MTL - Lucky Wife at 50s-Chapter 781 781, earn a living

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   Chapter 781 781, earn a living

Qin Tianru came to the yard of the second room. She came to see the Chunni sisters. She has been staying at home for the past few days without going out. The news about this place was heard from her mother-in-law and brother Han. arrived.

   Qi Zhongxiang was buried in the morning, so it was convenient for her to come and take a look.

   I heard that these days, the emotional reactions of the three siblings are different.

And Chunni's reaction was the most low and silent. As the first child, Chunni naturally had a deeper relationship with her parents, and in the first few years, she also received a little love from her parents, after all, she was the first child. .

   Therefore, in the face of Qi Zhongxiang's death, her feelings were also the most complicated.

Compared with Chun Ni, the cheerful Shani is in a better situation. She is not very emotionally dependent on her parents, because her parents prefer sons to daughters, and she is the second daughter, so she has not been able to do so since she was a child. How to enjoy the love of parents.

As long as she can remember, Chunni, who is the eldest sister, is basically taking her and taking care of her, and even a lot of times, Chunni protects her. Therefore, in this family, the only one she feels dependent on is her sister Chun. ni.

  Actually, Shani was not very touched by Liu Caihua's release and Qi Zhongxiang's passing away, but because of the environment she was in, she felt a little at a loss.

  The atmosphere of the funeral at home was heavy, and the elders in the village came to comfort her, and there were too many things in her eyes that she could not understand.

  Xia Ni herself has no sadness and sadness, but because it was the first time she faced these things, she was unable to react at this age.

As for the ten-year-old Qi Jiacheng, he was a little 'heartless'. The former Liu Caihua would not teach him any right or wrong at all. Because he spoiled his son, the ideas and concepts he instilled in him were very selfish. Again ignorant.

   Therefore, Qi Jiacheng was cultivated to be completely self-centered, and he would not think too much about others at all. He was also strictly restrained and disciplined by the old man recently, and his temperament and behavior were restrained.

   Regarding Qi Zhongxiang's death, he didn't seem to have a deep understanding of what it means to be separated from life and death, and he naively thought that his father's death was just like his father's long journey in the past.

   In addition, Qi Jiacheng was brought up by Liu Caihua since he was a child, so his dependence and affection for Qi Zhongxiang were not deep.

In this regard, the adults do not want to explain too much in this regard. When he is a little older, he will naturally understand when he is sensible. Therefore, in the past few days, Qi Jiacheng has not only followed the instructions of the old man, but emotionally Not affected.

   Just like now, when Qin Tianru walked into the courtyard, the Qi family squatted in the small vegetable patch in the courtyard and played with earthworms, very entertaining himself.

   Shani on the side is also doing her own thing, and the whole person is in good spirits.

   Chunni was the only one sitting on the threshold of the main room in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.


  Xia Ni was the first to discover Qin Tianru and happily greeted him.

   Hearing the sound, Qi Jiacheng, who was poking at the bugs, shrank his neck and did not dare to continue playing recklessly, and shrank in the corner with a timid expression on his face.

Because of some previous things, coupled with the recent teaching of the old man, and the words that many children in the village said around him, Qi Jiacheng began to have a weak understanding, knowing that he had done a lot of nasty things, but also Gradually realize that he is an unwelcome bad boy.

   Now watching the second sister talking to the little sister-in-law intimately, he was too afraid to come forward, so he could only look at it secretly.

"sister in law."

   Seeing Qin Tianru approaching, Chun Ni stood up and greeted.

   Qin Tianru walked up to Chunni, reached out and touched her head, and asked softly, "How are you doing these days? Are you okay?"

  Xia Ni was worried that her sister-in-law was pregnant and stood hard, so she immediately took out a stool from the house and put it in front of Qin Tianru.

   Qin Tianru smiled and gave Shani an admiring look, "Sit down."

   Chunni sat on the stool and replied in a proper manner, "It's all okay, the funeral is handled by grandfather and uncle, and Shani and I didn't do anything."

   Actually, Qin Tianru didn't have much experience in comforting people, so he had to say something dryly.

   "Let the past go by, we have a long time to come, so we have to look forward to living."

   Chunni lowered her head and replied in a low voice, "Well, I know, but I'm still a little sad. Now that my parents are gone, I suddenly feel that the house is empty."

   Qin Tianru understood Chunni's current mood very well, but she was the only one who was relieved in the process.

   "I came here today to ask, do you have any thoughts and plans in the future?"

   Hearing this, Qi Chunni raised her head blankly and looked at Qin Tianru blankly, "I haven't thought about it yet."

   In the past few days, she was completely immersed in the sadness of her father's death, and she didn't have the heart to think about other things at all.

   Now hearing her sister-in-law's question, she was immediately confused.

   Now that both parents are gone, there are only three siblings left at home, what should they do in the future?

   Qin Tianru sighed, "Do you want to live with your grandpa and them?"


   Qi Chunni was silent for a while, then shook her head.

"Grandpa is getting old, I don't want him to get tired, I'm fourteen years old, I can take care of Shani and Jiacheng, and I can do all the work at home by myself. Uncle, they all have their own things to do. , don't bother them anymore."

  Xia Ni followed, "Yes, we can take care of ourselves, I can already cook a lot of dishes now."

Qin Tianru couldn't help but ask, "Then you two sisters are going to stay in the village farming for the rest of their lives, and find someone to marry when they are at the right age? Don't you want to go out of the village and go to the outside world to see? Or learn a skill, rely on To live in the city with your own skills?"

  The Chunni sisters are still so young, and the future is full of countless possibilities. She really doesn't want to see the sisters and waste her life like this.

   Their lives are still so long, there are many things to do, she hopes they have a better life.

  "." The sisters were startled for a while, with a little curiosity on their faces, what is the outside world like?

   They don't know what the outside world is like, but they have seen life in the city.

   And the people in the village seem to want to be in the city, it must be a good day in the city, who doesn’t want a good day?

   But what should they do?

  Qin Tianru saw that the two sisters looked longing and moving, and said with a smile, "Do you two want to study in the city?"

   "Huh?" Chunni was surprised.

   Shani exclaimed happily, "Can we go to the city to study?"

  Qin Tianru said softly, "My sister-in-law knows an auntie in the provincial capital. She has many children at home. She can learn a lot of useful knowledge there, and can even make a living from this knowledge in the future. Do you want to go?"

   Good night~



   (end of this chapter)

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