MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 20 Home Affairs Officer's Plan

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  Chapter 20 Planning of the Interior Officer

  After getting up the next morning, Qu Mao pretended that nothing happened the night before. I took Sunan and Zhang Da to the bamboo forest first, and made more than 200 bamboo tubes to hold water in one go. It is estimated that each bamboo tube can hold 500-700 ml of seawater.

  In the middle of the process, apart from summoning Ake to kill a tiger, Qu Mao almost worked hard in the bamboo forest to make bamboo tubes to hold water. More than 200 bamboo tubes were completed in the morning, and Zhang Da and Sunan used their own tools to participate in the production.

   Put more than 200 empty bamboo tubes into the backpack, and they only occupy one space when stacked.

  Qu Maocai took Sunan and Zhang Da to the creek to wash their mouths and face, and collected fish from fishing traps. Let Zhang Da and Sunan hold a bundle of bamboo each, and when they returned to the lord's hut, Su Qiaoer had already prepared breakfast, which was broth made with a little salt.

   With kitchen knives and iron pans, and the rough bamboo spatula made by Qu Mao, Su Qiaoer made more and more tricks in the meals.

  Eating breakfast is still in the living room of the lord's hut, Qu Mao arranges tasks while eating: "Taking advantage of breakfast time, I will arrange today's tasks for everyone.

  Jia Sixie and Franklin took care of the corn planted yesterday. If you still have free time, you can go to the edge of the territory to cut wood and continue to expand the scope of our cultivated land.

Sunan and Zhang Da, you **** Su Qiaoer to search in the surrounding woods, but you can't leave the lord's hut for a mile at most. You mainly look for wild condiments and wild fruit trees. If there are condiments or wild fruit tree seedlings, Just dig the whole plant back and let Jia Sixie and Franklin plant it on the edge of the territory.

  Zhang Da, I won’t take your spear with me when I go out today. The inferior stone grass was given to Sunan for self-defense.

  The internal affairs officer and I will go to the beach, inspecting the topography of the deserted island, and pouring sea water at the same time. If you are lucky, you may bring back some seafood for everyone.

   Everyone knows their mission, right?

   After breakfast, we will act separately.

  Su Yan, eat quickly, and follow me to the beach after eating. "

   When he came back last time, Qu Mao had actually searched a certain distance on the east beach, and walked back with three prisoners for more than three hours.

   This time Qu Mao and Su Yan walked along the creek to the east beach. From the lord's hut along the creek to the beach is at most three or four kilometers, and it takes about an hour to walk there.

   Along the way, Qu Mao made full use of calling Ake to kill wild beasts every three hours. The journey was not in a hurry. There was a cheating system to remind him anytime and anywhere, so there was no need to worry about any danger along the way.

  So on the way, Qu Mao told Su Yan about the terrain of the entire deserted island, but after Qu Mao refused to help Su Yan restore the country last night, Su Yan's mood has been very low.

  Since waking up in the morning till now, Su Yan hasn't talked much.

   When approaching the beach, Qu Mao finally introduced the topography of the deserted island to Su Yan.

   Seeing that Su Yan still didn't talk to her, Qu Mao had no choice but to say: "Su Yan, after all, you are the internal affairs officer of my territory. My lord is talking to you about the important affairs of the territory, why don't you talk to me?

  The other citizens were all there last night. I can't reply to you in front of other people about such a big matter as your restoration of the country.

  What a big plan it is to restore the country. We now have only one gold coin, and the leaders count me as seven. There are insufficient tools, resources, and technology. Aren't I bragging when I say help you restore the country?

  It’s true that I’m the Chosen One, but the Chosen One can’t conjure resources out of thin air. I think we should survive on the small island first, and then develop slowly after we are done. Let’s talk about your restoration of the country when we have the ability. "

  Su Yan raised her head and stared at Qu Mao for a long time, then said: "My lord, it's not that I don't know the current situation, but I am unwilling to accept the destruction of the Tassel Principality.

  The Tassel Principality was united by my father's best friends and subverted by conspiracy. My parents died with nothing to rest in peace. If I don't take revenge, how can I be a daughter? "

Qu Mao wanted to pat Su Yan on the back to comfort him, but after raising his hand, he just brushed his hair and said: "We will talk about the restoration of the Tassel Principality later when we have time, and when we have time, we will talk about it later." Now that you are strong, think about how to deal with those **** who betrayed your father.

  Now, I want to hear your plans for the future development of our Yi Village territory.

  If the territory of Yi Village is not developed, your own dream of restoring the country will be a castle in the air, right? "

  Su Yan thought about it seriously, and said: "My lord, according to your description, this island is actually not very big, but it is not particularly small, so it should not be a big problem to develop it all to support a million people.

  The creek we followed along the road was no more than one meter wide and two feet deep, and it could not be used for other purposes except to provide some fresh water.

  Even if we want to intercept the river and use it as irrigation water for the island, I'm afraid the amount of work is not something that the current seven people in our territory can complete.

