MTL - Lucky Wife at 50s-Chapter 780 780, three brothers and sisters

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   Chapter 780 780, three sisters and brothers

   Three days later, Qi Zhongxiang was buried in the ground for safety.

  The bad news came so unexpectedly, this was something no one expected.

   Qi Zhongxiang did not hesitate to mess around during his lifetime, but with his death, everything disappeared.

   For this reason, everyone in the Qi family held a funeral for him very carefully, and sent him away with dignity.

  Today was also the day when Qi Qing took the new uncle back to the door. They didn't let them back immediately before, because they didn't want to affect the happiness of the young couple, so they didn't notify them to go back to the village.

  The only good thing is that Qi Qing got married smoothly, which did not affect her good life.

   Today, the couple just went back to the door, which is considered to be the last way to see Qi Zhongxiang.

   In the past few days, people in the two rooms have been busy, and Qi Yuanhua has even asked for a week's vacation. In order to let Qi Zhongxiang leave with dignity, everyone tried their best to make the funeral grand.

   And because Qin Tianru was pregnant, everyone didn't let her interfere, so she has been staying in the Qi's small courtyard for the past few days.

   To say what she has been thinking about the most these days, it is undoubtedly the Chunni sisters.

   Now, their three siblings can be regarded as fatherless and motherless. Although Liu Caihua is still built, she is living without her.

The conditions of my uncle’s grandfather’s family are not bad in the village. Now Qi Zhongkang is the captain of the village, Yang Hongying is also helping the workshop, the eldest son Qi Jiaxing is the factory manager of the workshop, and the second son takes over the iron of Qi Han’s transportation team in the county. rice bowl.

  The remaining Mr. Qi has retired, and the children of Jiaxing and his wife are still too young, so Yang Yunxiang needs to stay at home full-time to take care of the children and take care of the housework. Although there are three to support, there are four people in the family who eat public food.

It won't be too bad today, but Qi Jiaye is about to get married and have children. If he raises one or two children, it's probably okay, but this time he has to accept three children, so it may not be a big problem in a short time. , but after a long time, no one can guarantee that there is no opinion.

  Especially when Chunni sisters and three brothers are still children of the second room, how would the two daughters-in-law of the eldest room feel if they want to let the whole family raise three children together?

  After all, everyone has set up their own small families, and they will have wives and children to support. Whether it is Qi Zhongkang or Qi Jiaxing brothers, there are still elders to be filial.

   Qin Tianru guessed that after Qi Jiaye married his daughter-in-law, Uncle Cousin and the others would definitely separate the brothers from Jiaxing Jiaye.

   Both brothers have jobs and can support their families, and each family has its own way of living. If they still live together, there will inevitably be some friction.

   At that time, there will be only two cousins, husband and wife, and the three old men left in the family. It would be a little difficult to ask them to support the three sisters Chunni.

  Economically, it's a matter of energy.

   Now Chunni is fourteen years old, and she will be an adult in four years. Although she can help with a lot of housework, she is still a child and has no independent financial ability.

   And Shani is even younger, six years before she reaches adulthood, not to mention Qi Jiacheng, who is only ten years old this year.

   Qin Tianru has always sympathized with the sisters, but now that he has no parents to rely on, he will only be left with the uncle's family.

   These days, if a woman doesn't have a family, she will be looked down upon, and even considered to have a bad fate. Therefore, Qin Tianru doesn't want to cause the two sisters to separate from the uncle's family because of the issue of parenting.

   As the old saying goes: far fragrant and near smelly.

   Actually, Tang Bo's family has a good character, and she doesn't want to speculate on others on purpose, but when thinking about things, she must always consider the unsatisfactory aspects.

  Short-term help is okay, but in the long run, you still have to rely on yourself.

   Even she herself will be more inclined to the small family of her and Brother Han. After all, they are the closest people. Only when they take care of their small family will they have the extra ability to do other things.

   This is also a human thing.

   Judging from the current age of the Chunni sisters, they still need a process of precipitation, a process of enriching and strengthening themselves before they reach adulthood.

   When they reach adulthood, they will have the ability to support themselves.

   The question now facing is how to make Chunni have a stable living environment in the past four years, so that she can grow up quickly.

   After Chunni can become independent, she will be able to pull her younger siblings up. Giving her life to others is the most stupid behavior.

   Therefore, if the three brothers and sisters want to live a better life in the future, they still have to support themselves.

   In the past few days, Qin Tianru has also heard some of the sisters' reactions from the mouths of his family.

   Qi Zhongxiang is an unreliable father, but he is still alive. For the three sisters, it is a kind of spiritual support. After all, people are still in front of him.

   Now that both parents are gone, it is still obvious that there are two less people in the family.


   Around ten o'clock in the morning, after the group descended from the mountain, the two people went home.

   Today's day is special. It's Qi Qing's return home. This day is for the family to have a reunion dinner. Originally, the two people were planning to join in the fun.

   As a result, the incident of Qi Zhongxiang happened. After all, the funeral was just finished, and the customs of the older generation were more concerned about avoiding taboos, and they did not want to affect Qi Qing's return to the family because of their own affairs.

   Therefore, it is more appropriate for them to eat this meal at home.

  After lunch, Qi Yuanhua and his wife went back to the room to rest. They were tired for several days, and the husband and wife's body would feel overwhelmed.

   Qi Han sent Qi Jun out, leaving the two couples in the hall.

   Seeing this posture, Qi Qing understood in her heart, so she didn't want to talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

   "Brother, sister-in-law, do you have something important to say? Just say it."

   Hearing the words, Lin Yi instantly sat up straight and looked like he was listening carefully.

   Qi Han looked at the two of them with a serious expression, "What I'm going to tell you next is very important, believe it or not, it's up to you."

Half an hour later, Qi Han sent Lin Yi and his wife out of the village. The customs here are very particular. Couples who return home cannot stay at their parents' house for the night. Therefore, the newlyweds Lin Yi and Qi Qing must catch the last bus. Back to the county.

   And Qin Tianru went to the Qi family compound. The couple had already delayed a lot of things when they came back this time, and Qi Han couldn't leave the project in the provincial capital for too long.

   Therefore, before leaving, the couple must arrange and explain everything before they can go back to the city with confidence.

   (end of this chapter)