MTL - Make You Happy-Chapter 406 some guesses

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  Chapter 406 Some guesswork

  The best way to torture a person is to torture him while keeping him in the sharpest sense and clearest mind.

   Moreover, punishing Gu Yuandao must not be in the inn.

  After all... people still have to do business.

  Gu Yuanzhe had already guessed the intention when Gu Changan came to him.

  For his elder brother, Gu Yuanzhe is actually cold-blooded enough.

  Especially, after everything about Gu Yuandao was exposed. Gu Yuanzhe even felt fearful, he couldn't imagine...Arya...if she offended Gu Yuandao...the appearance of being skinned.

  So, when Gu Changan came back, he immediately lent a remote courtyard of Gu's mansion to Gu Changan to deal with Gu Yuandao.

   It is said that this other courtyard was once the place where the old lady of the Gu family... was poisoned to death by Gu Yuandao.

   Now, he will receive his first punishment in this yard.

   When Gu Changan punished Gu Yuandao, Ruan Youqing did not accompany him.

  She has always had a good tolerance for **** things, but this time she felt a little nauseous just thinking about it.

  Because Gu Changan is going to use his own way this time to repay his own body.

   As for how to hang the other party, so that he can continue to be punished by the emperor of Canglong Kingdom alive, this is not difficult.

   When Gu Changan came back, it was already completely dark.

  One day passed like this, Gu Changan originally wanted to take Qiu Si to the palace, but when it got dark, he felt tired.

   After all, since last night, he hasn't had a good rest.

  He was thinking about his little wife, but as soon as he opened the door, Ruan Youqing, who was greeted with a smile, suddenly felt his stomach churning, his face changed, and he immediately ran to the side to vomit.

  Gu Changan was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to walk over to see what was going on, Ruan Youqing quickly raised a hand to signal him to stop.

   Gu Changan, who didn't know what happened, felt a little wronged, so he could only stand helplessly at the door to watch Fan who was busy.

  It wasn't until Ruan Youqing rinsed her mouth with tea that she sat down far away, and said with a somewhat embarrassed face: "Changan... why don't you go wash up? Because... the smell of blood on your body... is too strong..."

  Gu Changan didn't feel anything, but was a little surprised that the other party's nose became so sensitive.

   After all, he had simply washed and washed before he came back, and even asked Tian Wen to buy clothes and change them.

   When Gu Changan left, Ruan Youqing's expression gradually became solemn.

  She doesn't know anything.

  Drowsiness these days, love to eat, lethargic all day long...

  Nowadays... the sense of smell is so sensitive... even a little pungent smell can kill you.

   Could it be that... She is... happy?

   Counting the days... It's been more than a month since the two of them had **** for the first time...

  If you hit it the first time...

  But this month's Guishui has not yet arrived, it is too early to judge whether it will be...if not...wouldn't it be...a joke.

  Thinking of this, Ruan Youqing rubbed his temples, pretended to be tired and said: "Fan'er, when you leave for Ningguo in a few days, go and invite a doctor for me."

  Hearing that a doctor is being requested, Fan'er can't help but feel a little worried: "Master, why do you feel uncomfortable?"

  Fan'er was unaccompanied and didn't know that the woman was pregnant.

  Although the maids have to be taught some knowledge, after all, she grew up with Ruan Youqing under Ruan Chong's nose.

  For Ruan Chong, who only thinks about fighting and killing, he would never think of teaching the little girl a series of knowledge about women.

   Therefore, Fan'er is still easy to be deceived.

   "Maybe there are too many things these days, and I always feel a little headache. You don't want to say anything, especially don't tell Mr. Gu. It's not easy for him to be busy these days, and I don't want him to worry."

   "But Miss, you are more important to Master Gu..."

   "I know this, you don't have to worry, I'm fine, just ask the doctor to prescribe a few simple medicines."

   Seeing that her master had made up her mind, Fan could only obediently respond.

   When Gu Changan came back, Fan Er brought some food over and left immediately.

  The two of them lay down on the bed after eating and chatting briefly. When they closed their eyes, Ruan Youqing began to think...if the other party do can she shirk without showing any strange...

  Although the pregnancy has not been determined yet, she still wants to put off the matter of going to bed. After all, it's fine if I didn't think of it before, but now I have guesses in my heart... Naturally... it's better to be more careful.

  If something unexpected happens, if you don’t regret it, it may affect the relationship between the two of you.

  However, while Ruan Youqing was thinking a lot, Gu Changan fell asleep at some point.

  Looking at the other party's peaceful sleeping face, Ruan Youqing smiled helplessly at herself, then obediently lay on the other party's specially reserved arms, and slowly fell into a dream.


  Because of sleeping enough hours, Gu Changan can be said to be full of energy when he wakes up.

  This one is energetic...the beauty is on the side...

  Feeling the itching in his chest, Ruan Youqing woke up dazedly, moaning.

  Before her eyes were fully opened, she felt Gu Changan kissing her lips.

   "Hmm..." Sensing the other party's intentions, Ruan Youqing suddenly woke up, opened her eyes wide and put her hands between the two in a panic.

   "What's wrong?" Gu Chang'an's voice was hoarse but very seductive.

  At this time, Mr. Shoufu doesn't have the intimidating aura, those eyes are like hooks, and the hooks are so itchy.

   "I...I..." Ruan Youqing blushed and lowered her head, not knowing how to evade for a while.

  Just as Gu Changan put his hand on Ruan Youqing's waist, suddenly came...Qiu Si's voice from outside the door:

   "Changan, let's go! I... I'm ready! Kill or cut whatever you want, I can't always run away like this!"

  Gu Changan, who was disturbed, naturally turned his head to look at the door with a dark face.

  He wanted to say...none of his business! !

  If it was possible, Qiu Si might be slapped by Gu Changan's eyes before entering the palace.

  However, although Gu Changan was very unhappy, Ruan Youqing was extremely grateful for Qiu Si's arrival.

   "Wait a minute, we'll be out right away."

   After Ruan Youqing yelled to the outside, kissed Gu Changan's lips like a dragonfly, and she immediately sat up and got ready to get dressed.

   Seeing Ruan Youqing like this, even if Gu Changan was unwilling, he could only put on his clothes with a gloomy face.

   On the way into the palace, Qiu Si finally felt Gu Changan's attitude towards him belatedly.

  Although Gu Changan seldom smiled at him in the past, but today is different... Today's Gu Changan... looks particularly scary.

   Fortunately, Ruan Youqing was in a good mood, and was very interested in discussing with Gu Changan what to eat after leaving the palace.

   Perhaps influenced by Ruan Youqing's relaxation, Qiu Si, who was nervous just now, finally relaxed.

  Holding a mysterious box in his hand, can the emperor completely let him go...

   It all depends on this thing.

  (end of this chapter)