MTL - Lovable Package-Chapter 31 Little vampire 11

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Su Shi was crushed under the body, trying to hide and avoid, the other's eyes have been watching him, so that he has a feeling of being fixed.

At this moment, Su Shi is a soft bunny, his face is soft, his **** is soft, his big eyes flickering, and the wolf is tempted to eat him.

Sinking and kissing Su Shi’s small mouth, plundering him in depth and overbearing, and when Su Shi’s face is red, when he is breathing, he gently leaves, pulling a silver wire between each other’s lips, and then smearing it by hand. He looked at Su Shi deeply, and gradually fell down.

Su Shi was very sensitive all over the body. When he was touched, he couldn’t help but tremble. Even his mouth would smack a whisper, sweet and sweet, sweet and hooked.

The neck was licked by the warm tongue, and the buttons on the shirt were hurriedly untied by the hands, while gently rubbing and talking soft words.

The light in the room was still on, and the dim glow was hit on Su Shi, and his skin was smooth and delicate. The white porcelain was like snow. He was sobbed by the indulgent kiss, and his chest could not rise and fall, making the two pink small. The bulge is more eye-catching.

Su Shi’s skeleton is small and looks very thin, but in fact, the clothes are off, there are still a lot of soft meat, not much place, but with a finger press, you can press a soft pit The hand feels good, nothing to say, Shen Yan kissed and kissed, and began to move his hand.

Su Shi saw that he was pinched, and he was shy and unwilling. He also liked to reach out and touch the sinking. As a result, he sank on the side of his body and said itchy.

Su Shi came to the spirit at once, and immediately rushed to sinking into the body, and the small hands squirmed and squirmed.

Shen Yu is taller than him, and he is stronger than him. He can clearly avoid it, but he does not fight back. He also started to cooperate with Su Shi, and then he bent his lips and held his body so that Su Shi could play him like this. .

After a while, Su Shi finally found out that he was not right. When he looked up, he saw Shen Xiao smiled and looked at himself. Only then did he understand that the other party was teasing himself. His face was red and he quickly stopped his hand. He only felt like himself. A little hooligan.

Shen Yan saw Su Shi found it, just smiled and caught Su Shi’s hand and raised his eyebrows and asked: “Why don’t you continue, little bad guy?”

"Hey, I won't continue!" Su said, turning over and revealing his back to the other side, his voice was a bit stuffy and he looked a little unhappy, but the flush on his skin had already betrayed him.

"You don't have itch meat at all, but it hurts me for a long time," he said wrongly.

When I saw it, I quickly climbed to Su Shi’s ear and said, "How come there is no, everyone will have itchy meat, but you have not found it."

Su Shi did not speak, and there was still some doubt. The red image of the ear that was close to the sinking was painted with rouge, itching, and the heating flowed down the root of the ear. He was half-baked.

Sinking turned him over, Susie suddenly wowed, trying to get rid of the other's palm, but his arm was so small, he could only struggle to cover his face, shy like a bunny.

"Don't be unhappy, I don't lie to you, I really have itchy meat." Shen said.

"Hey." Su Shi stood up and said a little, but he still had a little emotion, and he whispered and said, "Where?"

Shen Yan did not tell him directly, but took his little hand and crossed his fingers. He said: "My itch meat has never been touched by others, because the place is very sensitive, so if you want to touch it, you can Don't scream."

Su Shi always felt a little weird, but she couldn’t tell where it was strange, but when he thought of the revenge he had just reported, he immediately nodded and said, “I’m sure to obey, you let me touch.”

Sinking and smiling, his eyes were as deep as the wolf. He pulled Su Shi’s hand and put it down for a second. He finally reacted.

"Wow, wow, you are rogue!" Su Shi quickly yelled and felt like holding a soldering iron in his hand.

He understands it. Shen Shen said what is itchy meat. It is clearly two or two meats. He also said that he is sensitive and does not let him touch. In fact, he is simply guilty. He wants to let him touch every day. Hey hands.

Su Shi was panicked, trying to let go, but Shen Shen did not let it go. When the other body sank, they brought the two things together. By the way, they also wrapped Susie’s hand with their own hands.

"Do you remember what I said to you before?" Shen Yu whispered.

"What's the matter." Su Shi's voice is already small like a mosquito, and even his eyes are afraid to confront him.

"Smell the smell." Shen Yan said with a smile, and said: "I also want to smell you, you said that my little baby is so sweet, is it strawberry-flavored?"

