MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 446 Love Haze (31)-Unwilling (1)

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  ——Yu Ziwen was guilty throughout his life, only one regret. That was when Long Fei left, his eyes fluttered and he sneered.

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Xuan Yuan was repatriated to Fenghuang Palace.

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  In addition to the butterfly wind, the palace people were all changed. Everyone except servant work laughed.

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问 蝶 asked Butterfly Wind, Sure enough, Butterfly Wind changed her medicine in private, thinking that she was having a temper with the emperor at that time. She was kind, but things were often out of control.

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She wanted to see him, but she would never see him again. She was unable to enter the Chuxiu Palace, and was heavily guarded.

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  At the same time, he also half-detained her, she could enter and exit the Fenghuang Palace, but she could not see anyone. Not to mention Long Zijin and others, even Dr. Cui could not see him. When she went to Taiji Hospital, Dr. Cui was always away. She understood it was his order.

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  The tummy still didn't look big, but the flesh and blood did grow up. She lived her day of walking dead. She wanted to kill the child, but she had no medicine. It turns out that this is the taste of life rather than death.

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  In the night, she took a broken porcelain tile and gently gestured on herself, and soon, she was restrained by the purple Wei jumping out of the dark.

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  Later, he came over.

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  He looked at her coldly for a long time, and said that if she had a miscarriage or that kind of thought, he would immediately kill Bai Zhanfeng.

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  Then, a few days later, one night, she was lying on the bed, he suddenly came over, wrapped her arms around her, and did not speak, for a long time before she left.

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  She always thought that he would give medicine or let the child in her belly be killed, but he would not let her take the child away, apparently he was already crazy and miserable.

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Except for the strangeness and pain, she felt very clearly that he hated her more and more.

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也 也 also thought he would call Bai Zhanfeng back, but has not been-the Xiongnu launched an attack.

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  Later, I heard that he had a new darling, and a new noble lord, a favor every night. It is just that the new upstart has heard that it is extremely mysterious. He cannot walk out of Xuan. No one has ever seen this beauty, and the servants he has served are completely secretive and never say anything.

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  She didn't cry, and it was Butterfly Wind who was red-eyed, and asked her if she had any trouble with the emperor. She couldn't answer.

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妃 妃 Ru Fei came to see her several times, and said some comforting words, talking about how inconvenient she is now, let her blame the emperor.

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  Inside and outside the palace are speculating about the emperor's heart, because the young concubine is pregnant and unable to bear Huan, or the emperor does have a new love. Slowly everyone was inclined to the latter speculation, because the emperor no longer set foot in Fenghuang Palace.

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  So there are many legends, days passed.

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  She was still suffering a glimmer of hope. I hope Bai Zhanfeng and Jingying husband and wife are safe, and hope that the people arranged by Bai Zhanfeng will finally capture Long Xiuwen and get the antidote.

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  Let Butterfly Wind walk in the palace, and listen to more of the border situation.

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  The situation in wartime is everyone's concern, and it is not difficult to inquire-the battle of Xuelan Mountain is difficult to fight. The troop strength is too large, almost a one to five disadvantage.

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If it is not Bai Zhanfeng who is defending the city, I am afraid that Xuelan Mountain has already fallen. The Xiongnu thought that Bai Zhanfeng would only defend the city, but he did not expect that he would use the mountain insurance to launch several raids, causing the Xiongnu to damage many soldiers and horses. Between offense and defense, use soldiers like gods.

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  However, with the passage of time, the Xuelan Mountain became more and more difficult to keep, and the Xiongnu were adequately replenished, but the Xiliang Army had not yet reached its troop. Because the center of gravity of the Xiliang Army is falling on the moon, although the war there is not as fierce as Xuelan Mountain, it is becoming more and more tense.

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  But in recent days, Ning Junwang has won a big victory in Yueluo, so almost everyone is guessing that Long Feili will transfer some soldiers in Yueluo and go to Xuelan Mountain.

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Long Fei Li did not do that. In the court, many court officials raised their opinions, and they all taught him to retreat coldly.

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玑 玑 Xuan Yuan knew his temperament and would not regard his home country as a child's play. He never thought he was so tough at this time-he hated Bai Zhanfeng and her.

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  She had a nightmare every night, dreaming of Bai Zhanfeng's death. She was getting more and more distressed, but she was so nervous that she didn't dare to take a step in Chu Xiudian, for fear of annoying him even more.

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The days passed, and the situation in Xuelan Mountain was getting more and more sinister. In the early morning of the day when it was heard that the Xiliang Army had been out of food for three days, she went to Caimingxuan, the new and expensive residence. He has left for the last few days, staying at Caimingxuan day and night. She didn't want to set foot in that place, but time couldn't be delayed.

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Luo Jin is the newly concubine, who is sitting in front of the dressing table and taking care of her makeup.

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  Glancing at the account, the emperor has not yet got up-I drank a lot of wine last night and almost fell asleep until dawn.

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婢 婢 to report to the concubine Fenghuang Palace.

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The emperor had long ordered that she was not allowed to see anyone, and no one dared to come to her. Although she felt strange, the emperor was very fond of her, and she was so happy that she ignored it.

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  Nianfei, the emperor's former concubine, was still in the folk, she had heard about it and was always curious. She quietly glanced at the sleeping emperor again, and finally ordered her daughter-in-law to invite the concubine to the hall.

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Xuan Yuan didn't think that Luo Jin, who was covered in light gauze, saw her eyes change, and immediately ordered a guest order. Her speech was very bad, and she let the maid take them out.

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Several nieces reached out to help. Butterfly Wind looked at Luo Jin's eyes badly, fearing that her subordinates would shock Xuan Yuan's fetal gas, so she protected Xuan Yuan, entangled with Luo Jin's niece, and Xuan Yuan pulled butterfly wind, looked at Luo Jin, and said softly, Minutes, Nian Xuanyuan will meet the emperor today. "

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Xuan Yuan's concubine was taller than herself, Luo Jin was shocked, thinking whether she would let her see the emperor, her eyes glided across her pale face, her heart was cruel, and she was only let out by the servant. .

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Xuan Yuan glanced around the crowd, and all the maids were afraid to act. Luo Jin was spoiled by the emperor these days. Before entering the palace, she was again the daughter of a dartmaster, and she was very temperamental, so she tried to push Xuan Yuan herself.

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