MTL - Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard-Chapter 19 : Farmers cannot appear out of thin air

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   Follow the prompts, just walk three miles to the north of the courtyard and you will find the small stream.

   Zongshen rode an old traveling horse, moving forward at a constant speed. It only took 6 or 7 minutes before he had seen the stream.

   Although it is a small stream, the entire stream is about one foot wide. The current is a bit turbulent, but the water level is not deep.

   Zongshen dismounted and came to the stream.

  The water of the stream is very clear. Because it is living water, it is not turbid, and the pebbles at the bottom of the stream can be clearly seen.

   He raised his head and followed the stream to look upstream.

   found that this stream flows out of the mountains and forests far away from the north.

   meanders from north to southwest.

   I thought that the system once suggested that there was a lake in the southwest. I thought that this stream should be one of the water sources of that lake.

   Zong Shen is not at all surprised that there is a water source nearby.

   After all, if there is a shortage of water here, it is absolutely impossible to form such a large lush grassland.

   And Zong Shen discovered when he was digging, the soil here is extremely fertile black soil.

   is relatively moist and quite sticky.

   According to the terms of the earth.

   That is the homogeneous humus soil formed under the conditions of grassland meadow vegetation in the temperate humid climate.

   The organic matter of this kind of soil is about 3% to 10%, so it is fertile.

   As long as there is no land desertification and barren pastures here, there will be no water shortage.

   This is a common sense judgment.

   However, those lords who landed in the Gobi and desert areas are suffering.

   I just don’t know if there will be a certain balance compensation.

Many settings of    Lord Survival are still fair.

  Zongshen stood by the stream, and instead of fetching water in a hurry, he began to think about the relationship between the environment and survival.

   Then, he took out the three wooden barrels made before and put them beside him.

   squatted down, stretched out his hand and took a handful of water, and took a sip.

   The water is very sweet and has no peculiar smell.

   Obviously, this is a stream that flows from the spring water in the mountains and merges into the pasture.

   After continuous washing and pebbles purification, the water quality is very good.

   He looked at the water intently.

   (The water flowing from the springs high in the mountains is rich in various minerals and is of good quality, but it is still recommended that you boil it before drinking)

   Check the guide, and after confirming that it is correct, Zong Shen started to fill the water.

   filled the three buckets one after another and put them into the storage compartment.

   So let the old traveling horse drink water by himself in the downstream position.

   The three full buckets are of the same kind, so they can be placed on top of each other without taking up too much storage compartment.

   Now there is 30L of water.

   There are eleven farmers, two warriors, a black panther, a giant wolf, Zong Shen himself and the old traveling horse in the territory now.

   This 30L of water should be enough to drink for one to two days.

   But Zongshen’s territory is not far from this creek. When the timber resources on hand are sufficient, he can make more barrels for Colby to come over and fetch water.

   He is worried that the farmer will travel far away.

   The farmer’s combat ability is too low. Without the ability to protect himself, he is prone to losses when he encounters danger.

   Zongshen thought while getting on the old traveling horse.

   rode back towards the courtyard.

   In his free time, he needs to understand some common sense issues before his eyes as soon as possible.

   The system of "Lord Survival" will not answer these questions. It was originally necessary for the lord to explore on his own, but Zong Shen was different.

  He has a strategy module.

   At present, Zong Shen does not have a clear goal on how to obtain farmers.

   His initial farmer came from the opening gift.

   then rescued eight farmers by raiding the stray camp.

   These farmers do not seem to be recruited out of thin air like fighters.

   "Excuse me, how to recruit more farmers?"

   is the so-called "undecided" strategy.

   Zongshen immediately raised the doubt in his mind.

   (Regarding the recruitment of farmers, there are mainly the following ways.

The first and most important way is to find aboriginal villages/towns/giant cities and gain the trust of the aboriginals by increasing the reputation value and completing the task of regional favorability/reputation. They can be recruited once in the area, and the number of indigenous people recruited varies depending on the degree of goodwill/prestige and the size of the area.

In the second way, mercenaries and people with lofty ideals often appear in town taverns. Here, as long as you can pay enough money, or promise to meet the other’s ambitions, you can quickly reap talents, and you may even encounter them. Heroic talents with potential

   The third way is to looting indigenous villages and forcibly plundering the population, but it may encounter counterattacks and annihilation by indigenous forces at all levels

   The fourth way, by attacking bandits/travelers/foreign tribes/lairs, there is a probability that a certain amount of aborigines can be rescued.

   The fifth way is to purchase through slave merchants.

   The sixth way. After the territory expands, the influence increases, and it will naturally attract people to migrate.

   The seventh way, if you can accept the alien race, you can even go to the alien country to conscript by forming alliances, gaining favorability, and looting.

  Ps: The above several ways are not all methods of population acquisition, there are countless opportunities and strong people waiting for you in the whole continent)

so it is!

   Zongshen suddenly understood.

   Farmers and other populations cannot appear out of thin air. UU Reading needs to be recruited from the mainland's aboriginal forces.

   This is the main source of population.

   Only after having a basic population can it thrive.

   This requires decades of water milling.

   "What about the soldiers? Can they only be recruited through recruitment rolls?"

   Zongshen raised the second question in his mind.

(In the recruitment scroll, the soldiers who were directly summoned were all recruiting items left over from ancient times. The number of recruitment scrolls was large but scattered. It was hard to find. It was once a major recruiting method on the mainland. The arms of the are almost extinct now. The powerful heroes or soldiers voluntarily sleep in a different dimension, waiting for the recruitment of the lord to reappear in this world.

   In addition to the recruitment roll, those aboriginal farmers, as the basic population unit, can also be trained to become soldiers, but they need specific buildings, such as those Tier 1 barracks in [Construction].

   These are the most common and basic human recruiting units. It costs some materials to train farmers into soldiers.

  Of course, there are many special recruiting buildings, which require continuous exploration and excavation by the lord!

   To sum up, you have a long way to go, work hard, Caiji?? Little Lord)

   After reading the prompt, Zong Shen has a deeper thinking about population and development.

  If you want to develop, contact with aboriginal forces is inevitable.

   But, this matter is not in a hurry.

   Today is the first day of development.

   Territory has not yet taken shape.

   At least until the territory has begun to take shape and has the power to protect itself, Zong Shen will consider contact with the aboriginal forces.