"How do I know..." Su Shi turned his head and said softly. He was moved by the indulgent hand. Of course, he was helped by someone else. Su Shi’s body was weak, only that kind of Comfortable to get into the bones.

Sinking staring at his eyes, his hands were aggravating, and Su Shi couldn't stand it, he couldn't help but ask for mercy, his eyes flashed, and he said to him: "Baby, call her husband."

"Hey, you..." At this festival, where could Su Shi be hard-pressed, he couldn't help but grab the sinking shoulders, screaming a few screams, and finally with a small mouth, softly called: "husband."

"Well, what are you going to do?" Shen Yu also deceived him.

"Come a little faster." Su Shi’s voice was already crying, and he rushed: "I don't want it, I can't stand it, my husband, you are going to be faster."

"Good." Shen Yan kissed his lips and finally said.

When Su Shi woke up again, his body was clear and refreshing. He thought that it was Shen Yu who had cleaned him. He was very warm, and obviously he was holding him in his arms.

The clock on the wall shows five o'clock in the morning, most people are still immersed in sleep, Su Shi slowly turned over, see Shen Yan closed his eyes, may still be sleeping.

There was some darkness in the room, but Su Shi’s vision was very good. He could see the beautiful face of Shen Yan and the solid arms exposed.

When he made a meeting, the system said to the side: "Little ancestors, don't be addicted to love, let's take a look at the plot."

Su Shi heard it and said it quickly. He looked up and saw that the invitation was still on the bedside, and he took it quietly.

It was an extremely simple black card with a string of gilded swashes on the surface of the card. Su Shi didn't look at it, just opened it and found a pile of information inside.

That information is definitely not entrained in the invitation. I want to come to the task of the blood hunting organization sent to Shen Yu. Su Shi opened the information and slowly looked up.

The system and he said that the next story will be a small climax, the owner of this banquet is Prince Ravel, his status is honorable, his hand is in charge of the law enforcement brigade, but the power to seek private, so that the blood of human communication is very chaotic.

The blood hunting organization and other bloodline genres have always wanted to dispose of him, but because the other party's whereabouts are different, several rounds of round-ups have been slipped away by the other side, and this dressing party is their best breakthrough.

The world thinks that vampires can live forever, but this is not the case. They just don't get old skin. However, as time goes by, the blood flowing in their bodies will gradually lose their strength. Eventually the blood will coagulate and the vampire will die.

Therefore, many vampires choose to sleep in the coffin, which can make life still, but Ravel does not. He is ambitious and needs to supervise his power at all times.

He has lived thousands of years old, and his weak body has been difficult to support him to continue to live. He needs new blood, preferably to the blood, such as his brother, and his half-blood daughter.

Su Shi is his unlucky brother, and the female host An Shiyu is his half-blood daughter.

Su Shi in the original plot designed to send An Shiyu out in order to escape the fate of being sucked blood. However, he was destined to be the life of cannon fodder. He eventually sent him to prison when he was arrested for blood hunting. .

Su Shi had been sleeping in the coffin before. When she woke up, her physical function had not recovered. It was easy for Ravel to catch him, but it was a coincidence that a few new blood families had given him out, so Su Shi also Escaped.

Now that he lives with Shen Wei, Prince Ravel can't find him, he can only play the idea of ​​An Shiyu, but he will definitely be stared at, and he borrowed the name of Su Shi and held this. The masquerade ball.

At this banquet, the feelings of men and women also reached a further warming.

Su Shi put down the invitation, and his heart was in a mess. He looked at the scent of the sleeping, and he climbed to the other side, shrank his body into the other's arms, and looked up again.

The look of falling asleep was very quiet, and the eyebrows couldn’t tell the gentleness. Su Shi remembered the scene when the two met for the first time, and couldn’t help but laugh. He reached out and touched the other’s brow, and he couldn’t help himself. Climb up and hold on to Shen.

He actually likes to indulge in him, but he is embarrassed when he is in peacetime. If the other person falls asleep, his courage will be big.

Su Shi held his breath, quietly lowered his head, gently touched the side of Shen Shen, and then moved down, and licked his mouth like a chicken.

Then he wanted to retreat to the original place just like a guilty conscience. As a result, his wrist was gripped and he was sucked into his body.

The other party opened his eyes and his eyes were clear. He did not look like he just woke up. His smile was dyed on his eyebrows and he clicked on Su's lips. He said: "There is no thief in the thief. I caught it. How can you punish you?"