MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 427 Back door (1)

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Wei Yancheng, the emperor deliberately allowed a half-month holiday. At this time, it is naturally inconvenient to tell Wei Yan to go to the Clan House.

Fortunately, in the hospital, there are many doctors who are highly skilled in medicine. When the emperor thinks a little, he points the names of Zhang Zhizheng and Zhou Taiji. Let them both go to the Clan House.

Ding Gonggong took his life and immediately went to the hospital to send orders.

Wei Yan also took the opportunity to retire.

The Queen of the War looked at Wei Yan and Ling Jingwei with some reluctance, and whispered softly: "It is not too early, you two go back and rest early. A Yan, you will go back to the door with Auntie tomorrow. Ready!"

As a long sister, I have a lot of heart.

Wei Yan was warm and smiled and said: "It has already been ready, and the Queen of the Queen is worried."

The Queen of the Guards sighed and smiled at the emperor: "The courtier is really old, and nothing can be left. The emperor can't laugh."

Now in the emperor's heart, the Guardian Queen is not a bit better, and Wen Yan immediately laughs: "You are also concerned about your brother, how can you laugh at you."

Got it, and you have to start whispering the words of the human eye.

Wei Yan had some helplessness and Ling Jingying looked at each other and showed a smile.

The four eyes are opposite each other, naturally revealing the two passions.

Huang Taisun felt that this scene was a bit glaring and silently twisted his head to the side.


At the time of application, the two returned to the Wei government.

Ling Jingyi sat in the sedan chair yesterday, and hurried this morning, did not have time to carefully look at the Weifu. At this point, there was a bit of interest, and smiled at Wei Yan sweetly: "Wei Yan, you walked with me in the house. I want to see what our home looks like."

Yes! This is the home of both of them in the future!

After being alone for too long, he finally married his beloved woman and finally got his own home.

Wei Yan was in the sweet smile of Ling Jing, and his heart was soft and soft, pulling Ling Jing’s hand and laughing: "Well, I will accompany you to turn it over. This house is not small, you have to go on a lap, at least you have an hour." If you are tired, don't hold on, tell me at any time."

Ling Jing sneered and smiled.

Bai Yu and Qiao Yun wanted to follow, Wei Yan smiled and turned his head: "You two are also tired, first go back to the room to rest! Auntie is there, I am not waiting for you."

Bai Yu was relieved and wanted to say something, and Qiao Yun pulled her clothes hard.

Newly-married Yaner, when honey is in the oil, I can’t wait to stick together all the time. They still don't want to follow your eyes.

Bai Yu closed his mouth again.

Wei Yan just took the hand of his wife and left. The figures of the two are nestled together, and the beautiful one is like a picture.

Bai Yu looked at the place for a while, and sighed with a sigh: "Miss now has a grandfather, and we don't need us both."

Qiao Yun laughed: "What do you say stupid. Miss and aunt have a good relationship, are you not happy? This is what you eat."

Of course happy! There are also some subtle losses in my heart.

For many years, she and her husband have been inseparable. The name is the master servant, but in fact, the same sister. Now, Miss has a more important person in her mind, and she is no longer the closest person to Miss.

Bai Yu said sloppily: "I can't understand you at the moment. Don't worry about me, I will be alone."

Say, take the lead.

Qiao Yun half is helpless and half is funny, busy chasing up.


Slowly turned for half an hour, only turned the Weifu half. Ling Jing's already tired hands and feet were soft, and Wei Yan found a gazebo to sit down and rest.

Ling Jing can not help but sigh: "This house is really big, more than double the Ling House. On weekdays, someone should have been taking care of it. The flowers in the garden are very good, and they are not abandoned at all."

Wei Yan smiled disapprovingly: "The house that the emperor rewards, of course, has to pick it up. Otherwise, it loses the face of the emperor."

Ling Jingyi looked at Wei Yan and implicitly hinted: "The big house, only two of us live, is it a waste?"

Wei Yan brows a pick, smiles narrowly: "How? Just rushing to the door and rushing to have a baby? Rest assured, you like children, it doesn't matter if you have ten or eight. The house is very big and can live."

Ling Jing blushes: "I am not talking about children. In fact, I want to discuss with you, and let Aunt live here later."

"Lingfu is not a long-term place after all. Now both the father and the stepmother live there. I am afraid that Li will secretly deal with the aunt, and I am really worried. So I want to let the aunt and the two of us live together." Can stay away from Lee and take care of his food and clothing."

"If you don't want it, then I didn't say it..."

"You are so cautious, it turned out to be just a small matter."

Wei Yan laughed and interrupted Ling Jingwei: "Auntie is your brother, your closest relative. I am his brother-in-law, and I will take care of him with you in the future."

"I thought before, I will always go to the palace to be on duty, I am afraid that I don't have much time to come back with you, I am afraid that you are alone and lonely. It is better to have aunt to accompany you from time to time."

Ling Jingyi did not expect to convinced Wei Yan so easily, his heart was very happy, his eyes sparkling: "You are very kind to me. Marrying you must be the luckiest thing in my life."

Listening to such a passionate love story, Wei Yan was very hot in her heart, could not help but hold her in her arms and kissed her hard.

Ling Jing was shocked and stunned his chest without thinking. "This is a pavilion, and you are not afraid to be seen by others."

Wei Yan knew that her face was thin, and she quickly loosened her hand and whispered: "Yes, yes, I will kiss you again when I return home."

Ling Jing's blush was like Yunxia, ​​and he gave him a white look.

How close the couple is after returning to the house, no need to elaborate.

On the next morning, Ling Jing sighed back and sighed, and twisted Wei Yan’s ear with hatred: “It’s all you, it’s a night of me. I’m going back to my parents today, how can I see people?”

There are some dark circles in the eyes, and the energy is not good. At first glance, it is... it is not sleeping well! Let people see, not sneak in secret secrets.

Wei Yan wants to spend the night, the body and mind are comfortable, and the temper is not good. He was not angry when he was screwed his ears. He said quietly and quietly: "Newly married couples are like this. Everyone knows that they will not break this layer and make you shy."

This is already the case! What else can I do?

Ling Jing 姝 姝 白 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌

Before leaving, my heart was not stunned, and I stepped on the foot of Wei Yan.

Wei Yan pretends to be like a painful heart, but my heart is beautiful. (To be continued.)