MTL - Love in the Midst of Mistaken Identities-Chapter 5 He really hated her

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With a veil, she finally blocked the perfect face, and she was very fortunate that she had a veil to cover everything, her wolf, her sadness, and her love.

"Let's go, bride," Jiang Yao opened the door, and a cheerful wedding march rang outside the door. It was not a wedding that everyone expected, but it was also a wedding.

Xia Ruoxin went out. She chose a wedding dress herself. Everything was done by herself. She didn't take a wedding photo, did not try on a dress, and she never saw him again.

Chu Jiang looked at his watch on the bowl, while his wife Song Wan looked anxiously outside, "What do you think of this kid, he is the one who wants to marry him, but he hasn't come yet. Don't get married. How can we get married without a groom? "

Can't you let Xia's daughter get married alone? What kind of marriage is this? Both are everyone, and such a thing must be headlined tomorrow.

"Don't worry, the law will be proportionate," Chu Jiang could only comfort his wife so much, but his eyes fell on the bride in a white wedding dress.

Hope, it was he who thought wrong.

Xia Ruo bit her lips tightly. Everyone looked at her with too much irony and disdain. Standing alone, there was no groom and nothing.

One minute and one second, she breathed softly into the air, only showing a helpless smile. She believed that he would come, not because of love, but because of, hate.

He hates her.

While all the guests were waiting impatiently, a man in a dark black suit walked in. He put his hand in his pocket, the tall and sturdy body wrapped in an orthodox suit, and the pace was strong. His footsteps are steady, his features are three-dimensionally perfect as if carved out, narrow eyes, cold expression, coupled with a tall nose bridge, some Westerners' deep, and his slightly thin lips Come with ruthlessness.

And this man is definitely not suitable for laughing.

His sharp eyes stopped at the bride on one side, and the corner of his lips evoked a bloodthirsty smile, Xia Ruoxin.

Chu Jiang was relieved. He held his wife's hand. The two husbands looked at each other, but they saw a touch of worry in the eyes of each other's law. The man was here, but they were still worried. Their son, It's too elusive.

Chu Lu strode forward, and her legs were long and tall, and she only needed to walk to Xia Ruoxin's side in a few steps. He looked down at the woman who only reached his shoulders, and raised her hand.

Xia Ruoxin's fingers shook suddenly, and there was a sharp pain in her wrist, and the man's deep eyes shot over, and she had felt the coldness of her whole body.

He really hated her.

"Come on, my bride," there was no sound of temperature, not like a man about to get married.

Xia Ruoxin was almost dragged away by him. She looked at the hands of the two people holding each other, and her fingers had been whitened.

Biting her lips tightly, she didn't want to make any sighs of pain.

High heels stepped on the red carpet. Suddenly, her foot turned around, and her body fell forward unsteadily. Chu Lu released her hand at this moment and let her fall forward.

With a slam, she fell down like this, the white wedding dress flew up, revealing the slender legs inside, and even the white silk underwear was faintly seen, while the reporter next to her was facing her She snapped it up, and she quickly pulled up her skirt, only feeling an insulted sorrow, but Chu Li stared coldly at her wolverine, and her lips suddenly evoked a cold loneliness. .