  There are too many tidal flats and swamps at the estuary here, which is not suitable for development into a port, but you can consider building a fisherman's wharf.

  In the future, when the number of people will increase, the people will be able to fish along the coast.

  The large beach in the east, just like Yancheng in the Dusu Principality, is directly made into a salt farm.

  The cliff in the north you mentioned is too high, which can provide natural defense for our territory, so I won’t say more.

If the west and south sides are really as you said, the height of the cliffs does not exceed 20 meters. My subordinates think that in the future, warship docks and sea ship shipyards can be built on the west and south sides, but I don’t know if there is a natural harbor. , Even if there is no natural seaport, the subordinates think that it is of great value to develop a military port. Of course, we need enough manpower and resources to do this.

Although the escape was rather hasty and it was dark at that time, if my impression is correct, this island is only about 300 kilometers away from Yancheng Port in the Principality of Liusu. Is there any closer land in other directions? Based on what I have learned before Looking at the mainland map, Yancheng Port should be the nearest port, and there should be more than one small island in this sea area.

   I wonder if adults have seen other islands on other seasides when exploring the main island? "

Qu Mao recalled it seriously, and finally said helplessly: "I didn't notice it at the time, but it's more likely that I didn't, because in my impression, I can't see any other land on the seaside, I can only see the sea and the sky. "

Su Yan nodded and said: "Since you said that, at least it means that there are no other islands within a radius of 10 kilometers, but there should be other islands within a radius of 10 kilometers and a radius of 50 kilometers. If we have the strength in the future, we can also go there. develop.

  As long as we use this deserted island as the basis, and when the population is large enough, we can develop one or two small islands, and the arable land can feed tens of millions of people, then we will have at least one million troops.

  At that time, we can develop externally and go to the main mainland to develop our power. First of all, we can start with trade. After this beach becomes a salt farm, it will not be a problem to supply tens of millions of people, and even a lot more can be exported to the mainland, and enough gold coins can be exchanged for selling sea salt.

   Some of the gold coins exchanged are used to develop our territory, and the other part is used to buy armaments, and even hire mercenaries to help us expand our sphere of influence..."

   Qu Mao and Su Yan were on the edge of the beach, while filling the diabolo tubes with seawater, they were chatting about the future development plan of Yi Village territory.

"Your plan is very good. My lord is really looking forward to that day." Qu Mao said with emotion, glanced at his feet, and said bitterly, "But look, now my lord doesn't even have a pair of shoes. Running around barefoot.

  Look at my lord's clothes again, can this burlap clothes still be called clothes? It's not too bad to be called a cloth, so I think, Su Yan, let's be realistic, take your time and don't rush.

   After we have consolidated the territory and have sufficient resources, I will take you to other seasides, and even take you to search the entire deserted island.

  By the way, my lord also searched to see if there are any missing materials that can be collected, or if there are any resources that can be exploited sustainably. "

  Su Yan looked up at the torn clothes on Qu Mao's body, and said, "My lord, there is still a bundle of fabric in the warehouse of the territory. When I go back, my subordinates will sew a robe for you..."

   Qu Mao said with a smile: "Su Yan, stop bragging. I've never heard of a princess who can sew. Maybe you take the fabric back to the room and ask Su Qiaoer to sew it for you..."

  Su Yan glared at Qu Mao, didn't speak, and continued to pour sea water with her head buried.

   Qu Mao and Su Yan have been busy for five or six hours at the seaside. Every three hours, Qu Mao will use the shortest time to kill a beast under the prompt of the cheating system to get 1 cheating point.

   Of course, it doesn’t take so much time to fill more than 200 bamboo tubes with sea water.

At the beach, Qu Mao and Su Yan walked the 5-kilometer-long beach back and forth. sea ​​fish.

   Seeing that it was already afternoon, Qu Mao greeted Su Yan and walked towards the territory along the creek.

   Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Qu Mao and Su Yan had already returned to the territory.

  Handing all the sea fish and sea oysters to Su Qiaoer, Qu Mao said: "Su Qiaoer, extra meal tonight!

  But now my lord wants to requisition the iron pot, and it will be used until the sun goes down, so I have to use the iron pot to dry the salt. "

More than 200 bamboo tubes filled with seawater are now in Qu Mao’s or Su Yan’s backpack, adding up to more than 100 liters of seawater. The capacity of the iron pot is no more than 5 liters at best. Qu Mao is also worried about the seawater in the iron pot Too much impact on evaporation, I am afraid that the evaporation will not be completed when the sun is completely set, but the seawater brought back will be wasted.

   So Qu Mao just poured two bamboo tubes of sea water into the iron pot, and then moved the iron pot outside the yard, and put it in a place where it can be directly exposed to sunlight.

After doing the salt drying, Qu Mao shouted: "Although you have all had lunch, go back to the living room of the lord's hut first. Let's have a meeting and talk about the search situation in the morning and the task in the afternoon by the way. Adjustment!"

  (end of this chapter)