MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 430 search

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  Chapter 430 Search

  Luke asked, "How is Chen Yue doing?"

  Michael Jeter sighed, "I just asked the doctor, and I need to observe for a while.

  Hope she can make it through. "

  Luke said to Louise, "Where is Chen Ning?"

   "We sent her home first, and a female detective took care of her."

   "You go talk to her and see if she has seen Song Jinbao.

   If she doesn't know, go to the restaurant and ask. "If Chen Yue and Song Jinbao really have a cooperative relationship, there should be a connection between them.

   "Aren't you going with me?"

  Luke shook his head, "NO, my charm is usually only effective for women over the age of eighteen.

  It's too small for me to handle. "

   "Oh, so I'm not yet eighteen.


  Louis greeted everyone and left the ward.

"Jingle Bell…"

  Michael Jeter's cell phone rang. He glanced at the phone screen and left the ward in a hurry.

   Only Luke and Amir are left in the ward.

  Luke had nothing to say to him, so he also picked up an orange and ate it.

  Amir asked, "Isn't it sweet?"

  Luke nodded.

   "My girlfriend bought it."

   Luke nodded again.

  Amir "…"

   After a while, Michael Jeter pushed the door open and walked in, "Guys, I just got a message, anyone want to guess?"

  Amir thought for a moment, "Any news about Song Jinbao?"

   "Guess again."

  Luke guessed, "Have you found Zheng Lagong?"

  Michael Jeter snapped his fingers, "It's his dead body to be exact."


   “A winery in the suburbs of New York.

  comeon, said on the road. "

  Amir instinctively wanted to get up, and before he sat up straight, he clutched his chest, "I... wish you all the best."

  Michael Jeter patted him on the shoulder, "Dude, rest easy and recuperate, and wait for our good news."


  In a black Chevrolet SUV.

  Michael Jeter sat in the cab and drove, Luke sat in the co-pilot position.

   Luke pulls out a cigarette, "Never mind."

  Michael Jeter took a deep breath, "NO, I like the smell of smoke."

  Luke lit his cigarette and took a puff, "Where did you get the news?"

   "Ministry of Intelligence."

   Luke nodded, it is normal for Fobo Le to have an informant in the gang.

   "Who killed Zheng Lagong?"

   "The intelligence department is not clear either. It only knows that a male corpse was found at Karma Winery, and this winery is owned by the Feilong Gang. According to the information he received, the body is likely to be Zheng Lagong.

  We must hurry to the winery, the corpse may be disposed of at any time. "

  Luke was a little surprised, "There is still a winery under the Dragon Gang?"

   "That's right, these **** are richer than you think." Michael Jeter smiled, "Who do you think killed Zheng Lagong?"

  Luke took a puff of smoke, "I think there are two possibilities, the first possibility is that the Feilong gang discovered that Zheng Lagong was a police informant, and Feilong helped him clean up the door.

  The second possibility is that Mo Shaoxiong killed Zheng Lagong. "

  Michael Jeter said, "I am more inclined to the second possibility."

  Luke stretched his right hand out of the window, flicking the soot, "What name are you planning to search the winery for?"


   "Are you authorized?"

   "Of course, Negan had already approved it when we came." Michael Jeter curled his lips, "How can a winery owned by a gang like this be clean, more or less able to detect problems.

  Authorization is not a problem at all. "

  Although there is no fixed standard, Luke feels that it is easier for Fobo to apply for a search warrant than the police.

  Kalmar Winery.

   This is a winery that grows and makes wine.

  Folbler's car drove into the winery, surrounded by an empty plantation, estimated to be at least two to three hundred acres, with factories, villas, warehouses and other facilities built in the middle of the vineyard.

  Luke stepped off the Chevrolet SUV, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

  He looked at the fruitful vineyards and felt that being a farmer would be a good idea.

  A middle-aged Asian man with gold-rimmed glasses and a gentle appearance came over, "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

  Michael Jeter tilted his head, "No, we have a search warrant."

  The middle-aged Asian man spread his hands, "Sir, what happened?"

  Michael Jeter asked, "Who are you?"

   "I am the manager of the winery, Charlie Liao."

