MTL - Love Like the Galaxy-Chapter 23

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Shao Shang's foot was touched, she froze for a while, looked down, but saw that the hydrangea was very delicately made, the white bamboo sticks were thinly wrapped in cross knots , The bright lake blue brocade is wrapped in several places, and two or three small bells are tied. When rolling, the sound is clear and soft, like a cat crowing softly.

"...This lady is rude."

The clear male voice sounded, Shao Shang quickly looked up, and saw a young man standing seven or eight steps away from her, with a slender body, straight shoulders, and a lake blue song Ju Shen Yi was a little woven with gold, and his hands were tucked into his sleeves. Behind him was a huge torch with blazing flames. He stood against the back light, and Shao Shang couldn't see his face.

Seeing Shaoshang dumbfounded, the man seemed to smile lightly and approached slowly, and the maids and servants who were standing beside him immediately pressed their hands on their waists. The young man didn't seem to see their alert, and went straight to Shaoshang, bent over to pick up the hydrangea, his waist was flexible, and when he straightened up, the whole figure enveloped Shaoshang. It was only then that Shao Shang saw that his long crow feather-like hair fluttered slightly when he got up, and under the blazing flames, it seemed like silk threads were floating.

The man bowed to Shaoshang upright as a scribe, and then walked away until he disappeared.

This is the end? The little businessman was puzzled.

The style of chatting up in this era is very strange, shouldn't I leave the hydrangea to her and ask for it later? That's what Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian did. Or, people did come to pick up hydrangea, and she was self-indulgent.

Shao Shang shook her head, she never practiced well in this regard.

I quit the arena too early in my last life, and no one cares about the bean sprouts that are flat and shriveled. The small gangsters in the town also have aesthetics, right? After that, her most youthful and restless years were also enriched by the male **** Bai Yueguang next door and hell-style learning.

If you can't figure it out, Shaoshang is not a sentimental temperament, so he leisurely continued to stroll along the street to watch the lights.

The so-called general trend of the world must be divided for a long time; The Cheng family went to a fork in the street, and the leadership had a disagreement.

Cheng Shi heard the cheers and cheers coming from the other end, and suggested to watch the acrobatic fighting skills; but Mrs. Xiao saw that the lights in the Fengshi Building not far ahead were like daytime, and the voices were full of people. So I went to listen to the Confucian scholars talking about Fu and talking about the scriptures. The couple stood facing each other, pretending to stare at each other with their heads raised, but they couldn't hide the smiles in their eyes.

Everyone in the Cheng family was very on the road, took a few steps side by side, and chose a side very simply - Sang Shi, Shaoshang, Cheng Song and Zhu Yu Ertong stood behind Cheng Shi; Cheng Cheng , Cheng Zhi, Cheng Yong, Cheng Shao Gong and Cheng Cha stood behind Mrs. Xiao.

The barriers between the two factions are clear.

Only the mother Cheng was very embarrassed.

Emotionally, she wants to stay with her younger son, who will be leaving home soon, and intellectually, she wants to watch juggling and fighting skills, and is entangled between reason and emotion. In kung fu, she decided to suppress her feelings and follow her rationality.

Cheng Cheng hesitated: "Ouer is still young, I'm afraid of causing trouble to my brother, why don't you come with us."

Cheng Xiaoyu was in a hurry, and quickly hugged Cheng Zhu's arm, and said in a milky voice, "No! I want to go with the fourth brother!"

The kindergarten small class looks at the first graders of elementary school, and it is all kinds of great things. What's more, these days, Cheng Zhu led him to play all over the house, catching earthworms, fighting crickets, brushing wooden swords... In the past, Ge Shi didn't allow that, but now he's done it all at once. The two cousins ​​are like glue. Together.

Cheng Zhu was in high spirits, posing as a big brother, and puffing out his belly: "Then you must obey my orders!"

Cheng Hao learned the posture of clasping fists in the army, circled his short fat arms, and said loudly: "Here!"

Cheng Shi glanced at his wife and pretended to be proud: "This lady, you can't be as numerous as ours!"

Shao Shang wanted to remind him, but there was only one more.

Mrs. Xiao smiled: "Jun-gu is old, the children are young, and we are young and strong. If the adults encounter provocations later, shout out, and I will definitely come to rescue."

Everyone in the Cheng family laughed in unison and left, only Cheng Zhi looked back at the Sang family step by step and muttered, "Why don't I go and take care of the two little nephews..." Mrs. Xiao couldn't see that he was so useless, so she winked, and the family member of the squatter went straight forward and took Cheng Zhi away. Listening to his brother's repeated sighs, Cheng Cheng laughed loudly from behind, his waist was straight. not get up.

Cheng Cha saw her father so excited, and for the first time in her life, she had doubts about her mother's desire to return home. The fact is that since Ge Shi left, his father's dejected spirit gradually disappeared, and he became more cheerful and cheerful day by day.

She suddenly envied the decisiveness of the young businessman, and never hesitated in encountering people or troubles.

Cheng Shaoshang, who was envied, was flushing with excitement at this time, watching those tricksters jumping back and forth on the high ropes, tossing freely in the air, turning upside down and falling down Cylinder - she'd never seen it so close.

Lifting Cheng Xiaoyu over his head and resting it on his shoulders, Cheng Song also wanted to follow the example, but Cheng Xiaozhu was much heavier. He stumbled, and the two brothers almost fell down together, which made Sang Shi and Shao Shang laugh.

Among the cheers and cheers from the crowd, only Sang Shi was the most calm. She laughed and chatted with Shaoshang, while Shaoshang applauded, and asked her in confusion why she didn't go to Fengshi. Lou, it is said that the Sang family is a full-fledged cultural person.

