hand, and said, "Damn it! Stop it! Don't mention the past, and don't mention the restoration of the country.

  100 million means 100 million people. As far as our deserted island is concerned, if we grow to 100 million people, we will get the Year of the Monkey, right?

   If you have the time to struggle, it’s better to eat, drink and have fun.

  Life is short, 120 years is amazing, what do you think about what you have and what you don’t have? Why bother to make yourself so tired? "

Su Yan's eyes turned red in an instant, but Qu Maotie decided not to continue talking about this issue, waved his hand, and said, "Have you finished your meal? I have also recorded the tools you want, everyone go to sleep Bar.

  A night watch is still required tonight, and Sunan also needs to be on watch.

   Make some reforms, starting tonight to watch the night in teams of two, there is not much danger now, it is too boring to watch the night alone.

  There is still a lot of work to be done tomorrow, except for those who are on duty at night, everyone should go to bed early. "

   After finishing speaking, Qu Mao ignored Su Yan, who had red eyes, and walked straight back to his room, closing the door.

  (end of this chapter)