   "We have received a report that your winery is suspected of smuggling, and we will search according to law.

  Manager Liao, please cooperate. "

   "Can I see a search warrant?"

   "Of course." Michael Jeter took out the search warrant and handed it to him.

   Manager Liao looked at the search warrant and looked a little nervous, "I think there may be some misunderstanding here. Our winery never does illegal things."

   "Then let's find out why this misunderstanding happened." Michael Jeter waved his hand, "Guys, work.

  Manager Liao, please cooperate with your people. "

  The construction area of ​​the winery is not small. There are residences, guest rooms, winemaking workshops, and warehouses. The search time this time will not be short.

  Because the winery has a gang background, in order to prevent the gang members from jumping over the wall after the corpse is discovered, Agent Fobole is fully armed.

  Luke looked at the empty vineyard. This is a good place to hide a corpse. It is not easy to find a corpse.

   "Michael, are you considering calling a police dog?"

  Michael Jeter took out his mobile phone, "I have the same idea."

  The people searched separately, there were not many Lukes, and there were not many others.

  Luke walked up to Manager Liao, looked him up and down, and handed him a cigarette, "Manager Liao, would you like one?"

  The area of ​​the winery is so large, instead of searching aimlessly, it is better to chat with the person in charge of the winery. Relatively speaking, Luke is better at dealing with people.

   "Thank you." Manager Liao took the cigarette.

  Luke asked, "Can you speak Chinese?"

   "Yes. What's your name?" Manager Liao also began to speak Chinese.

   "My surname is Li, and I am a Forbes criminal investigation consultant."

   "I'm sorry, it's Consultant Li." Manager Liao took out a lighter and helped Luke light a cigarette first, "Consultant Li, I really don't have any contraband here.

   Is someone setting me up? "

   "That's up to you." Luke stared at each other.

  Manager Liao took a puff of cigarette, "I don't know, and I feel very wronged. There are so many Buddhas coming suddenly. This is the first time I have seen such a big battle."

   "Are you a member of the Dragon Gang?"

   "Well, I do know some gang friends, but I'm not a gang member myself."

   "Do you know Zheng Lagong?"

   "Yes, he has been to the winery before and is our guest."

   "When was the last time you saw him?"

   "I can't remember clearly, it should be years ago."

   "Has anything unusual happened in the winery recently?"

   "No." Manager Liao answered very simply, but Luke vaguely saw signs of lying.

  Luke continued to ask, "Do you know Mo Shaoxiong?"

   "Yes, also a guest of our winery."

   "When was the last time you saw him?"

   "It should be years ago."

   "Did he and Zheng Lagong come together?"


   "How is the relationship between the two of them?"

   "I don't know very well either." Manager Liao turned his head aside, as if he was trying to avoid it.

"Jingle Bell…"

  Luke's cell phone rings, and Will's number is displayed on the screen.

   "I'm going to answer the phone."

   Luke put down a sentence, walked to the side of the vineyard, pressed the answer button, "Hello."

   "Brother, is it convenient to talk?"


   "I've thought about it carefully... I think your words make sense, so I went to the Feilong Gang today, and I'm going to tell Brother Wolf about quitting the gang.

   But I didn't know how to speak. After waiting for a while, I heard the news that Zheng Lagong, the deputy head of the Iron Blood Hall, was injured and was hiding in a clinic for treatment. "

   "When did it happen?" Luke frowned slightly, the news of this brother must be too behind.

  The corpses are all found, treat a ghost.

   But considering that Will hasn't been to the Feilong Gang in the past two days, and he is a peripheral brother, it is possible that the news may be delayed.

   "I just heard that."

   "Which clinic?

   "Alec Clinic on Mosant Street."

   "Is Zheng Lagong seriously injured? Treated in the clinic? Or is he dead?"

   "I didn't dare to ask. Need I ask?"

   "No, do you know how he got hurt?"

   "Some people speculate that it may be the murderous hands of He Shengtang's people.

   is preparing to seek revenge from the people of Heshengtang. "

   "I see. Did you withdraw?"

   "Yes, I finally said it.

   I was also beaten up by Brother Wolf’s men, but they acted with discretion. My injuries are not serious, and I will be fine after a few days of rest.

