MTL - Lovers Always on the Counterattack-Chapter 172

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For the upcoming alliance rally half a month later, the mink tribe is preparing vigorously, while the other ethnic groups receiving the news of the alliance brought by the gray eagle are all the same. Faint face.

They don't know what the form of "alliance" represents-although there are many benefits described in the "covenant"-but the various races value the benefits that are about to come soon. Obviously the Marten tribe has been swayed and trembling, seeing that they will not be able to withstand the oppression of the other races, bow their heads and concede and surrender their technology, but unexpectedly, a purple gold sculpture that is overbearing and obscure to the eyes is inserted. Everything was disrupted.

Incidentally, all races scolded "Shaku shamelessly" in their hearts! ——I knew it and I knew it, they also dedicated the most beautiful child in the clan to the adult Zijin Diao!

The uncrowned king Bazel has a marten companion, which is well known in this area. Seeing more of this showless show of love, the orcs have long been stunned from the beginning to become accustomed to today, but never thought of the "deep meaning".

-Pillow wind or something, really can not be underestimated!

The Marten tribe was shameless, and even sent the most beautiful boy of his tribe early to seduce Bazel. Now that the Marten family is in trouble, it is naturally impossible for Bazer to watch. The partner beside the pillow frowns and sheds first-rate tears. Is Bazel still dead? After all, males love to take care of their partners, and will use every means to coax their partners to show their faces.

As they watched the Marten tribe turn to safety because of Bazel's actions, all the ethnic groups felt that they had opened the door to the new world and realized the importance of "tribute" and "marriage". In any case, they can only recognize it by pinching their noses. After all, they can provoke Marten, but they dare not dare to offend Bazel.

What kind of alliance did Bazel start for the Marten ethnic group? Even if the ethnic groups are not willing to participate, they will never object. Powerful races such as tigers and wolves disdain the so-called "alliances" and choose to wait and see. The weaker races, such as rabbits and sheep, have considered the covenant and then decided to join the alliance-they can learn how The tribe's technology is one aspect, and more importantly, it is possible to secure Bazel's asylum.

There are not many races standing at the top of the food chain, and most of them are struggling in the middle and lower layers of the food chain. So at the alliance rally half a month later, there were a lot of races, big and small. These races attached great importance to the opportunity to have a good impression in front of Bazel, and the representatives who came were also very eloquent among all ethnic groups. Right elders and even patriarchs.

In the ranks of each race, there are more or less beautiful young girls who stand in the most prominent position. Looking at the group of Yingying and Yanyan, they have such a taste of the emperor draft, which makes the white satin standing on the heights curious and looking at the assembly venue.

Bazel pinched the cheeks of the unhappy little lover's soft, slightly bulging cheeks, his eyes extremely innocent. White Satin glared at him, but he would not be in conflict with Bazel because of this little thing, and threw a jar of vinegar aside with a hum.

The meeting place is not far from the tree house of Bazel, it is an open area in the forest. Zheng Kun led the Diao people to repair the vacant lot. Although the means are primitive, they must also show a high spirit.

Regarding how to pretend, Zheng Kun, who has immersed in novels and TV series for more than ten years, definitely has a say. He tidy up the open space, then repaired a table on one side, and two tall flagpoles were erected on the table. A flag made of thin animal skin is hung on the flagpole, and a huge soaring carving is painted on the flag with paint made of vermilion stone. Well, it is said to be a carving. It can only be seen that it is a giant bird spreading its wings and flying high.

In addition to the high platform and flag, Zheng Kun also worked hard to make a large wooden seat for Bazel. Although the workmanship was a bit rough, it was paved with a chic, smooth and smooth pattern provided by Bazel. The fur of large beasts still looks extraordinarily deterrent.

The entire site of the Alliance is simple and atmospheric, with a wild weight. When Bazel was sitting on a high wooden chair with a white satin horse and a golden sword, he actually stumbled a bit ... the taste of King Shan, plus the deterrence of the top predator that radiated throughout his body. , Making the people under the platform more cautious, shivering.

I have to say that this kind of faction is really necessary, and the people participating in the rally immediately realized that this time the alliance was not a "joking" to free the sables, but was serious-whether it was The Marten family is still Bazel, and they all take this matter seriously.

Feeling this seriousness, the rest of the people also became serious, and there was no embarrassment when discussing the covenant further-of course, this is also due to the deterrent effect of Bazel-but for only half a day, A consensus was finally reached.

Next, to celebrate the establishment of the alliance, the people gathered together and held a bonfire party. Zheng Kun also took the opportunity to move out the fruit wine he tried to brew some time ago and distribute it to the orcs.

These fruit wines are not too successful in Zheng Kun's eyes. The taste is almost ten thousand miles worse than the original world's wine, but it is very fresh and delicious for the first-time orcs, holding the cups one by one. The bowl was amazed.