Who knew Sang jokingly said: "Seeing a sour scholar is enough to make people dizzy, and seeing a sour scholar on the first floor, doesn't it mean that he will faint."

Shao Shang covered his mouth and smiled.

Everyone in the Cheng family, Sang Shi is now one of her favorite people. Although they are elders, the two of them talk and laugh like they are equals. She and her roommate have never had such a bond in her previous life. When I first met, I thought Sang was a passer-by, but now I know that she has an easy-going temperament, is witty and intelligent, and belongs to the type that people like the longer they get along. The third uncle really hit the big luck!

She leaned into Sang Shi's ear and blew the conch: "How did my third uncle marry you in the first place, you are a genius, more than enough for him!"

Sang's laughing ears jingled, and she tapped Shaoshang's forehead—how dare she say what her third uncle is!

In the other side, the two brothers who fell in love finally fell out. Cheng Xiaozhu couldn't resist Cheng Song, so he came to Lasang's to judge. Shaoshang didn't follow, and slowly exited the crowded crowd, stood aside, and waited for his family to watch the excitement.

Standing by the street, the young businessman wrapped his thick hooded cloak tightly, and touched the soft and delicate snow-white animal hair on his side, watching the beautiful scenery of the flower market lights like day , with great joy in my heart. In her previous life, she had seen neon like weaving, fireworks covering the sky, more crowded crowds, more prosperous markets, but she had never been as moved as she is today.

She looked up, the starry sky was quiet and deep. Having died once, Fang Jue's life is precious. This time, she must savor every beauty in life and live up to this splendid time.

As she was thinking, she suddenly felt something different, and quickly turned around.

I saw a number of vermilion round lanterns hanging from the eaves of the building in the distance of five or six feet. Under the lanterns stood a young man in plain clothes, with a crane cloak on his shoulders, his hands on his back, and a body frame. Tall and slender, only his belt and hair are as black as ink. In such a noisy light market crowd, he stood quietly like that, along with the seven or eight guards in heavy armor beside him, all standing silently.

On the Qu Ju robe, it is extremely bright and clear, and it is elegant to the bone.

Where he stood, Shao Shang Shicai also passed by. I remember that the story of family reunion was drawn on the revolving lantern.

At this moment, she was patted on the shoulder, Sang Shi came over and asked: "What are you looking at?" Shaoshang said suspiciously: "...It seems that someone is looking at me ." Was she looking at her, she wasn't sure.

Sang Shi smiled and said: "My family is beautiful, and it is unusual to have Lang Jun look at you?"

Shao Shang hesitated a few times, and when he looked back, he saw that the vermilion lamp was still there, and there was no one under the lamp.

—Well, she had an affair twice in one night, but she couldn't see a single face clearly, she was really lucky.

The curfew is coming, the bell from the gate tower is coming, and everyone in the Cheng family has to go home.

Mrs. Xiao made friends with several Confucian scholars and their female relatives in Fengshi Building. After a chat, she was invited to the Cheng family banquet the day after, adding some bookish air to the banquet. Cheng Shi took a fancy to that troupe of miscellaneous tricks, and planned to recruit guests to perform at the banquet, so as to add some excitement.

The soles of Shao Shang’s feet were bubbling, and he fell asleep on Sang Shi’s shoulder in the carriage. Sang Shi wanted to squint for a while, but he caught a glimpse of Mrs. Xiao, who was sitting opposite him, dissatisfied. Looking, she knew the reason in her heart, smiled and tilted her head to take a nap.

Sure enough, Mrs. Xiao came over early the next morning and complained about why the Sang family gave the young merchant brocade for clothes.

Sang shi replied slowly: "That brocade is really good. The weavers in Shu are the best in the world, but the tyrant who claims to be the emperor of Shu has sealed the edges, and it is difficult for good things to flow out. This is still It was a gift that Jiaci received on her birthday the year before last, but unfortunately I only had one, the color didn't suit me, and Shaoshang had a fair complexion, so I naturally gave it to her."

Mrs. Xiao suddenly said, "You favor one over the other!"

No matter what she thought, the food and clothing of the two girls have always been a bowl of water. At the beginning, she helped Cheng Cha, and she also took into account the entrustment of the Ge family. At first glance, curling up is suppressed, but in fact, her husband and sons always remember to take care of them every day, and if they see anything good outside, they will always send them to curling. The servants are not blind, how dare they neglect.

Sang Shi said: "That color doesn't match the color of Chau." Cheng Cha's skin is a light honey color, her own skin is yellowish, and her daughter Nianni follows her husband's white skin, but she is small It was a waste for the child to make clothes with such precious brocade, and the brocade is not durable.

After a bit of calculation, only the young merchants in the whole family can match the brocade.

Mrs. Xiao: "Don't you think about whether you will feel sad?"

Sang Shi pretended to be surprised: "Why did the wife say such a thing? How could such a benevolent, sincere and kind child like this be so narrow-minded."

Mrs. Xiao choked. Well, she has always praised Cheng Cha for being virtuous.

She fought back with all her strength: "I'll give it away. But why does this dress have to be worn last night, I clearly prepared a uniform for her sisters..."

"This is the thoughtfulness of the curl. The two sisters originally had bad looks, and then wearing the same color clothes, wouldn't the love be more unconcealed? The clothes are different. It can be said that each has its own merits." Sang Shi replied fluently.

Mrs. Xiao was choked again.

She glared at Sang Shi, Sang Shi looked back with pure eyes. After a while, Mrs. Xiao was defeated. Well, people have strengths and weaknesses, and her bickering has never been Sang's opponent.