  Brother Wolf also agreed to report to the gang and let me wait for the news. "

   "Did they suspect you?"

"should not.

  They saw my parents take me away.

  I told them that my parents did not agree with me joining the gang, and they forced me to die. I had no choice but to quit the Dragon Gang.

  There are many members who are in the same situation as me.

  They have experienced it themselves, the difference is that they broke up with their parents and won over their parents. "

   "Good job, protect yourself. The more low-key these two days, the better."

   "Brother, can I break this news to the NYPD?

  I inquired about Zheng Lagong's whereabouts, and it was considered as having completed the mission of the police station.

   Then you can withdraw openly and aboveboard, and let the police station help solve the troubles of He Shengtang. "There was a little relief in Will's tone.

   This is tantamount to making the New York Police Department owe him a favor. Even if he can't be a policeman in the 62nd branch, he can go to another branch.

   "How do you usually contact?"

  “They gave me a mobile phone number and asked me to call if I had something to do, saying that the mobile phone number was safe.”

  Luke thought for a while, "Don't tell the New York Police Department for now, wait for my news."

   "Uh..." Will hesitated for a moment, "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

  Luke gave a few more instructions and hung up the phone.

  Luke found a big rock by the vineyard and sat down, scratching his scalp with his right fingers. There was a discrepancy between Will's news and the information of the Forbes Intelligence Department.

  Will will definitely not lie to himself. Could it be that there is something wrong with the news from the Ministry of Intelligence?

  Will's news is more accurate than that of the Intelligence Agency?

  Luke thinks it is unlikely.

  The biggest possibility is that there was a delay in Will's news. After Zheng Lagong was injured, he was treated in the clinic, but he was not rescued, because the death was not normal, and the body was sent to the vineyard for burial.

  Luke thinks this possibility is the greatest.

  If this is the case, the clinic is the first scene of Zheng Lagong's death, and more clues may be found there.

  Luke took out his mobile phone, ready to call Negan, and go to the clinic to investigate as soon as possible, so as not to be cleared by the clinic.

   Halfway through pressing the phone number, he stopped, still feeling something wrong.

   What if there was no delay in Will's news?

  Why did I get two different news about Zheng Lagong at the same time.

   Could it be that someone is releasing a smoke bomb.

   Then what is their purpose?

  Luke suddenly thought of a possibility, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

  He took out his mobile phone and dialed Will's number. He knew it would be risky to call Will now, but the call had to be made as soon as possible.

   "Hello, brother."

  Luke tentatively asked, "Did you eat?"

   "I'm the only one next to you, tell me." Will's voice was normal.

   "What did I tell you just now? Do you remember?" Luke was very careful not to let Will say it himself, so as to prevent him from being controlled and protect him to the maximum extent.

   "Uh...let me keep my profile as low as possible."

   "Anything else?"

   "Don't tell the New York Police Department about Zheng Lagong."

   "Very well, keep this in mind." Luke finished speaking and hung up the phone.

  He dialed Negan's number again, "Boss, is it convenient to talk?"

   "Yes, is the investigation going well? Has Zheng Lagong's body been found?"

   "I just got a different piece of news about Zheng Lagong, the news was passed by my cousin, and he said that Zheng Lagong may not be dead, and he is being treated in a New York clinic."

   "Can you confirm the accuracy of the message?"


   "Do you want to go to the clinic to investigate?"

   "That's what I thought, but I'm worried it's a trap."

  The other end of the hand was silent. After a while, Negan said, "I see, I will notify the intelligence department to evacuate the informant as soon as possible."

   Luke secretly praised, it really is old information, and it can be revealed at a glance.

Luke was worried that after the senior members of the Feilong Gang learned that Zheng Lagong was a police informant, they would use Zheng Lagong's death to spread different news at different gates and leaders at all levels of the gang, locate and eliminate them in real time, and arrest the informants of the law enforcement department and the police. The undercover agents were caught in one sweep.

   To put it simply, if Luke went to the clinic to investigate, Brother Wolf, the leader of the Dragon Gang, would be targeted by the gang, and Will would probably be exposed.

