MTL - Ma’am, Your Little Dragon Cub is Four and a Half Years Old (Lady Is a Dragon)-Chapter 891 hard-mouthed and soft-hearted 2

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  Chapter 891 Hard mouth and soft heart 2

  Si Lisao changed into a relaxed sitting position, and said, "Even if there is no public opinion, Qu Liushang would not be able to exchange any door technology, and the cooperation is temporarily cancelled. Since you are not angry, when will you add my WeChat back?"

  There is another one in the family who needs to be coaxed.

  Siyuan said that before the younger sister added his WeChat back, he was not allowed to go back to the bedroom to sleep at night.

Si Lisao frowned, he never knew that the squeamishness of the family would drive him out of the bedroom when he was a newlywed. Although there were many rooms in the house, Si Lisao still couldn't accept being kicked out of the bedroom, it hurt his dignity .

Si Mingjing was not in a hurry to add WeChat. She asked, "Did the cancellation of the cooperation ruin your good deeds? I heard from Yinhe that although he got a ten-year tax-free agreement from Qu Gaoyang at the four-nation summit the year before last, it has already been cancelled." Therefore, Lao Wang is an old fox. He has given many barriers in terms of policies, and he is unwilling to let Galaxy take advantage of it even at the expense of the economy. The third-party market cooperation agreement signed this time is a win-win agreement for dancing with wolves, because my spoiler , now it's a three-lose situation?"

  Si Lisao's majestic voice didn't take it seriously: "It won't work this time, and Qu Liushang will find other opportunities in the future to complete the third-party market cooperation. If you don't like it, you will never give up in the future."

  Si Lisao didn't want to be kicked out of the room every day and sleep in the study alone in disgrace.

  Si Mingjing smiled and did not express his opinion.

  Si Lisao rubbed her ring phone, and sent her a WeChat friend request again, with an uncompromising voice: "Pass, hurry up, and go home in a hurry."

  Si Mingjing suddenly understood, and asked slowly, "Brother, Si Yuan is still angry?"

  Si Lisao frowned and said nothing, it was the default.

  Si Mingjing passed the friend application and sent the screenshot to Ye Siyuan.

  Ye Siyuan replied to WeChat: "Ah? Sister-in-law, why are you so unprincipled? Didn't you promise to be angry with me for a month and ignore them?"

Si Mingjing quickly replied: "I drank too much last night and forgot to drive your brother out of the bedroom. I listened to his analysis of the pros and cons. They are not trying to help Qu Liushang develop the economy, but to eat Gendaya's market and monopolize Gendaya's economy. , Grabbing Gendaya's throat, it seems that there is no need to get angry in this case. You are newlyweds, enjoy the nightlife."

  Ye Siyuan's face was full of embarrassment, and she replied: "What night life? I don't know what you are talking about, sister-in-law, you have learned badly!"

  Si Mingjing said again: "Don't be angry, there's no need."

Ye Siyuan murmured and replied: "Okay, sister-in-law, I'll listen to you, but I let go of my harsh words and ignored him for a week, how can I let it go and say I'm not angry now? It seems like I have no principles at all. "

  Si Mingjing handed the chat record to Si Lisao again, Si Lisao got up satisfied and said, "Thank you."

Si Lisao did not return directly to the palace, but took a small submarine to the busiest shopping mall, bought a sauced duck at the sauce duck shop on the first floor of the shopping mall, went into the shopping mall and bought a necklace, and then went back home to coax his wife .

  Si Lisao returned to the mansion, Ye Siyuan was already asleep, but the bedroom was not locked tonight.

  Hearing the creak of the bedroom door, Ye Siyuan, who was still asleep, remained motionless and listened quietly.

  Footsteps came from far to near, standing at the head of the bed.

  Ye Siyuan pursed her lips, pretending to be asleep, but smelled the smell of sauced duck in her breath.

Wow! It smells so good, you can tell where you bought it as soon as you smell it, it is the only one in the whole seabed emperor, it is her favorite smell.

  Ye Siyuan swallowed unconsciously, wishing to open her eyes immediately and taste the sauced duck.

  Si Lisao put the sauced duck on the bedside, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When the bathroom door closed and heard the sound of turbulent water, Ye Siyuan immediately opened her eyes, staring at the sauced duck on the bedside table, drooling, how could she resist the temptation, she struggled for a few seconds before picking up the package Putting on the disposable gloves in the bag, he picked the most tempting piece of meat and sent it to his mouth.

She ate three pieces of sauced duck, and felt that she couldn't eat any more. If she continued to eat, her husband would notice that the sauced duck was missing a few pieces, so he reluctantly took off the disposable gloves and threw them into the trash can .

   Fearing that criminal evidence would be discovered, Ye Siyuan took out several napkins and covered them on top of the disposable gloves.

  At this time, Ye Siyuan was so frightened that she heard the sound of running water in the bathroom stopped, she immediately ran back to the bed and pretended to be asleep.

  But after waiting for a long time, no one came out of the bathroom.

  At this time, there was a loud "boom" in the bathroom, and Ye Siyuan's heart skipped a beat, what's wrong?

  She wanted it, but she listened patiently, and didn't hear any noise from the bathroom for a long time. Could it be that her husband fell in the bathroom and fell unconscious?

  Ye Siyuan couldn't care less about pretending to sleep, and immediately turned over and got out of bed, ignoring putting on slippers, walked to the bathroom door in three steps and knocked on the door: "Husband? Husband?"

   No answering sound.

  Ye Siyuan panicked, and knocked on the door louder: "Husband, are you okay, husband?"

   Must have fainted, otherwise why would there be no sound?

Ye Siyuan was so anxious that she took two steps back and dived, trying to knock the door open, but before she lifted one foot, the door was pulled open from the bathroom. Si Lisao was wrapped in a towel, standing there tall and tall, with a **** and muscular figure , the eight-pack abs makes the focus of the eyes move down unconsciously...

  Ye Siyuan was stunned, swallowed her saliva and asked, "Are you okay? Why didn't you answer? Did you fall somewhere?"

  Her anxious voice could not hide her concern.

  Si Lisao's face was as clear as ever, and he shook his head and said, "It's okay, just slipped."

  He stepped out of the bathroom, walked with a limp, walked to the bed and sat down.

   "You dropped your leg? I'll get you a first-aid kit." Ye Siyuan was so distressed that she asked while looking for a first-aid kit.

  Watching her hurry back with the first-aid kit in her arms, Si Lisao couldn't hide the warmth in his eyes, and he deliberately asked, "Aren't you still angry? You don't want to talk to me anymore, why are you so anxious right now?"

Ye Siyuan couldn't care less about being angry, she saw that his ankle was bruised, and immediately took out the medicinal wine for bruises from the first aid kit, poured it on the palm of her hand, and pressed it on his ankle, trying to let the medicinal wine Absorb well.

  She squatted halfway, so heart-warming and lovely.

  Si Lisao pulled her up and said, "It's okay, I'll do it myself."

   "Why are you so careless?" Ye Siyuan's eyes were slightly red.

  Si Lisao pulled her into his arms, raised her chin, and asked, "Do you love me?"

Ye Siyuan's arrogant voice: "Who cares about you? I'm afraid that if you fall in a bad way, outsiders will think I'm domestic violence, so where will I have a place to stay in the Mu Continent? Where else will you fall? Hurry up!" Apply the medicine."

  True Tsundere only took three seconds to care about his injury, for fear that it would be too late to apply the medicine and the bruise would get worse.

  (end of this chapter)