MTL - Low Key Star-~ Supplementary conclusion

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   Supplementary conclusion

I finished writing yesterday, basically decided at noon, finished writing in the evening, and then wrote the conclusion in one go, with emotional ups and downs, so many things were not explained clearly, and some of the content was mentioned in the comment reply. , or make a correction again.

  The book "Low Key" was written in early 2016, but failed to sign a contract for 600,000 words, so I wrote "Star Summoner". When I rewrote it last year, I still inherited the settings of the original version, mainly the ending part. If I write it seriously, I may continue to make adjustments, or I may not, but I can’t keep going. I want to give an ending, give Tang Yanqi I had no choice but to show the ending of the original story in a dream.

  The dream I wrote is the future, but it can be understood in any way, because I don’t write it, so I don’t know if it will be adjusted

When I wrote this book in 2016, I had just graduated, and I was very moved by the influence of the environment on a person. Therefore, when I conceived this book, I wanted to write about the possible transformation of an ordinary person after getting cheats. Entering the entertainment industry is also a further step. Emphasize the environment. Zhang Yang's setting is an ordinary person, with both good and bad, yearning for good feelings, and bad thoughts, such as wanting to be scumbags when he is rich.

In reality, for rich men, if they only want skins, women are very cheap (there may be problems with the expression here, I do not discriminate against women, but just state the reality for some people)—to emphasize this before and after In contrast, I set my own ideal type, Lin Yiran, who was as perfect as possible, and Zhang Yang naturally also partially substituted my emotions—writing about their love and love, and writing about Zhang Yang being corroded by the environment step by step.

In the process of conception, for my own psychological feelings (at this time, I never thought that I had readers), I adjusted Zhang Yang’s behavior and moral standards step by step, partly because I read some books and corrected the shocking feelings after I left the campus. concept, but Zhang Yang and Lin still have a breakup, that's for sure.

At this time, I firmly believe that feelings have a shelf life, and it will deteriorate. No matter how perfect a lover gets used to, she will no longer feel perfect, and start looking for new things. To a certain extent, this is beyond your control—human will is stronger than imagined. Weakness is much weaker, so we admire people with firm will more, and more often, there are many realities that the will cannot be changed.

  For example... You have been in love for many years, and at a certain moment, you find that the love is gone. What can you do at this time? You feel guilty, you blame yourself, you tried hard to make yourself love her, but you just don’t love her anymore, and subjective will can’t change this fact.

Of course, in reality, we can keep our emotions fresh, but in the novel, or in other words, when we conceived this novel, what we want to show is not this aspect, but the change of the environment to people, and the change of emotions. This is what this novel wants to write .

Of course, I still believe in love than looking forward to it, and I don’t seek to write such a story in novels, and I can’t write it, so I only write about breaking up, and give Lin Yiran a "perfectionism" caused by a good life and smooth sailing. She does not tolerate love. There is the slightest flaw in it, so she noticed that Zhang Yang had distracting thoughts about other people emotionally, and this love also deteriorated in her cognition, even if Zhang Yang still loves her, even if she loves Zhang Yang, she believes that Zhang Yang will not do anything. I'm sorry about her things, and I will always treat her well, and she doesn't want this love anymore.

After many years, she will make compromises, will know that life is not perfect, and will work hard to pursue the remaining happiness, and choose to get back together after Zhang Yang and Tang Yanqi broke up... I don’t know if this change is reality or taint, but it was conceived like this at the beginning story.

As for Tang Yanqi having a daughter, how to realize the fortune-telling order of "one son and one daughter" is not going to be written clearly, but some of Zhang Yang's career practices have shown his strength in the environment. Performance.

  As for Fang Chang, it was intended to further express the corruption of publicity, but in the end he chose to give up.

This kind of thinking, according to everyone’s criticism, is Wenqing—after it was put on the shelves, I already realized that according to the original outline, the story will definitely collapse in the later stage, but in the end I didn’t decide to change it. when.

No matter what, this is my last novel with a tendency to be selfish. Next, I will seriously study and study the commercial writing of online novels. Maybe I learn it well, maybe I don’t learn it well, but the direction is set, and I will seriously write cool articles in the future , to write novels that make everyone happy, and I am happy too—that can make money.

  Since I am dissatisfied with the status quo and can't do better, I can only go here. "Low-key big star" is here, there is no follow-up, but I look forward to seeing you again.

  (end of this chapter)