  Similarly, Fobole came to the winery to investigate according to the information of the Ministry of Intelligence, and the informant of the Ministry of Intelligence might also be discovered.

   "Help me keep an eye on Michael, and thank you cousin for me."

"I will."

   Luke hangs up his phone, feeling the danger of going undercover in a gang again.

   I hope my guess is wrong.

   "Sir, we have found something here." A black agent Fobole was waving at the warehouse door.

   Luke and Michael Jeter both walked over.

  Michael Jeter asked, "What's going on?"

  “There are many rubber barrels in the warehouse. The warehouse manager said they were empty barrels, but one of the barrels was heavy and there should be something in it.”

  Manager Liao said, "It may be red wine. These wooden barrels were originally used to hold wine."

  The black detective said, "The barrel is filled with solids."

  Michael Jeter turned to look at Manager Liao, "What's in the bucket?"

"I don't know either."

   "Have your men open the barrel."

  Manager Liao stood still.

  Michael ordered to the black detective, "Open the barrel."

   "Yes, sir."

  The black agent found a crowbar in the warehouse, went to the barrel, and pried off the top cover.

As soon as a gap was exposed in the wooden cover, there was a strong smell of corpses. Smelling this rotten smell, Luke knew without looking that the corpse should be rotten. Take it to a professional forensic doctor.

   Could it be that I guessed wrong, Zheng Lagong's body is really in the winery?

  Luke stepped back a little, and the black detective didn't continue to pry the wooden lid. He had to disperse the smell in the barrel first, otherwise it would be too much.

   After a while, the smell was almost gone, and the black detective walked over wearing a mask and completely lifted the lid of the wooden barrel.

  The black agent looked into the barrel and cursed, "fuck!"

  Michael Jeter also stepped forward to check, and cursed, "Damn bastard."

  Luke also went to the wooden barrel to check. There was a rotting corpse in the wooden barrel, but it was not a human, but a dog's corpse.

  Michael Jeter walked to Manager Liao, twisted his collar and walked to the barrel, "Tell me, what's going on?"

   "I don't know." Manager Liao glanced at the barrel with a look of disgust.

   "Believe it or not, I will also throw you into the barrel."

   "It's none of my business, maybe it ran in by itself."

   "Do you think I'm stupid? Even if it runs into the bucket, it's impossible to seal the lid by itself.

  Are you kidding us? "Michael Jeter also realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while, as if separated by a layer of window paper.

   Luke grabbed Michael Jeter's arm, "Let him go, this is not the time to be angry.

  Continue to search. "

  Although Luke feels that his speculation is correct, Zheng Lagong's body may be false news deliberately spread by the Feilong Gang.

   But they have already come, and evacuating now will not change the fact that the informant was exposed. It is better to search carefully. Even if the body cannot be found, other 'evidence' must be found, and they cannot return empty-handed.

  Michael Jeter stared at Manager Liao, "I remember you, Charlie Liao."

  Manager Liao's face was a bit ugly, and he quietly stepped aside. Not to mention that he just has a gang background, even if he is a gang member, he dare not stand up at this time.

   Half an hour later, the police dog team arrived at the winery, and the search dogs searched the winery. The search lasted for nearly two hours and ran almost all over the winery, but Zheng Lagong's body was still not found.

  However, Fobole detectives found some prohibited guns in the winery's basement, which were probably smuggled items. Manager Liao was taken back to Fobole's office for investigation.

  This anticlimactic search operation has come to an end.

  Luke returned to Fobole's New York office and went to the supervisor's office on the seventh floor.

  Negan was on the phone, waving for Luke to sit on the sofa first.

  There was a strong smell of smoke in the room, and there were a few cigarette butts scattered in the ashtray. It was obvious that Negan had also been depressed for the past two hours.

  After making the phone call, Nigan sat down by the sofa with a gloomy face, lit another cigarette, and took a deep puff, "How is the winery search going?"

   "Some prohibited items were found, and Michael is processing them."

  Negan sighed softly, "The informant from the Intelligence Department has lost contact."

  Luke was stunned for a moment, but it still happened, "Has anyone sent for rescue?"

  Negan nodded, "I sent the SWAT team, I hope there is still time..."

  (end of this chapter)

Read Monarch of Time
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