The love of wine is about the commonality of all living things. The fruity alcohol, improved cuisine and warm atmosphere quickly ignited the emotions of the orcs, allowing them to quickly cast off the estranged barriers between races and races. Mingled into a ball.

In the past, the orcs were based on ethnic groups and had their own policies. The only contact with foreign races was to rush into the wild, or pass by, or hunt and be hunted. And now, as different races come together, intimate conversations and laughter, they are still breaking new ground.

It's a very strange experience for orcs to communicate with other races so easily and understand each other's ideas and characters. The foxes are clever and cunning, the cows are loyal and thick benzene; the honeypots are brave but reckless, the gray rabbits are timid and cautious ... different races have their own advantages and disadvantages. When they start to discover the strengths of the remaining races and learn from their strengths, they will You will reap incalculable benefits.

— Of course, these are the last words. And at this moment, the orcs at the bonfire party were simply new and interesting, and their new partners were completely different from each other, and lamented that their eyes were wide open.

In addition to food and wine, what attracted the most attention at the party was Bazell, who was named "Leader".

The Marten tribe “stepped up to the sky” for the reason of white satin, and tasted the sweetness of the pillow style. With the martial art “model” ahead, the rest of the races are naturally not to be outdone.

The beautiful boys and girls brought by the elders of the clan encircled Basser without traces like the stars and moons. They were frightened by Basser's power and did not dare to come up to disturb them, but let They sit or stand or stand with their heads up and down without any problems.

From time to time flying a charming gaze, or twisting the soft body to pose seductively, the boys and girls tried their best to let Bazel look at himself more, but Bazel was incomprehensible, in the slightest Did not notice the careful thinking of the beauty.

With all his attention on the little lover beside him, Bazell's eyes looked deeply at Bai Sang holding a bottle of fruit wine and drinking dizzily, only feeling that his body was burning like that. The gentle eyes have become hot and bright.

The body of white satin is too young, and has not undergone alcohol training. A few glasses of fruit wine will be put on the head, cheeks, necks and even the entire body will appear seductive red. The eyes were stunned, and the entire mink looked simplistic and charming.

Fortunately, the spirit of white satin is strong enough, even though his body is drunk, he still insists that he has not fallen asleep, but never thought that this kind of self is even more terrible-it is almost fatal to Bazel.

After drinking the fruit wine in the glass, Bazel stared at his partner's eyes more and more deterrent, like a predator who was watching the prey closely, and anxiously rushed to swallow the other person. Into the abdomen.

Being watched by such a "ferocious" look, Bai Satin did not have the instinctive reaction of fear and panic. He felt Bazel's gaze, looked at him subconsciously, and then gave a silly, contented sweet smile. After laughing, White Satin immediately threw away the bottle in his hand and rushed into Bazel's arms. He found a comfortable position and sat down contentedly.

The little lovers who were warm and fragrant with wine in their arms were carried in their arms, and Bazel was more and more “horrified” in his fierce appearance. He picked up the animal skin and wrapped a white satin that was quite different from his body. Strict, showing only a trace of silver-white hair.

——How can such a charming little lover show it to others? !!

White satin and Bazell felt that they loved each other and were sweet and sweet, but unfortunately the beauty around them didn't feel that way.

When the Zijin Vulture as a top predator showed an "attack" posture, even if the target was not himself, it was enough to scare the rest of the orcs in the prey position.

The bolder orc was stiff and didn't dare to move slightly, for fear of attracting the attention of natural enemies, but the timid and uncontrollable turned into beasts, and fled back to his tribe with wailing hair. Never dare to take the lead again.

The orcs felt deep admiration when they looked at Bazel, wrapped in his arms, but remained indifferent, even playing a little temper with white satin from time to time.

-Sure enough, trying to please a powerful predator and be regarded as an equal partner by the other party is not a "great feat" that anyone can do.

First, you must have a large nerve. And how can a "heterogeneous" born with no fear of natural enemies like white satin survive the cruel food chain? !!

Facing the tearful and pitiful eyes of the teenagers and girls who were “entrusted with heavy duties”, the heads of all ethnic groups and elders had to sigh and nodded, leaving these innocent young people a way of life-looks, wants Capturing the heart of the Zijin Diao across the race still has a long way to go.

As the bonfire gradually extinguished, the orcs who drank seven and eight elements became animal shapes, and they fell into sleep together in groups of three or five. And Bazel finally rolled up contentedly and drank the sweeter and more candid lovers who flew back to his tree house, and spent a beautiful, warm and fragrant night.

In short, the guests and hosts of this dinner party enjoyed themselves, which greatly promoted the harmonious exchanges between various ethnic groups. Except for Bazel who promoted everything in one hand and Zheng Kun who was faintly aware of “standing on the shoulders of giants”, no orc realized how great and earth-shaking changes this would bring to their lives.

——However, one day, when they walked forward for a long time and looked back, they will inevitably find out what that day means.